Vol. VI, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office

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Chap. 22 | Chap. 48 | Chap. 90 | Chap. 138 | Chap. 139 | Chap. 154 | Chap. 236 | Chap. 354 | Chap. 425 | Chap. 464 | Chap. 472 | Chap. 487 | Chap. 488 | Chap. 494 | Chap. 506 | Chap. 521 | Chap. 566 | Chap. 567 | Chap. 574 | Chap. 603 | Chap. 604 | Chap. 628 | Chap. 630 | Chap. 653 | Chap. 680 | Chap. 691 | Chap. 694 | Chap. 726 | Chap. 790 | Chap. 791

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Chapter 680
October 12, 1949 [H.R. 3838] |  [Public Law 350] 63 Stat 765

Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, and for other purposes.

Margin Notes
Chap. 680 Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1950.
Post, pp. 875, 980.
Chap. 680 768
Chap. 680 770
Chap. 680 48 Stat. 1273.
43 U.S.C., Supp. II, § 315j.
Chap. 680 3 CFR, Cum. Supp., p. 1020.
Chap. 680 60 Stat. 810.
5 U.S.C. § 55a.
Chap. 680 Transfer of surplus supplies, etc.
Chap. 680 771
Chap. 680 Payment of tuition, etc.
Chap. 680 58 Stat. 132.
Chap. 680 47 Stat. 1417.
Chap. 680 772
Chap. 680 Report to Congress.
Chap. 680 48 Stat. 986.
Chap. 680 48 Stat. 986.
Chap. 680 48 Stat. 985.
Chap. 680 49 Stat. 891.
25 U.S.C. §§ 305-5e; Supp. II, §§ 305d, 305e.
Chap. 680 Salary limitation.
Chap. 680 42 Stat. 1488.
5 U.S.C. §§ 661-674; Supp. II, § 662 et seq.
Post, p. 972.
Chap. 680 773
Chap. 680 Contract authority.
Chap. 680 Transfer or funds.
Chap. 680 Post, p. 875.
Chap. 680 61 Stat. 315.
Chap. 680 62 Stat.1119.
Chap. 680 Contract authority.
Chap. 680 774
Chap. 680 Transfer of funds.
Chap. 680 Rescission of certain appropriations.
Chap. 680 Post, p. 875.
Chap. 680 45 Stat. 750.
Chap. 680 62 Stat. 1105.
23 U.S.C., Supp. II, §§ 23c, 21.
Chap. 680 60 Stat. 895.
31 U.S.C. § 725s-3.
Chap. 680 Travel expenses.
Chap. 680 Klamath Agency, Oreg.
Chap. 680 Menominee Agency, Wis.
Chap. 680 Salaries, etc., of tribal officers.
Chap. 680 Recreational director.
Chap. 680 Osage Agency, Okla.
Chap. 680 Travel, etc., expenses.
Chap. 680 Five Civilized Tribes, Okla.
Chap. 680 Limitation.
Chap. 680 Chickasaw Nation, Okla.
Chap. 680 776
Chap. 680 Restriction.
Chap. 680 41 U.S.C. § 5.
Ante, p. 403.
18 U.S.C., Supp. II, §§ 4122-4126.
Ante, pp. 98, 99.
Chap. 680 Funds continued available.
62 Stat. 1123.
Chap. 680 Educational loans.
Chap. 680 Availability of funds.
Chap. 680 Tribal enterprises.
Chap. 680 Regulations.
Chap. 680 48 Stat. 986. Advances.
Chap. 680 777
Chap. 680 48 Stat. 986.
Chap. 680 44 Stat.560.
Chap. 680 Tuition, etc.
Chap. 680 Yakima Agency, Wash.
Chap. 680 Report to Congress.
Chap. 680 Availability of appropriations.
Chap. 680 Travel expenses, etc.
Chap. 680 60 Stat. 810.
Chap. 680 Aircraft.
Chap. 680 785
Chap. 680 786
Chap. 680 38 Stat. 742.
Chap. 680 41 Stat. 437, 1363.
Chap. 680 61 Stat. 914.
30 U.S.C., Supp. II, § 352.

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, namely:


Payment to States: Not to exceed 33 ½ per centum of all grazing

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fees received from each grazing district on Indian lands ceded to the United States for disposition under the public-lands laws, to be paid to the State in which said lands are situated, in accordance with the provisions of section 11 of the Act of June 28, 1934, as amended (43 U.S.C. 315j).


