Washington : Government Printing Office
VOLUME 26—1961 | 3073 |
Notice is hereby given that the Indians named under the Rancherias listed below are no longer entitled to any of the services performed by the United States for Indians because of their status as Indians, and all statutes of the United States which affect Indians because of their status as Indians shall be inapplicable to them, and the laws of the several states shall apply to them in the same manner as they apply to other citizens or persons within their jurisdiction. Title to the lands on these Rancherias has passed from the United States Government under the distribution plan of each Rancheria.
Strawberry Valley Rancheria, Lot 12 in Block B of the Townsite of Strawberry Valley, Yuba County, Calif.
Cache Creek Rancheria, 160 acres, NW/4 NW/4, E/2 NW/4, and NE/4 SW/4 of sec. 25, T. 14 N., R. 7 W., M.D.M., Lake County, Calif.
Buena Vista Rancheria, 67.5 acres in sec. 19, T. 5 N., R. 10 E., M.D.B.M., Amador County, Calif.
Paskenta Rancheria, 260 acres in sec. 12, T. 23 N., R. 7 W., M.D.M., Tehama County, Calif.
Ruffeys Rancheria, 441 acres, SW/4 NE/4 Lot 4 of NW/4, S/2 NW/4, SW/4, NW/4 SE/4, and S/2 SE/4 sec. 5, T. 41 N., R. 9 W., M.D.B.M., Siskiyou County, Calif.
Mark West Rancheria, 35.13 acres, S/2 NE/4, sec. 25, T. 8 N., R. 8 W., M.D.B.M., Sonoma County, Calif.
Table Bluff Rancheria, 20 acres in sec. 35, T. 4 N., R. 2 W., H.B.M., Humboldt County, Calif.
This notice is issued pursuant to the Act of August 18, 1958 (72 Stat. 619) and becomes effective as of the date of publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
Secretary of the Interior.