Vol. VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Washington : Government Printing Office

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Vol. 36—1971

Guideville Rancheria in California and Individual Members Thereof
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority With Respect to Specific Legislation
Alaska—Modification of Public Land Order No. 4582 of January 17, 1969
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority With Respect to Specific Legislation
Indian Tribes Performing Law and Order Functions—Notice of Determination
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority With Respect to Specific Legislation
Auburn Rancheria in California and Individual Members Thereof
Indian Tribes Performing Law and Order Functions—Notice of Determination
Alaska—Partial Revocation of Air Navigation Site Withdrawal
Alaska—Modification of Public Land Order No. 4582 as Amended by Public Land Order No. 4962
Indian Tribes Performing Law Enforcement Functions—Notice of Determination
Alaska—Partial Revocation of Public Land Order No. 4497 of July 15, 1968; Modification of Public Land      Order No. 4582 of January 17, 1969, as amended
Modification of Public Land Orders Nos. 4108, 4582, 4962, 5081; Withdrawal for Protection of Civil Works      Project (Snettisham Power Project)
Fort Belknap Indian Community of Fort Belknap Reservation, Mont.
Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah—Order for Revocation of Oil Shale Withdrawal and Restoration of      Certain Lands
Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Delegation of Authority With Respect to Specific Legislation
Alaska—Modification of Public Land Order No. 4582, as Amended
Alaska—Modification of Public Land Order No. 4582 as Amended and Extended by Public Land Order      No. 4962, and by Public Land Order No. 5081

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VOLUME 36—1971
August 17, 1971 | [Public Land Order 5108]

Modification of Public Land Orders Nos. 4108, 4582, 4962, 5081; Withdrawal for Protection of Civil Works Project (Snettisham Power Project)

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VOLUME 36—1971 16509
VOLUME 36—1971 16510

Page 1587

By virtue of the authority vested in the President by section 1 of the Act of June 25, 1910, 36 Stat. 847, as amended, 43 U.S.C. 141 (1964), and otherwise, and pursuant to Executive Order No. 10355 of May 26, 1952 (17 F.R. 4831), it is ordered as follows:

Page 1588

1. Public Land Order No. 4582 of January 17, 1969, as amended and modified by Public Land Order No. 4962 of December 8, 1970, as amended and modified by Public Land Order No. 5081 of June 17, 1971, is hereby modified to provide for the reservation of a right-of-way for the construction, operation, and maintenance of transmission lines and related facilities authorized by the Act of October 23, 1962 (76 Stat. 1173, 1193), on the following described lands:

Three parcels of land, being a portion of U.S. Survey No. 1762 (Juneau Townsite Elimination from the Tongass National Forest) and lot 8 of U.S. Survey No. 3269 located on the northeasterly side of Gastineau Channel, approximately 5 miles Southeast of Juneau, Alaska; being within the Harris Mining District of the Juneau Recording District. First Judicial District, State of Alaska; said parcels being described as follows:


Commencing at Corner No. 3 of a tract of land known as U.S. Survey No. 3269; thence on the west boundary line thereof, S. 45°47'27" W., a distance of 145.68 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing S. 45°47'27 W., a distance of 301.88 feet; thence leaving said line N. 50°38'41" W., a distance of 193 feet; thence N. 76°56'28' W., a distance of 428.92 feet to a point on the north boundary line of a tract of land known as Belvedere Mill Site. Mineral Survey No. 72-B; said point being N. 44°17'33" W., a distance of 93.01 feet (as measured on said boundary line) from Corner No. 1 thereof; thence on said line N. 44°17'33" W., a distance of 367.75 feet: thence leaving said line N. 45°57'27" E., a distance of 293.07 feet; thence S. 44°02'33" E., a distance of 266.56 feet; thence S. 76°56'28" E., a distance of 425.89 feet; thence S. 50°38'41" E., a distance of 296.62 feet, more or less, to said point of beginning.

Containing approximately 4.86 acres.


