Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Volume IV


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Page 1398

Uintah County, Utah,
           appropriation for aid to public schools, from Indian funds
173, 258, 356, 392,440, 499, 537, 924
Uintah, etc., Agency, Utah,
           appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds, of Indians at
222, 262, 315, 356, 391, 502, 540, 927
Uintah Indians, Utah,
           payment to, from tribal funds of Confederated Bands of Utes
29, 82, 126, 172, 257, 356, 391, 542, 928
Uintah Reservation, Utah,
           appropriation for protecting bridge at Myton, on
           limit on sales of undisposed of Indian lands in former, repealed 267
                      confirmation of prior sales 267
                      payment required 268
           special report required of irrigation project on, as to water rights,                       methods of financing, etc 9
           unexpended balance for irrigation, covered in 495
Umatilla Agency, Oreg.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
27, 79, 124, 170, 216, 256, 310, 354, 390

                      for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
222, 262, 315, 355, 390, 502, 540, 927
           deficiency appropriation for civilian employees 509
Umatilla Reservation, Oreg.,
           allotments to living Indians on, who have received no previous                       allotments
           appropriation for bridges across Umatilla River on 80
                      State cooperation, etc 80
           purchasers of ceded grazing lands of, to have patents on full payments 104, 125
                      heirs of decedents 104
Unallotted Irrigable Land on Reservations,
           lease of, for farming, authorized
Uncompahgre Utes, Utah,
           appropriation for irrigating allotments
29, 83, 127, 173, 218, 257, 356, 392, 436, 494, 532, 920.

           payment to, from tribal funds of Confederated Bands of Utes
29, 82, 126, 172, 218, 257, 356, 391, 542,928
United States Code, 563
           Commissioner of Indian Affairs—Con.
                      Compilation of statutes regulating duties of Indian agents and                                  inspectors 566
                      Defective record of deeds and papers in Commissioner's office                                  legalized 566
                      Duties 564
                      Employee to sign approval of tribal deeds,authority to designate 571
                      Employee to sign letters, authority to designate 571
                      Fees for certified copies of records 568
                      Record of deeds by Indians requiring approval, duty to keep 567
                      Seal, adoption and use 567
           Contracts with Indians and Indian tribes regulated 594

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United States Code, Title 25—Indians—Continued.
           Convevances of land by Indians—
                      Acknowledgments, authority to take
                      Employee of Interior Department to sign approval of tribal deeds, designation 571
                      Record of deeds requiring approval 567
           Correspondence with foreign nations to excite Indians to war 632
           Crimes and offenses—
                      Arson in Indian country
                      Assault and battery in Indian country 658
                      Correspondence with foreign nations to excite Indians to war 632
                      Disposing of or removing cattle from Indian country 659
                      Forgery in Indian country 659
                      Jurisdiction of crimes by Indians. (See U. S. C. secs. 548, 549, p. 504.)
                      Postal offenses in Indian country
                      Punishment of offenses in Indian country, law governing 660, 670
                      Rape, punishment. (See U. S. C. sec. 548. p. 504.)
                      Report of offense or case of Indian imprisoned in agency jail
                      Seditious messages to Indians, sending or carrying 631
           Deceased Indians' estates. (See Descent and Distribution.)
                      Depositions by agents touching depredations
                      Injuries to property, reparation 681
           Descent and Distribution—
                      Heirs of deceased allottees, ascertainment
                      Heirs of deceased members of Five Civilized Tribes 851
                      Heirs of Indians—
                                 Compelling attendance of witnesses to determine
           Descent and Distribution—Con.
                      Heirs of Indians—Con.
                                 Oaths in investigations as to heirship, authority to administer
                                 Payment or deduction of cost of determining 855
                      Legitimacy of children for purpose of inheritance 839
                      Partition of allotment among heirs 850
                      Sale of allotted lands by heirs 855
           Diseased Indians, isolation or quarantine 655

