Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in section 5 of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388-398), that the trust periods on the allotments of the Absentee Shawnee and Citizen Pottawatomie Indians in Oklahoma, which trust expires during the calendar year 1917, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of ten years from the dates of expiration, with the exception of the following:
128 | Alford, Alaric. | 514 | Ellis, Lucinda, or Nay-co-twa-pea-e. |
3 | Alford, Charles R. | 148 | Hodjo, Billy. |
1 | Alford, Thomas W. | 52 | Than-ah-pea-se, now Morton, Mary. |
7 | Beaver, Addie | 186 | Panther, Lilly. |
331 | Dav, George. | 496 | Sloan, Victor. |
262 | Ellis, Willie. | 251 | Switch, James. |
362 | Fox, Clarence, or Tah-wah-pea-sca-ca. | 355 | Thorp, Frank. |
387 | Baubien, George A. | 417 | Map-gee-wa, Lewis. |
674 | Bowles, Grace. | 438 | Mitchell, Josette. |
522 | Baldwin, Maggie. | 704 | Mkto-sum-qua (Kite-os-num-qua). |
283 | Bergeron, Frank. | 1368 | Moore, Charles E. |
773 | Bertrand, Walter. | 799 | Muller, William A. |
651 | Bourbonnais, Frank. | 1008 | Navarre, Peter. |
672 | Bowles, Adelle. | 1217 | Navarre, Robert J. |
1362 | Boyer, Annie (nee Clardy). | 2 | Negahnquit, Albert. |
245 | Burnett, Kate. | 21 | Negahnquit, Catherine M. |
234 | Burnett, Mary. | 1 | Negahnquit, Stephen. |
104 | Castlebury, Josephene. | 881 | Nouree, Delilah. |
1208 | Corder, Benj. Franklin. | 628 | O'Marre, James. |
318 | Darling, Edward. | 6 | Peyton, Mary (nee Burnett). |
1213 | De Graff, George. | 1327 | Pratt, Mary. |
372 | Dike, George A. | 125 | Rayfield, Rachael (nee Travis). |
376 | Dike, Effie M. | 518 | Rayfield, Sophia T. |
373 | Dike, Fannie A. (Peddicord). | 953 | Shoeman, Joseph M. |
375 | Dike. Mary R. | 951 | Shoeman, Mary. |
379 | Dike Reed W. | 139 | Smith, George B. |
377 | Dike, William L. | 733 | Smith, Nancy. |
516 | Fregon, Henrietta V.C. | 504 | Spear, Mary (Nee Trombla). |
839 | Gilbert, Laura (nee Lesis). | 506 | Spear, Ozetta. |
840 | Gilbert, Wiliam | 50 | Spear, Rollie. |
292 | Goodin, John William. | 319 | Striegel, Carrie May. |
698 | Greemore, Mabel C. | 188 | Stuve, Alice. |
714 | Gregson, Cora. | 534 | Tescier, Eli. |
714 | Gregson, Cora. | 534 | Tescier, Eli. |
714 | Gregson, Cora. | 534 | Tescier, Eli. |
102 | Haas, George. | 497 | Trousdale, Mary M. |
1245 | Hetzall, Luella. | 487 | Vieux, Louis. |
478 | Halloway, Alexander. | 57 | Weldfelt, Abraham. |
477 | Halloway, Emily. | 437 | Weldfelt, Joseph. |
906 | Kennedy, John E. | 591 | Weldfelt, Maggie E. |
281 | Kime, Albert Franklin. | 369 | Whitehead, Irene. |
967 | Lareau, Anna G. | 368 | Whitehead, John. |
963 | Lareau, Frank C. | 370 | Whitehead, Webster. |
961 | Lareau, Mary A. | 584 | Wickens, Lee. |
964 | Lareau, Mary J. | 586 | Wickens, Pearl. |
837 | Lewis, Flora. | 1371 | Wilmet, Leo. |
833 | Lewis, Iva B. | 1243 | Wilmette, Joseph A. |
834 | Lewis, Josephene. | 96 | Yott, Alexander. |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 24 November, 1916.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in section 5 of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 38S-389), that the trust period on the following Indian allotments "In Oklahoma, which trust expires during 1917, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of 10 years:
234 | Mary Burnett, now Wesselhoff. |
245 | Kate Burnett, now Lessert. |
497 | Mary M. Trousdale. |
714 | Cora Gregson, now Kelly. |
733 | Nancy Smith, now Fehlig. |
186 | Panther, Lilly, now Tyner. |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 15 January, 1917.
