Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Chap. 22 | Chap. 37 | Chap. 40 | Chap. 41 | Chap. 44 | Chap. 51 | Chap. 60 | Chap. 115 | Chap. 118 | Chap. 138 | Chap. 139 | Chap. 141 | Chap. 142 | Chap. 156 | Chap. 165 | Chap. 166 | Chap. 171 | Chap. 195 | Chap. 277 | Chap. 278 | Chap. 280 | Chap. 282 | Chap. 283 | Chap. 300 | Chap. 305 | Chap. 308 | Chap. 309 | Chap. 312 | Chap. 337 | Chap. 338 | Chap. 341 | Chap. 356 | Chap. 357 | Chap. 379 | Chap. 403 | Chap. 434 | Chap. 458 | Chap. 459 | Chap. 572 | Chap. 576 | Chap. 588 | Chap. 589 | Chap. 657 | Chap. 658 | Chap. 659 | Chap. 661 | Chap. 667 | Chap. 669 | Chap. 694 | Chap. 701 | Chap. 702 | H. R. 10,000 | Chap. 724 | Chap. 734 | Chap. 763 | Chap. 771 | Chap. 773 | Chap. 779 | Chap. 787 | Chap. 797

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Chapter 771
July 3, 1926. | [H. R. 13040.] 44 Stat., 841.

An Act Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1926, and June 30, 1927, and for other purposes.
Section 2

Margin Notes
Chap. 771 Second Deficiency Act, 1926.
Chap. 771 Interior Department.
Chap. 771 Indian Affairs Bureau.
Chap. 771 Purchase, etc., of supplies.
Chap. 771 Reimbursing Indians for livestock destroyed.
Chap. 771 E. O. Clark. Expenses as Choctaw tribal attorney.
Chap. 771 Sioux Indians. Payment for destruction of horses.
44 Stat., 135; ante, 514.
Chap. 771 Choctaw Indians, Okla. Expenses of principal chief.
Chap. 771 Cahuilla Indian Reservation, Calif. Purchase of land for.
44 Stat., 252; ante, 521.
Chap. 771 Absentee Shawnee Allottees, Okla. Payment of drainage assessments on.
Chap. 771 Five Civilized Tribes. Preserving, etc., records.
Chap. 771 Taholah, Wash. Water supply for.
44 Stat., 303; ante, 522.
Chap. 771 Walker River, Nev., dam. Investigating feasibility of constructing.
44 Stat., 779; ante, 565.
Chap. 771 Seneca Indian school, Wyandotte, Okla. Repairs, improvements, etc.
Chap. 771 Lummi Reservation, Wash. Dikes for reclaiming lands in.
Chap. 771 44 Stat., 211; ante, 528.
Chap. 771 San Carlos Reservation. Coolidge dam across (Gila River, construction, etc.)
43 Stat., 475; ante, 447.
Chap. 771 Proviso. Rights of way, etc.
Chap. 771 Santa Ysabel Reservation, Calif. Purchase of land for.
44 Stat., 690; ante, 555.
Chap. 771 Crow Indian children Mont., allotments to.
44 Stat., 566; ante, 549.
Chap. 771 Northern Cheyenne Reservation, Mont, Expenses allotting in severalty lands on.
44 Stat., 690; ante, 555.
Chap. 771 Reno Indian colony, Nev. Purchase of land for.
44 Stat., 496; ante, 544.
Chap. 771 Dresslerville Indian Colony, Nev. Water supply for.
44 Stat., 560; ante, 548.
Chap. 771 Gagnon and Company.
44 Stat., part 3, 1485; post, 909.
O. H. Lipps.
44 Stat., part 3, 1483; post, 907.
Sec. 2 Audited Claims.
Sec. 2 Payment of, certified by General Accounting Office.
Sec. 2 18 Stat., 110.
Sec. 2 23 Stat., 254.
Sec. 2 Interior Department.

Page 902

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, and prior fiscal years, to provide supplemental appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1926, and June 30, 1927, and for other purposes, namely:

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For expenses necessary to the purchase of goods and supplies for the Indian Service, including inspection, pay of necessary employees, and all other expenses connected therewith, including advertising, storage,, and transportation of Indian goods and supplies, for the fiscal years that follow:
For 1924, $3,725.15.
For 1925, $64,825.01.

Suppressing contagious diseases among livestock .of Indians: For reimbursing Indians for livestock destroyed, including the same objects specified in the appropriation for this purpose in the Interior Department appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1925, $290.

Expenses of Choctaw tribal attorney (tribal funds): To reimburse E. O. Clark, of Stigler, Oklahoma, for certain expenses incurred by him as Choctaw tribal attorney for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1925, and for which he has not been reimbursed, $1,431.46, payable out of the tribal funds of the Choctaw Indian Nation, Oklahoma.

