Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Sa-Nell, Yu-Ki-As, etc., Treaty of 1851, (unratified) |
1112 |
Sac and Fox Agency, Iowa, appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at |
222, 261, 315, 443, 502, 540, 927 |
for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds | 222, 261, 315, 352, 388, 502, 540, 927 |
for land for Mesquakie Day School | 108 |
for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds | 346, 382 |
deficiency appropriation for civilian employees at | 509 |
Sac and Fox Agency Lands, Oklahoma, drainage assessments allowed | 95 |
Sac and Fox Indians, Iowa, appropriation for benefit of, from tribal funds |
115 |
for drainage system for lands of | 301 |
arrangement with owners of adjacent lands | 301 |
Sac and Fox Indians, Kansas and Nebraska, Executive order relating to |
1021 |
Sac and Fox Indians of the Missouri, Kansas, appropriation for school |
15 |
Sac and Fox Indians, Oklahoma, Executive order relating to |
1041 |
payment of legal expenses incurred by | 907 |
tract of land confirmed to, unconditionally | 549 |
Sac and Fox Sanatorium, Iowa, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of |
55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 339, 375, 441, 499, 538, 925. |
Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri, Nebraska, per capita payment from tribal funds to |
19 |
Saginaw, etc., Bands of Chippewas, claims of, to be filed by approved attorneys; fee allowed, etc |
415 |
Saint Croix, Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin, appropriation for, relieving distress, etc |
220, 260, 313 |
for purchase of land for | 260, 313, 358, 393, 504, 543, 929 |
investigation of condition and tribal rights of, authorized | 32, 313 |
Saint Louis Mission Boarding School, Pawhuska, Okla., appropriation for |
164, 212, 353, 388, 440, 499, 537, 924 |
St. Mary's School and Mission, fee simple patent tract on diminished Colville Reservation, Wash |
95 |
Salem, Oreg., appropriation for school at |
27, 79, 124, 170, 216, 256, 310, 355, 390, 439, 467, 498, 536. |
assembly hall, from unexpended balance | 79 |
Salt Creek Drainage District No. 2, Oklahoma, appropriation for paying assessments on certain Indian allotments in |
5 |
Salt Fork of Arkansas River, appropriation for bridge across, Ponca Reservation, Okla., from tribal funds |
89 |
contributions by Kay and Noble Counties, Okla | 90 |
Salt River, appropriation for constructing bridge across, near Lehi, Salt River Reservation, Ariz |
244 |
cooperation of Arizona | 244 |
Salt River Agency, Ariz., appropriation for support, etc., Indians at |
222, 261, 315, 344, 443, 502, 540, 927 |
Salt River Irrigation Project, Ariz., appropriation for providing water for Indians, from |
434 |
Salt River Reservation, Ariz., appropriation for water rights for Indian allotments in |
60, 154, 201 |
for investigating need for bridge on | 203 |
for Headgate irrigation project | 236 |
San Carlos Agency, Ariz., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at |
222, 261, 315, 344, 379, 443, 502, 540, 927 |
San Carlos Dam, etc., Ariz., Executive orders withdrawing certain lands for use of |
1002 |
San Carlos Irrigation Project, Ariz., appropriation for constructing Coolidge Dam across Canyon of the Gila River |
493, 917 |
San Carlos Irrigation Project, Ariz.—Con. investigating water supply, etc., authorized |
14 |
dam across Canyon of Gila River authorized | 447 |
to irrigate lands of Pima Indians on Gila River Reservation | 448 |
other public or private lands | 448 |
surplus unallotted lands in Gila River Reservation may be sold | 448 |
proceeds for reimbursing construction charges | 448 |
public announcement of water available, charges, etc | 448 |
operation, etc., charges payable annually in advance | 448 |
repayment contract required from irrigation district, before construction commenced | 448 |
conveyance of all irrigable lands in excess of 160 acres by individuals to United States | 449 |
disposed of in farm units | 449 |
rules, etc., to be prescribed | 449 |
Executive order setting apart certain lands for use in | 1011 |
San Carlos Reservation, Ariz., appropriation for payment to Indians of, for purchase of cattle for |
155 |
appropriation for operating, etc., pumping plants for irrigation |
202, 243, 299, 344, 380, 434, 493, 530, 918 |
