Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Paiute Agency, Utah, general support and administration of property, appropriation | 128 |
Paiute Indians. See also Individual tribes and bands. Lands, irrigation charges on Newlands Reclamation Project, appropriation |
15, 69, 121, 161, 203, 242, 274 |
Of former Malheur Reservation Judgment funds, disposition |
1022 |
Southrn Paiute Nation Judgment funds, disposition |
1164 |
Pala Band of Indians, Calif.: Lands conveyed to Diocese of San Diego Education and Welfare Corporation |
928 |
Withdrawal of lands for forest guard station revoked | 1558 |
Pala Irrigation Project, Calif., construction, maintenance, etc., appropriation | 13, 67, 119, 159, 202, 272 |
Palm Springs Band of Mission Indians. See Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians. Palm Springs Reservation. See Agua Caliente Reservation. Palos Verde Irrigation District, Calif.: Construction of works |
665 |
Payment for lands and construction of levees, etc., on Colorado River Reservation | 666 |
Papago Agency. See Sells Agency. Papago Indians on San Xavier Reservation. See San Xavier Reservation. Papago Tribe, Papago Reservation, Ariz.: Building transferred to BIA for housing of Indian veterans |
293 |
Construction and repair, appropriation | 457 |
Irrigation projects, appropriation | 16, 304 |
Lands— Added to reservation |
30 |
Lease to National Science Foundation | 849 |
Withdrawn from mineral entry | 698 |
Minerals held in trust for tribe | 698 |
Salvage removal from lands conveyed to Tucson | 615 |
Sil Murk village, relocation and reestablishment | 1019 |
Water supply development, appropriation | 13, 67, 119, 159, 201, 240, 272 |
Parker, Ariz., sale of certain town lots in, consent of Colorado River Tribes required | 37 |
Lease of vacant unsold lots | 37 |
Parker Dam Project, acquisition of lands of Fort Mohave Reservation, Ariz., Chemehuevi Reservation, Calif. | 88, 178 |
Pascua Yaqui Association, Inc., lands conveyed to | 1038 |
Paskenta Rancheria, Calif.: Distribution of lands and assets authorized |
831 |
Termination of federal supervision | 1533 |
Patents in Fee. See Fee patents. Pawnee Agency, Okla., general support and administration of property, appropriation |
128 |
Pawnee Tribe, Pawnee Reservation, Okla.: Attorneys' expenses, appropriation |
130 |
Judgment funds, disposition | 1023 |
Lands held in trust | 1161 |
Treaty obligations, appropriation | 27, 79, 132, 171, 212, 251, 282, 306, 350, 415, 454, 458, 516, 549 |
Pecos National Monument, N. Mex., establishment | 1046 |
Pecwan Union School District, Calif., conveyance of land to | 713 |
Pend d'Oreille Tribe, Lower. See Kalispel Tribe. Peoria Tribe, Okla., termination of federal supervision |
764 |
Peorias, Weas, Piankashaws and Kaskaskias, Confederated Tribes of, preparation of roll and disposition of judgment funds | 1198 |
Per Capita Payments, appropriation for | 26, 43, 79, 132, 171, 212, 251, 282 |
Personal Property, termination of restrictions on purchase, possession and sale | 593 |
Phoenix, Ariz., education of Indian pupils at nonreservation boarding schools, appropriation | |
Phoenix Indian School Reserve, transfer of portion to jurisdiction of Veterans Administration | 1460 |
Piankashaws, Weas, Peorias and Kaskaskias, Confederated Tribes of, preparation of roll and disposition of judgment funds | 1198 |
Picacho Reservoir, San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project, Ariz., purchase of lands | 585 |
Picayune Rancheria, Calif.: Distribution of lands and assets authorized |
831 |
Termination of federal supervision | 1558 |
Pickstown, S. Dak., conveyance of surplus property to Indians to stimulate industrial development | 789 |