           Disposition of lands in Indian reservations with reservation of coal
           Education. (See Schools.)
           Estates of deceased Indians. (See Descent and Distribution.)
           Fees allowed in contest under public land laws
           Five Civilized Tribes—
                      Access to tribal records
                      Heirship of deceased members, determination 871
                      Superintendent, appointment 573
           Funds. (See Tribal funds.)
           Government of Indian country—
                      Arrest of absconding Indians
                      Commerce with Indians 707
                      Crimes committed in Indian country. (See Crimes and offences.)
                      Detention and treatment of persons arrested by military
                      Foreigners entering country without passports, penalty 672
                      Injuries to property of Indians, reparation 680
                      Injury to property by Indians, reparation 681
                      Intoxicating liquors, traffic in Indian country prohibited 682
                      Military force, employment 678
                      Person returning after removal, penalty 676
                      Posse comitatus in executing process 680
                      Removal of persons in Indian country contrary to law 673
           Government property at reservations, transfer or sale 648
           Grazing stock on Indian lands, penalty 638
           Health quarantine in case of infectious or contagious diseases 655
           Heirs of Indians. (See Descent and Distribution.)
           Hunting on Indian lands, penalty
           Indian agents—
                      Accounting for funds
                      Acknowledgments of deeds, authority to take 580
                      Appointment authorized 574
                      Book of expenditures, duty to keep 581
                      Compensation for extra services 582
                      Consolidation of agencies 590
                      Detail of Army officers 574
                      Discontinuance and transfer of agencies 589
                      Discontinuance of agents and subagents 590
                      Dispensing with service of agents 590
                      Duties 576
                      Limits of agencies and subagencies 582
                      Liquor traffic, power to suppress 706
                      Oaths, authority to administer 580
                      Official bond 575
                      Residence of agent 576
                      School children, reports as to number 725
                      Special agents, appointment 583
                      Superintendent of Indian school to act as agent 591
                      Term of office 575
                      Visits to Washington by agents in California prohibited 582
           Indian country (See Government of Indian country.)                                                                                

Page 1400


United States Code, Title 25—Indians—Continued.
           Indian Service—
                      Compensation of employees
                      Discontinuance of employees 590
                      Employment of Indians 583
                      Employees forbidden to trade with Indians 591
                      Farmers, qualifications 585
                      Heat and light for employees' quarters 587
                      Preference to Indians qualified for duties 583
                      Quarters, fuel, and light for employees 587
                      Right of tribes to direct employment of persons engaged for them 584
                      See also Officers of Indian affairs.
           Inheritance of property. (See Descent and Distribution.)
                      Discontinuance 590
           Intoxicating liquors, traffic in Indian country prohibited 682
           Irrigation of allotted lands 869
           Lands of Indians—
                      Allotment of Indian lands
                      Buildings belonging to United States on Indian lands, sale 647
                      Ceded Indian lands, rights of settlers, homestead entryman, etc 892
                      Condemnation of allotted lands 838
                      Conveyance. (See Conveyances of land by Indians.)
                      Fees in contest under public land laws
                      Grazing stock oil Indian lands, penalty 638
                      Highways through Indian lands 726
                      Hunting on Indian lands, penalty 660
                      Inducing conveyances of trust interests by Indians, penalty 611
                      Inheritance from deceased allottee 839
                      Irrigation of allotted lands 869
                      Jurisdiction of suits concerning allotted lands 583
                      Lease of allotted or unallotted lands 872
                      Lease for mining purposes of land reserved for agency or school 884
                      Lease of unallotted irrigable lands for farming purposes 885
                      Pipe lines through Indian lands 734
                      Purchases or grants from Indians 634
                      Railroad rights of way through Indian lands 727
                      Railroads, acquisition of land for construction materials 733
                      Rights of way through Indian lands 726
                      Sale of allotted or unallotted lands 872
                      Sale of lands and buildings not needed for administrative or allotment purposes 648
                      Settling on or surveying landsmbelonging to Indians by treaty, penalty 640
                      Surrender of allotted or unallotted lands 872
                      Timber on reservations or allotments, sale or other disposition of dead timber 652
                      Trespass on allotted lands of other Indians, damages 647
           Marriage of Indians—
                      Children of white men and Indian women, rights in tribal property
                      Citizenship of Indian women marrying white men 644
                      Evidence marriage between white men and Indian women 645
                      Indian women marrying white men, rights in tribal property 644
                      White men marrying Indian women, rights in tribal property 642
           Money. (See Tribal funds.)
           Offenses. (See Crimes and offenses.)
           Officers of Indian affairs—
                      Allowance for traveling expenses
                      Board of Indian Commissioners, appointment, powers, and duties 572
                      Commissioner of Five Civilized Tribes, office abolished 573
                      Disbursing officers—
                                 Additional security required
                                 Designation of clerk to act for 586
                                 New bond 586
                      Expenses of officers, allowance for 586
                      Holding two offices 585
                      Interpreters, appointment 583
                      Leaves of absence 585
                      Oaths, authority to administer 580
                      Oaths to expense accounts required 580
                      Special commissioners, appointment 583
                      Superintendencies, territorial limits 582
                      Superintendent for Five Civilized Tribes, appointment 573
                      Superintendent of Union Agency, office abolished 573
                      Traveling expenses, allowance for 586
                      (See also Commissioner of Indian Affairs; Indian Service; Indian Agents.)
           Penalties for violation of law protecting Indians, recovery by action
           Process in Indian country, posse comitatus in executing 680
           Property rights generally—
                      Burden of proof in suits between white persons and Indians
                      Inheritance. (See Descent and Distribution.)
                      Injuries to property of Indians, reparation