It is hereby ordered that the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 13, township 13 north, range 8 west, Indian meridian, Oklahoma, be, and it is hereby, reserved from entry, sale, or other disposal, and set aside for agency and school purposes in connection with the administration of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian Agency in Oklahoma.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 29 December, 1915.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in section 5 of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388-389), that the trust periods on the allotments of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians in Oklahoma which trust expires during the calendar year 1917, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of 10 years from the dates of expiration, with the exception of the following:
Allot. No. | Name. | Allot. No. | Name. |
764a | Antelope, Alice. | 277 | Eating Wolf. |
619 | Antelope, Fenton. | Edson, Casper (Ne-a-dough-tough). | 1267 |
620 | Antelope, DeForest. | 610 | Eyes, Fatty (Fred Siouxman). |
1137 | Baby (Va-sis-sa) (Ralph Middleman). | 2443 | Feather Head (Armstrong Standing Water). |
1799 | Bad Squaw (Hazel Sponner). | ||
2620 | Bald Head (Paul Beaver). | 238 | Fletcher, Skunk (Joe). |
2928 | Balenti, Michael. | 235 | Fletcher, William. |
4 | Bare Belly (Thomas Cloudchief). | 1461 | Franklin, Ben (Wah-cach). |
1658 | Bechenen (Harry Benton). | 3160 | Frass, George. |
1581 | Bent, George (Tex-an) (George B. Bent). | 628 | Goodsell, William. |
1580 | Bent Jesse (Jes-see). | 2869 | Gould, Jay. |
644 | Bent, Neal. | 3126 | Grass Hopper (Harrold Island). |
643 | Bent, Nellie (Nellie Burns). | 2932 | Hagg, Mike (Mack Haag). |
229 | Bent, William (Mah-do-neh). | 1991 | Hamilton, Joi. |
639 | Bear Robe (Vanhorn Flyingman). | 3220 | Hammer (Stone Creeping Bear). |
2331 | Big Man (John Hoof). | 1742 | Haury Theodore (Theodore Howry). |
212 | Bigeagle, Hailman. | 3110 | Hauser, Annie. |
2035 | Big Man (Harry Black). | 155 | Hawk (Joseph Black Wolf). |
2934 | Big White Man (Fred Haag). | 2948 | Hawk Flying (Archie Old Crow). |
3044 | Bird Robe (Andrew Bird Chief). | 2075 | Head Bear (John Roman Nose). |
3264 | Black Bear (Willie White Eagle). | 60 | Heap of Birds, Alfrich. |
1939 | Black Bird (Bruce Cohoe). | 325 | Holler (Virginia Lonelodge) (Daw-ot-da). |
3183 | Black Eagle (Black Bird Washee). | 302 | Houser, Harry (Yellow). |
1382 | Black Magpie (Wa-uh-a-wah-tan-na). | 44 | Howling in Cloud (Orin Turtle) (Wah-ah-nis-to). |
1231 | Black Man (Wa-ut-ta) (Bangs Black Sleeper). | ||
1447 | John (John Candy). | ||
633 | Black Wolf (Rollin Blackwolf). | 2390 | Joining War Party. |
1484a | Blackman , John. | 3235 | Keith, Robert. |
814 | Blind Bear (William Packer). | 3240 | Keith, Sarah (Sarah Garmes). |
2059a | Bliss, Frank. | 3237 | Keith, Stella (Stella Hodgkinson). |
736 | Bull Coming Up (Samuel Thunder Bull). | 3161 | Killer, Sampson (Sampson Kelly). |
808 | Bull Bear, Oscar Burns, Robert. | 1790 | Lame Woman (Otto Little Man). |
2442 | Calf (Francis Standing Water). | 2848 | Lee, Francis. |
330 | Chamberlain, Samuel. | 2588 | Lenard (Leonard Stone Road). |
1246 | Cheyenne Chief (He-ta-se-na-cha) (Binford Birdchief). | 2516 | Little Beaver (Elliott F. Coyote). |
955 | Little Calf (Harry Left Hand). | ||
1399 | Cleveland, Grover. | 773 | Little Man (Ray Little Hand). |
788a | Cometserah, Laird. | 2935 | Little White Girl (Leah Thompson). |
1856 | Cook, Phillip. | 1785 | Little Wolf (John Littlehawk). |
804 | Counter (Harvey Good Bear). | 167 | Little Woman (Mary) (Mary Alfrey). |
2332 | Crooked Neck (Peter Hoof). | 3143 | Magpie, Ernest. |
2653 | Crooked Woman Hoffman. | 3253 | Magpie (Lee Oldcamp). |
516 | Curtis, Annie (Annie Eaglenest). | 2872 | Man of War (Harry Williams). |
374 | Curtis Richmond (Richard Curtis). | 1472 | Man in Water (Nach-e-nan) (Mathew Hail). |
754 | Deer (Elmer Wolf Tongue). | ||
273 | Drinking Woman (Bessie Crotzer). | 2270 | Meat (David Bighead). |
2903 | Driving Behind (Thomas Knocking Face). | 3189 | Medicine Grass (Fred Roundstone). |
420 | Medicine Standing (Ed Yellowcalf). | ||
3195 | Eagle Feathers, Susie. | 520 | Midnight, Inez (Ho-toch-da-ha). |
Allot. No. | Name. | Allot. No. | Name. |
993 | Miguel, Joseph. | 2374 | Slipper (Rudolph Lefthand). |
1185 | Miles, Benijah (Ne-a-tha). | 266 | Star, Harry (Noc-ze-ists). |
