Washington : Government Printing Office
VOLUME 33—1968 | 15952 |
Order 2508 (an order by which the Secretary of the Interior delegates certain authority to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs), as amended, is further amended in section 18(a) by adding new subparagraph (3) and renumbering the existing subparagraphs (3) and (4) accordingly. The addition authorizes the Commissioner to exercise the Secretary's authority to approve disenrollment actions. As so amended, section 18(a) reads as follows:
Tribal ordinances, resolutions, constitutions, and charters. (a) The Commissioner may exercise the authority of the Secretary with respect to those matters set forth in subparagraphs (1), (2), and (3), subject to the limitations set forth in subparagraphs (4) and (5), of this paragraph:
(1) Tribal ordinances and resolutions, and contracts, including expenditures under such contracts where approval of such expenditures is required, which are adopted, enacted, or negotiated by Indian
tribal governing bodies pursuant to constitutions approved under section 16 or charters issued under section 17 of the act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984; 25 U.S.C., 1964 ed., secs. 461 et seq.), as amended, the act of May 1, 1936 (49 Stat. 1250; 25 U.S.C., 1964 ed., sec. 473a), and the act of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1967; 25 U.S.C., 1964 ed., sec. 503), or pursuant to the constitutions adopted and approved without regard to the provisions of these acts:
(2) Tribal ordinances relating to law and order adopted pursuant to 25 CFR 11.1(e).
(3) Tribal enactments disenrolling persons found not to meet the established enrollment criteria. The Commissioner's approval of such action shall be subject to appeal to the Secretary of the Interior.
(4) The Commissioner shall forward to the Secretary, with a recommendation, ordinances, resolutions, or contracts which, in the opinion of the Commissioner are: Inconsistent with an Act of Congress or with a treaty or with the tribal constitution or charter under which the ordinance, resolution, or contract was adopted, enacted, or negotiated; or should be disapproved or rescinded for any other reason.
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 25 of this order, the Commissioner shall not redelegate the authority granted in this paragraph to any officer or employee who pursuant to a tribal constitution or charter passes upon ordinances, resolutions, or contracts.
Secretary of the Interior.