Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.
It is hereby ordered that the following-described lands in New Mexico, namely:
"That strip of land bounded on the east by the west boundary of the Jemez Pueblo; on the west by the range line between ranges 1 and 2 east of the New Mexico principal meridian, in township 16 north; on the south by the north boundary of the San Isidro grant; and on the north by the south boundary of the Canyon de San Diego grant, containing approximately 908.48 acres,"
Excepting any tract or tracts the title to which has passed out of the United States, or to which valid legal rights have attached, be, and the same are hereby, withdrawn from sale and settlement and set apart as a reservation for the use and benefit of the Indians of the Jemez Pueblo.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 4 October, 1915.
It is hereby ordered that the following-described lands situated in the State of New Mexico, excepting any tract or tracts the title to which has passed out of the United States, or to which valid legal rights have attached, be, and the same are hereby, withdrawn from entry, sale, or other disposition, and set apart as a reservation for the use and occupancy of the Indians of the Laguna Pueblo, and such other Pueblo Indians as the Secretary of the Interior may settle thereon:
Fractional townships 9 and 10 north, range 4 west, N. M. P. M. (east and south of the San Juan Gigante and El Rito purchases, Laguna Pueblo patented lands).
Township 8 north, ranges 4, 5, and 6 west, N. M. P. M.
Fractional township 8 north, range 7 west, N. M. P. M. (east and south of the Acoma grant).
Fractional township 9 north, range 5 west, N. M. P. M. (that part thereof lying south of the Laguna Pueblo grant and San Juan Gigante and El Rito purchases, and not embraced within Executive order of July 1, 1910).
Fractional township 9 north, ranges 6 and 7 west, N. M. P. M. (that part thereof not embraced within the Executive order reservation of July 1, 1910, for the Pueblo Laguna).
THE WHITE HOUSE, 21 March, 1917.
THE WHITE HOUSE, January 28, 1908.
Whereas it is found that Executive order of November 11, 1907, setting apart certain lands for the use of the Indians of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation, New Mexico, conflicts in part with Executive order of November 9, 1907, setting apart certain lands as an addition to the Navajo Indian Reservation, New Mexico, said Executive order is hereby so amended that the description of the tract of land thereby set apart for the purpose named therein shall read as follows:
Beginning at a point on the south boundary of the Jicarilla Indian Reservation on the range line between townships 26 and 27 north, ranges 2 and 3 west, New Mexico principal meridian; thence west on said south boundary to the southwest corner of the reservation; thence continuing west on the township line between townships 26 and 27 north to the northwest corner of township 26 north, range 5 west; thence south to the southwest corner of township 22 north, range 5 west; thence east along the township line between townships 21 and 22 north to the northeast corner of township 21 north, ,range 4 west; thence continuing east over unsurveyed lands along what would be, if established, the township line between townships 21 and 22 north to what would be, if established, the southeast corner of township 22 north, range 2 west; thence north over unsurveyed lands to what will be when established the northeast corner of township 23 north, range 2 west; thence west over unsurveyed lands along what would be, if established, the township line between townships 23 and 24 north to what would be, if established, the southeast corner of township 24 north, range 4 west; thence north over unsurveyed lands to the southeast corner of township 25 north, range 4 west; thence continuing north along the east line of township 25 north, range 4 west, to the southeast corner of township 26 north, range 4 west; thence east over unsurveyed lands along what would be, if established, the township line between townships 25 and 26 north to what would be, if established, the southeast corner of township 26 north, range 3 west; thence north to the place of beginning.
(Corrected description as it appears in vol. 3, p. 682.)
Fractional section 21, township 30 north of range 16 west of the Now Mexico principal meridian in New Mexico, is hereby reserved from all forms of entry or other disposal, and set aside for administration purposes connected with the San Juan Indian boarding school on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico.
Executive order dated July 9, 1910, New Mexico coal land withdrawal No. 1, is hereby modified so as to eliminate therefrom the fractional section described herein.
THE WHITE HOUSE, December 1, 1913.
It is hereby ordered that the following described lands situated in the State of New Mexico, which belong to or may hereafter be acquired by the United States, are hereby withdrawn from settlement and sale and are set apart for the use and occupancy of the Navajo and such other Indians as the Secretary of the Interior may see fit to settle thereon:
Township 15 N., range 10 W.—S. ½ sec. 1, W. ½ and SE. ¼ sec. 3, all of sec. 11, E. ½ sec. 15, N. ½ and SW. ¼ sec. 21, W. ½ and SE. ¼ sec. 31.
Township 16 N., range 10 W.—W. ½ sec. 7, N. ½ and SW. ¼ sec. 19.
Township 15 N., R. 11 W.—All of sec. 5, W. ½ and SE. ¼ sec. 7, SW. ¼ sec. l5, all of sec. 17, SW. ¼ sec. 23, all of sec. 27, all of sec. 35.
Township 16 N., range 11 W.—E. ½ and SW. ¼ sec. 1, all of sec. 5, all of sec. 7, all of sec. 9, all of sec. 13, all of sec. 15, all of sec. 17, SW. ¼ sec. 19, N. ½ sec.21.