835 | Miller Big Nose. | 3247 | Willie Shields. |
1358 | Moapie (Jesse Rowlodge). | 1546 | Elmer Sweezy (Wo-hi-ah). |
1385 | Moccasins (Nelson Sage Bark). | 2920 | Seward, Bird. |
2434 | Mouse Road (Paul Goose). | 204 | Sewell, Doc. |
739 | Murphy, Charles. | 3246 | Shields, Tillie (Tillie Anderson). |
1143 | Nace, Harry (Monroe). | 431 | Short Man (Peter Whitebear). |
1733 | Old Man (Alfred Little Bird). | 297 | Short Teeth, Albert. |
1293 | Old Man (Ba-ha-e) (Wakefield Youngbear). | 1755 | Sweezy, Karl (Wa-tan). |
3316 | Tackett, Marine D. (Marine D. T. Raven). | ||
2492 | One Horn (Homer Seger). | ||
2666 | Over (Russell Standing Water). | 3109 | Teeth Woman (Louisa Hauser White). |
1324 | Paint Bear (Wak-ba-e) (Walter Lonelodge). | 1837 | Todd, Mary E. (Mary E. Nicholson). |
1086 | Two Feathers on the Head (Ne-sa-kn) (Ernest Simpson). | ||
2149 | Pawnee, Joseph. | ||
1260 | Ponca Woman (Wa-ha) (Anna Pedro). | 77 | Under Shirt (McPherson Prairie Chief). |
205 | Rambler (Frank Hill). | 437 | Van Horn, Max. |
621 | Rearing Bull, George. | 914 | Washee, Mary Moran (Mary Thunder Bull). |
969 | Receiving Roots (John White Buffalo) | ||
2998 | Red Belt (Jerome Bushyhead). | 848 | Walking Elk (William Tallbird). |
2706 | Red Bird (Ben Buffalo). | 3273 | Walks Long Way (Richard Nibs). |
99 | Red Bird (Sidney Sioux). | 1169 | Walking (Tell-Jan Sun) (Scott H. Youngman). |
689 | Red Leggings (Meserve Standing Bird). | ||
2887 | Ridge Turtle (Hannibal Bighead). | 1977 | White Shield, Harvey. |
1750 | Rogers, Eva (Yellow Hair) (Neah-aight) (Eva Poisal). | 1175 | Whiteman, Charles (Ca-we-ha). |
161 | White Man (Peairs Ground Nose). | ||
379 | Rolling Down (Amos Lefthand). | 2711 | White Wolf (Don Osage). |
1115 | Root (Tha-che) (Rex Spotted Corn). | 2933 | White Woman (Katie Hawkins). |
1359 | Row of Lodges, Henry (Wah-nec-ah-yu). | 771 | Williams, Ralph. |
1006 | Sands, Leah (now Leah Cook). | 1018 | Woman Coming in Sight (His-sa-bisch-sa) (Lizzie Stibolt). |
3244 | Shields, Hattie (Hattie Anderson). | ||
3241 | Shields, Mrs. Peter. | 443 | Yellow Eyes (Joe Yellow Eyes). |
668 | Sioux (Sioux Little Calf). | 820 | Yellow Eyes (Mistamaha Wolf Chief). |
2448 | Spotted Horse (Fred Mann). | 2314 | Yellow Hawk (Stephen White Shirt). |
2309 | Stander, Bounce (Gus Stander). | 1222 | Yellow Man, Alexander (Thu-tar-are). |
3193 | Stands Fighting (Ernest Swallow). | 480 | Yellow Shirt (A-e-no-chis-ta-un) (Thomas Blind Woman). |
2885 | Smoker (Joel Bighead). | ||
3327a | Sage Bark, William. | 3208 | Yellow Shirt (Donald Bobtail Wolf). |
2678 | Surveyor (Felix Roman Nose). | 2159 | Young Bird (Robert Hamilton). |
1302 | Sand Girl (Nah-ba-is-sa) (Bessie Throwing Water). | 32 | Zellwerger, Katie (Katie Z. Hawkins). |
2924 | Zellweger, Minnie (Little White Girl). | ||
1668 | Striking Behind (Ta-Tak) (John Youngbull). |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 4 April, 1917.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in section 5 of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388), that the trust period on the following allotments made to the Eastern Shawnee Indians in Oklahoma be, and the same is hereby, extended for a period of ten years:
Allotment number. | Name. | Allotment number. | Name. |
2 | Cora Hampton. | 12 | Carrie Bluejacket. |
6 | Jane Dougherty. | 13 | Ida M. Bluejacket. |
7 | Annie Dougherty. | 14 | Walter Bluejacket. |
8 | Mary Punch. | 21 | Andrew Dushane. |
9 | Milton Turkeyfoot. | 23 | David Dushane, jr. |
10 | Minnie Turkeyfoot. | 24 | Daniel Dushare. |
11 | Mary Punch. | 25 | Marie Prophet. |
Allotment number. | Name | Allotment number. | Name. |
26 | Minnie Prophet. | 59 | Tom A. Captain. |
29 | Susan T. Chisholm. | 60 | Cordelia Captain. |
31 | Jennie Chisholm. | 61 | Michelothe or Ball. |
32 | Matilda Jackson. | 65 | Sa-pa-ta-wa-se or Flint. |
34 | Mattie Tooley. | 66 | Stonewall Jackson. |
36 | Susan Keyser. | 67 | Andrew Jackson. |
37 | Rosa Bluejacket. | 69 | Jacob Tomahawk. |
39 | Delia Thomas. | 73 | Stella Prophet. |
40 | Fannie Whiteday. | 75 | Edward Bluejacket. |
41 | Jane Williams. | 77 | Samuel Doherty. |
45 | James Dick. | 78 | Ella Tooley. |
47 | Howard Doherty. | 80 | Mary Ellen Captain. |
48 | George Doherty. | 81 | Mary Quick. |
53 | John Mohawk. | 83 | Nellie Hampton. |
58 | Tom Captain. | 84 | Frank Prophet. |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 15 February, 1916.