Salaries and expenses, general administration: For expenses necessary for the general administration of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including departmental personal services in the District of Columbia; rental of office equipment and the purchase of necessary supplies therefor; purchase of office furniture and equipment in addition to that which may be purchased from the appropriation for contingent expenses of the Department; printing and binding, including the purchase of reprints of scientific and technical articles published in periodicals and journals, $850,000.

National Indian Institute: For necessary expenses of the National Indian Institute for the United States of America in the performance of its functions as prescribed by Executive Order Numbered 8930, November 1, 1941, including personal services in the District of Columbia; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55 (a)); and printing and. binding, $22,500.

Salaries and expenses, field administration: For necessary expenses of field administration, including pay of employees authorized by continuing or permanent treaty provisions, and printing and binding, $3,100,000.

For maintaining law and order among Indians, including pay and other expenses of judges of Indian courts, Indian police, and employees engaged in the suppression of traffic in intoxicating liquors and deleterious drugs among Indians, $164,500.

Alaska native service: For expenses necessary to provide for the support, rehabilitation, education, conservation of health, development of resources, and relief of destitution of the natives of Alaska; the repair, rental, and equipment of school, hospital, and other buildings; the purchase or erection of range cabins and other temporary structures; the hire, repair, equipment, maintenance, and operation of vessels; printing and binding; and for the administration of the Alaska native service, $5,350,000: Provided, That any agency of the United States Government having title thereto is authorized to transfer without charge to the Alaska native service, buildings, equipment, materials, and supplies surplus to its needs and which may be certified by the Department of the Interior as necessary for the improvement, maintenance, or operation of the Alaska native service.

Vessel conversion: For expenses necessary in converting and outfitting a vessel for use as a service and supply ship by the Alaska Native Service, $150,000, to remain available until expended.

Navajo and Hopi service: For administering and carrying out a support and rehabilitation program for the Navajo and Hopi Indians, including printing and binding; transportation of Indians; grants to Indians; and for purposes otherwise applicable to other appropriations and provisions for the Bureau of Indian Affairs as follows:

Construction and maintenance services: For the construction and maintenance of roads and trails, irrigation systems, buildings, utilities, and other construction, including drainage and preparation of raw lands for irrigation farming, surveys, and investigations, private architectural and engineering services, and water exploration, $3,037,500, to remain available until expended, of which $319,300 shall be reimbursable in accordance with law.

Agency services: For administrative, industrial, resource, agricultural, educational, health, community welfare, and employment services, including cooperation with State and other organizations engaged

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in similar work, and payment of travel expenses and per diem of persons whose services are donated by such organizations, $6,014,975.

Maintenance of buildings and utilities: For expenses necessary to maintain buildings in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, including the lease, purchase, construction (not to exceed $1,500 for any one building), repair and improvement of buildings; the installation, repair, and improvement of utility systems, $1,000,000.

Education of Indians: For the support and education of Indian pupils in boarding and day schools and for other educational purposes, including educational facilities authorized by treaty provisions; tuition, care, and other expenses of Indian pupils attending public and private schools; support and education of deaf, dumb, blind, mentally deficient, or physically handicapped; the tuition and other assistance (which may be paid in advance) of Indian pupils attending vocational or higher educational institutions under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe; printing and binding (including illustrations); the support and equipment of an arts and crafts building at Anadarko, Oklahoma, and Indian museums Rapid City, South Dakota, and Browning, Montana, and on the Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona; $12,982,000: Provided, That payment of tuition and care of Indian pupils may be made from date of admission.

Conservation of health: For expenses necessary for the conservation of health among Indians, including transportation of patients and attendants to and from hospitals and sanitoria; returning to their former homes and interring the remains of deceased patients; medical research and surveys; cooperation with State and other organizations engaged in similar work and payment of travel expenses and per diem of physicians, nurses, and other persons whose services are donated by such organizations, and printing and binding, $7,917,000.

Welfare of Indians: For welfare services, including general support, relief of needy Indians, boarding home care of Indian children, institutional care of delinquent children, and payment of per diem, in lieu of subsistence, and other expenses of Indians participating in folk festivals, $900,000: Provided, That payment for the care of Indians may be made from the date of service.

Management, Indian forest and range resources: For the management and protection of forest, range, and wildlife resources on Indian reservations, and allotments other than the Klamath Indian Reservation, Oregon, and the Menominee Indian Reservation, Wisconsin, including the payment of reasonable rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons setting forest or range fires, or taking or destroying timber, in violation of law on Indian lands; the establishment of cooperative sustained yield forest units pursuant to the Act of March 29, 1944 (16 U.S.C. 583); and the development, repair, maintenance, and operation of domestic and stock water facilities, $1,000,000: Provided, That the United States shall be reimbursed for expenditures made from this appropriation for expenses incident to the sale of timber to the extent prescribed in regulations promulgated by the Secretary pursuant to the Act of March 1, 1933 (25 U.S.C. 413).

