Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Volume IV


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Page 1391

Sa-Nell, Yu-Ki-As, etc., Treaty of 1851,
Sac and Fox Agency, Iowa,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
222, 261, 315, 443, 502, 540, 927
                      for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds 222, 261, 315, 352, 388, 502, 540, 927
                      for land for Mesquakie Day School 108
                      for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds 346, 382
           deficiency appropriation for civilian employees at 509
Sac and Fox Agency Lands, Oklahoma, drainage assessments allowed 95
Sac and Fox Indians, Iowa,
           appropriation for benefit of, from tribal funds
                      for drainage system for lands of 301
                                 arrangement with owners of adjacent lands 301
Sac and Fox Indians, Kansas and Nebraska,
           Executive order relating to
Sac and Fox Indians of the Missouri, Kansas,
           appropriation for school
Sac and Fox Indians, Oklahoma,
           Executive order relating to
           payment of legal expenses incurred by 907
           tract of land confirmed to, unconditionally 549
Sac and Fox Sanatorium, Iowa,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 339, 375, 441, 499, 538, 925.
Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri, Nebraska,
           per capita payment from tribal funds to
Saginaw, etc., Bands of Chippewas,
           claims of, to be filed by approved attorneys; fee allowed, etc
Saint Croix, Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin,
           appropriation for, relieving distress, etc
220, 260, 313
                      for purchase of land for 260, 313, 358, 393, 504, 543, 929
           investigation of condition and tribal rights of, authorized 32, 313
Saint Louis Mission Boarding School, Pawhuska, Okla.,
           appropriation for
164, 212, 353, 388, 440, 499, 537, 924
St. Mary's School and Mission,
           fee simple patent tract on diminished Colville Reservation, Wash
Salem, Oreg.,
           appropriation for school at
27, 79, 124, 170, 216, 256, 310, 355, 390, 439, 467, 498, 536.
                      assembly hall, from unexpended balance 79
Salt Creek Drainage District No. 2, Oklahoma,
           appropriation for paying assessments on certain Indian allotments in
Salt Fork of Arkansas River,
           appropriation for bridge across, Ponca Reservation, Okla., from                       tribal funds
                      contributions by Kay and Noble Counties, Okla 90
Salt River,
           appropriation for constructing bridge across, near Lehi, Salt River                       Reservation, Ariz
                      cooperation of Arizona 244
Salt River Agency, Ariz.,
           appropriation for support, etc., Indians at
222, 261, 315, 344, 443, 502, 540, 927
Salt River Irrigation Project, Ariz.,
           appropriation for providing water for Indians, from
Salt River Reservation, Ariz.,
           appropriation for water rights for Indian allotments in
60, 154, 201
                      for investigating need for bridge on 203
                      for Headgate irrigation project 236
San Carlos Agency, Ariz.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
222, 261, 315, 344, 379, 443, 502, 540, 927
San Carlos Dam, etc., Ariz.,
           Executive orders withdrawing certain lands for use of
San Carlos Irrigation Project, Ariz.,
           appropriation for constructing Coolidge Dam across Canyon of the                       Gila River
493, 917

Page 1392

San Carlos Irrigation Project, Ariz.—Con.
           investigating water supply, etc., authorized
           dam across Canyon of Gila River authorized 447
                      to irrigate lands of Pima Indians on Gila River Reservation 448
                                 other public or private lands 448
           surplus unallotted lands in Gila River Reservation may be sold 448
                      proceeds for reimbursing construction charges 448
           public announcement of water available, charges, etc 448
                      operation, etc., charges payable annually in advance 448
           repayment contract required from irrigation district, before construction                       commenced 448
                      conveyance of all irrigable lands in excess of 160 acres by                                  individuals to United States 449
                                 disposed of in farm units 449
           rules, etc., to be prescribed 449
           Executive order setting apart certain lands for use in 1011
San Carlos Reservation, Ariz.,
           appropriation for payment to Indians of, for purchase of cattle for

