Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Page 1376

McAllister, James F.,
           payment to
                      deficiency appropriation for 509
McCumber Amendment of April 26, 1906, vol. 3: 178.
McDowell Indians,
           appropriation for Headgate irrigation project, Salt River Reservation, Ariz
McGillis, Starr, Turtle Mountain Chippewa Indians,
           appropriation for redeeming mortgage on allotment of; reimbursement of
McKinley County, N. Mex.,
           exchanges permitted of lands in, to consolidate holdings in solid areas
McKusick, Hattie A.,
           appropriation for lands purchased for homeless Mille Lacs, from
McMurray, J. F.,
           claims of, for professional services, etc., to Choctaws and Chickasaws,                       referred to Court of Claims
                      payment of judgment from tribal funds 169
                      counterclaims, etc., of Indians admitted in defense 169
                      offsets of coal-mining leases 169
                      cancellation of noncoal land leases 169
                      procedure; appearance of attorneys for nations and Attorney                                  General 169
                      adjustment by mutual agreement authorized 169
                      surety bond required 169
           additional claims, etc., between, and the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians                       referred to Court of Claims 230
                      exclusion of specified claims; limitations 230
Mackinac Agency, Mich.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
347, 382
                      for support, etc.. from tribal funds of Indians at 222, 261, 315, 443, 502, 540, 927
Madeline (Allottee),
           fee simple patent issued to
Madison, William,
           payment to
Magnesite Deposits,
           leases of, in unallotted lands of Indians, authorized
Mahnomen County, Minn.,
           abandoned school lands granted to, for demonstration school farm
                      division of purchase money 64
Makah Indians, Washington,
           appropriation for support, etc., of
29, 83, 127, 173, 218, 258, 312, 357, 392, 399
           lands adjoining Makah Reservation, Wash., set aside for Quileutes and 551
Makah-Quileute Indians, Washington,
           transfer of designated lands of, to Coast Guard
Makah Reservation, Wash.,
           lands adjacent to, set aside for Makah and Quileute Indians
Malki Agency, Calif.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
315, 345
Mann, Frank T.,
           credits allowed in accounts of
Manzano National Forest, N. Mex.,
           proclamation modifying area of
                      reserving portion for Zuni, etc., Indians 985
                      excluded lands restored to settlement 985
Maricopa Reservation, Ariz.,
           appropriation for Ak Chin irrigation project on
194, 236
Martinez Reservation,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of pumping plant on
Mary Ann (Allottee),
           fee simple patent issued to
           appropriation for
10, 55, 109, 150, 197, 238, 295, 341, 376, 431, 490, 527, 924
May, Addie,
           allotment of Kaw Indian lands to
Medawakanton Sioux, Minnesota,
           claims for restoring annuities, etc., to be brought in Court of Claims
                      correction directed in enrolling bill relating to 138
Mekusukey Academy, Okla.,
           appropriation for repairs, etc
Mellette County, S. Dak.,
           Rosebud Reservation settlers in, given further time for payments
Memaloose Island, Columbia River, Oreg.,
           withdrawn for burial ground of Yakima, etc., Indians, Washington
Memorials (see Monuments and Statues),
Menominee Indians, Wyo.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of
129, 175
                                 removal of merchantable timber 130, 175
                                 per capita apportionment to enrolled members; cash                                             payment 130, 175, 314, 394, 543
                                 shares of minors under 18 to be deposited with parents, etc 130, 175
                                 all deposits subject to regulations 130, 176
                      for self-support, etc., from tribal funds 87, 175
                                 restriction on clearing timberlands 87
                                 sales of forest products 87
           deficiency appropriation for rebuilding sawmill at Neopit, Wis 509