Page 1401


United States Code, Title 25—Indians—Continued.
           Property rights generally—Contd.
                      Marriage between white men and Indian women, effect as to tribal property
                      Sale by agent of livestock not required for use and subsistence 649
                      Sale of cattle purchased by Government for use of Indians 650
                      (See also Lands of Indians.)
           Protection of Indians
           Quarantine in case of infectious or contagious diseases 655
           Regulations for carrying out laws relating to Indians, authority of President 570
                      Creation of Indian reservations
                      Crimes committed on Indian reservation in South Dakota, law governing.                                  (See U. S. C. sec. 549, p. 504.)
                      Highways through reservations
                      Jurisdiction of crimes on reservations in South Dakota 585
                      North Dakota reservations as parts of divisions of judicial districts where                                  located 645
                      Removal of persons unlawfully on reservations 676
                      Rights of way through reservations 726
                      Survey of reservations 633
                      Transfer or sale of Government property at reservations 648
           Sale of property belonging to or held for use of Indians. (See Property rights                       generally.)
                      Agricultural experimental work, appropriations for
                      Annuities withheld from Osage Indians for nonattendance at school 720
                      Appropriations for experiments on Indian school or agency farms 726
                      Appropriations for school purposes, supervision of expenditure 723
                      Appropriations for sectarian schools prohibited 717
                      Army officers, detail to duty with Indian schools 716
                      Attendance at schools, regulations to secure 719
                      Census of Indians and report of numbers of school children 725
                      Children of Indians taking lands in severalty, benefit of school appropriations 719
                      Discontinuance of schools 722
                      Employment of Indian boys and girls as assistants at schools 716
                      Expenditure for Indian schools and agencies, annual report 725
                      Expenditure of Indian education fund, annual report 725
                      Expenditures for children with less than one-fourth Indian blood 725
                      Instructions as to nature and effect of alcoholic drinks and narcotics 608
                      Instructors, employment 714
                      Land grants to missionary boards and religious organizations for school                                  purposes 718
                      Leaves of absence to employees 716
                      Number of school children, report by Indian agents 725
                      Per capita expenditure for school purposes, limitation 724
                      Rations for mission schools 718
                      Rations withheld for nonattendance at schools 719
                      Reform school, parents consent to commitment of child 726
                      Removal of Government property at schools not required for use 722
                      Sale of abandoned school buildings on tribal property 723
                      Sale of lands purchased for day school 723
                      Sectarian schools, appropriations prohibited 717
                      Sending or taking child to school out of State, consent of parent or next of                                  kin 720
                      Superintendent of Indian schools 715
                      Superintendent of school as Indian agent 591
                      Suspension of school 721
                      Theodore Roosevelt Indian School, use of Apache military post 717
                      Transportation of Indian pupils at Government expense 722
                      Vacant military posts or barracks for schools 717
                      White children in Indian boarding schools 721
                      White children in Indian day schools 721
           Secretary of Interior, supervisory power. (See U. S. C. sec. 485, p. 55.)
           Seditious messages to Indians, penalty for sending or carrying
           Seizure of property for violation of laws protecting Indians, procedure 650
           Superintendence by President of tribes west of Mississippi 632
           Supplies for Indians—
                      Purchase 603
           Territorial statutory provisions as affecting Indians. (See U. S. C. sec. 196, p. 702.)
           Timber on Indian reservations or allotments, sale or other disposition of dead                       timber
                      appropriation for support, etc., of detached Indians in
29, 82, 126, 172, 217, 257, 356, 391, 441, 500
                      Cache National Forest, Idaho and, diminished 982