reimbursement for bridges on, from tribal funds, repealed | 14 |
San Diego, Calif., lands in Cleveland National Forest and Capitan Grande Reservation granted to, for water storage, etc |
187 |
subject to payment of damages to Mission Indians | 187 |
forfeiture for sale to private person | 187 |
subject to all existing legal rights, etc | 187 |
rights of Mission Indians | 187 |
condemnation of Indian lands; approval | 188 |
further sums for civilization, etc | 188 |
grant not effective before payment | 188 |
proceedings to commence within one year | 188 |
issue of municipal bonds to defray all expenses | 188 |
dam and reservoir to be commenced within six months after sale of bonds | 188 |
action for forfeiture if conditions not complied with | 188 |
unforeseen casualties excepted | 189 |
regulations to be complied with | 189 |
Indians permitted to reside on reservation awaiting turning in of water | 189 |
use of reservoir for benefit of, and other municipalities | 189 |
riparian owners on San Diego River below | 189 |
persons, etc., along the pipe lines | 189 |
sale of water to Army and Navy; rate | 189 |
suit of Attorney General for enforcement of conditions not complied with | 189 |
rights, etc., may be assigned to a public water district | 189 |
laws of California as to use of water, etc., not interfered with | 189 |
all proceedings to conform to | 190 |
time for acceptance of grant | 190 |
San Juan Agency, N. Mex., appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at |
222, 261, 315, 502 |
San Juan County, N. Mex., appropriation for bridging San Juan River in |
104 |
exchange permitted of lands in, to consolidate holdings in solid areas | 306 |
San Juan, N. Mex., Executive order reserving land for Indian boarding school at |
1030 |
San Juan Pueblo, N. Mex., appropriation for irrigation system |
209, 435, 494 |
San Juan Reservation, N. Mex., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project on |
147, 194, 236 |
for highway from Mesa Verde Park to Gallup, on | 209, 250 |
San Juan River, N. Mex., appropriation for bridging, Farmington; repayment from Navajo funds |
161, 306 |
at Shiprock | 209 |
appropriation for bridging in, San Juan County, N. Mex | 104 |
deficiency appropriation for one-half cost of bridge across, near Bloomfield, N. Mex | 515 |
reimbursed from Navajo funds | 515 |
amount authorized for one-half cost of bridge across, near Bloomfield, N. Mex | 474 |
reimbursed, from funds of Navajos | 474 |
remainder of cost to be paid by New Mexico | 474 |
San Juan School, New Mexico, appropriation for operating, etc., Hogback irrigation project under |
306, 350, 386, 435, 467, 494, 532, 919 |
San Louis Rey, etc., Treaty, 1851, (unratified) |
1124 |
San Xavier Reservation, Ariz., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project |
147 |
for operating, etc., pumping plants on |
202, 243, 299, 344, 380, 434, 466, 493, 529, 917. |
Sand Creek Irrigation Project, Oregon: appropriation for maintenance, etc., of, from tribal funds |
194, 236, 355, 390, 435, 494, 532, 919 |
Sanish, N. Dak., purchasers of lots in town site of, to be paid excess of amounts refunded |
475 |
Santa Clara River, appropriation for constructing bridge across, Shivwits Reservation, Utah |
229 |
Sante Fe, N. Mex., appropriation for school at |
20, 74, 119, 161, 209, 250, 305, 350, 386, 438, 467, 497, 535, 922 |
Santa Ysabel Reservation No. 1, lands withdrawn for use of Indians of, and added thereto |
545 |
purchase of lands to be added to; amount authorized for | 555 |
Santee Agency, S. Dak., appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at |
262 |
Santee Reservation, Nebr., Executive order extending trust period |
1027 |
Santee Sioux of Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota (see Sioux of Different Tribes), claims of Medawakanton and Wahpakoota Bands for forfeited annuities referred to Court of Claims |
134 |
Santee Sioux Reservation, Nebr., public roads allowed through |
46 |
Saska, Silico, land patent to |
137 |
Satra, James V., payment to, for damages from fire |
281 |
Satus Irrigation Project, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of |
147, 393, 436, 495, 533, 920 |
Saux, Tommy, fee simple homestead patent confirmed |
128 |
Sawyer, Minn., appropriation for council hall, from Chippewa funds |
17 |