Page 1377

Menominee Reservation, Wis.,

           forest investigations, etc., on reservations not applicable to
10, 56, 109, 150, 197, 239, 295, 341, 376, 432, 490, 527, 915.
           logging, etc., contracts with white men allowed for timber operations on 472
Merrill, Ivy L.,
           payment to, from Pottawatomie tribal funds
                      for personal injuries 907
Mesa Grande Reservation, Calif.,
           Executive orders setting aside tract for Indians of
           lands withdrawn for use of Indians of, and added thereto 545
Mesa Verde National Park, Colo.,
           appropriation for roadway to Gallup, on Navajo Reservation
74, 119, 161
Mescalero Agency, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
222, 251, 315, 502, 540, 927
           deficiency appropriation for civilian employees at 509
Mescalero Hospital, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 339, 375, 440, 500, 538, 925.
Mescalero Reservation, N. Mex.,
           amount authorized for self-support, etc., of Indians of
           appropriation for one-half cost of road between Tularosa and 161
                      for roads and bridges on 209, 250, 351, 386, 504, 542
                      for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds 350, 385, 399
                      for water supply; repayment 351
           land patent to
Mesquakie Day School, Sac and Fox Agency,
           appropriation for land for
Metalliferous Minerals, Valuable,
           leases allowed for mining on Indian reservations for; conditions, etc
Methodist Episcopal Church, Northern Minnesota Conference of,
           patent for lot to issue to
                      modified 65
Mexican Kickapoo Indians, Oklahoma,
           Executive order extending trust period on allotments of
           appropriation for constructing fence along boundary line between Papago                       Reservation and
Mi-Chop-Da, Es-Kuin, etc., Treaty, 1851,
Milk River Irrigation System, Montana,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc
18, 69, 118, 159
           requiring reimbursement of cost of, from Indian funds, repealed 321
                      charges payable by individual allottee 321
                                 unpaid, a lien upon allotment 321
Mille Lac Indians, Minnesota,
           appropriation for allotments to homeless, nonremoval
                      for purchase of lands for homeless 16
           deficiency appropriation for paying judgments, Court of Claims in favor of 97
                                 allowance for interest 97
           payment to designated chief of, from Court of Claims judgment in favor of                       Band 476
                      Hattie A. McKusick, for lands for homeless 247
Miller, Edgar K.,
           credit allowed in accounts of
Miller, Mrs. George A.,
           payment to
Mineral Deposits, Nonmetallic,
           appropriation for enforcing laws relating to
395, 447
Mineral Lands within Reservations,
           leases of gold, etc., mining on withdrawn unallotted, etc., in designated States
           lands to be determined by Secretary of Interior 223
                      location by prospector; application for leases 223
           terms of leases; extension, relinquishment, etc 223
                      tracts for development work, etc., allowed 223
                      surface may be reserved; easements 223
                      conditions binding on successors 224
                      forfeiture if conditions not complied with 224
           royalties for benefit of Indians 224
                      minimum; rental 224
                      annual assessment work required 224
           damages to Indian property to be paid by lessees 224
           timber cutting restricted 224
           statements, etc., from lessees required 224
           all moneys to be deposited to credit of Indians 224
                      distribution, etc 224
           regulations to be prescribed 225
                      State, etc., taxes not affected 225
           locations and leases by competent Indians allowed 225
                      by other Indians; regulations, etc 225
           leases authorized for mining valuable metaliferous and nonmetaliferous                       deposits on withdrawn unallotted lands in designated States 910
                      oil and gas excluded 910
                      irrevocable; exception 910
           lands subject to exploration to be determined 910
                      location of claims 910
                                 preference of locators for leases; applications to be filed, etc 910
                      exclusion of water lands, etc., from entry 911
Mines, Bureau, Interior Department,
           appropriation for enforcement of laws relating to nonmetallic mineral deposits,                       etc., on Indian lands
395, 447
                      for enforcement of provisions for oil, oil shale, and gas leases 446
                      for petroleum and natural gas inquiries, etc 446
Minidoka Irrigation Project, Idaho,
           lands on Fort Hall Reservation to be acquired for American Falls Reservoir of

