Washington : Government Printing Office
VOLUME 35—1970 | 12657 |
By virtue of the authority vested in the President and pursuant to Executive Order No. 10355 of May 26, 1952 (17 F.R. 4831), it is ordered as follows:
1. Public Land Order No. 1756 of November 17, 1958, withdrawing the following described public land for use of the Bureau of Land Management as an administrative site is hereby revoked:
Beginning at a point on the centerline of the Denali Highway which bears N. 0°25'30" E., 1,200 feet, and east 100 feet from Corner No. 3 U.S. Survey 3203 A and B; thence west 430 feet; thence north 660 feet; thence east 430 feet to a point on the centerline of the Denali Highway; thence south 660 feet along said centerline to the point of beginning.
The tract described contains approximately 6.5 acres.
2. The lands are withdrawn by Public Land Order No. 4582 of January 17, 1969, for the determination and protection of the rights of the Native Aleuts, Eskimos, and Indians of Alaska. They will be open to location for metalliferous minerals at 10 a.m. on September 9, 1970.
Inquiries concerning the lands should be addressed to the Manager Fairbanks District and Land Office, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior.