Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.
Railroads in Indian Territory: | |
Taxation of property | 180 |
Timber and stone may be used by | 5 |
Railroads through Indian lands: | |
Allotments to Indians located on railroad grants | 560 |
Amendment to section 2 of act of March 2, 1899 | 197 |
Arizona rights of way confirmed | 252 |
Oklahoma rights of way confirmed | 252 |
Osage Nation, provisions for | 258 |
Reservoir lands, etc., granted | 389 |
Reservoir sites, etc., condemnation of lands for | 453 |
Rights of way limited to 50 feet | 197 |
Station grounds, limit increased | 197 |
Stations required at town sites | 479 |
Railroad rights of way, allotments in Indian Territory | 351 |
Rapid City School: | |
Appropriation for | |
1905 | 60 |
1906 | 152 |
1907 | 238 |
1908 | 298 |
1909 | 341 |
1910 | 416 |
1911 | 443 |
1912 | 501 |
1913 | 547 |
1914 | 582 |
Provision for water supply | 341 |
Purchase of water supply | 238 |
Rations, mission schools to receive those due children | 193 |
Raven Mining Co., patent to land in Uintah Reservation, Utah | 147 |
Raymond, Charles, patent in fee to | 224 |
Rea, R. I., payment to | 51 |
Rebok and Cramer, payment to | 327 |
Reclamation of desert lands. (See Irrigation.) | |
Recording of deeds and conveyances in Indian Territory: | |
Acknowledgments of deeds | 9 |
Clerk of United States court to be recorder | 8 |
Compensation of clerk | 8 |
Prior records transferred | 8 |
Recording districts created | 9,13 |
Records to be kept | 8 |
Red Bird, Daniel, against Cherokee Nation | |
(See Intermarried whites in Cherokee Nation.) | |
Red Earth, Henry, patent in fee to | 241 |
Red Lake Reservation, Minnesota: | |
Agreement for cession of land, 1902 | 28 |
Allotments on diminished reservations | 26,29 |
Amendments of agreement | 30 |
Bridge, appropriation for completing | 537 |
Bridge to be constructed, location changed | 494 |
Ceded lands | |
Homestead lots extended | 487 |
Time of payment extended | 427 |
Compensation for improvements | 26 |
Drainage survey, investigation of project | 572 |
Drainage survey to be made | 220 |
Existing treaty rights not affected | 29 |
Grant of lands for church purposes | 365 |
Lands granted Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Co | 450 |
Minneapolis, Red Lake, and Manitoba Railroad Co. to acquire certain lands | 114 |
Compensation to be paid | 114 |
Maps to be filed | 115 |
Repeal right reserved | 115 |
Sale of intoxicants forbidden | 115 |
Minneapolis, Red Lake, and Manitoba Railroad Co., patents for selected lands | 481 |
Payment to Indians, time for payment amended | 331 |
Per capita payments | 26,29,33 |
Ratification of provisions by Indians | 27 |
Reclamation of land by drainage | 220 |
Removal of Indians to diminished reservation | 26,32 |
Sale of ceded lands | 31 |
Sale of lands in | 25 |
Survey of lands reserved by drainage project | 285 |
Red Lake Transportation Co., successor of, to acquire certain lands | 114 |
Red Plume, patent to | 25 |
Red River Bridge Co., may buy certain land | 212 |
Ree, Frances, patent in fee to | 242 |
Reform School: | |
Consent of parents not required | 196 |
Maintenance, 1907 | 195 |
Selection of institution | 195 |
Religious organizations: | |
Fort Hall Reservation, lands set apart for | 493 |
Lands granted on Cheyenne River Reservation | 374 |
Lands granted on Fort Peck Reservation | 379 |
Lands granted on Standing Rock Reservation | 374 |
May purchase land occupied in Oklahoma | 232 |
Osage Nation, lands granted to | 255 |
Otoe and Missouria Reservation, lands granted | 479 |
Patents in fee for lands occupied on any Indian reservation | 421 |
Pine Ridge Reservation, lands granted to | 456 |
Quapaw Reservation, grant of lands to | 387 |
Rosebud Reservation, patent to | 456 |
Yuma Reservation, irrigable lands granted to | 475 |
Renville, Alexis V., patent in fee to | 242 |
Reservations: | |
Appropriation for expenses of opening, 1913 | 561 |
Classification of surplus lands authorized | 523 |
Exchange of lands within Indian reservations | 57 |
Exchange of private lands authorized | 57 |
Reservoirs, railroads through Indian reservations may acquire | 389 |
Reservoir sites: | |
Condemnation of lands for | 453 |
Fort Berthold, lands reserved | 463 |
Reservation of, on Indian lands | 479 |
Restrictions on alienation: | |
Allotments within reclamation project may be sold | 195 |
Appropriation for removal, 1907 | 206 |
Caddo, removal as to nonresidents | 230 |
Chippewa Indians in Minnesota, restrictions removed | 368 |
Delawares, removal as to nonresidents | 230 |
Five Civilized Tribes, provisions for removal | 351 |
Heirs of deceased allottees | 182 |
Heirs of deceased Indians to receive patent in fee | 356 |