Page 1378

Mining, Reservations,
           gold, etc., leases allowed in designated States
           leases for, authorized on agency, etc., lands 523
           oil and gas leases, upon unallotted lands, provisions for 936
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at specified agencies, from tribal funds
347, 383
                      for tuition fees, State public schools 347
           Executive order relating to Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior 1022
                      Fond du Lac band of Chippewas 1023
                      Lake Traverse (Sioux) 1024
                      White Earth Reservation, Minn 1024
                      Winnibigoshish Reservation 1024
Minnesota National Forest,
           credit authorized to general fund of Chippewas of Minnesota, in settlement for
           payment to Chippewas in Minnesota for timber, etc., taken for 514
Mission Farm Company,
           payment to, for fire damages
Mission Indians, California,
           compensation, etc., for lands of, on Capitan Grande Reservation, taken for San                       Diego water supply
           Executive order relating to various bands of 1017
           extension of allotment trust period 114
           proclamation setting aside portion of Cleveland National Forest, Calif., for use of 960
           trust period for lands of Capitan Grande Band of, extended 10 years; further                       extension discretionary with President 931
Mission Reservation, Calif.,
           proclamation restoring to settlement unused lands on
           appropriation for investigating condition of Indians in
           certain lands in, quitclaimed to present owners 38
Mississippi River,
           appropriation for bridge across, on road to Cass Lake School, Minn
Missoula County, Mont.,
           may purchase land in Flathead Reservation for school purposes
                      admission of Indian children required 186
Mitchell, D. D.,
           note of L. Lea to
Moadac Tribe of Indians,
           all claims of, against United States, referred to Court of Claims
Moapa River Reservation,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project
147, 194, 235, 305, 350
Modisette, J. O.
           payment to from Chickasaw funds
Modoc Indians, Oklahoma,
           Executive order extending trust period on certain allotments to
Modoc Point, Oreg.,
           appropriation for irrigation system
27, 80, 125, 170, 194, 216, 256, 335, 435, 494, 919.
           unexpended balance of appropriation, 1916 for, covered in 496
Moencopi Wash, Ariz.,
           bridge authorized across, on Western Navajo Reservation
Moencopi Wash. irrigation project, Arizona,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
147, 194, 236, 293, 338, 374, 433, 492, 529, 917.
           appropriation for support, etc., of homeless Indians in
           Crow Reservation, disposal of unsold, etc., ceded lands 953
                      further extension to pay installments for ceded lands 990, 991
                                 time further extended 994, 996, 1000
                      remaining coal lands disposed of 973
           Executive order relating to Crow Reservation, Mont 1025
                      Flathead Indians 1026
           Fort Peck Reservation, agricultural entries on coal lands 970
                      disposal of remaining coal lands to surface entry, etc 978
                      opening coal lands to surface entry 986
           gold, etc., mining leases allowed on unallotted withdrawn mineral lands of                       reservations in 222
           grant of common-school sections in Fort Belknap Reservation 322
                      lieu selections for allotted, etc., lands 322
                      children of reservation to be admitted to State public schools 322
           indemnity to, for school lands in Fort Belknap Reservation, extended to lands                       released from Carey Act segregations 931
                      time for filing selections 931
           mining leases allowed of metalliferous and nonmetalliferous deposits on                       unallotted withdrawn reservation lands in 910
           payment of tuition of Crow children in public schools of 521
           public roads allowed across Indian reservations in 46
           school section allowed, in lieu of lands in Huntley irrigation project 184
           authorized for Quannah Parker, late chief of Comanches
           lands to be acquired, and erection of, on site of battle with Sioux Indians and                       forces under Majors Reno and Benteen 520
           memorial, to tribal members of Rosebud Reservation who died in World War 366
Moore, Jacob B.,
           payment to, from Choctaw funds
Moqui Reservation, Ariz.,
           appropriation for Navajos and Hopis on, water supply for
Morongo Indians, California,
           proclamation temporarily excluding lands from Angeles National Forest, for

Page 1379

Morongo Reservation, California,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project
147, 194, 236, 293, 338, 374, 433, 492, 916
           certain lands added to 555
Morris Act of June 27, 1902, vol. 1: 756.
Morstad, Erik O.,
           appropriation for services
Moses Agreement,
           ratifying act of July 4, 1884, vol. 1: 224.
Mott, M. L.,
           appropriation for services, etc., from Creek funds
Mount Pleasant, Mich.,
           appropriation for school at
15, 63, 115, 157, 204, 246, 302, 347, 382, 438, 467, 497, 508, 535, 922.
                      balance available for girls' dormitory 922
Munsee and Stockbridge Tribes, Wisconsin,
           payment to certain tribal members of
Murray State School of Agriculture, Tishomingo, Okla.,
           appropriation for dormitories for Chickasaw children in
121, 170
Myton, Utah,
           appropriation for protecting bridge at, in Uintah                       Reservation
29, 83

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