Page 1402


United States Code, Title 25—Indians—Continued.
Utah Continued.
           Executive order creating reservation for Indian purposes
                      Goshute, etc., Indians 1048
                      Paiute Indians 1048
                      Shebit (Shivwits) Indians 1048
                      Skull Valley Indians 1049
                      Uintah Reservation 1049
                                 Fort Duchesne 1049
                      Utes and Paiutes 1050
           lands in, reserved as school site for Utes 419
                      reserved for settlement by Paiute Indians 419
Utah Bands of Indians,
           lands temporarily withdrawn in aid of proposed legislation
Ute and Paiute Indians, Utah,
           lands temporarily withdrawn from settlement, etc
           tract reserved as school site for 419
Ute Mountain Agency, Colo.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
222, 261, 315, 346, 382, 443, 502, 540, 927
Ute Mountain Band of Indians, Colorado,
           appropriation for support, etc., of
346, 382
                      for payment to, front tribal funds of Confederated Bands 257
           payment to, from tribal funds of Confederated Bands of 172, 356, 391, 503, 542, 928
Ute Reservation, Colo., Southern,
           appropriation for Pine River project
           Executive orders relating to 1017
Utes, Confederated Bands in Utah,
           appropriation for fulfilling treaties with
28, 82, 126, 172, 217, 257, 311, 443, 501, 539, 926.
                      for, from principal funds 29,82,126,172,218,257,312,356,391,501
                      for payment to Navajo Band in Colorado 29, 82, 126, 172, 218, 312, 356, 391, 501
                      for Uintah, etc., in Utah 29, 82, 126, 172, 218, 257, 312, 356, 391
                      for promoting self-support, etc., from accumulated                                  interest 29, 82, 126, 172, 218, 257, 312, 356, 391, 501
                                 detailed report of expenditure 29, 83, 127, 172, 218, 257, 312, 356, 392
                                 textual correction ordered 283
                      for Joseph M. Bryant 258
                      for Uncompahgres, irrigation 312, 356, 392
                      for self-support, from accrued interest 542, 928
                                 report to Congress 542, 928
                                 Indian labor 542, 928
                      for payment from principal funds of, to Ute Mountain                                  Band in Colorado 218, 257, 356, 391, 503, 542, 928
                                 Uintah, etc., bands in Utah 218, 257, 356, 391, 503, 542, 928
                                 Southern Utes in Colorado 218, 257, 356, 391, 503, 542, 928
                      for aid to public schools, Uintah and Duchesne                                  Counties, Utah 218, 312, 356, 392
                      for furnishing seeds and agricultural implements to 29, 83, 127
                      for irrigating allotments 29, 83, 127, 173, 257, 356, 392
           division of special trust funds to credit of respective bands 258
                      expenditures from 4 per cent fund to be charged to said                       bands 258
                      future division of accruals 258
                                 accumulated interest 258
           Indian bridge across Duchesne River conveyed to Duchesne                       County, Utah 312

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