Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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CHAP. 37 | CHAP. 44 | CHAP. 54 | CHAP. 55 | CHAP. 59 | CHAP. 149 | CHAP. 152 | CHAP. 153 | J.R. No. 13

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Chapter 152

Margin Notes
Chap. 152 Oklahoma.
Chap. 152 Choctaw and Chickasaw coal lands. Operators may lease additional acreage.
Chap. 152 Proviso. Contiguous lands.
Chap. 152 Confined to actual operators.
Chap. 152 Duration and royalty.

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Chapter 152
    Mar. 4, 1913. [S. 3843.] | [Public, No. 437.] 37 Stat., 1007.
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An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to lease to the operators of coal mines in Oklahoma additional acreage from the unleased segregated coal land of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him, may grant to the operator of any coal mine or mines in the State of Oklahoma the right to lease additional acreage from the unleased segregated coal land of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, in the State of Oklahoma, not to exceed in any case six hundred and forty acres of land: Provided, That the land sought to be leased adjoins and is contiguous to the coal-mining property of the applicant in operation: And provided further, That the right to lease such additional lands shall extend only to coal-mining corporations, individual or individuals actually operating coal mines in said State in good faith, and in only such cases as may be found necessary for the successful administration of such mine: And provided further, That the lease or leases on such additional coal lands shall not be made for a longer period of time than existing leases of the respective applicants and shall not be made at a less rate of royalty than the rate of royalty paid on existing leases now in operation in said State of Oklahoma.

Approved, March 4, 1913.

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