Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Page 1347

Bad River Reservation (see also La Pointe Reservation),
           appropriation for road from Odanah in; State cooperation
           sale of timber on alleged school lands in; disposition of proceeds 88

Page 1348

Baker, William M.,
           credits allowed in accounts of, as cashier of Five Civilized Tribes
Bannock Indians in Idaho,
           appropriation for
15, 62, 114, 156, 204, 246, 301, 346, 382, 442, 501, 538, 925.
Battle Mountain, Nev.,
           Executive order reserving designated lands near, for homeless Shoshones
Batvia, Mary (allottee),
           fee-simple patent issued to
Bead, E. E.,
           payment to, for damages from fire
Beaulieu, Gus H.,
           payment to
Beckwith, G. H.,
           lands in Flathead Reservation, Mont., conveyed to
                      reversion if intoxicants sold; governmental supervision continued 180
Bell, Richard (allottee),
           patent to deceased, canceled; and allotment restored to tribal property of                       Round Valley Reservation, Calif
Belt, R. V.,
           appropriation for legal representatives of, for services to Pottawatomies
Bemidji, Minn.,
           appropriation for expenses, Chippewa general council at
17, 65, 158
Bena, Minn.,
           grant of building, etc., for schoolhouse; admission of Chippewa children
Bennett County, S. Dak.,
           Rosebud Reservation settlers in, given further time for payments
Benoy, Peter (allottee),
           fee-simple patent issued to
Benson County, N. Dak.,
           appropriation for care of insane Indians by
75, 210
Big Horn Valley, Mont.,
           appropriation for improving irrigation systems in Crow Reservation
207, 304, 325
Big Soldier, etc., Creeks, Kansas,
           appropriation for bridges across, within Potawatomi Reservation
Big Wind River and Dry Creek Canals, Wyo.,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
Bighorn, Mont.,
           Crow lands transferred to school district of
Bismarck, N. Dak.,
           appropriation for school at
74, 120, 162, 251, 307, 351, 387, 438, 467, 498, 536, 923
                      for adjacent lands; reappropriation 162, 307
                      unexpended balance of 1917 appropriation for school, covered in 920
Bismarck Water Supply Co.,
           right of way on school lands granted to
Bitter Root Valley, Mont.,
           appropriation for paying claims against funds from sales of Flathead lands                       in
Black, Jim,
           fee simple homestead patent, confirmed
Blackfeet Agency, Mont.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
18, 68, 118, 159, 206, 248, 303, 349, 384, 441, 467, 500
                      for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds 222, 261, 315, 443, 502, 540, 927
Blackfeet Hospital, Mont.,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 339, 375, 440, 499, 538, 925.
Blackfeet Reservation, Mont.,
           agreement with irrigation districts as to prior water rights of Indians on
           appropriation for cattle, etc., for Indians on 69
                      for constructing irrigation systems on; repayment 70
                      payment of charges by settlers 70
                                 liability of allotment purchasers 70
                                 allowance for passenger-carrying vehicles 71
                      for constructing bridge across Two Medicine Creek, from tribal                                  funds 249

                      for irrigation, construction
18, 70, 118, 159, 207, 304, 349, 385, 435
                      for irrigation, maintenance, etc. 466, 494, 532, 919
                      for public-school building at Browning 248
                      for roads and trails 543, 930
           deficiency appropriation for aid, etc.; repayment 398
           claims of certain Indians on, for lands, etc., taken, to be determined by                       Court of Claims 402
           disposal of surplus unallotted lands in, repealed 207
                      further allotments to be made 207
                                 trust patents for homesteads 207
                                 closing of tribal rolls 207
                      former grants not affected 208
                      intoxicants prohibited on all lands 208
                      minerals reserved for benefit of Indians 208
                                 leases permitted 208
                      trust patents for allotments 208
           homestead allotments on, subject to alienation, etc., on death of allottee 420
           interest allowed on funds placed to credit of Indians of, from advances to                       irrigation project 522
           mining leases of reserved school, etc., lands on, authorized 364
           purchase of allotments of George W. Cook and David La Breche, from                       funds of irrigation systems 265
           special report required of irrigation project on, as to water rights, methods                       of financing, etc. 9
           unexpended balance, appropriation for irrigation systems on, 1918,                       covered in 495
Blackfoot Indians,
           (unratified) treaty of 1865
                      of 1868 1138
Blair, Henry W.,
           investigation, etc., of claim of, against Choctaws
                      as attorney for certain Indians 77, 165
Bloomfield, N. Mex.,
           deficiency appropriation for one-half cost of bridge across San Juan River,                       N. Mex., from Navajo funds