           appropriation for operating, etc., pumping plants for irrigation
202, 243, 299, 344, 380, 434, 493, 530, 918
           reimbursement for bridges on, from tribal funds, repealed 14
San Diego, Calif.,
           lands in Cleveland National Forest and Capitan Grande Reservation                       granted to, for water storage, etc
                      subject to payment of damages to Mission Indians 187
                      forfeiture for sale to private person 187
                      subject to all existing legal rights, etc 187
                      rights of Mission Indians 187
           condemnation of Indian lands; approval 188
                      further sums for civilization, etc 188
                      grant not effective before payment 188
                      proceedings to commence within one year 188
           issue of municipal bonds to defray all expenses 188
           dam and reservoir to be commenced within six months after sale of                       bonds 188
           action for forfeiture if conditions not complied with 188
                      unforeseen casualties excepted 189
           regulations to be complied with 189
           Indians permitted to reside on reservation awaiting turning in of water 189
           use of reservoir for benefit of, and other municipalities 189
                      riparian owners on San Diego River below 189
                      persons, etc., along the pipe lines 189
                      sale of water to Army and Navy; rate 189
           suit of Attorney General for enforcement of conditions not complied with 189
           rights, etc., may be assigned to a public water district 189
           laws of California as to use of water, etc., not interfered with 189
                      all proceedings to conform to 190
           time for acceptance of grant 190
San Juan Agency, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at
222, 261, 315, 502
San Juan County, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for bridging San Juan River in
           exchange permitted of lands in, to consolidate holdings in solid areas 306
San Juan, N. Mex.,
           Executive order reserving land for Indian boarding school at
San Juan Pueblo, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for irrigation system
209, 435, 494
San Juan Reservation, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project on
147, 194, 236
                      for highway from Mesa Verde Park to Gallup, on 209, 250
San Juan River, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for bridging, Farmington; repayment from Navajo funds
161, 306
                      at Shiprock 209
           appropriation for bridging in, San Juan County, N. Mex 104
                      deficiency appropriation for one-half cost of bridge across, near                                  Bloomfield, N. Mex 515
                                 reimbursed from Navajo funds 515
           amount authorized for one-half cost of bridge across, near Bloomfield,                       N. Mex 474
                      reimbursed, from funds of Navajos 474
                      remainder of cost to be paid by New Mexico 474
San Juan School, New Mexico,
           appropriation for operating, etc., Hogback irrigation project under
306, 350, 386, 435, 467, 494, 532, 919
San Louis Rey, etc., Treaty, 1851,
San Xavier Reservation, Ariz.,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project

           for operating, etc., pumping plants on
202, 243, 299, 344, 380, 434, 466, 493, 529, 917.
Sand Creek Irrigation Project, Oregon:
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of, from tribal funds
194, 236, 355, 390, 435, 494, 532, 919
Sanish, N. Dak.,
           purchasers of lots in town site of, to be paid excess of amounts refunded
Santa Clara River,
           appropriation for constructing bridge across, Shivwits Reservation, Utah
Sante Fe, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for school at
20, 74, 119, 161, 209, 250, 305, 350, 386, 438, 467, 497, 535, 922
Santa Ysabel Reservation No. 1,
           lands withdrawn for use of Indians of, and added thereto
           purchase of lands to be added to; amount authorized for 555

Page 1393

Santee Agency, S. Dak.,
           appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at
Santee Reservation, Nebr.,
           Executive order extending trust period
Santee Sioux of Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota (see Sioux of            Different Tribes),
           claims of Medawakanton and Wahpakoota Bands for forfeited                       annuities referred to Court of Claims
Santee Sioux Reservation, Nebr.,
           public roads allowed through
Saska, Silico,
           land patent to
Satra, James V.,
           payment to, for damages from fire
Satus Irrigation Project,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
147, 393, 436, 495, 533, 920
Saux, Tommy,
           fee simple homestead patent confirmed
Sawyer, Minn.,
           appropriation for council hall, from Chippewa funds
Scarlet Crow, Sioux Indian,
           appropriation for monument for grave of, in Congressional Cemetery,                       District of Columbia
           appropriation for support, etc
9, 55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 340, 375, 437, 467, 496, 534, 920

