Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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Railroads in Indian Territory:  
Taxation of property 180
Timber and stone may be used by 5
Railroads through Indian lands:  
Allotments to Indians located on railroad grants 560
Amendment to section 2 of act of March 2, 1899 197
Arizona rights of way confirmed 252
Oklahoma rights of way confirmed 252
Osage Nation, provisions for 258
Reservoir lands, etc., granted 389
Reservoir sites, etc., condemnation of lands for 453
Rights of way limited to 50 feet 197
Station grounds, limit increased 197
Stations required at town sites 479
Railroad rights of way, allotments in Indian Territory 351
Rapid City School:  
Appropriation for—  
1905 60
1906 152
1907 238
1908 298
1909 341
1910 416
1911 443
1912 501
1913 547
1914 582
Provision for water supply 341
Purchase of water supply 238
Rations, mission schools to receive those due children 193
Raven Mining Co., patent to land in Uintah Reservation, Utah 147
Raymond, Charles, patent in fee to 224
Rea, R. I., payment to 51
Rebok and Cramer, payment to 327
Reclamation of desert lands. (See Irrigation.)  
Recording of deeds and conveyances in Indian Territory:  
Acknowledgments of deeds 9
Clerk of United States court to be recorder 8
Compensation of clerk 8
Prior records transferred 8
Recording districts created 9,13
Records to be kept 8
Red Bird, Daniel, against Cherokee Nation  
(See Intermarried whites in Cherokee Nation.)  
Red Earth, Henry, patent in fee to 241
Red Lake Reservation, Minnesota:  
Agreement for cession of land, 1902 28
Allotments on diminished reservations 26,29
Amendments of agreement 30
Bridge, appropriation for completing 537
Bridge to be constructed, location changed 494
Ceded lands—  
Homestead lots extended 487
Time of payment extended 427
Compensation for improvements 26
Drainage survey, investigation of project 572
Drainage survey to be made 220
Existing treaty rights not affected 29
Grant of lands for church purposes 365
Lands granted Minnesota and Manitoba Railroad Co 450
Minneapolis, Red Lake, and Manitoba Railroad Co. to acquire certain lands 114
Compensation to be paid 114
Maps to be filed 115
Repeal right reserved 115
Sale of intoxicants forbidden 115
Minneapolis, Red Lake, and Manitoba Railroad Co., patents for selected lands 481
Payment to Indians, time for payment amended 331
Per capita payments 26,29,33
Ratification of provisions by Indians 27
Reclamation of land by drainage 220
Removal of Indians to diminished reservation 26,32
Sale of ceded lands 31
Sale of lands in 25
Survey of lands reserved by drainage project 285
Red Lake Transportation Co., successor of, to acquire certain lands 114
Red Plume, patent to 25
Red River Bridge Co., may buy certain land 212
Ree, Frances, patent in fee to 242
Reform School:  
Consent of parents not required 196
Maintenance, 1907 195
Selection of institution 195
Religious organizations:  
Fort Hall Reservation, lands set apart for 493
Lands granted on Cheyenne River Reservation 374
Lands granted on Fort Peck Reservation 379
Lands granted on Standing Rock Reservation 374
May purchase land occupied in Oklahoma 232
Osage Nation, lands granted to 255
Otoe and Missouria Reservation, lands granted 479
Patents in fee for lands occupied on any Indian reservation 421
Pine Ridge Reservation, lands granted to 456
Quapaw Reservation, grant of lands to 387
Rosebud Reservation, patent to 456
Yuma Reservation, irrigable lands granted to 475
Renville, Alexis V., patent in fee to 242
Appropriation for expenses of opening, 1913 561
Classification of surplus lands authorized 523
Exchange of lands within Indian reservations 57
Exchange of private lands authorized 57
Reservoirs, railroads through Indian reservations may acquire 389
Reservoir sites:  
Condemnation of lands for 453
Fort Berthold, lands reserved 463
Reservation of, on Indian lands 479
Restrictions on alienation:  
Allotments within reclamation project may be sold 195
Appropriation for removal, 1907 206
Caddo, removal as to nonresidents 230
Chippewa Indians in Minnesota, restrictions removed 368
Delawares, removal as to nonresidents 230
Five Civilized Tribes, provisions for removal 351
Heirs of deceased allottees 182
Heirs of deceased Indians to receive patent in fee 356
Institution of restrictions, Court of Claims to determine constitutionality 279
