Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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Quapaw Reservation:  
Allottees, adopted whites, restrictions removed 141
Appropriation for—  
1905 44,130
1906 130
1907 211
1908 279
1909 337
1910 410
1911 440
1912 498
1913 541
1914 578
Conveyance to Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions 336
Grant to Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions amended 358
Lands granted religious societies 387
Modocs removed to Klamath Reservation 387
Per capita payment of school land 17
Per capita payments to Indians 387
Restrictions on alienation removed 387
Sale of tribal lands 387
School land may be sold 17
Treaty appropriation for, 1905 44
Que-lock-us-soma, allotment to heirs of 585
Que-til-qua-soon, may sell part of allotment 508
Quileute Indians:  
Allotments authorized 507
Appropriation for—  
1905 49
1906 134
1907 245
1908 301
1909 344
1910 420
1911 446
1912 503
1913 549
1914 584
Support, 1905 134
Qui-nai-elt Indians:  
Appropriation for—  
1905 49
1906 134
1907 245
1908 301
1909 344
1910 420
1911 446
1912 503
1913 549
1914 584
Support, 1905 134
Qui-nai-elt Reservation, allotments to Hoh and other tribes authorized 507
Quindaro Cemetery, provisions for sale repealed 554
Quinn, Henry A., patent in fee to 145
Quinn, Jessie, patent in fee to 241
Quinn, Samuel, patent in fee to 241
Quinn, Thomas, patent in fee to 145


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