Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.
By virtue of the power vested in me by the provisions of article 7 of the treaty of September 30, 1854 (10 Stat. L., 1109), it is hereby ordered that the provisions of article 7 of said treaty shall not hereafter apply to nor be of any force or effect throughout the territory ceded by said treaty to the United States except in that portion of said territory described as follows:
Beginning at a point where the line between townships 45 and 46 north intersects the line between ranges 15 and 16 west of the 4th principal meridian; thence north along said line to the northeast corner of township 53 north, range 16 west; thence west along the line between townships 53 and 54 north to the point where it intersects the western boundary established by said treaty of September 30, 1854; thence following the said treaty line in a southwesterly direction to the point where it intersects the line between townships 45 and 46 north; thence due east along said line to the point of beginning; and all that portion of the State of Minnesota which lies east of the 4th principal meridian; and the provisions of said article 7 of said treaty shall continue to be in full force and effect within the territory excepted from operation of this order until otherwise ordered by the President.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1911.
By virtue of the power vested in me by the provisions of article 3 of the treaty of August 21, 1847 (9 Stat. L., 908), it is hereby ordered that the country ceded by the provisions of said treaty shall no longer be held by the United States as Indian land.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1911.
By virtue of the power vested in me by the provisions of article 7 of the treaty of October 2, 1863 (13 Stat. L., 667), it is hereby ordered that the provisions of said article 7 of said treaty shall not hereafter apply to or be of any force or effect throughout the territory ceded to the United States by said treaty, except in that portion lying east of the 6th guide meridian; and said article 7 of said treaty shall continue to be in full force and effect throughout the territory excepted from the operations of this order until otherwise directed by Congress or the President of the United States.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1911.
It is hereby ordered that the following-described land in Aitkin County, Minnesota, viz, lots 2 and 3 of section 32, township 50 north, range 23 west of the fourth principal meridian, containing 32.35 acres, be, and the same is hereby, withdrawn from sale, settlement, entry, or other disposition, and set apart for the use and occupancy of a band of Chippewa Indians, now living thereon, and for such other Indians as the Secretary of the Interior may see fit to settle thereon. This order is made subject to any prior valid existing rights of any person.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 4 March, 1915.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388-389), that the trust period on allotments made to the Indians of the Fond du Lac Reservation, in Minnesota, which trust period expires during the calender year 1921, be, and the same is hereby, extended for a period of ten years from the date of expiration.
THE WHITE HOUSE, April 30, 1921.
It is hereby ordered that two unsurveyed islands situated in Lake Superior in section 5, township 62 N., range 5 E., 4th P. M., Minnesota, as represented upon the official plat of the survey of said township approved October 28, 1893, on file in the General Land Office, and another unsurveyed island opposite the southeast corner of lot 8 of the section, not shown on said plat, and another unsurveyed island in the lake in section 34, township 63 N., range 5 E., 4th P. M., Minnesota, not indicated on the official plat of the survey of the township, be, and the same are hereby, set aside and reserved for the use and occupancy of the Indians of the Grand Portage Reservation, in Minnesota, subject to any existing valid rights in and to the same.
THE WHITE HOUSE, 21 March, 1917.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat., 388-389), that the trust period on allotments made to the Indians of the Grand Portage Reservation in Minnesota, which trust period expires during the Calendar year 1922, be, and the same is hereby, extended for a period of ten years from the date of expiration.
THE WHITE HOUSE, January 12, 1922.
By virtue of the power vested in me by the provisions of article 5 of the treaty of July 23, 1851 (10 Stat. L., 949), it is hereby ordered that the provisions of said article five of said treaty shall not hereafter apply to nor be of any force or effect throughout the territory ceded by said treaty to the United States and lying in the State of Minnesota with the exception of those portions of said territory described as follows:
Beginning at a point where the line between townships 129 and 130 north crosses the Boise de Sioux River; thence east along said line to the northeast corner of township 129 north, range 45 west; thence south along said range line to the northeast corner of township 122 north, range 45 west; thence east to the northeast corner of township 122 north, range 44 west; thence south along said range line to the point where it intersects the line established by said treaty of July 23, 1851; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said treaty line to the point where it touches Lake Traverse; thence north along said lake to the mouth of the Boise de Sioux River; thence up said river to the point of beginning;
And the provisions of said article five of said treaty shall continue to be in full force and effect in the territory above specified and excepted from the operation of this order until otherwise directed by Congress or the President of the United States.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1911.
It is hereby ordered, under authority contained in the act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. L., 388-389), that the trust period on allotments made to the Indians of the Winnibigoshish Reservation in Minnesota, which trust period expires during the calendar year 1922, be, and the same is hereby, extended for a period of ten years from the date of expiration.
