Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Chap. 37  | Chap. 63 | Chap. 65 | Chap. 117 | Chap. 125 | Chap. 174 | Chap. 209 | Chap. 213 | Chap. 230 | Chap. 304 | Chap. 315 | Chap. 320 | Chap. 363 | Chap. 366 | Chap. 369 | Chap. 424 | Chap. 425 | Chap. 452 | Chap. 455 | Chap. 464 | Chap. 468 | Chap. 472

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Chapter 424
August 31, 1616. | [H. R. 15575.] 39 Stat., 672.

An Act To amend the Act of March twenty-second, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act to authorize the sale and disposition of surplus or unallotted lands of the diminished Colville Indian Reservation, in the State of Washington, and for other purposes."

Margin Notes
Chap. 424 Colville Indian Reservation, Wash.
Sale, etc., of unallotted lands in.
34 Stat., 82, amended, vol. 3, 164.
Chap. 424 Lands reserved for agency, etc., purposes.
Chap. 424 Mission uses.
Chap. 424 Proviso. Saint Mary’s School and Mission.
Chap. 424 Fee simple patent for lands.
Chap. 424 Cemeteries.
Chap. 424 Intoxicants prohibited.

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section seven of the Act of March twenty-second, nineteen hundred and six (Thirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page eighty), entitled "An Act to authorize the sale and disposition of surplus unallotted lands of the diminished Colville Indian Reservation, in the State of Washington, and for other purposes," be, and the salve is hereby, amended to read as provided herein, and that one section, numbered thirteen, as hereinafter provided, be, and the same hereby is, added to the said Act.

"SEC. 7. That the Secretary of the Interior may reserve from allotment or other disposition and set apart such lands of the Colville Reservation as in his judgment may be necessary, said lands not to exceed four sections in all, for school, agency, sawmill, gristmill, and other mill or administrative purposes, said lands to remain reserved so long as needed for such respective purposes. And the Secretary of the Interior may also set apart for temporary use and occupancy such lands as he may deem necessary for mission purposes among said Indians, not to exceed in any instance, except as hereinafter specifically provided, forty acres of land lying at any one point, not included in any town site heretofore provided for, said lands to remain so reserved as long as actually required and used exclusively for mission purposes, subject, however, to such regulations as the said Secretary may deem proper to make: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior is further authorized to issue a

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patent in fee simple to the properly designated missionary board or corporation which now maintains the Saint Mary’s School and Mission for Colville Indians, for the sixty acres of land in township thirty-three north, range twenty-seven east of the Willamette meridian, which is the site of said Saint Mary’s School and Mission plant; and in addition thereto the said board or corporation shall have the privilege of using for training purposes and support of said school and mission the lands already formally set apart for such purposes, together with those several tracts selected and used for school or mission purposes which the mission authorities, prior to nineteen hundred and fourteen, described and requested to have set apart, such privilege to continue so long as the lands are required and used exclusively for Indian mission and school purposes. The Secretary of the Interior is further authorized to reserve as an Indian cemetery or cemeteries any lands within said reservation, not to exceed fifty acres in all, and not otherwise formally or officially appropriated, which have heretofore been or are now being used by the Indians for burial purposes."

"SEC. 13. That the lands allotted, those retained or reserved, and the surplus lands sold, set aside for town-site purposes, or granted to the State or otherwise disposed of, shall be subject to the laws of the United States prohibiting the introduction of intoxicants into the Indian country until otherwise provided by Congress."

Approved, August 31, 1916.

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