Vol. V, Laws     (Compiled from December 22, 1927 to June 29, 1938)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1941.

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Chapter 337
May 23, 1934. | [S. 1807.] 48 Stat., 795.

An Act To provide for the exchange of Indian and privately owned lands, Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, Arizona

Margin Notes
Chap. 337 Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, Ariz. Exchange of Indian and privately owned lands permitted.
Chap. 337 Executive Order 1296.
Vol. 3, 667-8.
Chap. 337 Provisos. Patent to issue on conveying privately owned lands.
Chap. 337 Consolidations for benefit of Indians.
Chap. 337 Title.

Page 368

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to accept, in his discretion, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him, conveyances to the Gov-

Page 369

ernment of privately owned lands contiguous to the even-numbered sections added to the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation, Arizona, by Executive order of February 2, 1911, and to permit lieu selections of lands approximately equal in value from the even-numbered sections by those surrendering their holdings, so that the lands retained and acquired through exchange for Indian use may be consolidated and held in a solid area so far as may be possible: Provided, That upon conveyance of any privately owned lands to the Government pursuant thereto, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to issue to the person or persons making the conveyance, patent of appropriate form and legal effect for the lieu lands. The areas consolidated in the Government pursuant to this Act are hereby declared to be held for the benefit of the Indians of the Fort Mojave Reservation: Provided further, That the title or claim of any person or persons who refuse to convey to the Government shall not be affected by this Act.

Approved, May 23, 1934.

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