EXECUTIVE MANSION, February 26, 1897.
In accordance with agreement signed by the representatives of the Kiowa Comanche and Kiowa Apache Indians at Anadarko, Ok., February 17th, 1897, the following tracts of land located on the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation in the Territory of Oklahoma in townships 2 and 3 north, range 10 west; townships 2 and 3 north, range 11 west; townships 2 and 3 north, range 12 west; townships 2 and 3 north, range 13 west of the Indian meridian (of Oklahoma) are hereby set apart and added to the military reservation at Fort Sill, Ok., for exclusive use for military purposes and for the permanent location thereon of the Apache prisoners of war.
Commencing at the SE. corner of section 18, township 2 N., R. 10 W. of the Indian meridian; thence north seven hundred and nineteen and fifty one-hundredths (719 50/100) chains to the northeast corner of section six (6), township three (3) north, range ten (10) west; thence west three hundred and fourteen and seventy-seven one-hundredths (314 77/100) chains to the northwest corner of section three (3), township three (3) north, range eleven (11) west; thence south three hundred and eighty-one and ninety one-hundredths (381 90/100) chains to the boundary line between the Fort Sill Military Reservation and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation; thence east along the boundary line between the said Fort Sill Military Reservation and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation, to the northeast corner of the said Fort Sill Military Reservation; thence south along the said boundary line to the southeast corner of said Fort Sill Military Reservation; thence west along the said boundary line to its intersection with the west line of section fifteen (15), township two (2) north, range eleven (11) west; thence south ten and seventy-five one-hundredths (10 75/100) chains to the southwest corner of said section; thence east three hundred and eighteen and fifty-four one-hundredths (318 54/100) chains to the point of beginning.
Commencing at the intersection of the. boundary line between the Fort Sil Military Reservation and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation, and the south line of the northeast quarter of section twenty (20), township three (3) north, range twelve (12) west; thence west along the said quarter section line forty-five (45)
chains; thence north forty (40) chains to the northeast corner of section nineteen (19) township three (3) north, range twelve (12) west; thence west two hundred and thirty-nine and seventy-six one hundredths (239 76/100) chains to the northwest corner of section twenty-three (23), township three (3) north, range thirteen (13) west; thence south eighty (80) chains; thence east eighty and twenty one-hundredths (80 20/100) chains; thence south two hundred and eighty (280) chains; thence east two hundred and one (201) chains to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of section eight (8), township two (2) north, range twelve (12) west; thence north three (3) chains along this quarter section line to its intersection with the boundary line between the Fort Sill Military Reservation and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation; thence west along the said boundary line to the southwest corner of the Fort Sill Military Reservation; thence north along the said boundary line between the Fort Sill Military Reservation and the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation to the point of beginning.
The total area included in these two tracts of land of irregular form being about twenty-six thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven and thirty one-hundredths (26,987 31/100) acres.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in section five of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388), that the trust period on allotments made to the Mexican-Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma, which trust expires during the calendar year one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of five years.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 27 February, 1919.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388-389), that the trust period on the allotments of the Modoc Indian's in Oklahoma, which trust expires during the calendar year 1916, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of ten years, with the exception of the following:
Name | Allotment No. | Name. | Allotment No. |
Minnie Snyder | 3 | May Long | 35 |
Bertie Hood | 15 | Daniel Clinton | 46 |
Charley Hood | 18 | Jennie Clinton | 47 |
Lucinda Hood | 19 | James Clark | 56 |
Annie Spicer | 33 | Ettie Stanly | 57 |
Robert Long | 34 | Cora Pickering | 59 |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 14 September, 1916.