                      provision for deaf and dumb or blind or mentally deficient
9, 55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 340, 375, 437, 496, 534, 920
                      restriction as to children with less than one-fourth Indian blood 9, 55, 108, 149
                      discontinuance of schools with less than specified pupils 294, 340, 375, 437, 496, 534, 921
                      attendance limitation not applicable to Hope School for Girls 294, 340, 375
                      transfers directed; return of moneys appropriated 294, 340, 375, 437, 496, 534

                      not to be used for specified schools
9, 55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 340, 376, 437, 496, 534, 921

                      tuition in public schools
9, 108, 149, 196, 238, 340, 375, 437, 496, 534, 921
           for children of Papago Indians 9

           for constructing buildings, etc
10, 55, 108, 149, 196, 238, 295, 340, 375, 437, 466, 496, 534, 921.

                      heat and light to employees
10, 55, 108, 149, 196, 238, 295, 340, 375
           for Oneida, Wis 10

           for transporting pupils, etc
10, 55, 149, 197, 238, 295, 340, 376, 437, 496, 534.

                      industrial employment
10, 55, 150, 197, 238, 295, 341, 376, 437, 496, 534

                      Alaska natives
10, 55, 150, 197, 238, 295, 341, 376, 437, 496, 534
                      no per capita, restriction 10, 197

           for agricultural experiments on farms at
10, 56, 150, 197, 239, 295, 341, 376, 431, 490, 527, 915
           deficiency appropriation for 146, 288
           leaves of absence, Indian school employees, increased to 30 days 362
           mining leases authorized of lands reserved for 521
           payment authorized for tuition, etc., in State public schools, 1922, 1923 450
           per capita cost of pupils at, increased 478
           per capita expenditure restriction on appropriations for, repealed 97
                      maximum allowed 97
                      suspended 146
           per capita provisions and restrictions 150
           rebuilding of building at Tomah, Wis., destroyed by fire 362
           sale of lands no longer needed for 111
           surplus books of Navy Department may be transferred for use of 902
Scott's River, etc., Indians,
           unratified treaty with
           lieu allotment to, in Colville Reservation, Wash
Seaple, Mary,
           land patent to
Secretary of the Interior,
           authority to determine heirs, etc
Seger Agency, Okla.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
222, 261, 315, 352
Seminole Indians, Florida,
           appropriation for relief of distress, etc
14, 62, 114, 156, 203, 245, 301, 346, 382, 441, 467, 500.
Seminole Indians, Oklahoma. (see also Five Civilized Tribes).
           appropriation for common schools
24, 78, 122, 167, 214, 255, 309, 354, 390, 537, 924.
                      for per capita payment, from tribal funds 25, 77, 122, 166
                                 provisions for restricted Indians 77, 122, 166
                                 exempt from prior debts, etc 77, 166
                                 allowance for distribution expenses 77, 166
                      for suits affecting titles to allotted lands 35, 43, 91, 141
           claims of, against United States, not heretofore determined, to be                       adjudicated by Court of Claims 414
Seneca Agency, Okla.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds of
222, 261, 315, 352
Seneca Indian School, Wyandotte, Okla.,
           amount authorized for repairs, new buildings, etc., at
Seneca Indians of New York,
           appropriation for fulfilling treaty with
20, 74, 119, 162, 209, 251, 306, 351, 386, 504, 542, 929.
           exclusive right of, to issue game permits, etc., in designated Indian                       reservations in New York 911
           acceptance of statue, and thanks of Congress to Oklahoma for
           proceedings on acceptance of statue of, ordered printed
Sequoyah Orphan Training School, Tahlequah, Okla. (see also Cherokee            Orphan Training School),
           appropriation for support, etc
439, 498, 536, 923
           amount authorized for water supply to 944

