Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Page 1374

La Breche, David, Indian Allottee,
           purchase of allotment of, from funds of Blackfeet Reservation, Mont.,                       irrigation systems
LaJolla Reservation,
           appropriation for irrigation project on
194, 236
La Pointe Agency, Wis.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
222, 262
La Pointe Band of Chippewas, Wisconsin,
           enrollment and issue of patents to unallotted members of, on Bad River                       Reservation
La Pointe Reservation, Wis.,
           appropriation for improving sanitary conditions, etc., among Chippewas of
           town site set part on 32
                      appraisal of lots by Board; patents 32
                      purchases restricted to Indians 33
                                 preference to occupants 33
                      disposal of unsold lots 33
                      intoxicants prohibited 33
                      burial ground set, aside 33
                      reservation for public purposes 33
Lac Courte Oreille Reservation, Wis.,
           allotments, etc., to certain Indians on, validated
           disposal of flowage rights for reservoir, etc., purposes allowed 88
Lac du Flambeau Agency, Wis.,
            appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
262, 315, 357, 393, 502, 540, 927
Lac du Flambeau Band of Chippewas, Wisconsin,
           persons born prior hereto, added to final roll
                                 allotments to names on additional roll 412
                                 prorating if acreage insufficient 412
                                 issue of trust patents after timber sold 412
                                 pro rata distribution of proceeds to competent Indians; to                                             incompetent Indians 412
                                 lands reserved from allotment, etc 413
                      appropriation for preparing roll 413
           sale of timber on disputed lands within; disposition of proceeds 88
           tract on, conveyed to Mrs. Benjamin Gauthier 512
Laguna Indians, New Mexico,
           appropriation for irrigation system for; repayment
435, 494, 532, 919
Laguna Pueblo, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for irrigation project on
201, 250, 305, 350, 435, 494
           Executive orders relating to 1029
Laguna Sanatorium, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 339, 375, 441, 500, 538, 925
Lake Andes, S. Dak.,
           construction of spillway, etc., to lower level of, authorized
                      claims for damages barred after completion of 365
                      deficiency appropriation for 367
           right of way to be acquired for spillway, etc. 413
                      appropriation available 413
Lake Superior Chippewas, Minnesota,
           Executive order relating to
Lake Traverse (Sioux) Indians,
           Executive order relating to
Lands (see also Reservations),
           appropriation for advertising sales of; repayment
242, 298, 343, 379, 430, 489, 914
                      acting disbursing agents authorized 242
                      fees from vendees for expenses of sales, leases, etc. 242
                      abandoned school plants and agency buildings to be sold; title, etc. 242
                      proceeds to credit of Indians 242

Page 1375

           doctrine of Indian right to occupancy, etc.
                      concept of tenure 1167
                      rights in perpetuity; fee to such lands 1168
                      limitation of, in certain sections 1170
           laws and treaties regarding tenure, etc. 1172
           Federal jurisdiction over Indian 1155
           Kansas or Kaw Tribe, division of lands 1161
           no longer needed for administration and allotment purposes, etc., to be                       sold at auction 408
           rights of way across, for pipe lines, modified 111
           sale at auction of burnt, etc., timber 905
Lands in Severalty,
           allotments of Crow Indians, Montana, authorized
                      in Columbia, etc., Reservations, Wash. 413
                      to children of, not heretofore receiving them 549
                      to Lac Courte Oreille Indians, on, validated 408
                                 Northern Cheyenne Reservation, Mont. 556
                      unreserved lands to Crows, Mont. 552
           appropriation for advertising sales, etc. 242, 298, 373, 430, 489

                      for legal expenses
11, 56, 110, 151, 198, 239, 296, 525, 913

                      for determining heirs of allottees
11, 57, 110, 152, 199, 240, 299, 342, 378, 430, 488, 525, 913