Page 1349

Board of Indian Commissioners,
            appropriation for expenses
11, 110, 151, 198, 239, 296, 342, 377, 430, 488, 525, 913.
           Navy Department surplus, may be transferred for use of Indian schools
Books, Periodicals, etc., Indian Service,
           appropriation for
Bordeaux, Louis,
           payment to, for damages from fire
Boundary County, Idaho,
           sale of allotted lands of Kootenai Indians in, and purchase of tracts for                       individual Indians authorized
Bowman, Eva M.,
           payment to
Box Elder County, Utah,
           appropriation for educating Indian pupils at Washakie School
Brace, Martha E.,
           allotment to, of land on Kiowa Reservation, Okla
Bradley, Joseph,
           payment to
15, 63
           appropriation authorized for completing, across Little Colorado River, Leupp                       Agency
           appropriation for constructing, across—
                      Gila River, San Carlos Reservation, Ariz., addition
                      Little Colorado and Canyon Diablo Rivers near Leupp Agency, Ariz. 244, 300
                                 payment to Allied Contractors for 398
                      Little Colorado River, Winslow, Ariz. 61, 154
                      Little Colorado and Canyon Diablo Rivers 113, 155, 202
                      Mississippi River, Cass Lake Reservation, Minn 116
                      Narrows, Cass Lake Reservation; Forest Service contribution 141
                      Oconalufty River, Cherokee, N. C. 162, 209
                      Red Lake River, on Red Lake Reservation, Minn.; repayment 205, 348, 383, 504, 542, 929
                      Salt Fork of Arkansas River in Ponca Reservation, Okla. 89
                      Salt River near Lehi, Ariz. 244
                      San Juan River, Farmington, N. Mex. 161, 306
                                 San Juan County, N. Mex. 104
                                 Shiprock, N. Mex. 209
                      Santa Clara River, Shivwits Reservation, Utah 229
                      Two Medicine Creek, Blackfeet Reservation 249
                      Umatilla River, Thorn Hollow and Mission Stations 80
                      Williamson River, Klamath Reservation 80
           appropriation for investigating, etc. need for bridging Colorado River, near                       Lee Ferry 300
           authorized; repayment 1191
                      on Salt River Reservation, Ariz. 203
                      for repairs, Government bridge across Little Colorado River near                                  Tanners Crossing, Ariz. 154
                      for roads and, Pine Ridge Reservation, S. Dak. 257
           authority for constructing, on San Carlos Reservation, repealed 14
           construction of, authorized across Colorado River, Topock, Ariz 13
           deficiency appropriation for one-half cost of, across Colorado River near                       Lee Ferry, Ariz 515
                      for one-half cost of, across San Juan River, Bloomfield, N. Mex. 474, 515
Brock, C. LeRoy,
           payment to, for loss of automobile
Browning, Mont.,
           appropriation for public school building; admission of Indian children
           block in, townsite transferred to Glacier County, for school purposes 304
Bryant, Joseph M.,
           appropriation for services, from funds of Confederated Bands of Utes
Burke Act of May 8, 1906, vol. 3: 181.  
Burns, Oreg.,
           school building to be built, etc., in which Piute Indian children shall be                       admitted
Burshia, Lewis J.,
           payment to, for property damages

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