Scarlet Crow, Sioux Indian, appropriation for monument for grave of, in Congressional Cemetery, District of Columbia |
75 |
Schools, appropriation for support, etc |
9, 55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 340, 375, 437, 467, 496, 534, 920 |
provision for deaf and dumb or blind or mentally deficient |
9, 55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 340, 375, 437, 496, 534, 920 |
restriction as to children with less than one-fourth Indian blood | 9, 55, 108, 149 |
discontinuance of schools with less than specified pupils | 294, 340, 375, 437, 496, 534, 921 |
attendance limitation not applicable to Hope School for Girls | 294, 340, 375 |
transfers directed; return of moneys appropriated | 294, 340, 375, 437, 496, 534 |
not to be used for specified schools |
9, 55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 340, 376, 437, 496, 534, 921 |
tuition in public schools |
9, 108, 149, 196, 238, 340, 375, 437, 496, 534, 921 |
for children of Papago Indians | 9 |
for constructing buildings, etc |
10, 55, 108, 149, 196, 238, 295, 340, 375, 437, 466, 496, 534, 921. |
heat and light to employees |
10, 55, 108, 149, 196, 238, 295, 340, 375 |
for Oneida, Wis | 10 |
for transporting pupils, etc |
10, 55, 149, 197, 238, 295, 340, 376, 437, 496, 534. |
industrial employment |
10, 55, 150, 197, 238, 295, 341, 376, 437, 496, 534 |
Alaska natives |
10, 55, 150, 197, 238, 295, 341, 376, 437, 496, 534 |
no per capita, restriction | 10, 197 |
for agricultural experiments on farms at |
10, 56, 150, 197, 239, 295, 341, 376, 431, 490, 527, 915 |
deficiency appropriation for | 146, 288 |
leaves of absence, Indian school employees, increased to 30 days | 362 |
mining leases authorized of lands reserved for | 521 |
payment authorized for tuition, etc., in State public schools, 1922, 1923 | 450 |
per capita cost of pupils at, increased | 478 |
per capita expenditure restriction on appropriations for, repealed | 97 |
maximum allowed | 97 |
suspended | 146 |
per capita provisions and restrictions | 150 |
rebuilding of building at Tomah, Wis., destroyed by fire | 362 |
sale of lands no longer needed for | 111 |
surplus books of Navy Department may be transferred for use of | 902 |
Scott's River, etc., Indians, unratified treaty with |
1121 |
Se-cum-ka-nullax, lieu allotment to, in Colville Reservation, Wash |
85 |
Seaple, Mary, land patent to |
137 |
Secretary of the Interior, authority to determine heirs, etc |
1159 |
Seger Agency, Okla., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds |
222, 261, 315, 352 |
Seminole Indians, Florida, appropriation for relief of distress, etc |
14, 62, 114, 156, 203, 245, 301, 346, 382, 441, 467, 500. |
Seminole Indians, Oklahoma. (see also Five Civilized Tribes). appropriation for common schools |
24, 78, 122, 167, 214, 255, 309, 354, 390, 537, 924. |
for per capita payment, from tribal funds | 25, 77, 122, 166 |
provisions for restricted Indians | 77, 122, 166 |
exempt from prior debts, etc | 77, 166 |
allowance for distribution expenses | 77, 166 |
for suits affecting titles to allotted lands | 35, 43, 91, 141 |
claims of, against United States, not heretofore determined, to be adjudicated by Court of Claims | 414 |
Seneca Agency, Okla., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds of |
222, 261, 315, 352 |
Seneca Indian School, Wyandotte, Okla., amount authorized for repairs, new buildings, etc., at |
521 |
Seneca Indians of New York, appropriation for fulfilling treaty with |
20, 74, 119, 162, 209, 251, 306, 351, 386, 504, 542, 929. |
exclusive right of, to issue game permits, etc., in designated Indian reservations in New York | 911 |
Sequoyah, acceptance of statue, and thanks of Congress to Oklahoma for |
143 |
proceedings on acceptance of statue of, ordered printed |
463 |
Sequoyah Orphan Training School, Tahlequah, Okla. (see also Cherokee Orphan Training School), appropriation for support, etc |
439, 498, 536, 923 |
amount authorized for water supply to | 944 |
Settlers, Sioux reservations, N. Dak. and S.Dak., time extended for payments by |
3 |
Seupelt, J. G., homestead entry of, Colville Reservation, validated |
462 |
Shasta, etc., Treaty, 1851, (unratified) |
1121 |
Shawnee Agency, Okla., deficiency appropriation for civilian employees at |
509 |
Shawnee Indians, Absentee, in Indian Territory, allotments to provide homes for; sale of certain bonds, etc |