To pay the claims of certain members of the Sioux Nation of Indians of South Dakota for damages occasioned by the destruction of their horses, as authorized by the Act approved March 1, 1926, fiscal year 1926, $15,345.

Expenses of principal chief, Choctaw Nation (tribal funds): For actual necessary expenses of the principal chief of the Choctaw Indian Nation, Oklahoma, for the fiscal year 1926, the additional sum of $1,000, payable out of the tribal funds of said Choctaw Indian Nation.

Purchase of land for Cahuilla Indian Reservation, California: For the purchase of a certain tract of land containing approximately twenty acres situated adjacent to the Cahuilla Indian Reservation, California, and now included in the patented homestead entry of one Frank N. Clark, as authorized by the Act approved April 14, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $2,000.

Absentee Shawnee Allottees, Oklahoma: For payment of assessments upon the allotments of certain Absentee Shawnee Allottees for a drainage ditch connecting Little River Drainage Ditch Numbered One in Pottawatomie County, with Little River Drainage Ditch Numbered Two in Cleveland County, Oklahoma, fiscal year 1927, $1,200, to be expended and reimbursed under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe.

For recopying, repairing, rebinding, indexing, and otherwise preserving records and papers in the office of Superintendent for the Five Civilized Tribes, Muskogee, Oklahoma, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1927, $10,000.

Water supply at Taholah, Washington (tribal funds): For construction of a system of water supply at Taholah on the Quinaielt Reservation, Washington, as authorized by the Act approved April 19, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $3,000, payable from the tribal funds of the Indians of the Quinaielt Reservation.

Walker River, Nevada, Dam: To carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to investigate and determine the feasibility of the construction of an irrigation dam on Walker River, Nevada," approved June 30, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $10,000.

Page 904

Repairs, improvements, and so forth, Seneca Indian School, Wyandotte, Oklahoma: For repairing and improving the present buildings and equipment; the erection of new buildings and the purchase of new equipment with the object of increasing the capacity of the school from one hundred and seventy to two hundred and seventy pupils, fiscal year 1927, $40,000.

Reclaiming lands on the Lummi Reservation, Washington (reimbursable): For construction of dikes and other necessary work incidental thereto for the reclaiming of approximately 4,000 acres of lands in Indian and private ownership within and immediately adjacent to the Lummi Indian Reservation, in the State of Washington, as authorized by the Act of March 18, 1926, and under the terms and conditions of, and reimbursable as provided in, said Act, fiscal year 1927, $65,000.

Coolidge Dam across canyon of Gila River near San Carlos, Arizona: For construction of the Coolidge Dam across the canyon of the Gila River near San Carlos, Arizona, as authorized by the Act of June 7, 1924 (Forty-third Statutes, pages 475, 476), and under terms and conditions and reimbursable as provided in said Act, fiscal year 1927, $725,000: Provided, That said sum shall be available for acquiring rights of way and other purposes provided for in said Act.

Santa Ysabel Reservation, California: For the purchase of land and payment of expenses incurred in connection therewith as authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to purchase certain lands in California to be added to the Santa Ysabel Indian Reservation and authorizing an appropriation of funds therefor," approved June 3, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $25,000.

Crow Indian Children, Montana: For surveys and other expenses connected with the allotments authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to allot lands to living children on the Crow Reservation, Montana," approved May 19, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $5,000, payable from tribal funds of the Crow Indians.

Northern Cheyenne Reservation, Montana: For expenses of making the tribal roll, compiling list of lands, surveys and classifications, and all other expenses connected with the allotments authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for alloting in severalty lands within the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Montana, and for other purposes," approved June 3, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $27,500.

Reno Indian Colony, Nevada: For the purchase of land in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to purchase certain land in Nevada to be added to the present site of the Reno Indian Colony, and authorizing the appropriation of funds therefor," approved May 10, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $4,300.

Dresslerville Indian Colony, Nevada: For carrying out the Act entitled "An Act to provide for an adequate water-supply system at the Dresslerville Indian Colony," approved May 17, 1926, fiscal year 1927, $5,500.

Gagnon and Company (Incorporated): For carrying out the Act entitled "An Act for the relief of Gagnon and Company, Incorporated," approved May 29, 1926, fiscal year 1926, $3,592.

O. H. Lipps: For payment to O. H. Lipps in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act for the relief of O. H. Lipps," approved May 29, 1926, fiscal year 1926, $901.55.


SEC. 2.

That for the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874, and

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under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1923 and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have. been certified to Congress under section 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 333, Sixty-ninth Congress, there is appropriated as follows:


For support of Indians in Arizona and New Mexico, $12.
For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $541.29.
For relieving distress and prevention, and so forth, of diseases among Indians, $217.

Approved, July 3, 1926.

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