Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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CHAP. 37 | CHAP. 44 | CHAP. 54 | CHAP. 55 | CHAP. 59 | CHAP. 149 | CHAP. 152 | CHAP. 153 | J.R. No. 13

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Chapter 37
Section 2

Margin Notes
Chap. 37 Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oreg. Patents to purchasers of lands on.
    23 Stat., 342, vol. 1, 224
    32 Stat., 730, vol. 1, 798.
Chap. 37 Conditions.
Sec. 2 Completion by heirs.

{Page 554}

Chapter 37
    Feb. 11, 1913. [S. 3225.] | [Public, No. 367.] 37 Stat., 665.
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An act providing when patents shall issue to the purchaser or heirs of certain lands in the State of Oregon.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all persons who have heretofore purchased any of the lands of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, in the State of Oregon, and have made or shall make full and final payment therefor in conformity with the acts of Congress of March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and of July first, nineteen hundred and two, respecting the sale of such lands, shall be entitled to receive patent therefor upon submitting satisfactory proof to the Secretary of the Interior that the untimbered lands so purchased are not susceptible of cultivation or residence, and are exclusively grazing lands, incapable of any profitable use other than for grazing purposes.

SEC. 2

That where a party entitled to claim the benefits of this act dies before securing a patent therefor, it shall be competent for the executor or administrator of the estate of such party, or one of the heirs, to make the necessary proofs and payments therefor to complete the same; and the patent in such cases shall be made in favor of the heirs of the deceased purchaser and the title to said lands shall inure to such heirs, as if their names had been especially mentioned.

Approved, February 11, 1913.

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