Vol. V, Laws     (Compiled from December 22, 1927 to June 29, 1938)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1941.

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Chap. 7  | Chap. 44 | Chap. 49 | Chap. 50 | Chap. 138 | Chap. 156 | Chap. 215 | Chap. 254 | Chap. 340 | Chap. 390 | Chap. 391 | Chap. 392 | Chap. 394 | Chap. 398 | Chap. 405 | Chap. 489 | Chap. 490 | Chap. 491 | Chap. 492 | Chap. 582 | Chap. 593 | Chap. 622 | Chap. 624 | Chap. 627 | Chap. 649 | Chap. 650 | Chap. 689 | Chap. 691 | Chap. 692 | Chap. 698 | Chap. 714 | Chap. 831 | Chap. 851

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Chapter 215
April 14, 1936. | [S. 4232.] 49 Stat., 1206.

An Act To create a commission and to extend further relief to water users on United States reclamation projects and on Indian irrigation projects
Section 2 | 3

Margin Notes
Chap. 215 Reclamation projects. Commission create to investigate financial, etc., conditions.
Chap. 215 Ability to pay water-right charges.
Chap. 215 Scope, etc., of investigation.
Chap. 215 Report and recommendations to Congress.
Sec. 2 Appropriation authorized for expenses.
Sec. 2 Employees.
U.S.C., pp. 81, 85.
Sec. 3 Relief to water users, extended.
49 Stat., 337; ante, 431.
Sec. 3 Proviso. Construction charges, 1936.

Page 464

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby created a commission to be composed of three members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, two from the personnel of the Department of the Interior, and one who shall be a landowner and water user under a United States reclamation project. The commission is authorized and directed to investigate the financial and economic condition of the various United States reclamation projects, with particular reference to the ability of each such project to make payments of water-right charges without undue burden on the water users, district, association, or other reclamation organization liable for such charges. Such investigation shall include an examination and consideration of any statement filed with the commission, or the Department of the Interior, by any such district, association, or other reclamation organization, or the water users thereof, and, where requested by any such district, association, or other reclamation organization, said commission shall proceed to such project and hold hearings, the proceedings of which shall be reduced to writing and filed with its report. Said commission, after having made careful investigation and study of the financial and economic condition of the various United States reclamation projects and their probable present and future ability to meet such water-right charges, shall report to the Congress, at the beginning of the Seventy-fifth Congress, with its recommendations as to the best, most feasible, and practicable comprehensive permanent plan for such water-right payments, with due consideration for the development, and carrying on of the reclamation program of the United States, and having particularly in mind the probable ability of such water users, districts, associations, or other reclamation organizations to meet such water-right charges regularly and faithfully from year to year, during periods of prosperity and good prices for agricultural products as well as during periods of decline in agricultural income and unsatisfactory conditions of agriculture.

SEC. 2.

There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $5,000, which shall be available for expenditure, as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, for expenses and all necessary disbursements, including salaries, in carrying out the provisions of this Act. The commission is authorized to appoint and fix the compensation of such employees as may be necessary for carrying out its functions under this Act without regard to civil-service laws or the Classification Act of 1923, as amended.

SEC. 3.

That all the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to further extend relief to water users on the United States reclamation projects and on Indian irrigation projects”, approved June 13, 1935, are hereby further extended for the period of one year, so far as concerns 50 per centum of the construction charges, for the calendar year 1936: Provided, however, That where the construction charge for the calendar year 1936 is payable in two installments the sum hereby extended shall be the amount due as the first of such installments. If payable in one installment, the due date for the 50 per centum to be paid shall not be changed.

Approved, April 14, 1936.

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