Prior orders promulgated under the act of June 28, 1906 (34 Stat. L., 539), fixing the rate of royalties on oil produced within the limits of the Osage Indian Reservation at one-sixth, are hereby modified to permit a stipulation in connection with litigation involving title to the Arkansas River bed providing that operations may be conducted upon lands involved in such cases, and pending the determination
of such litigation, on the same royalty basis as that provided for in leases upon said lands given by the State of Oklahoma.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 1 June, 1914.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in section 5 of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388-339), that the trust periods on the allotments of the Ottawa, Seneca, and Wyandotte Indians in Oklahoma, where the trust expires during the calendar year 1917, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of 10 years from the dates of expiration, with the exception of the following:
Allot. No. | Name. | Allot. No. | Name. |
153 | Baldwin, Delia, (now Wright). | 7 | Jones, Silas Wilbur. |
147 | Baldwin, Delphina. | 21 | King, James. |
154 | Baldwin, Ella (now Darnell). | 57 | King, Walter Gokey. |
151 | Baldwin, Fred. | 25 | King, Edith (now Barlow). |
137 | Baldwin, George. | 24 | King, Fred. |
148 | Baldwin, Henry C. | 128 | Lavor, Winnie (now Schiffbauer). |
152 | Baldwin, Mary (now Spinks). | 155 | McCoontz, Rosa (now Grinell). |
150 | Baldwin, William. | 16 | Petah, Sarah (now Moxley). |
142 | Brennen, Charles. | 99 | Pooler, Charles. |
138 | Byron, Charles. | 96 | Pooler, Ethel (now Hollis). |
140 | Byron, William. | 97 | Pooler, Maud (now Bergen). |
84 | Clark, Addie. | 95 | Pooler, Myrtle (now McBrien). |
3 | Clark, Emeline (now Miskokomon). | 98 | Pooler, Otis E. |
54 | Cook, Elmer F. | 100 | Pooler, Robert L. |
53 | Cook, Eudora (now Head). | 72 | Robitaille, Lulu (now Wyrick). |
52 | Cook, Nannie. | 115 | Staton, Almira (now Lookaround). |
87 | Dagenette, Lucien, jr. | 116 | Staton, Frank. |
145 | Harlow, Fred. | 117 | Staton, Minetta (now Roper). |
144 | Harlow, Mary (now Shelton). | 68 | Stephens, Ida (now Epps). |
126 | Hart, Lucinda Irene. | 69 | Stephens, William. |
64 | Holmes, Ephraim. | 70 | Stephens, James. |
62 | Holmes, William. | 85 | Walker, Catherine (now Mahseet). |
80 | Hubbard, Christina Robitaile. | 91 | Walker, Ethel (now Markel). |
65 | Hutchison, Harry. | 90 | Walker, Jacob V. |
74 | Jennison, Charles. | 39 | Williams, Abraham. |
79 | Jennison , Edna (now Utter). | 42 | Williams, Albert. |
78 | Jennison, Glen. | 37 | Williams, Isaac. |
77 | Jennison, Guy. | 40 | Wiiliams, Jesse James. |
75 | Jennison, Mary (now Biddle). | 38 | Williams, Oliver. |
76 | Jennison, Raymond. | 146 | Wind, Betty (now Divens). |
30 | Jones, Christina. | 35 | Wind, Edgar. |
31 | Jones, Eliza Jane (now Edwards). | 33 | Wind, Lillie. |
6 | Jones, Ira M. | 46 | Wind, Matilda. |
29 | Jones; Martha Malinda (now Christmus). | 34 | Wind, Thomas. |
157 | Wistar, Leo. | ||
27 | Jones, Matilda J. (now Stultz). | 118 | Wolfe, Josiah. |
237 | Armstrong, Barnabas. | 155 | Bigtail, Charley. |
236 | Armstrong, Thomas. | 179 | Bomberry, Christopher. |
234 | Armstrong, Sarah (now Fisher). | 262 | Buck, Peter. |
235 | Armstrong, Susan (now Fisher). | 45 | Cayuga, Malinda (now Fremont). |
28 | Ball, Andrew. | 182 | Choteau, George. |
29 | Ball, Lida. | 257 | Crawford, George. |
248 | Bassett, Frances King (now Crow). | 254 | Crawford, Joseph. |
246 | Bearskin, Earnest. | 112 | Crow, Jerry. |
244 | Bearskin, Lucy (now Geboe). | 14 | Crow, Lucinda (now Clay). |
245 | Bearskin, Wallace. | 12 | Crow, Moses. |
Allot. No. | Name. | Allot. No. | Name. |
13 | Crow, Samuel. | 296 | Schiffbauer, Fritz. |
19 | Davis, Jessie (now Spicer). | 295 | Schiffbauer, Minnie. |
288 | Denny, Nora (now Roller). | 293 | Schiffbauer, Robert. |
287 | Denny, Roselle (now Finley). | 274 | Schrimpsher, James. |
151 | Dick, Maud (now Heffleman). | 276 | Schrimpsher, Matthias. |
283 | Evans, Alfred. | 220 | Smith, Jacob. |
282 | Evans, Blanch. | 213 | Spicer, John James. |
281 | Evans, Delia (now Hendrix). | 143 | Spicer, Mary (now Whitecrow). |
280 | Evans, Eliza (now Jackson). | 20 | Spicer, Minnie. |
271 | Euneau, Edith. | 146 | Spicer, Mitchell. |
270 | Euneau, Howard E. | 126 | Spicer, Daniel, jr. |
267 | Euneau, Lewis. | 26 | Spicer, Sadie. |
269 | Euneau, Thomas A. | 74 | Splitlog, Alexander. |
297 | Gentry, Earl. | 72 | Splitlog, Elda (now Huckins). |
258 | Jamieson, George, jr. | 70 | Splitlog, Bertha (now Harper). |
265 | Jack, Maria (now Olmstead). | 73 | Splitlog, Ethel. |
299 | Jamieson, Stewart. | 90 | Splitlog, Gordon B. |
40 | Kayrahoo, John J. | 71 | Splitlog, Grover. |
207 | Lewis, Thomas. | 16 | Turkey, David. |
207 | Lewis, Thomas. | 16 | Turkey, David. |
207 | Lewis, Thomas. | 16 | Turkey, David. |
99 | Logan, Lewis. | 193 | Whitetree, Eva (now Nicholls). |