Picuris Pueblo. See San Lorenzo Pueblo. Pierre, S. Dak., education of Indian pupils at nonreservation boarding schools, appropriation |
20, 73, 125, 164, 207, 245, 277 |
Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians, Minn. See also Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. Judgment funds, disposition |
1105 |
Pima Agency, Ariz.: Construction and repair, appropriation |
131, 457 |
General support and administration of property, appropriation | 22, 75, 128, 167, 209, 247 |
Pima Indians, Ariz. See also Gila River Reservation, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. Subjugation and cropping operations, appropriation |
14, 68, 120, 160, 202, 241, 273, 309, 352, 417 |
Pine Ridge Sioux Tribe, Pine Ridge Reservation, S. Dak.: Aerial gunnery range, payment for damages resulting from |
750, 858 |
Appropriation | 754 |
Allotment claims, lost, correction of list | 28 |
Badlands National Monument, exchange of lands between U. S. and tribe | 1143, 1168 |
Construction and repair, appropriation | 26, 43, 170 |
Lands— Conveyances of individually owned land See Conveyances—Pine Ridge Reservation Entries or purchases on opened lands, reinstatement |
107 |
Fee patents issued See Fee patents—Pine Ridge Reservation Placed in trust |
997, 999 |
Restored to tribal ownership | 1399 |
Pine River Indian (Southern Ute) Project, repayment contract | 631 |
Pinolville Rancheria, Calif.: Distribution of lands and assets authorized |
831 |
Termination of federal supervision | 1558 |
Pipestone, Minn.: Construction and repair, appropriation |
78 |
Education of Indian pupils at nonreservation boarding school, appropriation | 19, 72, 124, 163, 206, 244, 277 |
Pitt River Indians, conveyance of land to state of Calif.; proceeds deposited to credit of | 649 |
Poisonous Weeds, control of for protection of livestock | 572 |
Pojoaque Pueblo, N. Mex.: Long-term leases |
1163 |
Purchase of land and water rights, appropriation | 9 |
Sale of land to Navajo Tribe | 715, 742 |
Polson, Mont.: Drainage system, appropriation authorized |
442 |
Sale of lands to, authorized | 373 |
Pomo and Affiliated Indians, Lake County, Calif., lands reserved for | 1402 |
Pomo Indians, Manchester Band, Calif., lands reserved for | 152 |
Ponca Tribe, Okla., attorneys' expenses, appropriation | 130 |
Ponca Tribe of Native Americans, Nebr.: Division of tribal assets and termination of federal supervision Authorized |
967 |
Notice of final membership roll | 1555 |
Notice of termination | 1561 |
Ponemah, Minn., restriction on authority to incur obligations for the construction of school facilities | 553 |
Port Gamble Reservation, Wash., reservation established | 1420 |
Port Madison Reservation, Wash., leases of land authorized | 95 |
Port Orford Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision | 641, 1499 |
Potawatomi Indians, Citizen Band, Okla.: Judgment funds— Disposition |
1200 |
Use authorized | 878, 933 |
Lands conveyed to | 917, 1013 |
Potawatomi Indians, Prairie Band, Kans.: Judgment funds, use authorized |
878, 933 |
Lands placed in trust | 960 |
Termination of federal supervision, sense of Congress resolution | 614 |
Potawatomi Indians, Wisconsin Band, Wis. and Mich., support of, reduction in appropriation | 336 |
Potter Valley Rancheria, Calif.: Distribution of lands and assets authorized |
831 |
Termination of federal supervision | 1539 |
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Indians. See Potawatomi Indians, Prairie Band. Prairie Island Indian Community, Minn., BIA funds available for school facilities |
570 |
Prehistoric Indian Ruins: Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa, established |
1237 |
Hovenweep National Monument, Colo. and Utah, addition | 1240 |
National Bridges National Monument, Utah, addition | 1255 |