946 |
Executive order relating to | 1032, 1042 |
Shawnee Indians, Oklahoma, Eastern, Executive order extending trust period certain allotments of |
1035 |
Shawnee Sanatorium, Oklahoma, appropriation for maintenance, etc |
441, 500, 538, 925 |
Shawnee School, Oklahoma, payment to Ivy L. Merrill, employee of |
907 |
Shebit (Shivwits) Indians, Utah, Executive order setting aside reservation for |
1048 |
Sherman Institute, California, appropriation for |
14, 62, 113, 155, 203, 245, 300, 345, 381, 438, 497, 535, 922 |
Shivwits Indians, Utah, Executive order setting aside reservation for |
1048 |
Shivwits Reservation, Utah, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project |
147, 194, 235, 293, 433, 491, 528, 916 |
for wagon road and bridge in; repayment | 173, 229 |
Shoshone Agency, Nev., Western, appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at |
222, 261, 315, 502, 540, 927 |
Shoshone Agency, Wyo., appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at |
222, 262, 315, 358, 394, 502, 540, 927 |
Fremont County, Wyo., may purchase certain land on, for school district | 282 |
Shoshone Indians, Nevada, Executive order relating to homeless |
1028 |
Shoshone Indians, Wyoming, appropriation for support, etc., of |
33, 88, 131, 176, 221, 260, 314, 358, 394, 443, 502, 539, 926 |
for school |
33, 88, 131, 176, 221, 260, 314, 358, 394, 439, 467, 498 |
for fulfilling treaty with |
33, 88, 131, 176, 221, 260, 314, 358, 394 |
all claims of, against United States, not heretofore determined, to be submitted to Court of Claims | 937 |
procedure, etc | 938 |
amount recovered to be deposited to credit of Indians in the Treasury | 938 |
Shoshone Reservation, Idaho and Nevada, Western, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project on |
194, 235, 338, 374, 433, 491, 916 |
Executive orders reserving land near Elko, for use of Indians | 1028 |
Shoshone Reservation, Wyo., appropriation for school |
33, 88, 131, 176, 439, 498 |
for irrigation system |
34, 88, 131, 176, 314, 358, 394, 533, 920 |
for road and bridge construction |
34, 89, 131, 176, 261, 314, 358, 394, 504, 542 |
for Fort Washakie, repairs | 33, 88 |
for irrigating conditionally ceded lands of | 176, 221, 260, 314, 436, 495 |
payment of construction charges, etc | 176, 221, 261 |
for share of expenses, diversion dam for irrigating lands of | 222 |
for roads and bridges, from tribal funds | 22, 261, 314 |
for Riverton project | 261 |
for extending canals, etc | 261, 436, 495 |
deficiency appropriation for irrigation | 399 |
for payments to Indians of | 399, 405 |
reimbursement to Right Rev. N. S. Thomas | 34 |
special report required of irrigation project on, as to water rights, methods of financing, etc | 9 |
payment to Joseph H. Norris as superintendent | 89 |
homesteaders on ceded lands unable to secure water to be given patent; residence required | 91 |
oil and gas leases on ceded lands of, authorized | 93 |
proceeds to credit of Indians; royalties, etc | 93 |
Si-Yan-Te, Treaty of 1851, (unratified) |
1081 |
Sierra National Forest, Calif., Executive order modifying boundary of |
1013 |
Siletz Agency, Oreg., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at |
27, 80, 124, 170, 256, 354, 390, 441, 467, 500 |
for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds | 222, 262 |
Siletz Reservation, Oreg., appraisal and sale of lands in |
80 |
per capita distribution of proceeds | 80 |
Executive order relating to | 1045 |
Silver Mining, leases allowed for, on unallotted with-drawn mineral lands of Indian reservations in designated States |
223 |
Simcoe Irrigation Project, Washington, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of |
147, 259, 313, 357, 393, 436, 495, 920 |
Sioux Medawakanton and Wahpakoota Bands, claims for restored annuities referred to Court of Claims |
133 |
correction directed in enrolling bill | 138 |
Sioux of Different Tribes, South Dakota, appropriation for fulfilling treaties with |
28, 81, 125, 171, 217, 311, 355, 391, 501, 539, 926 |
for agency employees | 28, 81, 125, 171, 217, 311, 355, 391 |
for subsistence | 28, 81, 125, 217, 311, 355, 391, 501 |
for transportation of supplies; Indian labor |
28, 81, 126, 171, 217, 256, 311, 355, 391, 501, 537 |
for schools |
28, 81, 126, 171, 217, 256, 311, 355, 391, 440, 467, 499, 924 |