284 | Logan, Mattie (now Worcester). | 173 | Whitetree, Henry |
224 | Nicholls, Alexander. | 39 | Whitccrow, Mary Jane (now Vandal). |
227 | Nicholls, Alice. | 194 | Whitetree, Scott. |
230 | Nicholls, Sylvia. | 195 | Whitetree, Susan. |
298 | Nicholls, Isabella. | 133 | Winney, Fannie (now Wilson). |
226 | Nicholls, Malinda. | 132 | Winney, Hattie (now Hensley). |
60 | Peacock, James. | 4 | Young, Annie (now Bomberry). |
59 | Peacock, Thomas. | 7 | Young, Summers. |
72 | Adkins, Josephine. | 24 | Geck, Richard. |
203 | Barnett, Thomas. | 111 | Greyeyes, Isaac. |
143 | Bearskin, Wesley. | 148 | Gyami, Jessie (now Tussinger). |
201 | Blackaby, Maude (now Wright). | 223 | Gyami, Mary (now Bracken). |
193 | Bland, John. | 222 | Gyami, Willie. |
195 | Bland, Mary J. (now Adams). | 213 | Hamlin, Carrie (now Lohmer). |
198 | Bland, Sadie (now Shawnee). | 214 | Hamlin, Paul. |
207 | Boone, Alice R., jr. (now Clark). | 27 | Harris, John. |
208 | Boone, Lottie D. | 29 | Harris, Susan (now Griffen). |
206 | Boone, Octavius. | 163 | Hicks, Cassie (now Ladue). |
68 | Brown, Anna L. (now Coats). | 153 | Hicks, Delia (now Maupin). |
102 | Brown, Cora A. (now Kennedy). | 145 | Hicks, George. |
101 | Brown, Eldridge. | 152 | Hicks, Henry. |
103 | Brown, James A. | 224 | Hoag, Willie (now Lautrup). |
66 | Brown, Leander. | 123 | Hodgkiss, Maud (now Frasse). |
69 | Brown, Lotta (Lothe). | 121 | Hodgkiss, Rosetta. |
104 | Brown, Mary E. (now Seymour). | 84 | Jackson, Arizona (now Hackleman). |
147a | Brumbaugh, Rosamund. | 51 | Johnson, Allen, jr. |
237 | Buzzard, Estelle (now Allen). | 10 | Johnson, Bertha (now Cheek). |
238 | Cook, Dawson. | 4 | Johnson, G. M. |
228 | Cotter, James. | 2 | Johnson, Ida J. (now Allen). |
97 | Cotter, Joel A. | 3 | Johnson, Robert. |
55 | Cotter, Rena (now Spicer). | 8 | Johnson, Silas Arthur. |
115 | Crotzer, Archie B. | 7 | Johnson, Wilbur. |
114 | Crotzer, Catherine. | 95 | Kaneda, Allen. |
116 | Crotzer, Ethel (now Cotter). | 93 | Kaneda, James. |
160 | Dawson, Jardinia K. (now Bonnin). | 94 | Kaneda, Leander. |
161 | Dawson, Naomi W. (now Pacheco). | 17 | Kirkbride, Eugene. |
158 | Dawson, Philip R. | 77 | Kygar, Dolly (now Ling). |
157 | Dawson, Robert. | 22 | Lofland, Annie (now Tourtillotte). |
159 | Dawson, Silas. | 16 | Lofland, Caroline. |
81 | Faber, Caroline (now Ryan). | 21 | Lofland, Charles. |
82 | Faber, Jardina (now Wood). | 192 | Long, Albert. |
25 | Geck, Josie (now Tobey). | 185 | Long, Ellen (now Wano). |
23 | Geck, Lucy. | 167 | Long, Frank. |
26 | Geck, Maud Florence. | 204 | Long, Fred. |
Allot. No. | Name. | Allot. No. | Name. |
188 | Long, George. | 37 | Schiffbauer, Amelia (now Cheek). |
191 | Long, Grover. | 36 | Schiffbauer, Bertram. |
170 | Long, Irven, P. | 218 | Sharlo, Jerry. |
171 | Long, John M., jr | 13 | Smith, Artie (now Peacore). |
190 | Long, Judia (now Sampsell). | 14 | Smith, Benjamin. |
168 | Long, Kate. | 12 | Smith, Nannie (now Euneau). |
189 | Long, May (now King). | 229 | Stand, Henry. |
169 | Long, Myrtle (now Dickey). | 73 | Stuart, Clarence. |
186 | Long, Samuel. | 42 | Walker, Isaac. |
187 | Long, Thomas. | 43 | Walker, N. B. |
183 | Long, William P. | 107 | Walker, Malcolm. |
199 | Montgall, William. | 125 | Walker, Thomas E. |
173 | Mudeter, Irvin. | 109 | Walker, Thomas G. |
139 | Munch, Oella. | 54 | Walton, Florence (now Villaneuve). |
230 | Murdock, Blanche. | 132 | Wright, James. |
150 | Misenheimer, Arizona (now Jones). | 106 | Wright, Martha J. |
151 | Misenheimer, Ella (now James). | 133 | Wright, Oda Josephine (now Wagner). |
149 | Misenheimer, Susan. | 134 | Wright, William H. |
210 | Peacock, Charlotte (now Barton). | 120 | Young, Elizabeth (now Bates). |
177 | Robitaille, Azilda (now Schiffbauer). | 90 | Young, Emma (now Geboe). |
179 | Robitaille, Chas. Z | 119 | Young, Henry. |
175 | Robitaille, Frank R. | 89 | Young, William. |
176 | Robitaille, Ernest. | 127 | Zane, Jane (now Waters). |
140 | Robitaille, James. | 112 | Zane, Leander E. |
178 | Robitaille, Lena E. (now Ferguson). | 128 | Zane, Noah. |
47 | Sarahas, Jane, jr. | 129 | Zane, Oella (now Harper). |
56 | Sarahas, Wesley. | 33 | Zane, Susan. |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 11 April, 1917.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in section five of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat., 388), that the trust period on the allotments of the Pawnee Indians of Oklahoma, which would otherwise expire during this calendar year, is hereby extended for ten years.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 2 March, 1918.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388-389), that the 25-year trust period on the allotments of the Ponca Indians in Oklahoma, which trust period expires during the calendar year 1920, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of one year.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 19 September, 1920.
