Washington : Government Printing Office
VOLUME 34—1969 | 8714 |
Whereas, Public Utility District No. 1, Douglas County, State of Washington, is the licensee under the Wells Hydroelectric Project, Federal Power Project No. 2149, Washington, on the Columbia River in Douglas, Chelan, and Okanogan Counties, Wash.; and
Whereas, the Monse Unit of the Colville Irrigation Project, Colville Indian Reservation, included allotted and tribal lands of the reservation all of which have been purchased by Public Utility District No. 1 for the Wells Project as a result of which Indian title to such lands has been extinguished, the lands being no longer held in trust by the United States; and
Whereas, all reimbursable irrigation charges against the lands within the Monse Unit of the Colville Indian Irrigation Project owing to the United States for construction, operation and maintenance have been fully satisfied or paid; and
Whereas, the use of the former Indian lands by the Wells Project involves the inundation of much of the land, necessitates the destruction of irrigation facilities, and is inconsistent with the continued operation of the Monse Unit of the Colville Irrigation Project;
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that as a result of the acquisition of all Monse Unit lands for the Wells Project, and of the satisfaction of all charges owing against them to the United States, all liens to secure such payment to the United States are hereby released and in view of the physical impossibility of the continued operation of the Monse Unit, the administration, obligation and responsibility of the United States to operate and maintain the Monse Unit of the Colville Indian Reservation have been terminated.
Under Secretary of the Interior.