for Yankton Sioux |
28, 82, 126, 171, 217, 256, 311, 355, 390 |
Sioux of Different Tribes, South Dakota—Continued. all claims of, against United States, to be submitted to Court of Claims |
270 |
jurisdiction conferred; procedure, etc | 270 |
expenses allowed for visits of tribal delegates of, from Fort Peck to Washington | 545 |
interest of Yankton and other, in Red Pipestone Quarries, to be determined by Court of Claims | 471 |
investigation, etc., to provide additional schools authorized | 81 |
payment authorized to, for destroyed horses | 514 |
payments to Indians of Rosebud Reservation, enrolled by order of court; from tribal funds | 92 |
site to be acquired and monument erected thereon, to commemorate battle of, with forces of Majors Reno and Benteen | 520 |
Treaty of Fort Laramie, 1851 | 1067 |
Sioux of Devils Lake, N. Dak., appropriation for support, etc |
20, 74, 120, 162, 210, 251, 306, 311, 351, 387, 441, 443, 468, 500. |
Sioux Reservation, N. Dak. and S. Dak., cash sales allowed of unentered ceded lands in, Lyman County |
46 |
time extended for payments by settlers on | 3 |
Sioux, Rosebud, withdrawal from tribal credit in the Treasury authorized to establish a revolving fund for loan to members |
366 |
Sisseton Agency, S. Dak., appropriation for support, etc., tribal funds of Indians at, from |
222, 262, 315, 355 |
for water right, etc., to buildings | 108 |
Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of Sioux, all claims of, against United States referred to Court of Claims |
51 |
moneys found due to be placed to credit of | 52 |
allowance for attorneys' fees | 52 |
granted right and time to appeal from orders against them in Court of Claims | 945 |
trust periods on certain allotments of, extended | 1046 |
Sitgreaves National Forest, Ariz., proclamation modifying area of |
993 |
Six Nation Indians, New York, appropriation for annuities |
20, 74, 119, 162, 209, 251, 306, 351, 386, 504, 542, 929 |
Skootah, Davie, Indian Allottee, allotment of, canceled |
219 |
Skull Valley Indians, Utah, Executive order setting aside certain lands for use of |
1049 |
Smallpox, appropriation for prevention, etc |
9, 54, 107, 148, 195, 237, 294, 339, 375, 440, 499, 537, 924 |
Smith, Robert, fee simple homestead patent confirmed |
128 |
Smithsonian Institution, appropriation for American ethnology |
140, 180, 228, 278, 360, 506, 522, 931 |
Snake Indians, Yahooskin Band of, claims of, against United States, to be submitted to Court of Claims |
268 |
Snyder, A. R., reimbursement of |
200 |
Snyder Act, of November 2, 1921 | 330 |
Soboba Reservation, Calif., appropriation for irrigation project |
293, 338 |
Soboba School, California, payment to widow of Will H. Stanley, late superintendent of |
39 |
Soldiers, etc., discharged, etc., of World War given preference right of 10 years to make homestead entries, etc |
333 |
for two years | 1191a |
Solicitor of the Department of the Interior, opinion of, respecting titles acquired by Indians in lands withdrawn for their benefit by Executive order |
1061 |
Sorkilmo, Thomas P., payment to |
101 |
South Dakota, cash sales allowed of unentered ceded Sioux lands in Lyman County |
46 |
exchange of lands with, in lieu of tract surrendered for Pine Ridge Reservation | 290 |
Executive orders relating to Crow Creek Reservation | 1045 |
Sisseton and Wahpeton Indians | 1046 |
Yankton Sioux | 1046 |
South Dakota and North Dakota, Standing Rock Reservation, disposition of certain lands, etc |
956 |
Southern Pueblo Agency, N. Mex., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds |
385 |
Southern Ute Agency, Colo., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at |
222, 261, 315, 346, 382, 443, 502, 540, 927 |
Southern Ute Indians in Colorado, appropriation for support, etc., of |
346, 382 |
payment to, from tribal funds of Confederated Bands of Utes | 82, 257, 356, 391, 542, 928 |
Southern Ute Reservation, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project |
147, 194, 236, 338, 374, 433, 492, 529, 917 |
Spokane Agency, Wash., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at |
83, 127, 173, 218, 258, 357, 392, 443, 468 |
for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds |
222, 262, 315, 357, 392, 502, 540, 927 |
Spokane Hospital, Washington, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of |