Suppressing forest and range fires: For the suppression or emergency prevention of forest and range fires on or threatening Indian reservations, $12,000, which amount shall be available also for meeting obligations of the preceding fiscal year: Provided, That appropriations herein made for the Indian Service shall be available upon the approval of the Secretary for fire-suppression or emergency-prevention purposes: Provided further, That any diversions of appropriations made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget.

Agriculture and stock raising: For the development of agriculture and stock raising among the Indians, including agricultural experiments and demonstrations and maintenance of a supply of suitable plants or seed for issue to Indians; the expenses of Indian fairs,

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including premiums for exhibits; and the control and eradication of fever ticks and contagious diseases among livestock of Indians, $860,000.

Revolving fund for loans: For an additional amount for the revolving fund established pursuant to section 10 of the Act of June 18, 1934 (25 U.S.C. 470), to be available for loans as authorized by said section, as amended and supplemented, and by section 11 of said Act (25 U.S.C. 471), $3,000,000.

Acquisition of lands for Indian tribes: For the acquisition of lands, interest in lands, water rights and surface rights to lands, and for expenses incident to such acquisition, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of June 18, 1934 (25 U.S.C. 465), $137,500: Provided, That no part of the sum herein appropriated shall be used for the acquisition of land within the States of Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming outside of the boundaries of existing Indian reservations: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for the acquisition of land or water rights within the States of Nevada, Oregon, and Washington either inside or outside the boundaries of existing reservations.

Development of Indian arts and crafts: For the development, under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, of Indian arts and crafts, as authorized by the Act of August 27, 1935 (25 U.S.C., ch. 7A), including expenses of exhibits, printing and binding, and other necessary expenses, $37,000, of which not to exceed $13,000 shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay any salary at a rate exceeding the maximum rate of grade CAF-14 of the Classification Act of 1923, as amended.

Irrigation: For the maintenance, operation, repair, and improvement of irrigation systems for Indian reservations and allotments; payment of operation and maintenance assessments on Indian lands and within non-Indian irrigation districts; payment of reclamation charges; purchase of water and water rights; including the purchase or rental of equipment, tools, and appliances; drainage and protection of irrigable lands from damage by floods or loss of water rights; and for all other necessary expenses, $469,800, of which $335,253 shall be reimbursable in accordance with existing law.

Construction, and so forth, irrigation systems: For the construction, rehabilitation, and improvement of irrigation systems on Indian reservations; the purchase or rental of equipment, tools, and appliances; the acquisition of rights-of-way; the development of domestic and stock water and water for subsistence gardens; the purchase of water rights, ditches, and lands needed for irrigation purposes; drainage and protection of irrigable lands from damage by floods or loss of water rights; preparation of raw reservation lands for irrigation farming, expenditures for which shall be repayable on a per-acre basis by the lands benefited; as follows:

Arizona: Colorado River, $2,550,000; Salt River, $85,000; San Carlos, $85,000;
California: California Agency, $68,000;
Colorado: Southern Ute, $8,500;
Idaho: Fort Hall, $42,500;
Montana: Blackfeet, $21,250; Flathead, $150,000; Fort Belknap, $26,563; Fort Peck, $21,250; Tongue River, $8,288;
Nevada: Western Shoshone, $21,250;
New Mexico: United Pueblos, $17,000;
Oregon: Warm Springs, $21,250;
Washington: Wapato, $191,250:
Provided, That in addition to this appropriation the Commissioner of Indian Affairs is authorized to contract for materials, equipment, and services for pumping plant facilities for Satus unit numbered 3 in an amount not in excess of $300,000;

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Wyoming: Wind River, $21,250;
Miscellaneous small projects, $85,000;

For surveys, investigations, and administrative expenses, including personal services in the District of Columbia, and printing and binding, $175,000: Provided, That the foregoing amounts for construction, and so forth, irrigation systems, shall be available in one fund, shall be reimbursable in accordance with law, and shall remain available until completion of the projects: Provided further, That not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount of any specific authorization may be transferred, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to the amount of any other specific authorization, but no limitation shall be increased more than 10 per centum by any such transfer.

