Vols. VI & VII, Laws     (Compiled from February 10, 1939 to January 13, 1971)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office

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Volumes VI & VII


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Page 1690

Paiute Agency, Utah, general support and administration of property, appropriation 128
Paiute Indians. See also Individual tribes and bands.
           Lands, irrigation charges on Newlands Reclamation Project, appropriation
15, 69, 121, 161, 203, 242, 274
           Of former Malheur Reservation
                      Judgment funds, disposition
           Southrn Paiute Nation
                      Judgment funds, disposition
Pala Band of Indians, Calif.:
           Lands conveyed to Diocese of San Diego Education and Welfare Corporation
           Withdrawal of lands for forest guard station revoked 1558
Pala Irrigation Project, Calif., construction, maintenance, etc., appropriation 13, 67, 119, 159, 202, 272
Palm Springs Band of Mission Indians. See Agua Caliente Band of Mission Indians.
Palm Springs Reservation. See Agua Caliente Reservation.
Palos Verde Irrigation District, Calif.:
           Construction of works
           Payment for lands and construction of levees, etc., on Colorado River Reservation 666
Papago Agency. See Sells Agency.
Papago Indians on San Xavier Reservation. See San Xavier Reservation.
Papago Tribe, Papago Reservation, Ariz.:
           Building transferred to BIA for housing of Indian veterans
           Construction and repair, appropriation 457
           Irrigation projects, appropriation 16, 304
                      Added to reservation
                      Lease to National Science Foundation 849
                      Withdrawn from mineral entry 698
           Minerals held in trust for tribe 698
           Salvage removal from lands conveyed to Tucson 615
           Sil Murk village, relocation and reestablishment 1019
           Water supply development, appropriation 13, 67, 119, 159, 201, 240, 272
Parker, Ariz., sale of certain town lots in, consent of Colorado River Tribes required 37
           Lease of vacant unsold lots 37
Parker Dam Project, acquisition of lands of Fort Mohave Reservation, Ariz., Chemehuevi Reservation, Calif. 88, 178
Pascua Yaqui Association, Inc., lands conveyed to 1038
Paskenta Rancheria, Calif.:
           Distribution of lands and assets authorized
           Termination of federal supervision 1533
Patents in Fee. See Fee patents.
Pawnee Agency, Okla., general support and administration of property, appropriation
Pawnee Tribe, Pawnee Reservation, Okla.:
           Attorneys' expenses, appropriation
           Judgment funds, disposition 1023
           Lands held in trust 1161
           Treaty obligations, appropriation 27, 79, 132, 171, 212, 251, 282, 306, 350, 415, 454, 458, 516, 549
Pecos National Monument, N. Mex., establishment 1046
Pecwan Union School District, Calif., conveyance of land to 713
Pend d'Oreille Tribe, Lower. See Kalispel Tribe.
Peoria Tribe, Okla., termination of federal supervision
Peorias, Weas, Piankashaws and Kaskaskias, Confederated Tribes of, preparation of roll and disposition of judgment funds 1198
Per Capita Payments, appropriation for 26, 43, 79, 132, 171, 212, 251, 282
Personal Property, termination of restrictions on purchase, possession and sale 593

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Phoenix, Ariz., education of Indian pupils at nonreservation boarding schools, appropriation
Phoenix Indian School Reserve, transfer of portion to jurisdiction of Veterans Administration 1460
Piankashaws, Weas, Peorias and Kaskaskias, Confederated Tribes of, preparation of roll and disposition of judgment funds 1198
Picacho Reservoir, San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project, Ariz., purchase of lands 585
Picayune Rancheria, Calif.:
           Distribution of lands and assets authorized
           Termination of federal supervision 1558
Pickstown, S. Dak., conveyance of surplus property to Indians to stimulate industrial development 789
Picuris Pueblo. See San Lorenzo Pueblo.
Pierre, S. Dak., education of Indian pupils at nonreservation boarding schools, appropriation
20, 73, 125, 164, 207, 245, 277
Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians, Minn. See also Minnesota Chippewa Tribe.
           Judgment funds, disposition
Pima Agency, Ariz.:
           Construction and repair, appropriation
131, 457
           General support and administration of property, appropriation 22, 75, 128, 167, 209, 247
Pima Indians, Ariz. See also Gila River Reservation, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.
           Subjugation and cropping operations, appropriation
14, 68, 120, 160, 202, 241, 273, 309, 352, 417
Pine Ridge Sioux Tribe, Pine Ridge Reservation, S. Dak.:
           Aerial gunnery range, payment for damages resulting from
750, 858
                      Appropriation 754
           Allotment claims, lost, correction of list 28
           Badlands National Monument, exchange of lands between U. S. and tribe 1143, 1168
           Construction and repair, appropriation 26, 43, 170
                      Conveyances of individually owned land See Conveyances—Pine Ridge Reservation
                      Entries or purchases on opened lands, reinstatement
                      Fee patents issued See Fee patents—Pine Ridge Reservation
                      Placed in trust
997, 999
                      Restored to tribal ownership 1399
Pine River Indian (Southern Ute) Project, repayment contract 631
Pinolville Rancheria, Calif.:
           Distribution of lands and assets authorized
           Termination of federal supervision 1558
Pipestone, Minn.:
           Construction and repair, appropriation
           Education of Indian pupils at nonreservation boarding school, appropriation 19, 72, 124, 163, 206, 244, 277
Pitt River Indians, conveyance of land to state of Calif.; proceeds deposited to credit of 649
Poisonous Weeds, control of for protection of livestock 572
Pojoaque Pueblo, N. Mex.:
           Long-term leases
           Purchase of land and water rights, appropriation 9
           Sale of land to Navajo Tribe 715, 742
Polson, Mont.:
           Drainage system, appropriation authorized
           Sale of lands to, authorized 373
Pomo and Affiliated Indians, Lake County, Calif., lands reserved for 1402
Pomo Indians, Manchester Band, Calif., lands reserved for 152
Ponca Tribe, Okla., attorneys' expenses, appropriation 130
Ponca Tribe of Native Americans, Nebr.:
           Division of tribal assets and termination of federal supervision
                      Notice of final membership roll 1555
                      Notice of termination 1561
Ponemah, Minn., restriction on authority to incur obligations for the construction of school facilities 553
Port Gamble Reservation, Wash., reservation established 1420
Port Madison Reservation, Wash., leases of land authorized 95
Port Orford Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision 641, 1499
Potawatomi Indians, Citizen Band, Okla.:
           Judgment funds—
                      Use authorized 878, 933
           Lands conveyed to 917, 1013

