Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.
Chap. 452 | Fort Assinniboine Military Reservation, Mont. Lands of, opened to settlement. 38 Stat., 809, amended; ante, 40. |
Sec. 10 | Rocky Boy’s Band of Chippewas. Lands reserved for. |
Sec. 10 | Allotments. |
Sec. 10 | 24 Stat., 388, vol. 1, 33. |
Sec. 11 | Havre, Mont. Lands granted to, for reservoir. |
Sec. 11 | Description. |
Sec. 11 | Provisos. Payment. |
Sec. 11 | Reversion. |
Sec. 12 | Camping ground lands reserved. |
Sec. 12 | Description. |
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act approved February eleventh, nineteen hundred and fifteen (Thirty-eighth Statutes at Large, page eight hundred and seven), entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to survey the lands of the abandoned Fort Assinniboine Military Reservation and open the
same to settlement," be, and the same is hereby, amended by the addition thereto of the following sections:
That fractional townships twenty-eight north, ranges fifteen and sixteen east, and fractional townships twenty-nine north, ranges fourteen and fifteen east, Montana principal meridian, within the boundaries of said reservation, embracing a total area of approximately fifty-six thousand and thirty-five acres, are hereby set apart as a reservation for Rocky Boy’s Band of Chippewas and such other homeless Indians in the State of Montana as the Secretary of the Interior may see fit to locate thereon, and the said Secretary is authorized, in his discretion, to allot the lands within the reservation hereby created under the provisions of the general allotment Act of February eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven (Twenty"fourth Statutes at Large, page three hundred and eighty-eight), as amended.
That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to patent to the city of Havre, Montana, for reservoir purposes, the following-described lands lying within said reservation: The west half southeast quarter, west half section twenty-five, and the southeast quarter northeast quarter, northeast quarter southeast quarter, section twenty-six, township thirty-one north, range fifteen east, Montana principal meridian, comprising reservoir site numbered one and embracing an area of approximately four hundred and eighty acres; and the northwest quarter, west half northeast quarter, north half southwest quarter, northwest quarter southeast quarter, section thirty-three; and the southwest quarter southeast quarter, southeast quarter southwest quarter, section twenty-eight, township thirty north, range sixteen east, Montana principal meridian, comprising reservoir site numbered two, and embracing an area of approximately four hundred and forty acres: Provided, That the city of Havre shall pay for said land the sum of $1.25 per acre: Provided further, That if the said city of Havre shall at any time hereafter abandon the lands above described and cease to use the same for said purposes, said above-described lands shall revert to the Government of the United States.
That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to withdraw and set aside as a camping ground, the same to be kept and maintained without cost to the Government of the United States, the following-described land in said reservation lying on both sides of Beaver Creek within townships twenty-nine, thirty, and thirty-one north, fifteen and sixteen east, to wit: The west half section thirty-four; all of sections thirty-three, twenty-eight, and twenty-one; the west half southwest quarter, northwest quarter section twenty-two; all of section sixteen; the south half, northwest quarter, west half northeast quarter, section nine; the east half northeast quarter section eight; the east half southeast quarter section five; the west half, northeast quarter, west half southeast quarter section four, township twenty-nine north, range sixteen east; and the south half southwest quarter, south half southeast quarter, northeast quarter southeast quarter, east half northeast quarter, section thirty-three; the southeast quarter southeast quarter, north half southeast quarter, southwest quarter southwest quarter, north half southwest quarter, north half, section twenty-eight; the west half southeast quarter, west half northeast quarter, west half, section twenty-one; the east half southeast quarter, cast half northeast quarter, section twenty; the west half section sixteen; east half, east half northwest quarter, section seventeen; the east half southwest quarter, east half northwest quarter, east half, section eight; the west half southwest quarter, west half northwest quarter, section nine; all of section five; the northeast quarter section six, township
thirty north, range sixteen east; and the southwest quarter section thirty-two; the south half, northwest quarter, southwest quarter northeast quarter section thirty-one, township thirty-one worth, range sixteen east; and the east half southeast quarter section twenty"five; southeast quarter southeast quarter, northwest quarter southeast quarter, northeast quarter northeast quarter, west half northeast quarter, east half northwest quarter, northwest quarter northwest quarter, section twenty-six; south half southwest quarter, south half, southeast quarter, section twenty-three, township thirty-one north, range fifteen east, Montana principal meridian, embracing an area of approximately eight thousand eight hundred and eighty acres."
Approved, September 7, 1916.