Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.
Tacoma, Wash., Indian cemetery, part may be sold | 301 |
Tae-hu-tam-be, patent in fee to | 224 |
Tah-ko-we-ah, may sell land | 24 |
Taliaferro, Mary Estella, patent in fee to | 213 |
Taliaferro, William N., patent in fee to | 213 |
Tang Weah, patent in fee to | 246 |
Tawaqui, Nancy, patent in fee to | 68 |
Taxation: | |
Allotments of Omaha Indians in Nebraska subject to | 452 |
Indian lands in | |
New Mexico | 468 |
Arizona | 469 |
Personal property in Indian Territory, the investigation of | 97 |
Pueblo Indians (New Mexico) to be exempt | 145 |
Unrestricted lands in Oklahoma subject to | 352 |
Tay-cum-e-ge-shig, payment to heirs of | 451 |
Tee-ah-ligh, patent in fee to | 246 |
Telegraphing and telephoning, appropriation for: | |
1909 | 321 |
1910 | 391 |
1911 | 431 |
1912 | 490 |
1913 | 531 |
1914 | 563 |
Thomas, David, patent in fee to | 224 |
Thomas, Katie Strum, per capita payment to, 1905 | 47 |
Thomas, Margaret, patent in fee to | 249 |
Thomas, Samuel, patent in fee to | 224 |
Thomas, William H., compromise of Eastern Cherokee litigation | 20 |
Thompson, John, patent in fee to | 145 |
Tillamooks: | |
Appropriation for settlement of claims | 546 |
Claim to be investigated | 149 |
Tilden, Tyler, patent in fee to | 213 |
Tillotson, D. C., payment to | 571 |
Timber: | |
Appropriation for preserving 1910 | 390 |
Cheyenne River Reservation, provisions for use | 377 |
Chippewa Reservation in Minnesota | |
Sale of pine | 482 |
Sale by allottees | 55 |
Cutting unlawfully on lands of Five Civilized Tribes, penalty for | 5 |
Deposits to be returned, Chippewa pine lands | 146 |
Depredations on Indians lands, penalty for | 477 |
Flathead Reservation, provisions for sale | 403 |
Fort Berthold Reservation, reserved from sale | 465 |
Fort Hall Reservation, sale restricted | 493 |
Jicarilla Reservation, sale on allotments | 311 |
Menominee Reservation | |
Manufacture, sale of | 317 |
Provisions for sale, 1911 | 505 |
Sale of | 259 |
Preservation of, appropriation for 1912 | 489 |
Rosebud Reservation, reserved from sale | 456 |
Sale and use of, on Spokane Reservation | 372 |
Sale on tribal lands | 478 |
Sale on allotted lands | 478 |
(See also Timber and stone.) | |
Standing Rock Reservation, provisions for use by Indians | 377 |
Uintah Reservation, sale of | 244 |
Unlawful cutting, on Indian lands, penalty for | 423 |
Walker River Reservation, for use of Indians | 225 |
Timber and stone: | |
Allow extension to Osage Reservation | 76 |
Indian Territory, use for roads and highways | 5 |
Payment to tribes | 5 |
Regulations to be made | 5 |
Rights of allottees not affected | 5 |
Tobanaka, Oscar, per capita payment to, 1905 | 47 |
Tomah School, appropriation for: | |
1905 | 61 |
1906 | 153 |
1907 | 247 |
1908 | 302 |
1909 | 345 |
1910 | 421 |
1911 | 447 |
1912 | 505 |
1913 | 549 |
1914 | 585 |
Tongue River Reservation: | |
Annual report of use of funds | 437 |
Appropriation for | 286 |
1911 | 437 |
Repayment of interest | 437 |
Tonkawas, per capita payment to, 1905 | 47 |
Tonkawa Reservation, university grant of section 13 | 190 |
Tonto National Monument, proclamation establishing | 632 |
Torgerson, Karl A., purchase of lands from | 296 |
Torros Band of Mission Indians, reservation in California, State claim to land settled | 7 |
Townsend, Samuel, patent to | 25 |
Town Sites: | |
Allotments in Indian Territory on railroad, may be subdivided for | 240 |
Appointment of commissioner to fill vacancy | 16 |
Appropriation for surveys, 1903 | 16 |
Blackfeet Reservation, Mont., provisions for | 290 |
Cheyenne River Reservation, provisions for | 376 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, provisions for | 358 |
Colorado River Reservation | 325 |
Colville Reservation, Wash. | 165 |
Five Civilized Tribes, default in payments may be waived | 543 |
Five Civilized Tribes, street improvements, assessments to be paid from tribal funds | 580 |
Flathead Reservation, provisions for | 221 |
Fort Berthold Reservation, provisions for | 463 |
Fort Peck Reservation, provisions for | 382 |
Investigation of sales of lots | 353 |
Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation | 162,315 |
La Pointe Reservation, provisions for | 249 |