Pribilof Islands: Administration |
1079 |
Fisheries protection, appropriation | 283, 311, 419 |
Fur seal protection | 219, 1076 |
Natives— Education, medical and dental care, etc. |
1079 |
Provision of necessities, appropriation | 283, 311, 419 |
Townsite on St. Paul Island authorized | 1080 |
Special reservation for government purposes declared | 220 |
Probate: Adopted persons, recognition as heirs |
89 |
Five Civilized Tribes— Distribution of restricted estates |
180 |
Jurisdiction of Oklahoma state courts | 362 |
Hearing officers, appointment | 648, 699, 735, 779 |
Intestates without heirs, disposition of estates | 178 |
Property, Personal, termination of restrictions on sale, purchase, and possession | 593 |
Protestant Episcopal Church School Lands, Wyo., cancellatioon of certain irrigation maintenance and operation charges | 576 |
Public Buildings, construction, alteration, etc., on Indian lands | 888 |
Public Housing. See Housing—Low-rent housing. Public Land Law Review Commission, establishment |
1033 |
Public Lands: Alaska See Alaska Crimes on |
398 |
Defined | 1033 |
Disposal for public and recreational purposes | 617, 877 |
Disposal of certain materials and resources | 255, 358, 703, 969 |
Easements, executive agencies authorized to grant | 987 |
Grants to states, settlement of deficiencies | 842 |
Idaho, sale of public lands, Indian-occupied or claimed land omitted | 953 |
Land scrips, recordation required | 712 |
Oklahoma— Management and disposition of reconveyed Indian lands |
710 |
Rights-of-way for electrical poles and lines, etc. | 563 |
Withdrawals for Indian use, etc., authority of Secretary of Interior | 1441, 1443, 1487 |
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 | 1049 |
Amendments of 1969 | 1179 |
Public Works and Facilities: Financial assistance Indian tribes |
985, 1049, 1179, 1335, 1370, 1371 |
Planning advances Indian tribes | 1033, 1299 |
Public Works Appropriations Acts. See Appropriations—Defense Dept. Pudding River Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision |
641, 1499 |
Pueblo Indians, N. Mex. See also Individal pueblos. Construction and repair, appropriation |
26, 349 |
General support and administration of property, appropriation | 75, 247 |
Irrigation projects Appropriation |
13, 17, 67, 70, 119, 122, 159, 162, 202, 240, 272, 305, 349, 413, 456 |
Construction costs on Pueblo lands, appropriation authorized | 149 |
Appropriation | 176 |
Contracts for payment of operation and maintenance charges | 291, 731, 1047 |
Lands placed in trust | 441, 934, 969 |
Pueblo Indians—Cont. Long-term leases on certain peublos |
1163 |
Water supply developments, appropriation | 13, 67, 119, 159, 201, 240, 272 |
Puertocito Navajo Indians, Alamo Band, N. Mex.: Land acquisition outside reservation eligible for appropriation |
348 |
Lands placed in trust | 1005 |
Purchases from Indians by Government Employees, conditions | 31 |
Pushmataha, a Choctaw Indian Chief, cemeterial expenses in Congressional Cemetery, appropriation | 82 |
Puyallup Agency, Wash., general support and administration of property, appropriation | 22, 75, 128, 167, 209, 247 |
Puyallup Tribe, Puyallup Reservation, Wash.: Tribal roll correction and distribution of funds |
180 |
Tribal school property, acquisition by U. S. for sanatorium, appropriation authorized | 45 |
Pyramid Lake Fishery, Nev., restoration | 757 |
Pyramid Lake Irrigation Project, appropriation | 13, 17, 67, 70, 119, 122, 159, 162, 202, 240, 243, 272, 275, 305 |
Pyramid Lake Tribe, Pyramid Lake Reservation, Nev.: Industrial assistance to individual Indians Lands— Restored to tribal ownership |
1428 |
Restored to Wadsworth townsite | 392 |
Long-term leases | 1058 |
Payment for excess value of land, etc., appropriation | 649 |