Vols. VI & VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office

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Volumes VI & VII


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Page 1675

Haida Indians, Alaska:
           Claims, time extension for filing
152, 266

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Haida Indians, Alaska—Cont.
           Judgment funds—
1048, 1194
                      Indians eligible to share 1049
Halogeton Glomeratus, control of poisonous weed for protection of livestock 572
Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans.:
19, 25, 72, 78, 124, 163, 206, 244, 277, 293, 349, 414
           Concurrent jurisdiction over retroceded to Kansas 1062
Havasupai Tribe, Havasupai Reservation, Ariz.:
           Exchange of lands with Arizona
                      Purchase of improvements on state-owned lands 225
                                 Appropriation 237, 270
           Public lands—
                      Temporary withdrawal for benefit of tribe
                      Withdrawal for addition to reservation 225
Hayward Indian School, Hayward, Wis., transfer of title to state 82
Health Services:
                      1939-1954 See Appropriation—Bureau of Indian Affairs
                      1955-1970 See Appropriation—Health, Education and Welfare
           Comprehensive health services program 1356
           Emergency food and medical services program 1357
           Hospital construction, use of Indian health funds for asistance to public and nonprofit agencies 785
           Indian hospitals available to non-Indians 561
           Inspection by state agents of health conditions on Indian land 321
           St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C.—
                      Beneficiaries of BIA to be admitted 365
                                 Appropriation 28, 81
           Transfer of Indian hospitals to states, priority for treatment of Indians 561
           Transfer of responsibility for Indian health services to Public Health Service 634, 880
Hidatsa Indians on Fort Berthold Reservation. See Fort Berthold Reservation.
Higher Education Act of 1965:
           Amendments of 1967
           Amendments of 1970 1187
Highways, See Roads, highways and bridges.
Ho-pah-cubby, a Chickasaw Indian, conveyance of U.S. interest in lands to heirs 1168
Hogback Irrigation Project, Navajo Reservation.
           Maintenance, operation, etc., appropriation 15, 69, 119, 159, 202, 240, 272
Hoh Tribe of Indians, Wash., judgment funds, disposition 1068
Hollywood Indian Reservation, Fla.:
           Long-term leases (Dania Reservation)
           Name designation 1559
Hoonah Housing Project, functions transferred to Secretary of Interior 848
Hoopa, Calif.:
           Construction, etc., of school buildings, appropriation authorized, use by Indian children
           Land on Hoopa Valley Reservation conveyed for school 565
Hoopa Valley Reservation Calif.:
           Construction and repair, appropriation
25, 131, 305
           Fee patents issued See Fee patents—Hoopa Valley Reservation
           Industrial assistance for individual Indians, appropriation 65, 309, 460
           Land conveyance to Hoopa Unified School District 565
           Mineral entry 1399
Hopi Industrial Park, powers of tribal council 1190
Hopi Tribw, Hopi Reservation, Ariz.:
           Construction and repair, appropriation
78, 131, 414
           Employment preference on projects of rehabilitation act 500
           Industrial park, powers of tribal council 1190
           Irrigation, appropriation 13, 15, 67, 119, 159, 202, 240, 272
                      Leases authorized
                      Order setting aside lands for tribe revoked 1523
                      Suit against Navajo Tribe to determine rights in reservation 817
           Loans to tribe or members 500
           Long-range program, Secretary of Interior to submit 368
           Rehabilitation, appropriation for various projects authorized 498
           Relief, appropriation authorized 368
           Road improvement and construction 837
           Water supply development, appropriation 13, 66, 119, 159, 201, 240, 272
Hopland Rancheria, Calif., distribution of land and assets authorized 831
Horseshoe Bend National Military Park, Alabama, establishment 752, 1241

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Hospitals. See Health Services.
House of Representatives. See Congress.
                      Financial assistance
1091, 1181
           Low-rent housing 1300
                      Federal contributions 1304
                                 Grants 1307
                                 Loans 1304
                      Indian areas 1142, 1300, 1304
Housing Act of 1954 634
Housing Act of 1964 1031
Housing Amendments of 1955:
           Amendment of 1962
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 1047
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 1141
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1969 1181
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970 1216
Hovenweep National Monument, Colo. and Utah. enlargement 1239, 1240
Hualapai Tribe, Hualapai Reservation, Ariz.:
           Conveyances of individually owned land See Conveyances—Hualapai Resevation
           Judgment funds, disposition 1200
           Lake Mead National Recreation Area—
                      Inclusion of tribal lands, conditions 1035
                      Tribal jurisdiction unchanged 1036
           Land transfer to Mohave County for school 734
           Long-term leases 1134
Roadless and wild areas (Grand Canyon) 1408
Hubbell Trading Post National Historical Site, Ariz.:
           Establishment and authorization
           Sale of excess lands to Navajo Tribe 1052
Hulah Dam and Reservoir Project, Caney River, Okla. and Kans., release of mineral rights by Osage Tribal Council in aid of compensation 122, 235
Hunter, Wis.:
           Construction of school for Indian and non-Indian children
                      Appropriation 414
Hunting and Fishing Rights. See Individual tribes.
Hunting, Fishing, or Trapping While Trespassing on Indian Land, penalty 910
Huntley Reclamation Project, Mont., payment to Crow Tribe for ceded lands 823
Hydaburg Native Village, Alaska:
           Reservation designated
                      Notice of invalidation 1495

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