Township 17 N., range 11 W.—All of sec. 25.
Township 18 N., range 11 W.—All of sec. 17.
Township 15 N., range 12 W.—All of sec. 5, all of sec. 7, all of sec. 9, all of sec. 19, all of sec. 21, all of sec. 25, all of sec. 27, all of sec. 29, all of sec. 31.
Township 16 N., range 12 W.—S. ½ sec. 1, E. ½ sec. 11, N. ½ and SE. ¼ sec. 13, W. ½ SE. ¼ and E. ½ SW. ¼ sec. 15, NW. ¼ sec. 21, all of sec. 31, NW. ¼ and SW. ¼ sec. 35.
Township 17 N., range 12 W.—S. ½ sec. 21, all of sec. 27, E. ½ sec. 29, all of sec. 33, NW. ¼ sec. 35.
Township 19 N., range 12 W.—All of sec. 25.
Township 15 N., range 13 W.—All of sec. 7, all of sec. 15, all of sec. 17, all of sec. 23.
Township 17 N., range 13 W.—NE. ¼ sec. 1, SE. ¼ sec. 7, all of sec. 9, all of sec. 11, W. ½ and SE. ¼ sec. 13, all of sec. 15, all of sec. 17, all of sec 21, all of sec. 23, N. ½ sec. 25, N. ½ sec. 27, NE. ¼ sec. 29.
Township 19 N., range 13 W.—All of sec. 5, all of sec. 7, N. ½ and SW. ¼ sec. 9, all of sec. 17, N. ½ sec. 23, N. ½ and SE. ¼ sec. 27, all of sec. 31.
Township 15 N., range 14 W.—All of sec. 1, NE. ¼ sec. 7, all of sec. 11, NW. ¼ sec. 19, E. ½ sec. 21, all of sec. 23, N. ½ sec. 31, N. ½ sec. 33.
Township 16 N., range 14 W.—S. ½ sec. 15, E. ½ sec. 31, SE. ¼ sec. 33.
Township 16 N., range 15 W.—W. ½ sec. 13, SW. ¼ sec. 17, NE. ¼ sec. 19, all of sec. 25, E. ½ and SW. ¼ sec. 27.
Township 16 N., range 16 W.—NE. ¼ and SW. ¼ sec. 15, all of sec. 23, SE. ¼ sec. 35.
Township 17 N., range 16 W.—S. ½ sec. 31.
Township 16 N., range 17 W.—All of sec. 5, all of sec. 17, E. ½ SW. ¼ and E. ½ NW. ¼ sec. 23, all of sec. 25, all of sec. 27, all of sec. 29, W. ½ sec. 33, all of sec. 35.
Township 16 N., range 18 W.—N. ½ sec. 3, W. ½ and SE. ¼ sec. 17, NW. ¼ sec. 29.
Township 17 N., range 18 W.—SE. ¼ sec. 33.
Township 16 N., range 19 W.—W. ½ and SE. ¼ sec. 3, NE. ¼ sec. 25.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 15 January, 1917.
It is hereby ordered that the SE. ¼ SE. ¼ sec. 8, T. 11 N., R. 3 W., N. M. P. M. New Mexico, be, and it is hereby, temporarily withdrawn from settlement, entry, sale, or other disposition until March 5, 1927, in aid of proposed legislation.
If legislation be not enacted before the adjournment of the last session of the 69th Congress, and no other direction is given regarding the disposition of such land, it will, on March 5, 1927, become subject to disposal under any law then applicable thereto without further order.
THE WHITE HOUSE, October 24, 1924.
It is hereby ordered that the following-described lands in the State of New Mexico; containing an aggregate area of 386.85 acres, be, and they are hereby, temporarily withdrawn from settlement, entry, sale, or other disposition until March 5, 1922, in aid of proposed legislation:
Township 15 north, range 2 east.—Lots 4, 5, and 6, and E. ½ SW. ¼ section 7; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, and E. ½ NW. ¼ and E. ½ SW. ¼ section 18.
If legislation be not enacted before the adjournment of the last session of the 67th Congress, and no other direction is given regarding the disposition of such lands, they will, on March 5, 1922, become subject to disposal under any law then applicable thereto without further order.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 6 November, 1920.
It is hereby ordered that the following-described lands in the State of New Mexico, containing an aggregate area of 386.85 acres, be, and they are hereby, temporarily withdrawn from settlement, entry, sale, or other disposition until March 5, 1924:
Township 15 north, range 2 East; lots 4, 5, and 6, and E. ½ SW. ¼, section 7; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, and E. ½ NW. 14 and E. ½ SW. ¼ section 18.
If legislation be not enacted before March 5, 1924; to withdraw these lands permanently, and no other directions given regarding the disposition of such lands, they will on that date become subject to disposal under any law then applicable thereto without further order. This order supersedes and takes the place of Executive Order No. 3351, dated November 6, 1920.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February, 16, 1922.