Iowas, patents in fee may be given 216
Lands and funds not liable for debts contracted prior to end of trust period 194
Mexican Kickapoos, removal of 230
Omaha Indians, removal authorized 385
Oneidas of Wisconsin may be removed 249
Osage Nation, provisions for 254
Quapaw Agency, removal of 387
Removal of restrictions by Secretary of Interior 182
Sac and Fox, patents in fee may be given 216
Shawnees, removal as to nonresidents 230
Stockbridge and Munsee Tribe 250
Time may be extended by President 193
Not applicable to Indian Territory 193
Town-site lands may be removed to permit sale for 240
White Earth Reservation, adult mixed bloods to have patent in fee 220
White Earth Reservation removed as to adult mixed full bloods 285
Wichitas, removal as to nonresidents 230
Winnebago Indians, removal authorized 385
Restrictions on allotments:  
Noncompetents may sell under supervision of Secretary 269
Sale by noncompetents under supervision of Secretary 269
Roache, Ben, patent in fee to 25
Roache, Brigida, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Candelario, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Charles, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Mary, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Nicholas, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Octaviana, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Pautrice, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Pokin, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Sahropone, patent in fee to 69
Roache, Sataro, patent in fee to 69
Robertson, Edward C., patent in fee to 68
Robertson, Ella F., patent in fee to 68
Robertson, Frank A. A., patent in fee to 68
Robertson, Ida, patent in fee to 68
Robertson, Thomas A., patent in fee to 68
Robertson, William B., patent in fee to 241
Rockwood, Mary, patent in fee to 224
Rolfe, Mary Lorena, allotment cancelled 475
Rolls of citizenship to constitute evidence of degree of Indian blood and age 352
Ronan, Mont., may purchase lands on Flathead Reservation 525
Rosebud Reservation—  
Act authorizing sale of surplus lands, 1910 459
Allotments to children 307,364
Allotments to be completed 459
Allotments to Indians, appropriation for expenses 342
Appropriation for—  
1905 36
1906 125
1907 237
1908 297
1909 341
1910 415
Ceded lands, homestead entries, time extended 510
Ceded lands, proclamation opening to settlement 592,634
Ceded lands, purchase of school lands for State of South Dakota 502
Ceded lands, time for payment extended 427
Classification of lands, time extended 502
Homestead settlers, time to establish residence extended to May 1, 1905 113
Intoxicants prohibited for 25 years 462
Land granted Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions 416
Lands open to settlement 307
Lands open to settlement, prices fixed 307
Per capita payments to Indians 308
Religious organizations, lands granted to 459
Sale of surplus lands 459
Timberlands reserved from sale 459
Town sites, reservations for 460
Roscamp, Eliza Choteau, restrictions removed 510
Ross, Edward G., patent in fee to 213
Ross, Henry, patent in fee to 224
Ross, John, patent in fee to 224
Ross, Maud W., patent in fee to 213
Ross, William P., patent in fee to 213
Rouillard, Eliza, patent in fee to 224
Rouillard, Julia, patent in fee to 224
Rouillard, Thomas, patent in fee to 224
Round Valley Reservation—  
Appropriation for—  
1905 49
1906 134,135
1907 203
1908 274
1909 325
1910 395
Division line to be fenced 134
Homestead laws extended to lands unsold 113
Alien purchasers 114
Commutation of entries allowed 114
Funds, how disposed of 114
Payment for land 114
Preference rights to settlers 113
Reappraisement by commissioner 113
Sale of remaining lands after five years 114
Survey of unsold lands 113
Lands erroneously entered by homestead claimants to be paid 273
Obstructions in river to be removed, appropriation for 201
Removal of obstructions in river, amendment of authority 273
Removal of obstructions in streams 325
Rouse, Mary, patent in fee to 241
Rousseau, Esther, claim referred 311
Rowell, James F.:  
Allotment to 440
Patent in fee to 467
Patent cancelled 486
Rubber, lease of lands in Southern Ute Reservation, Colo., for development of 165
Rulo, Zally, patent in fee to 224
Runs, Bowing, patent in fee to 145,224


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