Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in the act of February 8, 1887(24 Stat. L., 388-389), that the trust period on the allotments made to the Indians on the Nez Perce Reservation, in Idaho, which trust period expires during the calendar year 1920, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of ten years, with the following exceptions:
Ellen Williams | 8 | John Pinkham (E lau sa le ka tset) | 24 |
Benjamin D. Penny | 16 | Annie Parnell | 32 |
Elizabeth Penny, jr | 17 | James Stuart | 36 |
William Ots we ah | 19 | Peter Corbett | 41 |
Charles White, jr | 23 | Paul Corbett, jr | 58 |
Joseph McCormick | 82 | Jesse Paul | 778 |
Mark Arthur (Kul kul star hah) | 86 | Oo tootz to wa tot | 788 |
Mary Bailey Arthur (Kote see) | 87 | George Guthrie | 794 |
Daniel Arthur | 90 | Matthew Lawyer (He mees min to hu e nu) | 809 |
Edward J. Conner | 92 | ||
Osiahs Lawrence | 95 | Ke na pe | 848 |
Phoebe Nelson Lawrence | 96 | William Daniel (Pe lu tset) | 868 |
Stephen Reubens. | 104 | Tom Henry Mox Mox | 913 |
Susie (He yume yone my) | 172 | Tah harts | 941 |
Joseph Davis | 202 | William Moody (Wish weyal wit) | 972 |
Mabel Daniel (He yume take to nikt) | 208 | John Doumecq | 983 |
Grover C. Jackson (Hah neets) | 227 | Sampson Spaulding (Wa tes to ka yekt) | 993 |
Samuel Morris | 248 | Mark Lindsley (Tim na how lis) | 1051 |
Annie Corbett Morris | 249 | Harriet Amera (Ip sah laukt) | 1068 |
Silas Corbett (Po hat sa) | 252 | Jeanette Williams Jonas | 1091 |
Edith Corbett | 254 | Lizzie Hayes | 1096 |
Amos Powake | 264 | George Moody (Wap she li) | 1097 |
Ellen Powake | 265 | Tom Ta lah hats wol | 1110 |
Albert Moore | 281 | Eugenia (Te lotes) | 1148 |
Josiah (Knocks kown) | 289 | Robert Parsons | 1239 |
Amy Lawyer | 294 | Appolas Parsons | 1245 |
Lizzie Lawyer | 298 | Mrs. Agatha Evans | 1256 |
Albert Moses | 301 | Charles Little Wesley (Poo na yekt) | 1294 |
Elmer Woodward Whitfield | 307 | James Smith (Khel yets) | 298 |
Edward Pah kar la py kt (Sil kutes) | 317 | James Hayes (Nose no koot koot) | 1312 |
Jane Pah kar la pykt (Sutes koo) | 319 | Nettie Hayes | 1314 |
Billy Compo | 320 | Andrew Hayes | 1324 |
Ellen Compo | 323 | Ko tsun ne | 1343 |
Alexis James (Sow we hah) | 355 | Bob James (Ims slu kin) | 1348 |
Susan Miller | 370 | Tome nes (James) | 1350 |
Jane Tababoo (Wa win tale kar tsat) | 381 | Emma Lindsley Stwyer | 1409 |
John Tababoo (Tse he ga) | 382 | Watkins Ezekiel (Pah lee ah ol wit) | 1435 |
Sophia Moore | 396 | Camille Williams (How lis non Pone) | 1445 |
Agapitus James (Hel hel ken) | 422 | Yah yahk wa tson my | 1465 |
Wilson Davis (See lowtokt) | 431 | Harry Astor Moffet | 1483 |
Charles Webb (Flat top) | 440 | Nathaniel Samuel Jabeth | 1497 |
Carrie Nesbet (Took tah lilpt) | 477 | Isaac Wilson | 1525 |
Charles Bartlett | 495 | Justin Parsons | 1551 |