55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 339, 375, 441, 500, 538, 925 |
Spokane Indians, Washington, appropriation for fulfilling treaty with |
29, 127, 173, 218, 313, 357, 392, 443, 502, 539, 926. |
for purchase of lands for fair-grounds, etc., from tribal funds | 174 |
proceeds of sale of lands on Fort Spokane abandoned military reservation to credit of | 85 |
Spokane Reservation, Wash., appropriation for roads in, from tribal funds; contribution by Stevens County |
93 |
leases of unallotted mineral lands on; condition | 86 |
Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak., appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds |
222, 261, 315, 357, 387, 502, 540, 927 |
Standing Rock Reservation, North and South Dakota, appropriation for purchase of cattle; repayment |
21 |
for constructing roads and bridges, from tribal funds | 210, 251 |
deficiency appropriation for civilian employees at | 509 |
extension of time for payments by settlers on ceded lands of | 3, 324, 336, 506 |
applicable to all entries | 4 |
application for; payment of interest, etc | 324 |
commutation permitted | 324 |
entry, etc., forfeited on failure to make payments | 325 |
allowed for installments on Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations, sold in 1908 | 325 |
investigating necessity for highway through | 28 |
appropriation for share in construction, etc.; Indian labor | 82, 172 |
per capita distribution to Indians of, or use of moneys for benefit of | 162 |
proclamation disposing certain lands of | 956 |
Stanley, May, payment to, death of husband |
39 |
Statue, Sequoyah, accepted for Statuary Hall, from Oklahoma |
143 |
Steenerson Act, of April 28, 1904, vol. 3: 98. Stevens and Ferry Counties, Wash., deficiency appropriation for payment of taxes on Colville lands |
515 |
payment directed of local taxes to, Colville lands | 453 |
Stevens County, Wash., investigation, etc., of right of, to tax allotted Indian land |
259 |
Stock Watering Places, Indian Lands, appropriation for developing, etc |
200, 432, 491, 528 |
Stock Watering Places, Public Lands, lands on streams in Flathead Reservation, Mont., to be designated for |
186 |
Stockbridge and Munsee Tribes, Wisconsin, payment to certain enrolled members of |
86 |
Stockbridge Band of Indians, all claims of, against United States to be adjudicated by Court of Claims |
461 |
Stone, Violetta, and W. D., payment to |
174 |
Stranger Marsh Irrigation Project, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of |
147 |
Stream Gauging, appropriation for, cooperative with Geological Survey |
148, 195, 236, 293, 338, 374, 433, 492, 529, 917 |
Stuart, Lewis, Gordon, and Rutherford, payment to, from Creek funds for legal services |
215 |
Sundry Civil Expenses Appropriations, for Department of Agriculture, Forest Service |
141 |
for Department of Justice, for defense in depredation claims | 43, 141, 181, 229 |
conveyances, Five Civilized Tribes | 43, 141, 181, 229, 278 |
suits affecting Seminole allotments | 43, 141 |
for Interior Department, for opening reservations to entry | 42, 140, 181, 229, 278 |
Reclamation Service | 140, 181 |
Smithsonian Institution, for American ethnology | 42, 140, 180, 228, 278 |
J. F. McMurray, etc., claims against Choctaws and Chickasaws referred to Court of Claims | 230 |
Superintendents of Irrigation, appropriation for |
8, 54, 107, 148 |
employment, authorized | 8, 54, 107, 148 |
Supplies, appropriation for purchase, transportation, etc |
10, 56, 110, 151, 198, 239, 296, 334, 341, 377, 429, 466, 487, 524, 912 |
warehouses restricted to three |
151, 198, 239, 296, 341, 377, 429, 487, 912 |
for telegraphing, etc | 151, 198, 239, 296, 341, 377, 912 |
deficiency appropriation for purchase, transportation, etc | 398, 405 |
for telegraphing, etc | 398 |
bids for, to be accompanied with certified check, etc | 59 |
acceptance of bond allowed | 59 |
forfeiture of check, on failure to execute contract | 59 |
return of check, etc., if contract executed | 59 |
supply fund created; expenditure therefrom | 912 |
Supreme Court of United States, list of treaties construed by |
1148 |
Surveys, appropriation for |
7, 53, 107, 147, 194, 235, 292, 337, 373, 430, 466, 489, 508, 525, 914 |
Sycuan Mission Reservation, Calif., Executive orders relating to |
1015 |