Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.
Chap. 372 | Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont. Preamble. |
Chap. 372 | Amount authorized for expenses of visit of delegation from, to
Washington. 35 Stat., 558, vol. 3, 377. |
Whereas a delegation of Indians of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation,
Montana, was duly authorized and elected to visit the city of Washington,
District of Columbia, and
Whereas there is no authority of law to use tribal funds to defray the
expenses of said delegation: Therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of $3,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of the Fort Peck 4 per centum fund created under the Act of May 30, 1918 (1908) (Thirty-fifth Statutes at Large, page 558), and held in trust by the United States, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay the necessary expenses incurred in connection with the visit to Washington, District of Columbia, and return, by a delegation of representatives of the Fort Peck Indians for the purpose of conferring with the Sioux Tribal attorney, presenting claims, and other tribal matters of said Indians.
Approved, June 7, 1924.