Amos Williams | 515 | Fanny Parsons | 1552 |
George Penney (He yunete le kar tsat) | 523 | Jude Parsons | 1554 |
Annie Grant | 551 | Pe tsak kin | 1466 |
William Lemon (Tuon a moo) | 559 | Amelia Lindsley | 1568 |
Elias Pond | 585 | Robert Boyd (La om nin Moz nin) | 1574 |
Charles Miles (Wechee ne nikt) | 591 | Norton Blackeagle (Te pooh sheen) | 1578 |
James Miles | 592 | Rebecca N. Blackeagle | 1580 |
Edward Bronche | 593 | Hill (He yume yiptin) | 1618 |
Frank Bronche | 595 | Mabel Lowry (Wen yo son my) | 1627 |
Mary Ann Henry Bronche | 596 | Nancy John | 1648 |
Thomas Bronche | 597 | Walter Roland | 1670 |
Amanda Bronche (Tall so nah) | 598 | Milton George | 1672 |
Sophie Thomas | 605 | Jesse Williams | 1683 |
Thomas L. Bronche | 626a | Philip Morris | 1693 |
Elizabeth Bronche | 627 | Pahkan la sim likt | 1704 |
Charles Bronche | 638 | Charles Spaulding (Tits himpk) | 1730 |
Mary Bronche | 639 | James Moore (Kolkol tsim likt) | 1761 |
Margeret Bronche | 640 | Hugh Thompson (Tahmah lu timt) | 1773 |
Mary Ann Bronche | 641 | John Alfrey Leitch | 1810 |
Mrs. Noble Henry | 645 | Madeline Lowry (Ip now you son my) | 1824 |
Solomon Henry | 645a | Joseph Peterson (hats kah) | 1848 |
Jane Henry | 647 | Harry Wheeler | 1857 |
Joseph Henry | 648 | Louie Samuel | 1863 |
John Henry | 649 | Alexander Samuel (Ats so) | 1864 |
Benjamin Henry | 650 | Albert Edward Davis | 1904 |
Frank Henry | 651 | Clarfast Tillier | 1913 |
Carter (Ip nah sanlah kaskt) | 655 | Laurett Tillier | 1914 |
Mary Half Moon (Petol chee yee) | 664 | Albert Tillier | 1915 |
Rosa Bronche | 668 | James Dickson | 1928 |
Minnie Fairfield | 689 | Peo peo yo war coss | 1932 |
Louis Matthew | 735 | Sam Slickpoo | 1951 |
Elijah (Ta hum li kinmy) | 759 | Lula ko tsan my | 1962 |
Marion Leitch | 4 | He yume ke yar yekt | 946 |
David White | 22 | Bartholomew Moody (Teo kae wa we ah nae) | 978 |
Susan Corbett Holmes | 34 | ||
Fleix Corbett | 55 | Eliza Moody (He yume te yah lilpt) | 979 |
Thomas Gould | 59 | Julia Moody | 980 |
Eva Gould | 61 | Ept kae tae nae koo | 981 |
Kate Sheldon | 68 | Julia Bannock | 982 |
Susan McAtty Sheldon | 69 | Mrs. Annie Settler | 987 |
Edna Sheldon | 74 | Ruth Waters | 996 |
Viola Allen | 85 | Charley Scout (Ela tah kokt) | 1046 |
Carrie Arthur | 88 | Ellen Scout (Pe la wa tsan my) | 1047 |
Sarah Arthur | 89 | Lemon Scout (Nats kune) | 1048 |
Lily Porter | 111 | Hattie Walker (Ah lew yah tol te pat) | 1070 |
Tola la son my | 132 | Levi Jonas | 1090 |
Nots nun my | 175 | Lily Jonas | 1092 |
Walts e nin (Te pe lau not kipt) | 177 | Justice Jonas | 1093 |
Annie Kane (In te ta) | 215 | Lat sa sah | 1098 |
Kay koo yune sin Jackson | 225 | Lydia Moody (Ah la wy ma) | 1099 |
John Brown (Tsu lim he ko yim tsa) | 243 | Lily Amera | 1112 |
Tel lee way ma | 244 | Thomas Hudson (Wa tets koots koots) | 1133 |