It is hereby ordered, under authority found in the act of June 21, 1906 (34 Statutes at Large, pages 325 and 326), that the trust period on the allotments of the
Ponca Indians in Oklahoma, which trust period was extended for one year by Executive order of September 19, 1920, be, and is hereby, extended for a further period of twenty-five years.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 1 December, 1920.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in the act of June 21, 1906 (34 Stat. L., 325-326), that the trust period on the allotments of the Iowa arid the Sac and Fox Indians in Oklahoma, which trust expires during the calendar year 1916, be., and is hereby, extended for a period of ten years from the dates of expiration, with exception of the following:
Name. | Allotment. No. | Name. | Allotment. No. |
Rubideau, Harrison | 50 | Tohee, David (Mo ka ka) | 44 |
Small, Robert (Kah pock que che) | 52 |
Bass, Lee (Pe so tuck) | 520 | King, Hattie | 97 |
Battice, Rosa (Mah ko che) | 142 | Lee, Philip (Aw saw we kolah) | 70 |
Bigwalker, Dollie (Pe ah the tha qua) | 200 | Manatowa, Elmer (Aw mah quah) | 226 |
Brown, Thomas (Quah quah ne pe quah) | 53 | Mason, Edith (She she no quah) | 290 |
Butler, Edward (Uck ko nique) | 294 | McClellan, Edward (Tuck quaw ke) | 476 |
Carter, Joseph (Waw pe che quah) | 320 | McClellan, Liza (me ah kaw) | 481 |
Connolly, Alexander | 161 | McCoy, Pauline | 75 |
Duncan, Richard (Waw pe kah kaque) | 140 | McCoy, Rhoda | 74 |
Eaves, Annie | 128 | McCoy, Mary (Mah mah kah) | 72 |
Ellis, Clara (Che naw pe) | 362 | McKinney, Lizzie | 249 |
Ellis, Stella (Wah pah Tah) | 361 | McKinney, Mary | 251 |
Foster, William G. (Ah pe tock) | 188 | McKinney, Martha | 254 |
Graeyes, Leona (Mah shaw mah quah) | 300 | McKinney, Anna | 253 |
Grant, Austin (Ah me me ho) | 181 | McKinney, Lucy | 250 |
Grant, Saginaw (Mah squaw ke) | 429 | Mesawat, Linda (Waw kose) | 374 |
Hamblin, Lydia Monroe | 79 | Moore, Alice | 164 |
Harris, Benjamin | 282 | Nahashe, William | 131 |
Harris, David | 283 | Pattequaw, William (Tus se haw) | 132 |
Harris, Mary (She ko naw waw) | 107 | Thorp, James | 244 |
Hunter, Harrison (Nah nah mah kees) | 514 | Thurman, Allen G. (Che ko kaw kah) | 438 |
Ingalls, Sadie (Pon naw pique) | 341 | Wakole, Allie Fox (Waw ko ha no) | 23 |
James, Juliet (Mah sche ke) | 453 | Walker, Guy (Ke shah som) | 192 |
Johnson, Orlando, (We taw kaw) | 377 | Whistler, Guy | 95 |
Jones, Levi | 11 | Whistler, Marie A. (Chuck e quah) | 144 |
Kakaque, Jessie (Shah ke toe) | 122 | Whistler, Pauline | 94 |
King, Gertie | 98 | Wiggins, Jennie (Mesh quaw naw que) | 313 |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 1 August, 1916.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in section 5 of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat., 388), that the trust period on the following allotments made to Indians on the Oakland Reservation in Oklahoma, which trust expires June 5, 1918, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of ten years from said date:
Name. | No. of allotment. | Name. | No. of allotment. |
Johnson, Sargent | 5 | Toco, Ellen (now Ellen Dupee) | 45 |
Johnson, Lotta | 6 | Kaise, Mille (now Millie Mason) | 48 |
Jessie | 9 | Allen, Kittie | 53 |
Jesse, Eliza | 10 | Apache, William | 54 |
Collins, Lee | 20 | Purce, Millie | 56 |
Collins, Anna (now Anna C. Jeferson) | 22 | Miles, George | 58 |
Richards, Grant | 24 | Miles, Walsie | 59 |
Richards, Winnie | 25 | Miles, Effie | 60 |
Buffalo, Standing | 29 | Rush, Jack | 61 |
Bill, Buck | 36 | Rush, Cochana | 62 |
Tenasta | 39 | Keeta, Mollie | 63 |
Co-Yaw | 40 | Allen, Martha T | 67 |
Stevens, William, sr | 41 | Stevens, Gertrude (now Gertrude S. Martin) | 72 |
Stevens, Jennie | 42 |
THE WHITE HOUSE, 24 May, 1918.