Commencing at Corner No. 3 of a tract of land known as U.S. Survey No. 3269; thence on the north boundary line thereof, S. 40°47'33" E., a distance of 1,723.52 feet to said centerline; said point being N. 40°47'33" W., a distance of 159.46 feet from Corner No. 4 of said survey and being the true point of beginning; thence leaving said boundary line and on said centerline S. 50°38'41" E., a distance of 2,912.77 feet; thence S. 64°06'35" E., a distance of 8,771.36 feet; thence S. 50°28'42 E., a distance of 1,450 feet, more or less, to the east boundary line of said U.S. Survey No. 1762 and the terminus of said centerline.

Containing approximately 108.87 acres.


Beginning at Corner No. 4 of a tract of land known as U.S. Survey No. 3269; said corner also being the northwest corner of lot 8 of said survey; thence on the north boundary line thereof. S. 44°12'33" E., a distance of 399.68 feet to the northeast corner of said lot; thence on the east boundary line thereof, S. 45°47'27" W., a distance of 77.96 feet; thence leaving said line, N. 50°38'41" W., a distance of 402.16 feet more or less, to the west boundary of said lot; thence on said line N. 45°47'27" E., a distance of 123.04 feet, more or less, to said point of beginning.

Containing approximately 1.13 acres.

2. Public Land Order No. 4108 of October 26, 1966, is hereby modified and amended to include the right-of-way reservation made by paragraph 1 of this order.

3. The lands in the right-of-way reservation shall otherwise be administered by the Secretary of the Interior under appropriate laws and regulations.

4. Subject to valid existing rights, the following described lands within U.S. Survey No. 1762, the Juneau Townsite Elimination from the Tongass National Forest, are hereby withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, including the mining laws (30 U.S.C., Ch. 2), and from leasing under the mineral leasing laws, for the protection of facilities of the Snettisham Power Project:


A portion of U.S. Survey No. 1762 (Juneau Townsite Elimination from the Tongass National Forest) located on the northeasterly side of Gastineau Channel, approximately 5 miles southeast of Juneau, Alaska; being within the Harris Mining District of the Juneau Recording District, First Judicial District, State of Alaska; said Portion being described as follows:

Commencing at Corner No. 3 of the Mexico Mill Site (Mineral Survey No. 71-B); thence on the northwest boundary line thereof, south 45°42'27" W., a distance of 135.25 feet to Corner No. 4 of the Jumbo Mill Site (Mineral Survey No. 260); thence on the northeasterly boundary line thereof, north 35°32'33" W., a distance of 608.91 feet; thence leaving said boundary line, S. 56°30'58" E., a distance of 503.18 feet; thence N. 45°57'27" E., a distance of 244.20 feet; thence S. 44°02'33" E., a distance of 570.00 feet; thence S. 15°57'27" W., a distance of 305.63 feet to a point on the northeasterly boundary line of said Mexico Mill Site, said point being N. 14°17'33" W., a distance of 6.99 feet (as measured on said boundary line), from Corner No. 4 of said Mexico Mill Site; thence on said boundary line N. 44°17'33" W., a distance of 459.67 feet to said point of beginning.

The above bearings are based on the U.T.M. Grid System with Corner No. 3 of said Mexico Mill Site having Grid Coordinates of N. 21,187,391.49 and E. 1,770,617.33.

The parcel of land described above contains 5.24 acres, more or less.

5. The withdrawal made by the order in paragraph 4 does not alter the applicability of the public land laws governing the use of the lands under lease, license, or permit, or governing the disposal of their mineral or vegetative resources other than under the mining and mineral leasing laws. However, leases, licenses, or permits will be issued only if the Department of the Army finds that the proposed use of the lands will not interfere with the proper operation of its facilities on the land.

6. Public Land Order No. 4582 of January 17, 1969, as extended, and modified, does not affect the lands described in paragraph 4 which were already reserved in Powersite Classification No. 203, approved October 18, 1928, as modified by Order No. 420, approved June 26, 1947.

Assistant Secretary of the Interior.

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