Annie Brooks Moore | 282 | Lydia Newman | 1144 |
William Moore | 283 | Joseph Harsche | 1178 |
Harry Moore | 284 | Charlotte Whitman Axtell | 1197 |
Lily Ta kots | 291 | John Parsons | 1243 |
Ella Bassett (Ipna mot pikt) | 292 | William Stephen (Hay utes) | 1278 |
Maggie Lawyer | 297 | John Little Wesley | 1295 |
Moses (Its te milk) | 299 | Walter Haves | 1318 |
Mary Moses | 300 | James Minthorn (We yah lah kar wit) | 1347 |
Martha Moses | 302 | Julia Whitman | 1376 |
Noah Whitfield | 306 | Mostops | 1410 |
Viola Bredell | 333 | Isaiah Bailey | 1422 |
David Bredell | 334 | Mary Bailey | 1423 |
Le chin | 336 | Agnes McAtty | 1441 |
Jeanette Lawyer McFarland | 399 | Tah tsat | 1463 |
Walter McFarland | 402 | Koo lah tsa | 1464 |
Harvey (Tse ni yo) | 413 | Moses Monteith (Et pah lat ke) | 1467 |
(Sah yah wit) Alexander | 414 | Mary Monteith | 1468 |
Pe na wit me win my | 420 | Charles Monteith (Its kulk tah) | 1470 |
Madens Webb (In ka wes) | 441 | William Ladd Monteith | 1471 |
Amelia Webb | 442 | Asa Wilson (Hin ma tune Te me na) | 1523 |
Martha Raymond | 451 | Alexander Wilson | 1526 |
Nellie Raymond | 454 | Margaret Williams | 1532 |
Charles Beall | 474 | Lulu Kip kip pali kin | 1558 |
Tah moo tat pikt | 480 | Mary We pe tots | 1562 |
Ned George (Ah lew ya) | 577a | Annie Ou ya ma | 1575 |
Rosa Maxwell | 629 | Rachel Samuel | 1608 |
Indian Jake (See wee katch it) | 630 | Joel Rankin (Soh ke ma kis) | 1609 |
Ta moltz ta kae ka wan | 631 | Fanny Rankin | 1610 |
Nartk | 635 | Ida Rankin | 1611 |
Dick Johnson (Ip na mat we kin) | 674 | Agatha Rankin | 1613 |
Annie Johnson (Ah na-ne-mart) | 675 | Martha Rankin (Tsi nas poo) | 1615 |
Al lip | 710 | Martha Corbett | 1659 |
Pah ko le kah tsat Samuel | 711 | Dolly Richards Brown (Ah tets) | 1663 |
Pe ku nen mu | 712 | Rebecca Ellenwood | 1675 |
Eliza Jane Coleman | 715 | Sally James | 1682 |
Theresa Slickpoo | 721 | Hattie Moody (He yume yat my) | 1711 |
David Slickpoo | 722 | Ip na ma wits | 1760 |
Pe toe no | 730 | Alexander Hoyt (Is to kas Tip yah lah na to ka aye kin) | 1821 |
Salmon Billy | 736 | ||
Agnes Luke | 740 | 1825 | Him ah nim |
Augusta Luke | 741 | Kitty Adams (He yume tah mak my) | 1882 |
Mary Eugene (Tok tah ma) | 748 | Andrew Adams | 1884 |
Jane Wa wets na nets poo | 765 | Op sus | 1976 |
Mary Lucy Thomas Types | 792 | Mary Kane | 1995 |
George We yas kay set | 801 |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 24 March, 1920.
It is hereby ordered under authority contained in Section 5 of the Act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. 388-389), that the trust period on the allotments to Nez Perce Indians in Idaho, which trust period expires during the calendar year 1927, be and is hereby extended for a period of ten years from date of expiration.
THE WHITE HOUSE, July 22, 1927.