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Potawatomi Indians, Prairie Band, Kans.:
           Judgment funds, use authorized
878, 933
           Lands placed in trust 960
           Termination of federal supervision, sense of Congress resolution 614
Potawatomi Indians, Wisconsin Band, Wis. and Mich., support of, reduction in appropriation 336
Potter Valley Rancheria, Calif.:
           Distribution of lands and assets authorized
           Termination of federal supervision 1539
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Indians. See Potawatomi Indians, Prairie Band.
Prairie Island Indian Community, Minn., BIA funds available for school facilities
Prehistoric Indian Ruins:
           Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa, established
           Hovenweep National Monument, Colo. and Utah, addition 1240
           National Bridges National Monument, Utah, addition 1255
Pribilof Islands:
           Fisheries protection, appropriation 283, 311, 419
           Fur seal protection 219, 1076
                      Education, medical and dental care, etc.
                      Provision of necessities, appropriation 283, 311, 419
                      Townsite on St. Paul Island authorized 1080
           Special reservation for government purposes declared 220
           Adopted persons, recognition as heirs
           Five Civilized Tribes—
                      Distribution of restricted estates
                      Jurisdiction of Oklahoma state courts 362
           Hearing officers, appointment 648, 699, 735, 779
           Intestates without heirs, disposition of estates 178
Property, Personal, termination of restrictions on sale, purchase, and possession 593
Protestant Episcopal Church School Lands, Wyo., cancellatioon of certain irrigation maintenance and operation charges 576
Public Buildings, construction, alteration, etc., on Indian lands 888
Public Housing. See Housing—Low-rent housing.
Public Land Law Review Commission, establishment
Public Lands:
           Alaska See Alaska
           Crimes on
           Defined 1033
           Disposal for public and recreational purposes 617, 877
           Disposal of certain materials and resources 255, 358, 703, 969
           Easements, executive agencies authorized to grant 987
           Grants to states, settlement of deficiencies 842
           Idaho, sale of public lands, Indian-occupied or claimed land omitted 953
           Land scrips, recordation required 712
                      Management and disposition of reconveyed Indian lands
           Rights-of-way for electrical poles and lines, etc. 563
           Withdrawals for Indian use, etc., authority of Secretary of Interior 1441, 1443, 1487
Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 1049
           Amendments of 1969 1179
Public Works and Facilities:
           Financial assistance Indian tribes
985, 1049, 1179, 1335, 1370, 1371
           Planning advances Indian tribes 1033, 1299
Public Works Appropriations Acts. See Appropriations—Defense Dept.
Pudding River Indians, Oreg., termination of federal supervision
641, 1499
Pueblo Indians, N. Mex. See also Individal pueblos.
           Construction and repair, appropriation
26, 349
           General support and administration of property, appropriation 75, 247
           Irrigation projects
13, 17, 67, 70, 119, 122, 159, 162, 202, 240, 272, 305, 349, 413, 456
                      Construction costs on Pueblo lands, appropriation authorized 149
                                 Appropriation 176
                      Contracts for payment of operation and maintenance charges 291, 731, 1047
           Lands placed in trust 441, 934, 969

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Pueblo Indians—Cont.
           Long-term leases on certain peublos
           Water supply developments, appropriation 13, 67, 119, 159, 201, 240, 272
Puertocito Navajo Indians, Alamo Band, N. Mex.:
           Land acquisition outside reservation eligible for appropriation
           Lands placed in trust 1005
Purchases from Indians by Government Employees, conditions 31
Pushmataha, a Choctaw Indian Chief, cemeterial expenses in Congressional Cemetery, appropriation 82
Puyallup Agency, Wash., general support and administration of property, appropriation 22, 75, 128, 167, 209, 247
Puyallup Tribe, Puyallup Reservation, Wash.:
           Tribal roll correction and distribution of funds
           Tribal school property, acquisition by U. S. for sanatorium, appropriation authorized 45
Pyramid Lake Fishery, Nev., restoration 757
Pyramid Lake Irrigation Project, appropriation 13, 17, 67, 70, 119, 122, 159, 162, 202, 240, 243, 272, 275, 305
Pyramid Lake Tribe, Pyramid Lake Reservation, Nev.:
           Industrial assistance to individual Indians
                      Restored to tribal ownership
                      Restored to Wadsworth townsite 392
           Long-term leases 1058
           Payment for excess value of land, etc., appropriation 649

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