Vol. VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

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Vol. 21—1956

New Mexico—Partially Revoking Departmental Order of Sept. 1, 1939, Which Placed Lands Under      Jurisdiction of Commissioner of Indian Affairs for Use of Navajo Indians
Alaska—Order Revoking Proclamations of May 20, 1943, of Assistant Secretary of the Interior,      Establishing Reserves for Inhabitants of Native Villages of Shishmaref and White Mountain, Alaska
Utah—Power Site Restoration No. 515; Partially Revoking Temporary Power Site Withdrawal No. 1 of      May 4, 1909, and Executive Orders of July 2, 1910 and January 23, 1912, Which Established Power      Site Reserves No. 1 and No. 243, Respectively
Wyoming—Restoring to Tribal Ownership Minerals Reserved to United States
Termination of Federal Supervision Over the Property of the Western Oregon Tribes and Bands of      Indians of Oregon, and the Individual Members Thereof—By the Secretary of the Interior of the      United States of America
Montana—Restoring Lands to Tribal Ownership of Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the      Flathead Indian Reservation
Bureau of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority
Bureau of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority With Respect to Certain Duties and Functions
New Mexico—Partially Revoking Departmental Order of September 1, 1939, Which Placed Lands Under      Jurisdiction of Commissioners of Indian Affairs for Use of Navajo Indians
Trust Periods Expiring During Calendar Year 1957

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VOLUME 21—1956
June 29, 196 [1956] | [Public Land Order 1310]

Power Site Restoration No. 515; Partially Revoking Temporary Power Site Withdrawal No. 1 of May 4, 1909, and Executive Orders of July 2, 1910 and January 23, 1912, Which Established Power Site Reserves No. 1 and No. 243, Respectively.

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VOLUME 21—1956 5015
VOLUME 21—1956 5016

Page 1498

By virtue of the authority vested in the President by Section 1 of the act of June 25, 1910 (36 Stat. 847; 43 U. S. C. 141), and pursuant to Executive Order No. 10355 of May 26, 1952, it is ordered as follows:

1. The order of the Secretary of the Interior of May 4, 1909, described as Temporary Power Site Withdrawal No. 1, temporarily withdrawing certain lands in Utah in aid of proposed legislation affecting the disposal of the water-power sites on the public domain, and the Executive order of July 2, 1910, ratifying, confirming, and continuing the said order of May 4, 1909, in full force and effect, and reserving the lands so withdrawn for water-power sites as Power Site Reserve No. 1, are hereby revoked so far as they affect the following-described lands:


T. 2 S., R. 5 W.,
Sec. 19, lots 1, 4, and SE ¼ NE ¼:
Sec. 20, N ½ SE ¼;
Sec. 21, N ½ SW ¼, SE ¼ SW ¼, and S ½ SE ¼;
Sec. 27, NW ¼ NW ¼;
Sec. 28, N ½ NE ¼;
Sec. 29, NE ¼ NE ¼ and S ½ NW ¼;
Sec. 30, lot 1, S ½ NE ¼, NW ¼ NE ¼, and E ½ NW ¼;
Sec. 33, N ½ NE ¼, and SE ¼ NE ¼;
Sec. 34, SE ¼ NW ¼, W ½ NW ¼, N ½ SW ¼, SE ¼ SW ¼, and S ½ SE ¼.

T. 3 S., R. 5 W.,
Sec. 2, lot 4, W ¼ NW ¼, W ½ SW ¼, and SE ¼ SW ¼;
Sec. 3 lots 1, 2 and SE ¼ NE ¼;
Sec. 11, W ½ NE ¼, E ½ NW ¼, and NW ¼ SE ¼;
Sec. 12, W ½ E ½;
Sec. 13, W ½ E ½.

T. 2 S., R. 6 W.,
Sec. 13, N ½ SW ¼ and S ½ SE ¼;
Sec. 14, NE ¼ SE ¼ and N ½ SW ¼;
Sec. 15, N ½ S ½;
Sec. 16, N ½ S ½ and S ½ SW ¼;
Sec. 17, N ½ S ½ and S ½ SE ¼;
Sec. 18, lot 3, NE ¼ SW ¼, N ½ SE ¼, and SE ¼ SE ¼;
Sec. 19, lots 1, 2, SE ¼ NW ¼, and S ½ NE ¼;
Sec. 20, S ½ N ½;
Sec. 21, S ½ N ½;
Sec. 22, S ½ N ½;
Sec. 23, S ½ N ½;
Sec. 24, S ½ NW ¼.

T. 2 S., R. 7 W.,
Sec. 10, W ½ SW ¼ and SE ¼ SW ¼;
Sec. 13, SW ¼ SW ¼ and NE ¼ SE ¼;
Sec. 14, SW ¼ NW ¼, N ½ SW ¼, SE ¼ SW ¼, W ½ SE ¼, and SE ¼ SE ¼;
Sec. 15, S ½ NE ¼, NW ¼ NE ¼, and NE ¼ NW ¼;
Sec. 23, N ½ NE ¼;
Sec. 24, N ½ N ½ and SE ¼ NE ¼.

The areas described aggregate 5,079.96 acres.

2. The Executive order of January 23, 1912, reserving certain lands in Utah for water-power sites as Power Site Reserve No. 243, is hereby revoked so far as it affects the following-described lands:


T. 2 S., R. 7 W.,
Sec. 9, SW ¼ NE ¼ and NE ¼ SE ¼.

T. 1 S., R. 8 W.,
Sec. 3, W ¼ SW ¼;
Sec. 4, NE ¼ SE ¼;
Sec. 10, NE ¼ NW ¼;
Sec. 14, SW ¼ NW ¼.

The areas described aggregate 280 acres.

3. The lands described in paragraphs 1 and 2 above are undisposed of opened lands of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation restored to tribal ownership for use and benefit of the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in Utah, and added to and made a part of the existing reservation by the order of the Secretary of the Interior of August 25, 1945 (10 F. R. 12409).

This order shall be known as Power Site restoration No. 515.

Assistant Secretary of the Interior.

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