Vols. VI & VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office

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Page 1680

Kaibab Agency, Utah, genral support and administration of property, appropriation 128
Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians, Kaibab Reservation, Ariz., judgment funds, disposition 1164
Kalispel Tribe, judgment funds, disposition 1010
Kanosh Band of Paiute Indians, Utah:
           Judgment funds, disposition
           Public lands transferred to 742
           Termination of federal supervision 667, 1503
           Concurrent jurisdiction over Haskell Institute retroceded to state
           Jurisdiction over certain offenses committed on Indian reservations 53
           Title to certain Indian land cleared 797, 870
Kansas Tribe. See Kaw Tribe
Karluk Native Village, Alaska, reservation designated 1445
Karok Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision 641, 1499
Kaskaskias, Weas, Piankashaws and Peorias, Confederated Tribe of, preparation of roll and disposition of judgment funds 1198
Kathlamet Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision 641, 1499
Kaw Tribe, distribution of certain funds to members 716
Kayenta, Ariz., construction and repair, appropriation 305
Keetoowah Indians, Cherokee Nation, recognition as band residing in Oklahoma 323
Keshena Agency, Wis.:
           Construction and repair, appropriation
           General support and administration of property, appropriation 22, 42, 76, 128, 167
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Mich.:
           Lands placed in trust
           Sale of lands of L'Anse Band authorized, proceeds credited to community 374
Kickapoo Tribe, Okla., payment of funds to tribal council 909
Kiowa Agency, Okla.:
           Construction and repair, appropriation
25, 78, 131, 305
           Industrial assistance for individual Indians, appropriation 309
Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation, Okla. See also Apache Tribe, Okla., Comanche Tribe, Kiowa Tribe.
           Lands placed in trust 296
           Lands restored to tribal ownership 1460, 1560, 1562
           Sale of lands to Comanche Co., Oklahoma, by Secretary of Interior authorized 426
           Sale of lands to Lawton, Oklahoma, by Secretary of Interior authorized 303
Kiowa Tribe, Okla. See also Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation.
           Judgment funds—
                      Per capita payments
                      Use authorized 892
           Per capita payments, appropriation 130
Klamath Agency, Oreg.:
           Construction and repair, appropriation
131, 170, 305, 463, 663
           General support and administration of property, appropriation 22, 42, 75, 128, 167, 209, 247, 279, 290, 306, 338, 350, 415, 439
           Liquidation expenses, appropriation 875, 904, 920, 930
Klamath County Oreg., public school construction, appropriation authorized, use by Indian children 443, 663
           Recoupment of funds by U.S. 443, 778
Klamath Indian Forest, Oreg.:
           Sale in connection with termination of tribe
                      Appropriation 920
                      Designation of lands 1513,1521, 1522
Klamath Indian Irrigation Project, irrigation charges, cancellation approved 1017
Klamath Indians, Upper, on Quartz Valley Rancheria See Quartz Valley Rancheria
Klamath Marsh, Oreg.:
           Sale in connection with termination of tribe
834, 888
                      Appropriation 920
                      Designation of lands 1513, 1521, 1522
Klamath River Basin Compact 792
           Indian rights unaffected 793
Klamath River Reservation, Calif.:
           Lands restored to tribal ownership
           Trust period on lands reimposed and extended 181

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Klamath Tribes, Klamath Reservation, Oreg.:
           Attorney's compensation and expenses, appropriation
           Claims against, jurisdiction of Court of Claims to hear
                      By Algoma Lumber Co. 544
                      By Forest Lumber Co. 543
                      By Lamm Lumber Co. 542
           Irrigation, appropriation 16, 41, 69, 121, 161, 204, 242, 274, 289, 349
           Judgment funds, disposition 39, 1054
                      Placed in trust
                      Purchase by U.S. for Modoc Point Indian irrigation system 699, 735
           Marriage and divorce, validity 256
           Revolving loan fund, use during termination 873
           Termination of federal supervision 635, 782, 834, 887, 1540
                      Expenses in connection with, appropriation authorized 783
                                 Appropriation 805, 875
                      Klamath Indian Forest and Klamath Marsh, private or federal acquisition 834, 887
                                 Appropriation 920
                                 Designation of lands 1513, 1521, 1522
                      Loans form revolving fund 873
                      Payment to tribe for irrigation expenses, appropriation 699
                      Sense of Congress resolution 614
           Tribal funds
39, 382, 1054
                      Payment of tribal salaries and expenses from 38, 264, 581
           Winema National Forest, designation of former reservation land as part of 1243
Klamath Welfare Act 382
Klukwan Native Village, Alaska:
           Public lands withdrawn for proposed designation as reserve
           Reservation enlarged 794
Kobuk Native Village, Alaska
           Reserve established
                      Revoked 1482
Kodiak, Alaska, school properties, termination of use restrictions 1064
Koosharem Band of Paiute Indians, Utah:
           Judgment funds, disposition
           Termination of federal supervision 667, 1503
Kootenai Tribe, Idaho, judgment funds, disposition 1001
Kootenai Tribe, mont. See Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Confederated.
Kustony Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision 641, 1499
Kwatami or Sixes Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision 641, 1499

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