Construction, and so forth, buildings and utilities: For the construction, repair, or rehabilitation of Indian Service buildings and utilities, including the purchase of land and the acquisition of easements or rights-of-way; purchase of furniture, furnishings, and equipment; private architectural and engineering services; and water explorations; as follows:

Arizona: Colorado River, $170,000; Papago, $36,125 , Pima, $15,000; San Carlos $212,500; Navajo, prior year appropriations for the Toadlena School development are hereby made available for use at Tohatchi and Kayenta; Truxton Canon, the prior year appropriation of $8,000 for the replacement of the Camp Verde, Arizona, Indian school is hereby made available for cooperation with the public school district of Camp Verde, Arizona, for public school facilities;

Minnesota: Red Lake School, $68,000;
Montana: Crow and Northern Cheyenne, $29,750;
Nevada: Western Shoshone, in accordance with the Act of July 11, 1947, Public Law 182, $85,000;
Oklahoma: Western Oklahoma, $244,500;
Oregon: Chemawa, $79,050; Umatilla, $15,000;
South Dakota: Flandreau, $10,200; Sioux Sanatorium, $12,750;
Washington: Colville, $86,000;
Wisconsin: Menominee, $48,450;
Wyoming: Wind River, $31,450;

Alaska, $2,580,125, of which $2,000,000 is for payment of obligations incurred pursuant to authority granted under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1949; and, in addition, the Secretary is authorized to enter into contracts for this purpose in an amount not to exceed $637,500;

Various locations: Quarters, $192,950; major repairs and improvements, $425,000;

For surveys and plans and administrative expenses, private architect and engineering service and water explorations, including personal services in the District of Columbia and printing and binding, $237,750: Provided, That the foregoing amounts for construction, and so forth, buildings and utilities, shall be available in one fund and shall remain available until completion of the projects: Provided, further, That not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount of any specific authorization may be transferred, in the discretion of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to the amount of any other specific authorization, but no limitation shall be increased more than 10 per centum by any such transfer: Provided further, That unobligated balances of any specific authorizations in appropriations for prior years for school facilities in public school districts of Minnesota, appropriated in accordance with Public Law 804, Seventy-sixth Congress, or Public Law 231, Eightieth Congress, may be transferred to any other such authorizations: Provided further, That unobligated balances in the amount of $202,418 of specific authorizations in appropriations for prior years under the heading "Construction, and so forth, buildings and utilities" are hereby rescinded and such sum shall be carried to the surplus

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fund and covered into the Treasury immediately upon the approval of this Act.

Roads: For construction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of Indian reservation roads under the provisions of the Act of May 26, 1928 (25 U.S.C. 318a) and the Act of June 29, 1948 (Public Law 834), $2,750,000, to remain available until expended, of which amount not to exceed $19,500 may be expended for departmental personal services.

Fulfilling treaties: For fulfilling treaties with Senecas and Six Nations of New York, Choctaws and Pawnees of Oklahoma, and payment to Indians of Sioux reservations, to be expended as provided by treaty or by law, $176,020.

Payment of interest on Indian trust funds: For payment of accrued and accruing interest on moneys held in trust for the several Indian tribes, as authorized by various Acts of Congress, such amounts as may hereafter be necessary.

Proceeds from power: Not to exceed the amount of power revenues covered into the Treasury to the credit of each of the power projects, including revenues credited prior to August 7, 1946, shall be available for the purposes authorized by section 3 of the Act of August 7, 1946 (Public Law 647), including printing and binding, in connection with the respective projects from which such revenues are derived.


Administration of Indian tribal affairs (tribal funds): For expenses of administering the affairs and property of Indian tribes, including pay and travel expenses, $440,000, payable from funds held by the United States in trust for the particular tribe benefited; not to exceed $65,000 for any one tribe, and the authorization from tribal funds for the payment of salaries of necessary employees and other expenses for the distribution of per capita payments authorized by the Act of July 2, 1942 (56 Stat. 528), is hereby increased from $1,500 to $4,500.

Support of Klamath Agency, Oregon (tribal funds): For general support of Indians, including cash grants and administration of Indian property under the jurisdiction of the Klamath Agency, payable from funds held by the United States in trust for the Klamath Tribe of Indians, Oregon, $304,500, of which not to exceed $10,000 shall be available for fees and expenses of an attorney or firm of attorneys selected by the tribe and employed under contract approved by the Secretary.