Laws extended to ceded lands in Minnesota | 7 |
Lots reserved for mining purposes in Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, sale of | 174 |
Omaha Reservation, lands reserved for | 522 |
Osage Commission continued | 256 |
Pine Ridge Reservation, provisions for | 456 |
Railway stations required at | 479 |
Restrictions on alienation may be removed to permit sale for | 240 |
Rosebud Reservation, provisions for | 460 |
(See Osage Town Site Commission.) | |
Siletz Reservation, provisions for | 454 |
Spokane Reservation, sale of land for | 245 |
Standing Rock Reservation, provisions for | 376,556 |
Streets and alleys, closing of | 174 |
Uintah Reservation, proclamation reserving certain lands | 609 |
Uintah Reservation, proclamation reserving additional land | 612 |
Unexpended balances turned over to county | 409 |
Villages in Washington State, patents to town lots | 478 |
White Earth Reservation | 283 |
Winnibigoshish Band of Chippewas, reservation for | 483 |
Yakima Reservation, lands set apart for | 452 |
Yuma Reservation | 325 |
Town Site Commission to Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, and Cherokees abolished, duties transferred to Secretary of Interior | 136 |
Town Sites in Choctaw, etc., Nations: | |
Commission abolished, duties transferred to Secretary of Interior | 136 |
Sale of unsold lots | 136 |
Surveys, additional appropriation, 1905 | 136 |
Town sites in Indian Territory: | |
Completion by July 1, 1905 | 51 |
Extension of time for payment | 412 |
Sale of lots | 355 |
Trabing, Augustus, depredation claim referred to Court of Claims | 311 |
Traders: | |
Osage Nation, limit of credit increased | 234 |
Restrictions extended to all Indian reservations | 25 |
Standing Rock Reservation, claims to be settled by superintendent | 497 |
Trade and intercourse, restrictions extended to all reservations | 25 |
Trainer, Nevermore, patent in fee to | 213 |
Tribal courts, Choctaw and Chickasaw courts abolished | 278 |
Tribal councils, compensation | 412 |
Tribal property, buildings to be sold | 175 |
Trinity National Forest Reserve: | |
Executive orders relating to | 674 |
Proclamation establishing | 646 |
Trousdale, William A., patent in fee to | 65 |
Trudell, August, patent in fee to | 224 |
True, Clara D., payment to | 564 |
Trust funds: | |
Accounts to be rendered | 119 |
Further agreement to be made | 120 |
General welfare fund | 119 |
Irrigation payment | 119 |
Negotiations for converting annuities into | 321 |
Minors to bear interest at 3 per cent | 195 |
Not liable for debts contracted during trust period | 194 |
Per capita payment | 119,121 |
To competent Indians | 306 |
For support of incompetent Indians | 306 |
Round Valley Reservation, Cal., funds of sales to be held | 114 |
Shoshone and Arapahoe of Wind River Reservation under agreement of March 3, 1905 | 119 |
Statement of amounts July 1, 1913 | 717 |
United States to act as trustee | 120 |
Truxton Canyon School, appropriation for: | |
1905 | 61 |
1906 | 153 |
1907 | 200 |
1908 | 272 |
1909 | 324 |
1910 | 394 |
1911 | 433 |
1912 | 491 |
1913 | 533 |
1914 | 568 |
Tsimpsean Tribe, Alaska, civil rights conferred on | 310 |
Tuberculosis among Indians, investigation and report, 1906 | 195 |
Tudezewin, patent may be cancelled | 229 |
Tulalip Indian Reservation, appropriation for 1908 | 301 |
Tule River Reservation: | |
Appropriation for | |
1905 | 49 |
1906 | 135 |
1907 | 200 |
1908 | 273 |
1909 | 324 |
1910 | 395 |
Executive order relating to | 677 |
Forest Reserve, proclamation establishing | 651 |
Tunkasapa, patent in fee to | 242 |
Turner, Clarence W., claim against Creeks referred to Court of Claims | 370 |
Payment to | 212 |
Turner Hardware Co., payment to | 149,553 |
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas: | |
Agreement amended April 21, 1904 | 39 |
Allotment on Grahams Island | 228 |
Appropriation for | |
1905 | 48 |
1906 | 133 |
1907 | 227 |
1908 | 293 |
1909 | 335 |
1910 | 408 |
1911 | 439 |
1912 | 497 |
1913 | 539 |
1914 | 576 |
Support, 1905 | 133 |
Cession of lands | 41 |
Patents for allotments to issue | 408 |
Payment for ceded lands | 41 |
Payment of attorneys' fees | 41 |
Settlers on, payment for improvement | 139 |
Tuscarora Indians, treaty of December 4, 1802 (unratified) | 701 |