Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Chap. 22 | Chap. 37 | Chap. 40 | Chap. 41 | Chap. 44 | Chap. 51 | Chap. 60 | Chap. 115 | Chap. 118 | Chap. 138 | Chap. 139 | Chap. 141 | Chap. 142 | Chap. 156 | Chap. 165 | Chap. 166 | Chap. 171 | Chap. 195 | Chap. 277 | Chap. 278 | Chap. 280 | Chap. 282 | Chap. 283 | Chap. 300 | Chap. 305 | Chap. 308 | Chap. 309 | Chap. 312 | Chap. 337 | Chap. 338 | Chap. 341 | Chap. 356 | Chap. 357 | Chap. 379 | Chap. 403 | Chap. 434 | Chap. 458 | Chap. 459 | Chap. 572 | Chap. 576 | Chap. 588 | Chap. 589 | Chap. 657 | Chap. 658 | Chap. 659 | Chap. 661 | Chap. 667 | Chap. 669 | Chap. 694 | Chap. 701 | Chap. 702 | H. R. 10,000 | Chap. 724 | Chap. 734 | Chap. 763 | Chap. 771 | Chap. 773 | Chap. 779 | Chap. 787 | Chap. 797

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Chapter 60
March 18, 1926. | [H. R. 60.] 44 Stat., 211.

An Act For the purpose of reclaiming certain lands in Indian and private ownership within and immediately adjacent to the Lummi Indian Reservation, in the State of Washington, and for other purposes.
Section 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Margin Notes
Chap. 60 Lummi Indian Reservation, Wash. Reclamation of lands in, authorized.
44 Stat., 856; post, 904.
Chap. 60 Proviso. Cost distributed among lands benefited.
Sec. 2 Reimbursement of charge against Indian lands.
Sec. 3 Repayment contract required of private owners of benefited lands.
Sec. 4 Public notice of cost and assessment against benefited lands.
Sec. 4 Installment payments.
Sec. 5 Rule, etc., to be prescribed

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $65,000, or so much thereof as may be required, for reclaiming by construction of dikes approximately four thousand acres of lands in Indian and private ownership within and immediately adjacent to the Lummi Indian Reservation, in the State of Washington: Provided, That the total cost of the project shall be distributed equitably among the lands in Indian ownership and the lands in private ownership that may be benefited in accordance with the benefits received as designated by the Secretary of the Interior.

SEC. 2.

The construction charge properly assessable against the Indian lands shall be reimbursed to the Treasury of the United States under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the

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Interior may prescribe, and there is hereby created a lien against all such lands, which lien shall be recited in any patent issued therefore, prior to the reimbursement of the total amount chargeable against such lands.

SEC. 3.

No part of the sum provided for herein shall be expended for construction on account of any lands in private ownership until an appropriate repayment contract in accordance with the terms of this Act and in form approved by the Secretary of the Interior shall have been properly executed by the landowners whose lands may be benefited by the project.

SEC. 4.

The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to declare by public. notice the cost of the project and the equitable share to be assessed against the lands benefited in accordance with their respective benefits, which cost shall be repaid in annual installments, the first installment to be 5 per centum of the total charge and be due and payable on the 1st day of December of the third year following the date of such public notice, the remainder of the said cost with interest on deferred amounts against land in private ownership from the date of said public notice to be 4 per centum per annum, to be payable on each December 1 thereafter, on the same basis as the first installment, until the obligation is paid in full.

SEC. 5.

The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to perform any and all acts and to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into full force and effect.

Approved, March 18, 1926.

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