Washington : Government Printing Office
VOLUME 36—1971 | 563 |
Section 30 of Order 2508, as amended, is further amended by the addition under paragraph (a) of a new subparagraph to read as follows:
Authority under specific acts. (a) In addition to any authority delegated elsewhere in this order, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, except as, provided in paragraph (b) of this section, is authorized to perform the functions and exercise the authority vested in the Secretary of the Interior by the following acts or portions of acts or any acts amendatory thereof:
(50) The Act of October 22, 1970 (84 Stat. 1097), which authorizes the Secretary of the Interior, upon request of the tribal council of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina, to declare by publication of a notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER that the United States holds in trust for said band of Indians, subject to valid existing rights, the title to certain federally owned lands within the Cherokee Indian Reservation, together with improvements thereon, that are now or hereafter become excess to the needs of the Federal Government for the administration of Indian affairs, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.
Under Secretary of the Interior.