Vol. IV, Laws     (Compiled to March 4, 1927)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1929.

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Page 1379

Nason, Dan (Allottee),
           fee simple patent issued to
Nason, Mary (Allottee),
           fee simple patent issued to
Nason, William (Allottee),
           fee simple patent issued to
National Forests,
           area diminished, Cache, Idaho and Utah
                      Tahoe, Calif. and Nev 969
           area modified, Crook, Ariz 971
                      Manzano, Ariz. and N. Mex 984
                      Sitgreaves, Ariz 993
           sale at auction of burnt timber on the public domain outside of 905
National Guard of Arizona,
           Executive orders withdrawing tract on Navajo Reservation for use of
National Monuments,
           appropriation for preservation, etc., Navajo, Ariz
           setting apart of one, in Riverside County, Calif., authorized 363
                      Pipe Spring, Ariz 992
                      Wupatki, Ariz 998
Navajo Agency, Ariz., Western,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
Navajo Agency, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
261, 385, 502, 540, 927
Navajo Indians, Arizona,
           appropriation for developing water supply
60, 154, 345, 381, 432, 491, 466, 528, 916
                      for constructing bridges near Leupp Agency, Ariz., from tribal                                  funds 202, 300

                      for schools
13, 60, 112, 153, 201, 243, 299, 344, 380, 439, 498, 536, 923
                                 additional facilities permitted 924
           appropriation for water supply on reservation 13, 112, 153, 201, 243, 299
           sum received from sale of allotment to Pete Coverly to be deposited to                       credit of 407
Navajo Indians, New Mexico,
           appropriation for purchase of land for; leasing grazing land
                      for lease of lands for 386
           one-half cost of bridge across San Juan River near Bloomfield, N. Mex.,                       to be repaid by 474, 515
Navajo National Monument, Arizona,
           appropriation for preservation, etc., of ruins, etc
Navajo Reservation, Ariz. and N. Mex.,
           acceptance of reconveyances of privately owned lands, etc., within,                       additions to
                      lieu selections permitted, to consolidate retained Indian lands 485
                      title not affected on refusal to reconvey 485
           amount authorized annually for maintenance of highway from Gallup to                       Shiprock 454
           appropriation for bridge across Moencopi Wash, on 12

                      for Ganado irrigation project
61, 112, 154, 201, 243, 299, 344, 380, 434, 466, 493, 529, 918
                      for highway from Mesa Verde Park to Gallup, on 74, 119, 161, 209, 250
                                 Gallup to Shiprock, N. Mex 504

                      for miscellaneous irrigation projects on
147, 194, 236, 293, 338, 374, 433, 492, 917
                      for operating, etc., Hogback irrigation project under San Juan                                  School, New Mexico, on 306, 350, 386, 435, 467, 494, 532, 919
                      for water supply for Indians on 61, 154, 299, 398, 528
           entries on lands withdrawn for, allowed patents, etc 92
           Executive orders, reserving certain lands for Indians of 1004
                      withdrawing tract on, for rifle range, Organized Militia 1003
           San Juan Indian School on, lands for 1030
Navajo Reservation, Ariz., Western,
           patent to tract on, granted Gospel Missionary Union
Navajo Sanatorium, Arizona,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
149, 196, 294, 925
Navajo Sanatorium, New Mexico,
           appropriation for maintenance, etc., of
55, 108, 149, 237, 339, 375, 441, 499, 538
Navajo Springs Band of Utes, Colorado,
           payment to, from tribal funds of Confederated Bands of Utes
29, 82, 126, 542, 928
Navajo Timber Company,
           reimbursement to
Navy Department,
           surplus books of, may be transferred for use of Indian schools
Neah Bay Agency, Wash.,
           appropriation for support, etc., from tribal funds of Indians at
502, 540, 927

Page 1380

           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at specified agencies, from tribal                       funds
349, 385
           Executive order relating to Omaha Reservation Indians 1026
                      Omaha and Winnebago Indians 1027
                      Ponca Indians 1026
                      Santee Reservation 1027
                      Winnebago Reservation 1027
           lands of Winnebago and Omaha Indians under trust patents subject to                       State, etc., taxes 102
                      not subject to sale for nonpayment 102
                      tax to be paid from Indian funds 102
                      release if no fund available 102
           public roads allowed through Indian lands in 46
Neiness, Ed,
           payment to, for damages from fire
Nelson Act,
           of January 14, 1889, vol. 1:301.
Nett Lake Agency, Minn.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at
Nett Lake Reservation, Minn.,
           patent for lands on, to Northern Minnesota Methodist Conference
           appropriation for procuring homes, etc., for nonreservation Indians in