                      for surveying, allotting, etc., of
7, 53, 107, 147, 194, 235, 292, 337, 373, 430, 466, 489, 508, 525, 914
           heirs of deceased Five Civilized Tribes, determined by Oklahoma                       probate courts 179
L'Anse and Vieux Desert Reservation, Mich.,
           payment to purchasers of lands within
                      deficiency appropriation for 515
Lapwai, Idaho,
           tract of part of Nez Perce Indian lands granted to school district
Lapwai Reservation, Idaho,
           claims of Nez Perce Indians on, for lands taken, to be determined by                       Court of Claims
Lawrence, Kans.,
           appropriation for Haskell Institute
15, 63, 115, 156, 204, 246, 301, 347, 382, 438, 467, 497
Le Sieur, Thomas B.,
           reimbursement of
Lea, L., Commissioner,
           note to D. D. Mitchell from
                      A. H. H. Stuart 1077
Leases of Mineral Deposits (see Mineral Lands).  
Leases of Mineral Lands on Reservations,
           gold, etc., mining allowed, unallotted lands in designated States
Leasing Act,
           relationship of Executive Order reservations to
Leaves of Absence,
           educational, allowed Indian school employees increased to 30 days
Leech Lake Agency, Minn.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
           appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at 222, 261, 443, 502
Leech Lake, Reservation Minn.,
           road from Chippewa Sanatorium at Onigum in, to be built from tribal                       funds
Lee Ferry, Ariz.,
           appropriation for investigating, etc., need for bridge across Colorado                       River near
                      authorized; repayment 1191
           deficiency appropriation for one-half cost of bridge across Colorado                       River near, from Navajo funds 515
Lehi, Ariz.,
           appropriation for construction of bridge across Salt River near;                       conditions
Leupp Agency, Colo.,
           amount authorized for completing bridge across Little Colorado River                       near
           appropriation for bridges across Little Colorado and Canyon Diablo                       Rivers, near 113, 155, 202, 244, 300
                      for support, etc., of Indians at 261, 315, 344
Lighthouses Bureau, Department of Commerce,
           lands in Quinaielt Reservation, Wash., set apart for uses of
36, 419
                      payment for; minerals reserved 36, 419
Limestone Deposits,
           leases of, in unallotted lands of Indians, authorized
Lipps, O. H.,
           payment to, authorized
Liquor Traffic,
           appropriation for suppressing
9, 54, 107, 148, 195, 237, 293, 339, 375, 429, 466, 488, 524, 912
Liquors, Intoxicating,
           punishment for unlawful possession of, in Indian country, etc
Little Colorado River,
           appropriation for bridge across, near Leupp Agency, Ariz.
113, 155, 202, 244, 300
                      amount authorized for completion 397
                      for bridge across, at Winslow, Ariz. 61, 154, 202
                                 payment from Indian funds; one half by State authorities 61, 154
                      for repairs to Government bridge near Tanners Crossing, Ariz 154
           deficiency appropriation for paying Allied Contractors for bridge across,                       at Leupp Indian Agency, Ariz. 398
           appropriation for developing water for
200, 241, 298, 343, 379, 432, 491
                      for reimbursing Indians for, destroyed in eradicating contagious                                  diseases, etc. 58, 111, 153, 199, 241, 298, 343, 379, 432, 491, 527, 916
           deficiency appropriation for 289, 398
Locke, Victor M.,
           payment to from Choctaw tribal funds

Page 1376

Los Angeles, Calif.,
           sale of lands to, purchased for homeless Indians
                      determination of price 483
                                 part of proceeds for irrigation 483
                                 balance to purchase other lands 483
Los Coyotes Mission Reservation, Calif.,
           Executive orders relating to
Lower Brule Agency, S. Dak.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
222, 262, 315, 355, 391, 502, 540, 927
Lower Brule Reservation, S. Dak.,
           proclamation opening, etc., lands
Lower Klamath, etc., Indians,
           treaty of 1851 (unratified)
Lummi Reservation, Wash.,
           allotment of Davie Skootah on, canceled; reallotment
           reclamation of lands in, authorized 517
                      cost to be distributed among lands benefited 517
           construction charges to be reimbursed 517
                      lien against, prior to reimbursement 518
           public notice of cost and share assessed against benefited lands 518

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