Page 1394

           Sioux reservations, N. Dak. and S.Dak., time extended for payments by
Seupelt, J. G.,
           homestead entry of, Colville Reservation, validated
Shasta, etc., Treaty, 1851,
Shawnee Agency, Okla.,
           deficiency appropriation for civilian employees at
Shawnee Indians, Absentee, in Indian Territory,
           allotments to provide homes for; sale of certain bonds, etc
           Executive order relating to 1032, 1042
Shawnee Indians, Oklahoma, Eastern,
           Executive order extending trust period certain allotments of
Shawnee Sanatorium, Oklahoma,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc
441, 500, 538, 925
Shawnee School, Oklahoma,
           payment to Ivy L. Merrill, employee of
Shebit (Shivwits) Indians, Utah,
           Executive order setting aside reservation for
Sherman Institute, California,
           appropriation for
14, 62, 113, 155, 203, 245, 300, 345, 381, 438, 497, 535, 922
Shivwits Indians, Utah,
           Executive order setting aside reservation for
Shivwits Reservation, Utah,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project
147, 194, 235, 293, 433, 491, 528, 916
                      for wagon road and bridge in; repayment 173, 229
Shoshone Agency, Nev., Western,
           appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at
222, 261, 315, 502, 540, 927
Shoshone Agency, Wyo.,
           appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at
222, 262, 315, 358, 394, 502, 540, 927
           Fremont County, Wyo., may purchase certain land on, for school district 282
Shoshone Indians, Nevada,
           Executive order relating to homeless
Shoshone Indians, Wyoming,
           appropriation for support, etc., of
33, 88, 131, 176, 221, 260, 314, 358, 394, 443, 502, 539, 926

                      for school
33, 88, 131, 176, 221, 260, 314, 358, 394, 439, 467, 498

                      for fulfilling treaty with
33, 88, 131, 176, 221, 260, 314, 358, 394
           all claims of, against United States, not heretofore determined, to be                       submitted to Court of Claims 937
                      procedure, etc 938
                      amount recovered to be deposited to credit of Indians in the                                  Treasury 938
Shoshone Reservation, Idaho and Nevada, Western,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project on
194, 235, 338, 374, 433, 491, 916
           Executive orders reserving land near Elko, for use of Indians 1028
Shoshone Reservation, Wyo.,
           appropriation for school
33, 88, 131, 176, 439, 498

                      for irrigation system
34, 88, 131, 176, 314, 358, 394, 533, 920

                      for road and bridge construction
34, 89, 131, 176, 261, 314, 358, 394, 504, 542
                      for Fort Washakie, repairs 33, 88
                      for irrigating conditionally ceded lands of 176, 221, 260, 314, 436, 495
                                 payment of construction charges, etc 176, 221, 261
                      for share of expenses, diversion dam for irrigating lands of 222
                      for roads and bridges, from tribal funds 22, 261, 314
                      for Riverton project 261
                      for extending canals, etc 261, 436, 495
           deficiency appropriation for irrigation 399
                      for payments to Indians of 399, 405
           reimbursement to Right Rev. N. S. Thomas 34
           special report required of irrigation project on, as to water rights,                       methods of financing, etc 9
           payment to Joseph H. Norris as superintendent 89
           homesteaders on ceded lands unable to secure water to be given patent;                       residence required 91
           oil and gas leases on ceded lands of, authorized 93
                      proceeds to credit of Indians; royalties, etc 93
Si-Yan-Te, Treaty of 1851,
Sierra National Forest, Calif.,
           Executive order modifying boundary of
Siletz Agency, Oreg.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
27, 80, 124, 170, 256, 354, 390, 441, 467, 500
                      for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds 222, 262
Siletz Reservation, Oreg.,
           appraisal and sale of lands in
                      per capita distribution of proceeds 80
           Executive order relating to 1045
Silver Mining,
           leases allowed for, on unallotted with-drawn mineral lands of Indian                       reservations in designated States
Simcoe Irrigation Project, Washington,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
147, 259, 313, 357, 393, 436, 495, 920
Sioux Medawakanton and Wahpakoota Bands,
           claims for restored annuities referred to Court of Claims
                      correction directed in enrolling bill 138
Sioux of Different Tribes, South Dakota,
           appropriation for fulfilling treaties with
28, 81, 125, 171, 217, 311, 355, 391, 501, 539, 926
                      for agency employees 28, 81, 125, 171, 217, 311, 355, 391
                      for subsistence 28, 81, 125, 217, 311, 355, 391, 501

                      for transportation of supplies; Indian labor
28, 81, 126, 171, 217, 256, 311, 355, 391, 501, 537