                      for support, etc., of Indians in
19, 73, 119, 160, 208, 249, 305, 350, 385, 441, 467, 500.
           Executive orders relating to Shoshone and Paiute Indians 1028
                      Walker River Reservation 1027
                      reserving land for homeless Shoshones in 1028
           gold, etc., mining leases allowed on unallotted withdrawn mineral lands of                       reservations in 222
           mining leases allowed of metalliferous and nonmetalliferous deposits on                       unallotted withdrawn reservation lands in 910
           purchase of lands in, for Reno Colony 544
           Tahoe National Forest, Calif., and, diminished 969
Nevada Agency, Nev.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
222, 261, 315, 350, 385
Nevada or Colony Indians, California,
           Executive orders relating to
New Mexico,
           Alamo National Forest, area modified
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians in 250, 305, 350, 385, 441, 500
           creation of reservations in, except by Act of Congress, forbidden 155
           Executive orders relating to Jemez Pueblo 1029
                                 Jicarilla (Apache) Reservation 1030
                                 Mexican Kickapoo 1037
                                 Zia Pueblo 1031
                      setting apart tract for San Juan Indian School 1030
                      temporarily withdrawing certain lands from settlement, etc 1031
                      transferring certain lands to Fort Sill 1036
           gold, etc., mining leases allowed on unallotted withdrawn mineral lands of                       reservations in 222
           Manzano National Forest, Ariz., and, area modified 984
           mining leases allowed of metalliferous and nonmetalliferous deposits on                       unallotted withdrawn reservation lands in 910
           time extended for relinquishing to Indians of, railroad lands in 52
           tract of land in, permanently withdrawn for Navajo Indians 485

           use of appropriations for allotments in, restricted
7, 53, 107, 147, 194, 235, 292, 337, 373, 430, 489, 508, 525, 914.
New Mexico Coal Lands,
           Executive order relating to
New Mexico Pueblos,
           appropriation for irrigation project on
147, 194, 236, 293, 338, 374, 433, 492, 917.
New York,
           game laws, etc., of, made applicable to Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Oil                       Spring Reservations
                      no discrimination against the Indians allowed 911
                      exclusive right of Senecas to issue permits,etc 911
                      lands acquired by State in Oil Spring Reservation excepted from                                  provisions of act 911
Newlands Irrigation Project, Nevada,
           amount authorized for drainage of Paiute Indians' lands within
396, 435, 452
           appropriation for irrigation charges, etc., Paiute allotments within 435, 494, 532, 919
           construction charges against Paiute allotments in, canceled, etc 562
                      lands subject to operation charges 562
Nez Perce Agency, Idaho,
           reimbursement of certain Indians, for losses by burglary
Nez Perce Indians, Idaho,
           claims of, for lands, etc., taken from, to be determined by Court of Claims
           Executive orders extending trust period 1017
           proceeds of grant of Fort Lapwai schools to be credited to 266
           prohibition of intoxicants, etc., to, continued 195
Nez Perce Indians, Washington, Joseph's Band of,
           appropriation for support, etc., of
29, 127, 173, 312, 357, 392
Niobrara, Nebr.,
           appropriation for repairs, etc., bridge across Niobrara River near
Nisqually Indians, Washington,
           deficiency appropriation for relief of dispossessed allottees
           lands in Pierce County taken for Camp Lewis from, may be acquired and                       returned to dispossessed 220
Nisqually Reservation, Wash.,
           payment authorized to dispossessed families on, for land taken from                       them for military purposes
                      expenditure for benefit of Indians 410
Noe-Ma, etc. Treaty of 1851,

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Nonmetallic Minerals on Public Lands,
           appropriation for enforcing provisions relating to mining, etc
395, 543, 929
Norris, Joseph H.,
           payment to
North American Indian Memorial Commission,
           George Frederick Kunz appointed member of
North Dakota,
           Devils Lake Reservation, sale of undisposed of ceded lands directed
           Executive order relating to Devils Lake allotments 1032
           Fort Berthold Reservation, coal lands opened to surface entry 961
           unallotted school section coal lands opened to entry 975
North Dakota and South Dakota,
           Standing Rock Reservation, disposition of certain lands, etc
Northern Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, Montana,
           appropriation for support, etc
19, 69, 118, 159, 207, 248, 304, 349, 384, 441, 501, 538, 926.
                      for "line riders" 19, 69, 118, 159, 207, 248
                      for cattle, etc., for; repayment 19, 69
Northern Cheyenne Reservation, Mont.,
           declared to be the property of the Indians thereof
           complete roll of living Indians to be prepared as basis for allotting 556
           lands to be classified as agricultural, grazing, and timber 556
           allotment in severalty of agricultural and grazing lands to individuals on                       the roll 556
                      agricultural and grazing lands to be contiguous 556
                                 trust patents to be issued and each designated a                                             homestead 556
                      homesteads inalienable and untaxable for 25 years, or                                  until death of allottee 556
                      selection of occupied tract, though classified as timberland 556
                      timber, mineral, etc., deposits reserved for benefit of tribe 556
                      leases authorized with consent of council 556
           after 50 years, mineral, etc., deposits to become property of allottees 556
           lands to be reserved; for school, agency, etc., purposes 557
                                 Busby Boarding School; Birney Day School 557
                      for religious, educational, etc., purposes 557
                                 education and religious organizations not to be disturbed 557
                      reservations for Lame Deer, etc., town site 557
                                 limit for park and school sites 557
                                 appraisal, etc 557
           all income from rent, royalties, etc., to be deposited to credit of Indians 557
           easements for highways dedicated to county commissioners 557
           tracts with water supply for cattle to be reserved 557
           amount authorized for all expenses 557
                      available for expenses of council meetings, visits to Washington,                                  etc 558
Northern Pueblos Agency, N. Mex.,
           appropriation for support, etc., of Indians at, from tribal funds
Northwest Ordinance of 1787,
           government of the territory northwest of the Ohio River
                      good faith to be observed 1065, 1153
Nuyaka Indian School, Oklahoma,
           appropriation for pasture land, from Creek funds

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