THE WHITE HOUSE, January 12, 1922.
It is hereby ordered under authority contained in Section 5 of the Act of February 8, 1887 (24 Stat. 388-389), that the trust period on allotments on the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota, the title to which has not passed out of the United States, which would otherwise expire during the calendar year 1927, be, and the same is hereby extended for a further period of ten years except in the following cases:
Number. | Name. | Number. | Name. |
2110 | Ali be tah wah cumig oke (deceased). | 1037 | Mim do ge shig o guance (deceased). |
3837 | Ali zhow wah cumig o quay (deceased) | 1294 | Min i do bi nais (deceased). |
4263 | Ain dus o gah bow a quay (deceased). | 3415 | Mo kah ah mo quay (deceased). |
2788 | Ain dus o gwon (deceased). | 2154 | Nah tin ay aush a quay (deceased). |
2381 | William Aspinwall (deceased). | 2340 | Naugh o be tung (deceased). |
1388 | Ay a zhe o quay (deceased). | 1854 | Nay tah o say quay (deceased). |
685 | Bay tah o wub a quay (deceased). | 1046 | Nay tum way we dum o quay (deceased). |
1935 | Be me day gahn (deceased). | 4313 | Ne ke baun e quay (deceased). |
207 | Blue, Moses (deceased). | 2748 | Neo be quay (deceased). |
1120 | Bonga, Ellen (deceased). | 2341 | Neo gah bow, John (deceased). |
3151 | Brisbois, Victor Paul (deceased). | 1941 | Neo gah bow e quay (deceased). |
380 | Caswell, Lizzie Mary (deceased). | 3874 | Ne she ka wub eake (deceased). |
1748 | Che bid way (deceased). | 1783 | Ne zho ge shig o quay (deceased). |
3107 | Dunnell, Michael (deceased). | 925 | Norcross, Julia (deceased). |
1925 | E quay we shish (deceased). | 2126 | O bun a ge shig o quay (deceased). |
4009 | E quay zaince (deceased). | 1597 | O din a guance (deceased). |
277 | Fairbanks, Maggie (deceased). | 1826 | O do dain un (deceased). |
248 | Foster, Josette (deceased). | 594 | O ge maunce shish (deceased). |
249 | Foster, William (deceased). | 699 | O ke maunce ish (deceased). |
3938 | Go je ge we quais (deceased). | 1963 | Oz ow wun nun e quay (deceased). |
162 | Gravel, Jane (deceased). | 3749 | Pay she shig o quay (deceased). |
2800 | Gravel, Paul (deceased). | 2612 | Ped way way benais, Jas. (deceased). |
3822 | Hardman, Alice May (deceased). | 2611 | Ped way way benais, Paul (deceased). |
2175 | Kah day wah be day (deceased). | 1508 | Pin de gay o say quay (deceased). |
2691 | Kah ge gay ah mah quot (deceased). | 4213 | Puck a no gaince (deceased). |
1770 | Kah we taush kung (deceased). | 2618 | Quay ke gwon a be quay (deceased). |
2113 | Kay bay aun ah quod oke (deceased). | 923 | Pah quay cub (deceased). |
2880 | Kay bay way quay (deceased). | 4299 | Sause gan (deceased). |
1554 | Kay zhe way we dung (deceased). | 1977 | Say say gwon o quay (deceased). |
613 | Ke way gah bow a quay (deceased). | 1029 | Shay day, Eva (deceased). |
924 | Ke che gwon e we quay (deceased). | 1768 | She she be (deceased). |
697 | Ke che o syien (deceased). | 1784 | Shin o waince (deceased). |
2060 | Ke we pah gah bow (deceased). | 1213 | Sho ne yah quay (deceased). |
1753 | Ke we tah be quay (deceased). | 1881 | Song ah cumig (deceased). |
2156 | Ke we tah o nub a quay (deceased). | 3844 | Wadena (deceased). |
4041 | Ke zhe waunzh (deceased). | 3977 | Wah bo ge ag (deceased). |
1022 | Mah je ke shig (deceased). | 2079 | Wah boze (deceased). |
2574 | Mah ji cumig ish kung (deceased). | 3474 | Walt sah quah um (deceased). |
674 | Mee, Charles Bernard (deceased). | 1702 | Wain de go quay (deceased). |
2680 | Me zhah ke be nais eak (deceased). | 1557 | Way waus ung (deceased). |
1771 | Me zhee gee (deceased). | 4229 | Way zah wush quod e tung (deceased). |
1927 | Min ah quod (deceased). |
THE WHITE HOUSE, May 5, 1927.