Support of Menominee Agency and pay of tribal officers, Wisconsin (tribal funds): For general support of Indians and administration of Indian property under the jurisdiction of the Menominee Agency, Wisconsin, payable from funds held by the United States in trust for the Menominee Tribe of Indians, Wisconsin, $235,000, including $40,000 for relief of Indians in need of assistance, including cash grants; scholarships (not to exceed $3,000); and $7,700 for the compensation and expenses of an attorney or firm of attorneys employed by the tribe under a contract approved by the Secretary: Provided, That not to exceed $10,000 shall be available from the funds of the Menominee Indians for the payment of salaries and expenses of the chairman, secretary, and interpreters of the Menominee general council and members of the Menominee Advisory Council and tribal delegates when engaged on business of the tribe at rates to be determined by the Menominee general council and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs: Provided further, That a recreational director for the Menominee Reservation may be employed with the approval of the Menominee Advisory Council.

For the support of the Osage Agency, and for necessary expenses in connection with oil and gas production on the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma, including pay of the superintendent of the agency, a curator for the Osage Museum, at a salary of $2,284, which employee

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shall be an Osage Indian, appointed with the approval of the Osage Tribal Council, and of necessary employees, and pay of tribal officers; not to exceed $2,000 for the education of unallotted Osage Indian children in the Saint Louis Mission Boarding School, Oklahoma; payment of damages to individual allottees; repairs to buildings, rent of quarters for employees, and printing and binding, $222,000, payable from funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma: Provided, That of the said sum herein appropriated $13,950 is hereby made available for travel and other expenses of members of the Osage Tribal Council, business committees, or other tribal organizations, when engaged on business of the tribe, including supplies and equipment, not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence, and not to exceed 5 cents per mile for use of personally owned automobiles, when duly authorized or approved in advance by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

Expenses of tribal officers, Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma (tribal funds): For the current fiscal year money may be expended from the tribal funds of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Tribes for equalization of allotments, per capita, and other payments authorized by law to individual members of the respective tribes, and for salaries and contingent expenses of the governor of the Chickasaw Nation and chief of the Choctaw Nation, one mining trustee for the Choctaw, and Chickasaw Nations, at salaries of $3,000 each for the said governor, said chief, and said mining trustee, chief of the Creek Nation at $1,700 effective from July 1, 1948, and one attorney each for the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Creek Tribes employed under contract approved by the President under existing law: Provided, That the expenses of the above-named officials shall be determined and limited by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at not to exceed $2,500 each.

Expenses of attorneys, Chickasaw Nation of Indians, Oklahoma (tribal funds): For expenses of attorneys for Chickasaw Nation of Indians, Oklahoma, employed to prosecute Chickasaw tribal claims under contracts approved by the Interior Department, $3,000, payable out of funds on deposit in the Treasury to the credit of said Chickasaw Tribe of Indians.

Expenses of tribal councils or committees thereof (tribal funds): For travel and other expenses of members of tribal councils, business committees, or other tribal organizations, when engaged on business of the tribes, including supplies and equipment, per diem in lieu of subsistence and use of privately owned automobiles at rates applicable to civilian employees of the Government, when duly authorized or approved in advance by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, $75,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the particular tribe interested: Provided, That no part of this appropriation, or of any other appropriation contained in this Act, shall be available for expenses of members of tribal councils, business committees, or other tribal organizations, when in the District of Columbia, for more than an eight-day period, unless the Secretary shall in writing approve a longer period.

Relief of needy Indians (tribal funds): For the relief of Indians in need of assistance, including cash grants; the purchase of subsistence supplies, clothing, and household goods; medical, burial, housing, transportation, and all other necessary expenses, $112,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the particular tribe concerned: Provided, That expenditures hereunder may be made without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes, as amended, or to the Act of May 27, 1930 (46 Stat. 391), as amended.

Compensation and expenses of attorneys (tribal funds): For compensation and expenses of attorneys employed by various tribes of Indians under contracts to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, $86,800, payable from funds on deposit in the United States Treasury to the credit of the particular Indian tribe concerned.

