Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1941.
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Chap. 7 An Act To reserve certain public-domain lands in Nevada and Oregon as a grazing reserve for Indians of Fort McDermitt, Nevada. | 459 | 460 |
Chap. 44 An Act To reimpose and extend the trust period on lands reserved for the Pala Band of Mission Indians, California | 460 |
Chap. 49 >An Act Making appropriations to provide urgent supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, and for prior fiscal years, and for other purposes | 460 | 461 | 462 |
Chap. 50 An Act To provide for the leasing of restricted Indian lands of Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma | 462 |
Chap. 138 An Act To amend section 3 of the Act approved May 10, 1928, entitled “An Act to extend the period of restriction in lands of certain members of the Five Civilized Tribes, and for other purposes”, as amended February 14, 1931 | 463 |
Chap. 156 An Act Making appropriations for the Executive Office and sundry independent executive bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes | 463 |
Chap. 215 An Act To create a commission and to extend further relief to water users on United States reclamation projects and on Indian irrigation projects | 464 |
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Chap. 254 An Act To extend certain provisions of the Act approved June 18, 1934, commonly known as the Wheeler-Howard Act (Public Law Numbered 382, Seventy-third Congress, 48 Stat. 984), to the Territory of Alaska, to provide for the designation of Indian reservations in Alaska, and for other purposes | 465 |
Chap. 340 Joint Resolution To amend Public Act Numbered 435, Seventy-second Congress | 465 | 466 |
Chap. 390 An Act For the relief of the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians located in Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico | 466 |
Chap. 391 An Act To amend an Act entitled “An Act authorizing the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota to submit claims to the Court of Claims,” approved May 14, 1926 (44 Stat. L. 555) | 466 |
Chap. 392 An Act To provide funds for cooperation with Welipinit School District Numbered 49, Stevens County, Washington, for the construction of a public-school building to be available for Indian children of the Spokane Reservation | 467 |
Chap. 394 An Act To provide funds for cooperation with the public-school district at Hays, Montana, for construction and improvement of public-school buildings to be available for Indian children | 467 |
Chap. 398 An Act To amend an Act entitled “An Act authorizing certain tribes of Indians to submit claims to the Court of Claims, and for other purposes,” approved May 26, 1920 | 467 | 468 |
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Chap. 405 An Act Making appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice, and for the Judiciary, and for the Departments of Commerce and Labor, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes. | 468 |
Chap. 489 An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and for the Farm Credit Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes | 468 | 469 |
Chap. 490 An Act To amend an Act entitled “An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to arrange with States or Territories for the education, medical attention, relief of distress, and social welfare of Indians, and for other purposes” | 469 |
Chap. 491 An Act To amend the last paragraph, as amended, of the Act entitled “An Act to refer the claims of the Delaware Indians to the Court of Claims, with the right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States”, approved February 7, 1925 | 469 | 470 |
Chap. 492 An Act To authorize an appropriation to pay non-Indian claimants whose claims have been extinguished under the Act of June 7, 1924, but who have been found entitled to awards under said Act as supplemented by the Act of May 31, 1933 | 470 |
Chap. 582 An Act To amend the Federal Aid Highway Act, approved July 11, 1916, as amended and supplemented, and for other purposes | 470 | 471 |
Chap. 593 An Act To consolidate the Indian pueblos of Jemez and Pecos, New Mexico | 471 |
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Chap. 622 An Act To relieve restricted Indians whose lands have been taxed or have been lost by failure to pay taxes, and for other purposes | 471 |
Chap. 624 An Act To provide for the disposition of tribal funds now on deposit, or later placed to the credit of the Crow Tribe of Indians, Montana, and for other purposes | 472 |
Chap. 627 An Act To reserve certain public-domain lands in New Mexico as an addition to the school reserve of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation | 472 |
Chap. 649 Joint Resolution Authorizing distribution to the Indians of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana, of the judgment rendered by the Court of Claims in their favor | 472 |
Chap. 650 Joint Resolution Authorizing distribution to the Gros Ventre Indians of the Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana, of the judgment rendered by the Court of Claims in their favor | 472 | 473 |
Chap. 689 An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1936, and June 30, 1937, and for other purposes | 473 | 474 | 475 | 476 |
Chap. 691 An Act Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes | 476 | 477 | 478 | 479 | 480 | 481 | 482 | 483 | 484 | 485 | 486 | 487 | 488 | 489 | 490 | 491 | 492 | 493 | 494 | 495 | 496 |
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Chap. 692 An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to investigate and adjust irrigation charges on irrigation lands within projects on Indian reservations, and for other purposes | 496 |
Chap. 698 An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to reserve certain lands on the public domain in Nevada for addition to the Walker River Indian Reservation | 497 |
Chap. 714 Joint Resolution To carry out the intention of Congress with reference to the claims of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota against the United States | 497 | 498 |
Chap. 831 An Act To promote the general welfare of the Indians of the State of Oklahoma, and for other purposes | 498 | 499 | 500 |
Chap. 851 Joint Resolution To define the term of certain contracts with Indian tribes | 500 |