Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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Bad River Reservation, Wis. (See La Pointe Reservation.)  
Bagan, Angel Ange, patent in fee to 242
Bailey, Lorenzo A., payment to 234
Bailly, Jennie M., patent in fee to 241
Baker, Fannie, patent in fee to 225
Baker, Rosa, patent in fee to 224
Baldwin, Eugene H., payment to 583
Bannocks, appropriation for:  
1907 202
1908 274
1909 326
1910 397
1911 434
1912 492
1913 535
1914 571
(See also Lemhi Agency, Idaho; Shoshones and Bannocks.)  
Barber, Artie, patent in fee to 241
Barbier, Frederick, patent in fee to 242
Barbier, Kate M., patent in fee to 242
Barbier, Marie, patent in fee to 242
Bark, George W., patent in fee to 213
Barone, Josephine, restrictions removed 232
Baskin, Samuel, patent in fee to 224
Battiest, Morris, placed on Choctaw rolls 207
Bear, William, patent in fee to 224
Bearskin, George, patent in fee to 69
Belt, Robert V.:  
Claim referred to Court of Claims 363
Payment to 544
Beneche, Charles, patent in fee to 217
Benedictine Fathers, lands granted to 414
Bennett, Annie C., patent in fee to 213
Bentz, Louis, patent to 25
Bercier, Corbet, payment for improvements 139
Bercier, Joseph, payment for improvements 139
Bercier, William, payment for improvements 139
Bergeron, John B., patent in fee to 233
Bertrand, Benjamin, patent in fee to 233
Bertrand, Emily, restrictions removed 232
Bertrand, Joseph, patent in fee to 233
Big Jim's Band of Absentee Shawnee Indians, appropriation for support, 1905 134
Bigknife, Nancy, placed on Cherokee rolls 208
Bill, Billy, cancellation of allotment 478
Billy, William, may sell part of allotment 336
Bismarck School:  
Appropriation for—  
1909 335
1910 400
1911 439
1912 497
1913 539
1914 576
Water supply, purchase of 228
Bismarck, N. Dak., location of Indian school at 71
Blackfeet Agency, appropriation for:  
1905 35
1906 121
1907 220
1908 285
1909 331
1914 574
Blackfeet Indians:  
Treaty appropriation for—  
1905 42
1906 128
Tribal funds to be expended for benefit of Indians 575
(See also Gros Ventre, Piegan, Blood, Blackfeet and River Crow Reservation in Montana.)  
Blackfeet Reservation, Mont.:  
Allotments to Indians directed 286
Appropriation for—  
1905 42
1906 128
1907 221
Commission to classify and appraise unallotted lands 287
Glacier National Park, reservation for 513
Appropriation for 1911 437
Repayment of moneys advanced for construction 437
Appropriation for—  
1912 495
1913 537
1914 574
Irrigation system, appropriation for maintenance 286
Lewis and Clark Forest Reserve established 590
Midvale town site, addition to 513
Missions, lands granted for 287
Sale of land for hotel purposes 513
Sale of surplus lands 288
Survey of all lands directed 286
Surveys, appropriation for 402
Timber lands reserved from general sale 288
Timber lands to be sold on sealed bids 289
Black River Band of Chippewas, claim referred to Court of Claims 471
Blacksmith, Edward, patent in fee to 225
Blacksmith, Stephen, patent in fee to 61
Black Tomahawk, payment of judgment against 299
Blood Indians. (See Gros Ventre, Piegan, Blood, Blackfeet and River Crow Reservation in Montana.)  
Board of Indian Commissioners:  
Appropriation for—  
1905 17
1906 226
1907 197
1908 270
1909 321
1910 392
1911 432
1912 490
1913 532
1914 563
Secretary to be employed 532
Bois Fort Indians, burial expenses of certain Indians to be paid 470
Bolard, Edward, lease from Seneca Nation ratified 487
Bonnin, Charles Henry, patent in fee to 241
Bonnin, Mercy Conger, patent in fee to 241
Bookkeeping, system to be installed in Bureau of Indian Affairs (1913) 567
Boone, James, patent in fee to 69
Boundary line between Arkansas and Indian Territory, extension of 115
Bounds, J. S., claims against Mississippi Choctaws referred to Court of Claims 370
Bourbonnais, Anthony, patent in fee to 233
Bourassa, Margaret, patent to be cancelled 232
Bowen, George, patent in fee to 246
Boy, David, patent in fee to 224
Boysen, Asmus, lease on Wind River Reservation, Wyo 121
Bradley, Glen, patent in fee to 233
Brayton, M. D., payment to 534
Brewer, Raleigh, title to Choctaw land in Mississippi confirmed 377
Brink, A. C., payment to 548
Bronson, Bella K., per capita payment to, 1905 47
Bronson, Clay J., per capita payment to, 1905 47
Brown, Amanda, patent in fee to 241
Brown, Augusta, patent in fee to 68
Brown, Jennie., patent in fee to 68
Brown, Jennie M., patent in fee to 142
Brown, John B., depredation claim referred 312
Brown, John F., sale of lots confirmed 144
Brown, Joseph R., patent in fee to 68,241
Brown, Mozotob, cancellation of allotment 478
Brown, Samuel, payment to 338
Brown, Samuel J., patent in fee to 68,143
Brown, Susan F., patent in fee to 68
Brown, William, and Levi B. Gritts, suit to determine validity of extension of restrictions on Cherokee allotments 279
Bruno, Jonn B., patent in fee to 233
Brunot, Josephine, patent in fee to 242
Buck Bill, determination of heirs by district court confirmed 541
Buckner, Susie, restrictions removed 64
Buffalo Chip, patent in fee to 224
Buffalo, Michel, patent in fee to 249
Buhinhda, patent may be cancelled 229
Bull, Lillie, cancellation of allotment 241
Bull, Sarah, cancellation of allotment 241
Bull, Thomas, cancellation of allotment 241
Bureau of Animal Industry, appropriation for stock destroyed by, on Fort Berthold Reservation 408
Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, lands granted to 416
Burke Act, May 8, 1906 181
Burns, Mark, patent in fee to 68
Burris, Samuel Sydney, placed on Choctaw rolls 207
Bushman, Margaret, payment to 217
Butler, Marion, and Josiah M. Vale, claim referred to Court to Claims 246
Button, Frank, patent in fee to 249
Button, Sylvester, patent in fee to 249


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