Vol. V, Laws     (Compiled from December 22, 1927 to June 29, 1938)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1941.

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Chapter 756
June 26, 1934. | [H.R. 9410.] 48 Stat., 1224.

An Act Providing that permanent appropriations be subject to annual consideration and appropriation by Congress, and for other purposes
Section 2 | 4 | 17 | 20

Margin Notes
Chap. 756 Permanent appropriation repeal Act. Designated appropriation, from general fund repealed. Effective date.
Chap. 756 Balances to be covered in.
Chap. 756 Fees.
Sec. 2 Specified appropriations repealed and annual appropriations authorized.
Sec. 2 To be expended in identical terms and amounts as now authorized.
Sec. 2 Adjusted loses, etc., postal fund, from postal revenues.
Sec. 2 25 Stat., 895, vol. 1, 335; 29 Stat., 334, vol. 1, 598; 34 Stat., 326, vol. 3, 193; 45 Stat., 684; ante, 53.
Sec. 4 Special funds, etc.
Sec. 4 Listed receipts form, carried in.
Sec. 4 Sums equal to credited receipts authorized to be drawn annually for same purposes. Permanent appropriation repealed.
Sec. 4 Proviso. If receipts greater than appropriation, excess to be drawn following year.
Sec. 4 41 Stat., 431 vol. 4, 259.
Sec. 4 38 Stat., 583, vol. 4, 8.
Sec. 4 39 Stat., 142, vol. 4, 54.
Sec. 4 44 Stat., 465, vol. 4, 530.
Sec. 4 30 Stat., 944, vol. 1, 685; 33 Stat., 211, vol. 3, 56; 43 Stat., 1101, vol. 4, 483.
Sec. 17 Unclaimed moneys of individuals.
Sec. 17 Annual appropriations authorized.
Sec. 17 Estimates to be submitted.
Sec. 20 Certain funds established as trust fund accounts.
Sec. 20 Disbursements.
Sec. 20 Funds received analogous to trust funds.
Sec. 20 22 Stat., 590; vol. 1, 216, 46 Stat. 584; ante, 177.
Sec. 20 U.S.C., title 34, secs. 533, 542.

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (a) That effective July 1, 1935, such portions of any Acts as provide permanent or continuing appropriations from the general fund of the Treasury to be disbursed under the appropriation accounts appearing on the books of the Government, and listed in subsection (b) of this section, are hereby repealed, and any unobligated balances under such accounts as of June 30, 1935, shall be covered into the surplus fund of the Treasury.

(14) Fees on certain Indian allotments (4x025).

SEC. 2.

(a) Effective July 1, 1935, the permanent appropriations under the appropriation titles listed in subsection (b) of this section are repealed, and such portions of any Acts as make permanent appropriations to be expended under such accounts are amended so as to authorize, in lieu thereof, annual appropriations from the general fund of the Treasury in identical terms and in such amounts as now provided by the laws providing such permanent appropriations, except that any appropriation for "Adjusted losses and contingencies, postal fund", is authorized to be made from the postal revenues. Any unobligated balances remaining in the permanent appropriations under these accounts on June 30, 1935, shall be covered into the surplus fund of the Treasury.

(b) (1) Interest on Indian trust funds.

(2) Civilization of the Sioux (4x950).

SEC. 4.

(a) Effective July 1, 1935, all receipts of the character theretofore credited to the appropriation accounts appearing on the books of the Government and listed in subsection (b) of this section shall be deposited into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, and amounts equal thereto are authorized to be appropriated annually from the general fund of the Treasury for the same purposes for which such receipts are now appropriated. Appropriations to which expenditures under such accounts have been chargeable tberetofore

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are hereby repealed, effective on such date: Provided, That if the total of receipts for any one fiscal year for any of the foregoing purposes under this authority is greater than the amounts appropriated for such purpose, such excess is authorized to be appropriated for the following fiscal year.

(12) Construction, irrigation system, Wapato Project, Washington, Act February 14, 1920 (5s781).

(13) Maintenance, irrigation system (name of project), Act August 1, 1914.

(14) Maintenance, irrigation system (name of project), Act May 18, 1916.

(15) Maintenance, power system, Flathead Reservation, Montana, Act May 10, 1926 (5s796).

(23) Indian-school improvements, Act April 21, 1904 (4x794).

(24) Purchase of lands for landless Indians in California, Act March 3, 1925 (4x812).

SEC. 17.

(a) Effective July 1, 1935, the appropriation accounts appearing on the books of the Government and listed in subsection (b) of this section, as well as appropriation accounts bearing similar titles on the books of the Government, are abolished, and any unobligated balances under such accounts as of June 30, 1935, shall be covered into a trust fund receipt account in the Treasury to be designated "Unclaimed Moneys of Individuals Whose Whereabouts Are Unknown." Any appropriations to which expenditures under such accounts have been chargeable theretofore are hereby repealed. There are authorized to be appropriated, annually, from such account such sums as may be necessary to meet any expenditures of the character now chargeable to the appropriation accounts abolished by this section. The Secretary of the Treasury or the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, as the case may be, shall submit with their annual estimates of appropriations an amount necessary to meet expenditures properly chargeable to this account.

(12) Unclaimed individual Indian moneys (5t009).

SEC. 20.

(a) The funds appearing on the books of the Government and listed in subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall be classified on the books of the Treasury as trust funds. All moneys accruing to these funds are hereby appropriated, and shall be disbursed in compliance with the terms of the trust. Hereafter moneys received by the Government as trustee analogous to the funds named in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, not otherwise herein provided for, except moneys received by the Comptroller of the Currency or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, shall likewise be deposited into the Treasury as trust funds with appropriate title, and all amounts credited to such trust-fund accounts are hereby appropriated and shall be disbursed in compliance with the terms of the trust.

(20) Indian moneys, proceeds of labor, agencies, schools, and so forth (5t301).

(66) Funds contributed for Indian projects.

(67) Miscellaneous trust funds of Indian tribes.

Approved, June, 26, 1934.

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