Vols. VI & VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office

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Volumes VI & VII


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Page 1681

Lac Courts Oreilles Band of Chippewa Indians, Wis. See also Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin.
           Industrial assistance for individual Indians, appropriation
Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Wis. See also Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin.
           Conveyance to Diocese of Superior and town of Flambeau
           Sale of lands authorized 900
           School and agency farm reserve, revocation permitted 921
Laguna band of Mission Indians, Calif., fee patents, Secretary of Interior authorized to issue 361
Laguna Pueblo, N. Mex., lands placed in trust 1175, 1475
Lake County, Calif., sale of lower Lake Rancheria to county authorized 721, 749
Lake County, Mont., issuance of patent in fee on Flathead Reservation 442
Lake Mead national Recreation Area, ARiz. and Nev.:
           Hualapai lands included, conditions 1035
Lake Oahe, N. Dak.—S. Dak., designation in honor of former Indian inhabitants 1121
Lake Seminole, Ga., named in honor of Seminole Indians 785
Lake Tahoe:
           Facilities for development of fish and wildlife resources
           Water use compact between California and Nevada 718
Lake Tribe, Colville Reservation, Wash. See also Colville Tribes.
           Judgment funds—
                      Per capita distribution
                      Use authorized 945
Lake Winnibigoshish Band of Chippewa Indians, Minn. See also Minnesota Chipewa Tribe.
           Judgment funds, disposition

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Lakimiut Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision 641, 1499
Lamm Lumber Co., Claim against Klamath and Modoc Tribes and yahooskin Band of Snake Indians, Jurisdiction of Court of Claims 542
Lands Scrips, recordation of 712
Lands. See Indian Lands, Public Lands.
L'Anse band of Chippewa Indians. See Keweenaw Bay Indian Community.
Las Vegas Band of Paiute Indians, judgment funds, disposition
Law Enforcement Assistance 1376
           Federal share of grants to Indian tribes 1217, 1218, 1378, 1379
           Indian tribes performing law enforcement functions—
                      Eligible for assistance
                      Notice of determination by Secretary of Interior 1573, 1585, 1586, 1587
Lawton, Okla., sale of lands on Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Reservation to city authorized 303
Lead and Zinc Mining, stabilization 947
Lead-based Paint Poisoning:
           Grants for elimination
                      government 1220
           Indian Lands—
                      Geothermal leases, conditions of issue, Indian lands excluded
                      Long-term leases 713, 892, 906, 950, 984, 998, 1058, 1108, 1133, 1134, 1154, 1163, 1191, 1192, 1214
                      Mineral leases See Mineral lands and mining
                      Oil and gas, subsurface storage
                      Public, religious, educational, etc., puposes 713
Restricted allotments of deceased Indians 89
                      Washington state
                                 Business and other purposes
95, 320
           Public lands 617, 877
Leech Lake Reservation, Minn. See also Minnesota Chippewa Tribe.
           Lands restored to tribal ownership
Legal Services Program 1356
Lincoln, Jack Small, tribal lands of Iowa tribe restored to heirs of 1056
Liquor Laws:
           Arrest, power of officers
Liquor Laws—Cont.
           Constitutional provisions of Arizona and New Mexico relating to sales to Indians, consent of U.S. to repeal
           Crow Reservation, repeal of prohibition against introduction of intoxicants 591
           Dispositionof conveyance seized for violation 551
           Evidence, possession as prima facie 400
           Indian country defined 396, 438
           Nonapplicability of federallaws where tribes adopt ordinances 590
                      Sale, dispensation, etc.
                                 in Indian country
                                 on school sites 397
           Searches and seizures 399, 553
           Tribal liquor ordinancespublished in the Federal Registrar, list 1600
Little Bighorn River Water Shed, private ditches, authority of Secretary of interior to enter into contracts, etc. 299
Little Flower Mission of the Saint Cloud Diocese, conveyanceof Minnesota Chippewa tribal lands to 990
           Cattle tick eradication, appropriation
83, 134, 176
           Control of poisonousweeds for protection 572
           Emergency livstock fees 1563
           Loans and cash settlements 503
Sale or removal of Indian livestock as crime 397, 593
                      Repeal 781
           Crow Indians—
                      Time extension for repayment and increase in revolving fund
           Farmers Home Administration loans to tribes and tribal corporations for land acquisition 1183
           Livestock loans and cash settlements authorized 503
           Navajo and Hopi Tribes, for rehabilitation 498
           Revolving loan fund—
12, 66, 118, 271, 303, 412, 456, 516, 549, 571, 964, 993, 1008, 1097, 1139
                      Interest on loans to be credited to fund 118
                      Loans without interest to Klamath Indians during termination 873
                      Loans to Indian Chartered corporations

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                                 Authorized amount increased
                                 Requirement of annual report to Congress repealed 907
                      Loans to individual Indians and organizations otherwise ineligible 201, 386
                                 Authorized amount increased 271, 303, 412
                      Restriction of loans to individuals of less than ¼ Indian Blood 12, 386
           Revolving loan fund or expert assistance in cases before Indian Claims Commission 998, 1066
           Rural loan program 1362
Lodge Grass, Mot., taxation of Indian land holdings for municipal water supply and sewerage system 442
Lodge Pole, Mont., townsite restored to Fort Belknap tribal ownership 1528
Long-term Leasing Act 713
           Amendments 892, 906, 950, 984, 998, 1058, 1108, 1133, 1134, 1154, 1163, 1191, 1192, 1214
Long Tom Creek Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision 641, 1499
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, Lower Brule Reservation, S. Dak.:
           Big bend Dam and Reservoir project—
                      Acquisition and payment for lands
                      Payment of individual claims 1137
                      Time extension for suit filed by Indian rejecting payment 1135
           Economic and social development, appropriation authorized 973
                      Appropriation 992
           Fort Randall Dam and Reservoir project
                      Payment of claims for lands acquired
                                 Exemption from liens and debts of Indians 907
                      Settlement contracts for lands and rights acquired 628
                      Conveyances of individually owned lands See Conveyances—Lower Brule Sioux Reservation
                      Fee patnets See Fee patents—Lower Brule Sioux Reservation
           Townsite of Lower Brule, construction authorized
Lower Chehalis Tribe, Wash., preparation of roll and disposition of judgment fund 1106
Lower Coquille Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision 641, 1499
Lower Lake Rancheria, Lake County, Calif., sale to Lake County, Calif., authorized 721, 749
Lower Mississippi River Project, authorized 426
Lower Pend d'Oreille Tribe. See Kalispel Tribe
Lower Unpqua Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision
641, 1499
Loyal Creek Band or Group of Indians:
           Judgment funds distribution
                      Disposition of unclaimed share 1103
Lumbee Indians, N.C., designation as 775
Lumber. See Forests and forest products, timber.
Lummi Agency, Wash., general support and administration of property, appropriation
128, 167, 247
Lummi Diking Project, appropriation 14, 67, 119, 159, 202, 240, 272
Lummi Tribe, Lummie Reservation, Wash.:
           Industrial assistance for individual Indians, appropriation
                      Assessment for diking project
                      Conveyance to tribe 819
Lytton Rancheria, Calif.:
           Termination of federal supervision 1539, 1542

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