                      for schools
28, 81, 126, 171, 217, 256, 311, 355, 391, 440, 467, 499, 924

                      for Yankton Sioux
28, 82, 126, 171, 217, 256, 311, 355, 390

Page 1395

Sioux of Different Tribes, South Dakota—Continued.
           all claims of, against United States, to be submitted to Court of Claims
                      jurisdiction conferred; procedure, etc 270
           expenses allowed for visits of tribal delegates of, from Fort Peck to                       Washington 545
           interest of Yankton and other, in Red Pipestone Quarries, to be                       determined by Court of Claims 471
           investigation, etc., to provide additional schools authorized 81
           payment authorized to, for destroyed horses 514
           payments to Indians of Rosebud Reservation, enrolled by order of court;                       from tribal funds 92
           site to be acquired and monument erected thereon, to commemorate                       battle of, with forces of Majors Reno and Benteen 520
           Treaty of Fort Laramie, 1851 1067
Sioux of Devils Lake, N. Dak.,
           appropriation for support, etc
20, 74, 120, 162, 210, 251, 306, 311, 351, 387, 441, 443, 468, 500.
Sioux Reservation, N. Dak. and S. Dak.,
           cash sales allowed of unentered ceded lands in, Lyman County
           time extended for payments by settlers on 3
Sioux, Rosebud,
           withdrawal from tribal credit in the Treasury authorized to establish a                       revolving fund for loan to members
Sisseton Agency, S. Dak.,
           appropriation for support, etc., tribal funds of Indians at, from
222, 262, 315, 355
                      for water right, etc., to buildings 108
Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of Sioux,
           all claims of, against United States referred to Court of Claims
                      moneys found due to be placed to credit of 52
                      allowance for attorneys' fees 52
           granted right and time to appeal from orders against them in Court of                       Claims 945
           trust periods on certain allotments of, extended 1046
Sitgreaves National Forest, Ariz.,
           proclamation modifying area of
Six Nation Indians, New York,
           appropriation for annuities
20, 74, 119, 162, 209, 251, 306, 351, 386, 504, 542, 929
Skootah, Davie, Indian Allottee,
           allotment of, canceled
Skull Valley Indians, Utah,
           Executive order setting aside certain lands for use of
           appropriation for prevention, etc
9, 54, 107, 148, 195, 237, 294, 339, 375, 440, 499, 537, 924
Smith, Robert,
           fee simple homestead patent confirmed
Smithsonian Institution,
           appropriation for American ethnology
140, 180, 228, 278, 360, 506, 522, 931
Snake Indians, Yahooskin Band of,
           claims of, against United States, to be submitted to Court of Claims
Snyder, A. R.,
           reimbursement of
Snyder Act, of November 2, 1921 330
Soboba Reservation, Calif.,
           appropriation for irrigation project
293, 338
Soboba School, California,
           payment to widow of Will H. Stanley, late superintendent of
Soldiers, etc.,
           discharged, etc., of World War given preference right of 10 years to make                       homestead entries, etc
                      for two years 1191a
Solicitor of the Department of the Interior,
           opinion of, respecting titles acquired by Indians in lands withdrawn for                       their benefit by Executive order
Sorkilmo, Thomas P.,
           payment to
South Dakota,
           cash sales allowed of unentered ceded Sioux lands in Lyman County
           exchange of lands with, in lieu of tract surrendered for Pine Ridge                       Reservation 290
           Executive orders relating to Crow Creek Reservation 1045
                      Sisseton and Wahpeton Indians 1046
                      Yankton Sioux 1046
South Dakota and North Dakota,
           Standing Rock Reservation, disposition of certain lands, etc
Southern Pueblo Agency, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
Southern Ute Agency, Colo.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
222, 261, 315, 346, 382, 443, 502, 540, 927
Southern Ute Indians in Colorado,
           appropriation for support, etc., of
346, 382
           payment to, from tribal funds of Confederated Bands of Utes 82, 257, 356, 391, 542, 928
Southern Ute Reservation,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of irrigation project
147, 194, 236, 338, 374, 433, 492, 529, 917
Spokane Agency, Wash.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
83, 127, 173, 218, 258, 357, 392, 443, 468

                      for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
222, 262, 315, 357, 392, 502, 540, 927
Spokane Hospital, Washington,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
55, 108, 149, 196, 237, 294, 339, 375, 441, 500, 538, 925
Spokane Indians, Washington,
           appropriation for fulfilling treaty with
29, 127, 173, 218, 313, 357, 392, 443, 502, 539, 926.
                      for purchase of lands for fair-grounds, etc., from tribal funds 174
           proceeds of sale of lands on Fort Spokane abandoned military                       reservation to credit of 85
Spokane Reservation, Wash.,
           appropriation for roads in, from tribal funds; contribution by Stevens                       County
           leases of unallotted mineral lands on; condition 86