It is hereby ordered under authority contained in the Act of June 21, 1906 (34 Stat. 325-326) that the trust period on the following allotments, made to Modoc Indians in Oklahoma, which trust expires during the calendar year 1926, be, and is hereby, extended for a period of 10 years:
Allotment No. | Name of allottee. | Allotment No. | Name of allottee. |
29 | Lucy Pleasant. | 45 | Fredrick Ingalls. |
30 | Hazel Clinton. | 62 | Charley Miller. |
32 | Dolly Lawvor. | 63 | Kate Pleasant. |
THE WHITE HOUSE, July 1, 1926.
It is hereby ordered under authority contained in Section 5 of the Act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388-389), that the trust periods on allotments of the Absentee Shawnee and Citizen Potawatomi Tribes in Oklahoma, the title to which has not passed out of the United States, which would otherwise expire during the calendar year 1927, be, and the same are hereby extended for a further period of ten years, excepting only in the following instances:
Allotment No. | Name of allottee. | Allotment No. | Name of allottee. |
11 | William Shawnee, Sr.(deceased). | 12 | William E. Shawnee (deceased). |
153 | Caroline Peltier. | 720 | John E. Beaubien (deceased). |
245 | Kate Burnett. | 721 | Eliza S. Beaubien (deceased). |
288 | Rosa Bumbaugh (deceased). | 726 | James N. Ogee. |
363 | Mary Schroffered (deceased). | 733 | Nancy Fehlig. |
400 | John Curley. | 815 | Madeline Albright, nee Cumings (deceased). |
476 | Francis Melot (deceased). | ||
497 | Mary M. Trousdale. | 847 | Matilda Phelps (deceased). |
537 | Sarah Ann Johnson (deceased). | 855 | Leo Bourassa (deceased). |
574 | Addison Doc Davenport (deceased). | 980 | Elizabeth Dimbler (deceased). |
600 | R. A. Ogee. | 1010 | Maggie Navarre (deceased). |
703 | Non-ne-ke-kat (deceased) Expiration of trust applies only to SW. ¼ NE. ¼ Sec. 8, T. 7 N., R. 4 E., I. M. Okla., now held under trust by partition. | 1050 | Joseph DeGraff. |
THE WHITE HOUSE, December 23, 1926.
It is hereby ordered under authority contained in Section 5 of the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. 388-389), that the trust periods on the allotments of the Ottawa, Seneca and Wyandotte Indians in Oklahoma, where the trust expires during the calendar year 1927, be, and hereby are, extended for a period of ten years from the dates of expiration, with the exception of the following:
Allotment No. | Name. | Allotment No. | Name. |
28 | Rachael Jones now Offutt. | 41 | Leona Williams. |
24 | Alexander Z. Spicer. | 216 | John Smith (deceased). |
51 | Louis N. Davis. | 217 | Maria Smith (deceased). |
61 | Jack Spicer. | 219 | Kiram Smith (deceased). |
80 | Julia C. Splitlog now Nuckolls. | 223 | Harry Smith. |
84 | Clara Whitecrow now Smith. | 228 | Sarah M. Nichols. |
121 | John Kingfisher. | 242 | Mary Bearskin. |
131 | Thomas Winney. | 251 | Malinda Splitlog now Tanner. |
178 | Julia Bomberry now Smith | 289 | Henry Clinton Denney. |
11 | W. P. Johnson. | 154 | Hettie Hicks. |
32 | John Zane. | 165 | James M. Long, Sr. (deceased). |
98 | Huldah Cotter. | 234 | Becky McDaniel. |
135 | George W. Wright. | 241 | Mary Robitaille (deceased). |
137 | Charles G. Wright. |
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 17, 1927.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in Section 5 of the Act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. 388-389), that the trust period on the allotments of the Cheyenne & Arapaho Indians in Oklahoma, which trust expires during the calendar
year 1927 be, and is hereby, extended for a period of ten years from the dates of expiration, with the exception of the following:
Allotment No. | Name. | Allotment No. | Name. |
252 | Medicine Sack (deceased). | 1357 | Owl (deceased). |
329 | Mrs. Anderson Chamberlain (deceased). | 1413-a | Clara Thunder. |
501 | Old Crooked Woman (deceased). | 1416 | Bitchea (deceased). |
532-a | Robert Starr. | 1418 | Young Bull (deceased). |
891-b | Dan (Jimmie Tall Sun). | 1419 | Chicken Hawk (deceased). |
961 | Mary A. Davis. | 1258-a | Crawford Dyer. |
1288-b | John Levi. | 1731 | Striking First (deceased). |
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 17, 1927.