Vol. VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office

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Vol. 33—1968

California—Withdrawal in Aid of Proposed Legislation
Executive Order 11399—Establishing the National Council on Indian Opportunity
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority With Respect to Administration of Timber      Sales on Certain Submarginal Lands
South Dakota—Restoration of Lands to Ownership of Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of Indians
Minnesota—Restoration of Lands to Tribal Ownership
Bureau of Indian Affairs—Forestry Matters
Oklahoma—Partial Restoration of Lands Withdrawn Under Departmental Order of September 19, 1934
Montana—Restoration of Land in Heart Butte School Reserve to Blackfeet Tribe
Certain Federally Owned Lands in New Mexico—Held by the U.S. in Trust for Indians of Pueblos of      Acoma, Sandia, Santa Ana and Zia
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority Regarding Acceptance of Donations
California—Withdrawal in Aid of Legislation
Trust Periods Expiring During Calendar Years 1969 Through 1973, Inclusive
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority Under Specific Legislation
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority Regarding Tribal Enactments
Executive Order 11435—Designating the Secretary of the Interior to Accept on Behalf of the United      States Retrocession by Any State of Certain Criminal and Civil Jurisdiction Over Indian Country
New Mexico—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 5889
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority With Respect to Specific Legislation
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority With Respect to Specific Legislation

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VOLUME 33—1968
June 26, 1968 | [Order No. 2508, Amdt. 75]

Forestry Matters
Section 16

Margin Notes
VOLUME 33—1968 9677

Page 1568

Section 16 of Order No. 2508, as amended, is further amended to delete paragraph (c), which contains authority for the fixing of fair stumpage value of the annual timber cut of the former Menominee Reservation, Wis.; and to redesignate the succeeding paragraphs, so that section 16, in its entirety, now reads as follows:

SEC. 16.

Forestry. The Commissioner may exercise the authority of the Secretary in relation to the following classes of matters; actions taken hereunder shall be subject to appeal to the Secretary in accordance with section 1 of this order.

(a) All those matters set forth in 25 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter M—Forestry.

(b) The adjustment of stumpage rates and the performing of all other administrative actions to be taken by the Secretary pursuant to timber sales contracts now in effect.

(c) The administration of existing and the negotiation and execution of new cooperative fire suppression agreements with Federal, State, and private agencies.

(d) The taking of any action necessary to prevent waste of timber from fire, decay, windthrow, insect infestation, disease, or other natural catastrophe on Indian lands held in trust by the United States.

(e) (1) The performance of the functions enumerated in Executive Order 7868, dated April 15, 1938, which transferred to the Secretary of the Interior jurisdiction over certain lands acquired pursuant to the following acts:

Title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 200).
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of April 8, 1935 (49 Stat. 115).
Section 55, Title I of the Act of August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 750, 781).

(2) In the performance of the functions delegated in (1) above, the regulations with respect to the disposal of timber on Indian trust lands, in 25 CFR 141, shall govern, where applicable, the disposal of timber on these Government lands. All receipts from sales of timber under this authority shall be deposited in the U.S. Treasury, Account 142229, "Sale of Timber, Wildlife and Other Natural Land Products, not otherwise classified." These receipts shall not be subject to the administrative deduction authorized from receipts for sale of Indian-owned timber by the Act of February 14, 1920, as amended (25 CFR 141.18).

Secretary of the Interior.

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