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Industrial assistance (tribal funds): For advances to individual members of the tribes for the construction of homes and for the purchase of land, seed, animals, machinery, tool, implements, building material, and other equipment and supplies; and for advances to old, disabled, or indigent Indians for their support and burial, and Indians having irrigable allotments to assist them in the development and cultivation thereof, $496,000, payable from tribal funds as follows: Nez Perce, Idaho, $50,000; Hoopa Valley, California, $5,000; Pyramid Lake, Nevada, $15,000; Choctaw, Mississippi, $40,000; Mescalero, New Mexico, $50,000; Rosebud, South Dakota, $24,000; Spokane, Washington, $37,000; Yakima, Washington, $125,000; Blackfeet, Montana, $100,000; miscellaneous tribes, $50,000; and the unexpended balances of funds available under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the next preceding fiscal year are hereby continued available during the current fiscal year for the purposes for which they were appropriated: Provided, That advances may be made to worthy Indian youth to enable them to take educational courses, including courses in nursing, home economics, forestry, agriculture, and other industrial subjects in colleges, universities, or other institutions, and advances so made shall be reimbursed in not to exceed eight years under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe: Provided further, That all moneys reimbursed during the current fiscal year shall be credited to the respective appropriations and be available for the purposes of this paragraph: Provided further, That funds available under this paragraph may be used for the establishment and operation of tribal enterprises when proposed by Indian tribes and approved under regulations prescribed by the Secretary: Provided further, That enterprises operated under the authority contained in the foregoing proviso shall be governed by the regulations established for the making of loans from the revolving loan fund authorized by the Act of June 18, 1934 (25 U.S.C. 470): Provided further, That the unexpended balances of prior appropriations under this head for any tribe, including reimbursements to such appropriations and the appropriations made herein, may be advanced to such tribe, if incorporated, for use under regulations established for the making of loans from the revolving loan fund authorized by the Act of June 18, 1934 (25 U.S.C. 470).

Suppressing forest and range fires (tribal funds): For the suppression, presuppression, and emergency prevention of forest and range fires on or threatening Indian reservations, $75,000, payable from funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes interested.

Support of Indian schools (tribal funds): For the support of Indian schools, and for other educational purposes, including care of Indian children of school age attending public and private schools, tuition and other assistance for Indian pupils attending public schools, and support and education of deaf, dumb or blind, physically handicapped, delinquent, or mentally deficient Indian children, there may be expended from Indian tribal funds and from school revenues arising under the Act of May 17, 1926 (25 U.S.C. 155), not more than $1,014,000: Provided, That payment may be made from the date of admission for such tuition and care of Indian pupils.

Construction, tribal community hall, Yakima Indian Agency, Washington (tribal funds): For the construction and equipment of a community hall at Yakima Indian Agency, Washington, for the Yakima Tribe of Indians, $75,000, payable out of funds on deposit in the Treasury to the credit of said tribe.

Vehicles: Applicable appropriations made herein for the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be available for the purcahse of not to exceed two hundred and twenty-five passenger motor vehicles, of which two hundred shall be for replacement only, and such vehicles may be used for the treansportation of Indian school pupils.

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Replacement of property destroyed by fire, flood, or storm: To meet possible emergencies not exceeding $35,000 of the appropriations made by this Act for education of Indians, maintenance of buildings, salaries and expenses, field administration, the Alaska native service, and conservation of health among Indians shall be available, upon approval of the Secretary, for replacing any buildings, equipment, supplies, livestock, or other property of those activities of the Bureau of Indian Affairs above referred to which may be destroyed or rendered unserviceable by fire, flood, or storm: Provided, That any diversions of appropriations made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget.

Appropriations herein made for salaries and expenses, field administration, education of Indians, and conservation of health among Indians shall be available for the purchase of supplies, materials, and repair parts, for storage in and distribution from central warehouses, garages, and shops, and for the maintenance and operation of such warehouses, garages, and shops, and said appropriations shall be reimbursed for services rendered or supplies furnished by such warehouses, garages, or shops to any activity of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be available for travel expenses and the purchase of ice for official use of employees, and services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), except that not to exceed $5,000 out of irrigation appropriations shall be available for such services at rates for individuals not in excess of $100 per diem.

The following appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be available for hire, maintenance, and operation of aircraft: "Management, Indian forest and range resources"; "suppressing forest and range fires"; "Alaska native service"; "Navajo and Hopi service"; "Salaries and expenses, field administration"; and "Suppressing forest and range fires (tribal funds)".


Mineral leasing: For the enforcement of the provisions of the Acts of October 20, 1914 (48 U.S.C. 435), February 25, 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181), as amended, March 4, 1921(48 U.S.C. 444), August 7, 1947 (30 U.S.C. 352), and other Acts relating to the mining and recovery of minerals on Indian, acquired and public lands and naval petroleum reserves, and for necessary related operations; and for every expense incident thereto, including supplies, equipment, travel, and the construction, maintenance, and repair of necessary camp buildings and appurtenances thereto, $725,000, of which not to exceed $85,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia;

Approved, October 12, 1949.

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