Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Chap. 37  | Chap. 63 | Chap. 65 | Chap. 117 | Chap. 125 | Chap. 174 | Chap. 209 | Chap. 213 | Chap. 230 | Chap. 304 | Chap. 315 | Chap. 320 | Chap. 363 | Chap. 366 | Chap. 369 | Chap. 424 | Chap. 425 | Chap. 452 | Chap. 455 | Chap. 464 | Chap. 468 | Chap. 472

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Chapter 37
February 28, 1916. | [H. R. 9416.] 39 Stat., 14.

An Act Making appropriations to supply further urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and prior years, and for other purposes.

Margin Notes
Chap. 37 Urgent deficiencies appropriations.
Chap. 37 Judgments, Indian depreciation claims.
Chap. 37 Payment.
Chap. 37 Verbal correction.
Chap. 37 39 Stat., 28, 1600.
Chap. 37 26 Stat., 853, vol. 1, 58.
Chap. 37 Reimbursement.
Chap. 37 Proviso. Not appealed.
Chap. 37 Right to appeal.
Chap. 37 Audited claims.
Chap. 37 Claims certified by accounting officers.
Chap. 37 18 Stat., 110.
Chap. 37 23 Stat., 254.
Chap. 37 Claims allowed by Auditor for Interior Department.
33 Stat, 31.
Chap. 37 Claims allowed by Auditor for Interior Department.

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply further urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and prior years, and for other purposes, namely:


For payment of judgments rendered by the Court of Claims in Indian depredation cases, certified to Congress in House Document Numbered Five hundred and sixty-four at its present session. $59,259.50, and the judgment therein in favor of "Andrew D. Everett, administrator, Thomas W. Everett, deceased," shall read "Thomas W. Everett, administrator, Andrew D. Everett, deceased," and the judgment in favor of "Mrs. Joseph E. Winn, administrator, John Winn, deceased," shall read "John M. Winn and Mrs. Joseph E. Winn, administrators, John Winn, deceased": said judgments to be paid after the deductions required to be made under the provisions of section six of the Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An Act to provide for the adjustment and payment of claims arising from Indian depredations," shall have been

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ascertained and duly certified by the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of the Treasury, which certification shall be made as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, and such deductions shall be made according to the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, having due regard to the educational and Other necessary requirements of the tribe or tribes affected; and the amounts paid shall be reimbursed to the United States at such times and in such proportions as the Secretary of the Interior may decide to be for the interests of the Indian Service: Provided, That no one of said judgments provided in this paragraph shall be paid until the Attorney General shall have certified to the Secretary of the Treasury that there exists no grounds sufficient, in his opinion, to support. a motion for a new trial or an appeal of said cause.

None of the judgments contained in this Act shall be paid until the right of appeal shall have expired.


SEC. 2.

That for the payment of the following chin is, certified to be due by the several accounting officers of the Treasury Department under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section five of the Act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen and other years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under section two of the Act of July seventh, eighteen hundred rind eighty-four, as fully set forth in house Document Numbered Five hundred and sixty-seven, reported to Congress at its present session, there is appropriated as follows:


For suppressing liquor traffic among Indians, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $454.01.
For Indian schools, support, $13.54.
For Indian school and agency buildings, $824.
For industrial work and care of timber, $5.60.
For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $49,009.76.
For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $29,439.89.
For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $1,011.22.
For telegraphing and telephoning, Indian Service, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $5.27.
For telegraphing and telephoning, Indian Service, $1.77.
For expenses of Indian commissioners, nineteen hundred and fourteen, 18 cents.
For contingencies, Indian Department, $1.
For general expenses, Indian Service, $8.77.
For support of Indians in Arizona and New Mexico, $174.
For Indian school, Phoenix, Arizona, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $107.43.
For Indian school, Truxton Canyon, Arizona, nineteen hundred and fourteen, 94 cents.
For maintenance, irrigation system, Pinla Indian lands, Arizona, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $17.84.

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For support of Indians in California, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $41.55.
For maintenance and operation, Fort Hall irrigation system, Idaho, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $35.90.
For Indian school, Kickapoo Reservation, Kansas, repairs and improvements, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $72.93.
For Indian school, Genoa, Nebraska, 15 cents.
For Indian school, Albuquerque, New Mexico, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $10.30.
For Indian school, Fort Totten, North Dakota., nineteen hundred and fifteen, $6.46.
For support of Cheyennes and Arapahoes, Oklahoma, $31.83.
For Indian school, Chilocco, Oklahoma, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $20.98. For Indian school, Chilocco, Oklahoma., $92.68.
For administration of affairs of Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, $16.
For Indian school, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, $20.32.
For Indian school, Flandreau, South Dakota, repairs and improvements, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $133.02.
For support of Sioux of different tribes, subsistence and civilization, South Dakota, $156.60.
For support of Sioux, Yankton Tribe, South Dakota, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $13.65.
For surveying and allotting Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota and North Dakota (reimbursable), $162.88.
For support of Indians of Colville and Puyallup Agencies and Joseph's Band of Nez Perces, Washington, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $138.96.
For maintenance and operation, irrigation system, Yakima Reservation, Washington (reimbursable), nineteen hundred and fifteen, $104.32.
For Indian school, Hayward, Wisconsin, repairs and improvements, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $10.08.
For Indian school, Tomah, Wisconsin, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $20.78.


For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $969.96.
For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $80.73.
For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, 70 cents.
For Indian school, Fort Bidwell, California, repairs and improvements, nineteen hundred and fifteen, $15.36.

Approved, February 28, 1916.

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