Page 1396

Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
222, 261, 315, 357, 387, 502, 540, 927
Standing Rock Reservation, North and South Dakota,
           appropriation for purchase of cattle; repayment
                      for constructing roads and bridges, from tribal funds 210, 251
           deficiency appropriation for civilian employees at 509
           extension of time for payments by settlers on ceded lands of 3, 324, 336, 506
                                 applicable to all entries 4
                      application for; payment of interest, etc 324
                      commutation permitted 324
                      entry, etc., forfeited on failure to make payments 325
                      allowed for installments on Cheyenne River and Standing Rock                                  Reservations, sold in 1908 325
           investigating necessity for highway through 28
           appropriation for share in construction, etc.; Indian labor 82, 172
           per capita distribution to Indians of, or use of moneys for benefit of 162
           proclamation disposing certain lands of 956
Stanley, May,
           payment to, death of husband
           Sequoyah, accepted for Statuary Hall, from Oklahoma
Steenerson Act, of April 28, 1904, vol. 3: 98.
Stevens and Ferry Counties, Wash.,
           deficiency appropriation for payment of taxes on Colville lands
           payment directed of local taxes to, Colville lands 453
Stevens County, Wash.,
           investigation, etc., of right of, to tax allotted Indian land
Stock Watering Places, Indian Lands,
           appropriation for developing, etc
200, 432, 491, 528
Stock Watering Places, Public Lands,
           lands on streams in Flathead Reservation, Mont., to be designated for
Stockbridge and Munsee Tribes, Wisconsin,
           payment to certain enrolled members of
Stockbridge Band of Indians,
           all claims of, against United States to be adjudicated by Court of Claims
Stone, Violetta, and W. D.,
           payment to
Stranger Marsh Irrigation Project,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
Stream Gauging,
           appropriation for, cooperative with Geological Survey
148, 195, 236, 293, 338, 374, 433, 492, 529, 917
Stuart, Lewis, Gordon, and Rutherford,
           payment to, from Creek funds for legal services
Sundry Civil Expenses Appropriations,
           for Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
           for Department of Justice, for defense in depredation claims 43, 141, 181, 229
                      conveyances, Five Civilized Tribes 43, 141, 181, 229, 278
                      suits affecting Seminole allotments 43, 141
           for Interior Department, for opening reservations to entry 42, 140, 181, 229, 278
                      Reclamation Service 140, 181
           Smithsonian Institution, for American ethnology 42, 140, 180, 228, 278
           J. F. McMurray, etc., claims against Choctaws and Chickasaws                       referred to Court of Claims 230
Superintendents of Irrigation,
           appropriation for
8, 54, 107, 148
           employment, authorized 8, 54, 107, 148
           appropriation for purchase, transportation, etc
10, 56, 110, 151, 198, 239, 296, 334, 341, 377, 429, 466, 487, 524, 912

                                 warehouses restricted to three
151, 198, 239, 296, 341, 377, 429, 487, 912
                      for telegraphing, etc 151, 198, 239, 296, 341, 377, 912
           deficiency appropriation for purchase, transportation, etc 398, 405
                      for telegraphing, etc 398
           bids for, to be accompanied with certified check, etc 59
                      acceptance of bond allowed 59
                      forfeiture of check, on failure to execute contract 59
                      return of check, etc., if contract executed 59
           supply fund created; expenditure therefrom 912
Supreme Court of United States,
           list of treaties construed by
           appropriation for
7, 53, 107, 147, 194, 235, 292, 337, 373, 430, 466, 489, 508, 525, 914
Sycuan Mission Reservation, Calif.,
           Executive orders relating to

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