Institution of restrictions, Court of Claims to determine constitutionality | 279 |
Iowas, patents in fee may be given | 216 |
Lands and funds not liable for debts contracted prior to end of trust period | 194 |
Mexican Kickapoos, removal of | 230 |
Omaha Indians, removal authorized | 385 |
Oneidas of Wisconsin may be removed | 249 |
Osage Nation, provisions for | 254 |
Quapaw Agency, removal of | 387 |
Removal of restrictions by Secretary of Interior | 182 |
Sac and Fox, patents in fee may be given | 216 |
Shawnees, removal as to nonresidents | 230 |
Stockbridge and Munsee Tribe | 250 |
Time may be extended by President | 193 |
Not applicable to Indian Territory | 193 |
Town-site lands may be removed to permit sale for | 240 |
White Earth Reservation, adult mixed bloods to have patent in fee | 220 |
White Earth Reservation removed as to adult mixed full bloods | 285 |
Wichitas, removal as to nonresidents | 230 |
Winnebago Indians, removal authorized | 385 |
Restrictions on allotments: | |
Noncompetents may sell under supervision of Secretary | 269 |
Sale by noncompetents under supervision of Secretary | 269 |
Roache, Ben, patent in fee to | 25 |
Roache, Brigida, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Candelario, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Charles, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Mary, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Nicholas, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Octaviana, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Pautrice, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Pokin, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Sahropone, patent in fee to | 69 |
Roache, Sataro, patent in fee to | 69 |
Robertson, Edward C., patent in fee to | 68 |
Robertson, Ella F., patent in fee to | 68 |
Robertson, Frank A. A., patent in fee to | 68 |
Robertson, Ida, patent in fee to | 68 |
Robertson, Thomas A., patent in fee to | 68 |
Robertson, William B., patent in fee to | 241 |
Rockwood, Mary, patent in fee to | 224 |
Rolfe, Mary Lorena, allotment cancelled | 475 |
Rolls of citizenship to constitute evidence of degree of Indian blood and age | 352 |
Ronan, Mont., may purchase lands on Flathead Reservation | 525 |
Rosebud Reservation | |
Act authorizing sale of surplus lands, 1910 | 459 |
Allotments to children | 307,364 |
Allotments to be completed | 459 |
Allotments to Indians, appropriation for expenses | 342 |
Appropriation for | |
1905 | 36 |
1906 | 125 |
1907 | 237 |
1908 | 297 |
1909 | 341 |
1910 | 415 |
Ceded lands, homestead entries, time extended | 510 |
Ceded lands, proclamation opening to settlement | 592,634 |
Ceded lands, purchase of school lands for State of South Dakota | 502 |
Ceded lands, time for payment extended | 427 |
Classification of lands, time extended | 502 |
Homestead settlers, time to establish residence extended to May 1, 1905 | 113 |
Intoxicants prohibited for 25 years | 462 |
Land granted Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions | 416 |
Lands open to settlement | 307 |
Lands open to settlement, prices fixed | 307 |
Per capita payments to Indians | 308 |
Religious organizations, lands granted to | 459 |
Sale of surplus lands | 459 |
Timberlands reserved from sale | 459 |
Town sites, reservations for | 460 |
Roscamp, Eliza Choteau, restrictions removed | 510 |
Ross, Edward G., patent in fee to | 213 |
Ross, Henry, patent in fee to | 224 |
Ross, John, patent in fee to | 224 |
Ross, Maud W., patent in fee to | 213 |
Ross, William P., patent in fee to | 213 |
Rouillard, Eliza, patent in fee to | 224 |
Rouillard, Julia, patent in fee to | 224 |
Rouillard, Thomas, patent in fee to | 224 |
Round Valley Reservation | |
Appropriation for | |
1905 | 49 |
1906 | 134,135 |
1907 | 203 |
1908 | 274 |
1909 | 325 |
1910 | 395 |
Division line to be fenced | 134 |
Homestead laws extended to lands unsold | 113 |
Alien purchasers | 114 |
Commutation of entries allowed | 114 |
Funds, how disposed of | 114 |
Payment for land | 114 |
Preference rights to settlers | 113 |
Reappraisement by commissioner | 113 |
Sale of remaining lands after five years | 114 |
Survey of unsold lands | 113 |
Lands erroneously entered by homestead claimants to be paid | 273 |
Obstructions in river to be removed, appropriation for | 201 |
Removal of obstructions in river, amendment of authority | 273 |
Removal of obstructions in streams | 325 |
Rouse, Mary, patent in fee to | 241 |
Rousseau, Esther, claim referred | 311 |
Rowell, James F.: | |
Allotment to | 440 |
Patent in fee to | 467 |
Patent cancelled | 486 |
Rubber, lease of lands in Southern Ute Reservation, Colo., for development of | 165 |
Rulo, Zally, patent in fee to | 224 |
Runs, Bowing, patent in fee to | 145,224 |