Vol. VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office

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Vol. 31—1966

Certain Racherias in California—Notice of Termination of Federal Supervision
California—Revocation of National Forest Administrative Site Withdrawal
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority Regarding Ordinances, Resolutions,      Constitutions, and Charters
Hollywood Indian Reservation—Designation
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority Regarding Sale or Exchange of Ceded Lands
Elk Valley, Rohnerville, and El Dorado Rancherias in California—Notice of Termination of Federal      Supervision
Idaho—Restoration of Lands to Tribal Ownership
Blue Lake Rancheria in California—Notice of Termination of Federal Supervision
Oklahoma—Restoration of Lands to Ownership of Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes
Ponca Tribe of Native Americans of Nebraska—Notice of Termination of Federal Trust Relationship and      of Supervision Over Affairs of Individual Members
Greenville Rancheria, Calif.—Notice of Termination of Federal Supervision

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VOLUME 31—1966
February 14, 1966

Notice of Termination of Federal Supervision Over Property and Individual Members

Margin Notes
VOLUME 31—1966 2911

Page 1558

Notice is hereby given that the Indians and the dependent members of their immediate families named below are no longer entitled to any of the services performed by the United States for Indians because of their status as Indians; that all statutes of the United States which affect Indians because of their status as Indians shall be inapplicable to them, and the laws of the several States shall apply to them in the same manner as they apply to other citizens within their jurisdiction. Title to the land on the North Fork, Picayune, Graton, and Pinoleville Rancherias has passed from the U.S. Government under the distribution plans approved April 29, 1960; June 30, 1960; September 17, 1959; and May 10, 1960; respectively, for the above-named Rancherias.

[Names of individuals omitted]

North Fork Rancheria 80 acres, more or less, located in Madera County, Calif., about 2 miles from the town of North Fork, and described as: SE ¼ NE ¼, Section 20, and SW ¼ NW ¼, Section 21, Township 8 South, Range 23 East, M. D. B. & M.

Picayune Rancheria 80 acres, more or less, set aside by Executive Order on April 24, 1912, located in Madera County, Calif., about 1 mile from State Highway 41 and about 3 miles from the town of Coarsegold, described as: N/2 NE/4, Section 29, Township 8 South, Range 21 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian.

Graton Rancheria 15 and 45/100 acres of land described as: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the township of Analy, county of Sonoma, State of California, being a portion of the Rancho E1 Molino, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning in the middle of the new Santa Rosa and Occidental road where the same is intersected by the Easterly boundary of the "Green Ranch," so called, conveyed by J. W. Ragsdale, Commissioner, to John Mills by deed dated December 28, 1895, which is recorded in Vol. 163 of Deeds, page 94, Sonoma County Records; thence along said Easterly boundary, South 13°14' East, 16.25 chains to the most Easterly corner of said "Green Ranch" and the Southerly line of the Rancho El Molino; thence along the Southerly boundary thereof, South 47° West 10.10 chains; thence leaving said boundary and running parallel to the Easterly boundary of said "Green Ranch," North 13°40' West, 18.00 chains to a stake in the middle of the new Santa Rosa and Occidental road; thence along the middle of said road, North 36°40' East, 3.67 chains, North 67°40' East, 6.00 chains to the place of beginning, containing fifteen and forty-five one hundredths (15.45) acres. Being the same land (excepting the right-of-way) that there were conveyed to Joseph Corda by deed from Ruth P. Huffman, dated May 13, 1911, and recorded in Book 276 of Deeds, page 148, by deed from the Sonoma County Camp Meeting Association, dated September 16, 1912, and recorded in Book 304 of Deeds, page 121, of Sonoma County Records.

Pinoleville Rancheria 99 and 53/100 acres of land located in Mendocino County, Calif., described in deed dated March 13, 1911, recorded in Book 123 of Deeds, page 418; and deed dated September 15, 1911, recorded in Book 133 of Deeds, page 283, Recorder's Office, county of Mendocino, Calif.

This notice is issued pursuant to the Act of August 18, 1958 (72 Stat. 619), amended August 11, 1964 (78 Stat. 390), including the provisions in the 1964 Act that this notice affects only Indians who are not members of any tribe or band of Indians and therefore not eligible to participate herein; and that all restrictions and tax exemptions applicable to trust or restricted lands or interests therein owned by the Indians who are affected by this notice are terminated.

This notice becomes effective as of the date of publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER.

Assistant Secretary of the Interior.

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