Vol. III, Laws     (Compiled to December 1, 1913)

Compiled and edited by Charles J. Kappler. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1913.

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Pah-utes. (See Piutes.)  
Paith-taite, patent in fee to 142
Panguitch School:  
Appropriation for—  
1907 243
1909 343
Grant to State of Utah 419
Indian pupils to be admitted free 419
Papago Reservation:  
Executive orders relating to 668,670,672
Irrigation, appropriation for 1914 569
Irrigation project, investigation and report 533
Water supply to be provided 533
Parker, Cynthia Ann, monument to 409
Parkhurst, Jane, patent in fee to 249
Parkhurst, John, patent in fee to 248
Parrish, E. B., per capita payment to, 1905 47
Parrish, Nancy, per capita payment to, 1905 47
Beneficiary of reservation in Five Civilized Tribes to receive 174
Correction of errors 76
Patton, Lucy S., patent in fee to 242
Paulson, Elsie E., patent in fee to 224
Pauquitch School, appropriation for 1906 153
Town site created in Osage Nation 138
Sale of lots, proceeds to Osage Nation 138
Pawnee Reservation:  
Appropriation for—  
1905 43,129
1906 129
1907 231
1908 295
1909 336
1910 410
1911 440
1912 498
1913 540
1914 577
Lands granted to town of Pawnee for public purposes 295
Schools, Indian children to be admitted free at Pawnee public schools 296
Treaty appropriation for 1905 43
University grant of section 13 190
Pawnee, town of, lands granted for public purposes 295
Payments to Indians, court judgments to be paid by officials of Interior Department 506
Paypay, Joseph, patent in fee to 224
Pedrick, William E., patent to 25
Peel, S. W., payment of attorney's fee 15
Peltier, Alexander B., patent in fee to 233
Peltier, Catherine, patent in fee to 233
Pembina Band of Chippewa Indians. (See Red Lake Reservation, Minn.)  
Pendleton, Oreg., may purchase on Umatilla Reservation 524
Penn, William, first Indian deed to 696
Pennock, Helen, payment to 337
Pensions for Indian warriors, rates increased 559
Peone, Lizzie, patent in fee to 247
Pequette, Frank H., allotment to 486
Per capita payments:  
Certain tribes to receive, 1905 47
Chickasaws, appropriation to complete 1913 543
Cherokees, 1911 510
Chickasaws, 1911 510
Choctaws, 1911 510
Five Civilized Tribes, general provisions 176
Flandreau Tribe 418
Fort Peck Reservation, 1908 383
Incompetent Indians, payments from tribal funds to support 306
1907 281
1908 329
Kickapoos in Kansas, 1907 281
Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache, 1909 335
Klamath Reservation Indians 235
Method of disbursing 37
Minors and incompetents, payment to parents or guardians 223
Minors' funds withheld to bear interest at 3 per cent 195
Omaha and Winnebagos 384
Omaha Indians, 1912 522
Osages 257
Osages, 1907 295
Poncas 223
Pottawatomies in Kansas, 1907 282
Quapaw Reservation, 1909 387
Sac and Fox—  
1906 231
1909 337
Of the Mississippi, 1910 411
Of the Missouri, 1907 282
Santee Sioux 223
1911 510
1913 579
Senecas, 1910 407
Sioux on Rosebud Reservation 308
Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux, 1910 481
Tribal funds to be paid in discretion of Secretary 306
Utes, confederated bands of, interest on judgment of Court of Claims 559
Winnebagoes, 1912 524
Winnebagoes of Nebraska 405
Perdier, Bill, per capita payment to, 1905 47
Perdier, Sallie, per capita payment to, 1905 47
Per Mam Su, patent in fee to 233
Perris School:  
Appropriation for—  
1905 60
1906 152
Discontinued and sale of property 152
Perry, Reuben, payment to 21
Peter, may sell part of allotment 508
Peters, Jerusha, patent in fee to 248
Peters, Thompson, payment of judgment against 544
P. F. U. Rubber Co., lease of certain lands in Southern Ute Reservation, Colo., authorized 165
Pharmacy, regulation of, in Indian Territory 100
Phelix, Louisa, allotment cancelled 475
Philbrick, Frank, payment to 583
Phillips, Doshia E., patent in fee to 233
Phillips, H. C., payment to 532
Phoenix School, appropriation for:  
1905 59
1906 152
1907 200
1908 272
1909 324
1910 394
1911 433
1912 491
1913 532
1914 568
Physicians, regulation of practice in Indian Territory 76
Pickens, Malinda, placed on Choctaw rolls 207
Picotte, Julia D., patent in fee to 241
Picotte, Peter, patent in fee to 242
Piegan Indians. (See Gros Ventre, Piegan, Blood, Blackfeet, etc.)  
Pierre School:  
Appropriation for—  
1905 59
1906 152
1907 238
1908 298
1909 341
1910 416
1911 443
1912 500
1913 547
1914 584
Irrigation plant, appropriation for 312
Pilcher, Elsie Grace, patent in fee to 224
Pilcher, Harriet L., patent in fee to 224
Pima Agency:  
Appropriation for—  
1905 49
1906 134
1907 199
1909 323
1910 394
Support, 1905 134
Funds for irrigation may be transferred to Salt River project 273
Irrigation project, appropriation for constructing 200
Irrigation system near Sacaton 158
(See Gila River Reservation.)  
Pima and Maricopa, Executive orders relating to 668,671
Pine Ridge Reservation:  
Act authorizing sale of surplus lands, 1910 455
Allotments, completion of 456
Allotments to married women 300
Appropriation for—  
1905 36
1906 124,135
1907 237
1908 297
1909 341
1910 415
Buildings, 1913 562
Surveys, 1907 239
Ceded lands, purchase of school lands for South Dakota 501
Executive order establishing 681
Executive order revoked 681
Intoxicants prohibited for 25 years 458
Land granted Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions 417
Patents to religious organizations 456
Payment of certain vouchers to 583
Payment to certain Indians for property taken by troops in 1876 242
Payment of proceeds of ceded lands 456
Sale of certain lands 455
Timber lands excluded from sale 456
Town sites reserved 456
Pine timber, Chippewa Reservation in Minnesota, provisions for sale 482
Pipe Lines, right of way through Indian reservations 33
Pipestone School, appropriation for:  
1905 59
1906 152
1907 217
1908 284
1909 330
1910 401
1911 435
1912 494
1913 536
1914 571
Pitchlynn, Peter P., claim against Choctaws referred to Court of Claims 212
Pitts, Rebecca, placed on Chickasaw rolls 208
Piute Indians, appropriation for purchase of lands and stock 356
Piute Reservation:  
Appropriation for—  
1905 49
1906 135
1907 225
1908 291
1909 333
1910 406
Executive order reserving lands for use of 684
Piutes, lands purchased from Nevada for allotment to 226
Platt National Park, sewer system to be constructed 543
Plumb, Minnie, patent in fee to 233
Appropriation for—  
1905 37
1906 126
1907 198
1908 270
1909 322
1910 393
1911 432
1912 490
1913 532
1914 563
Indians, appropriation for pay, 1905 129
Polygamy, prohibition in Oklahoma 188
Ponca Indians:  
Allotments to children, equalization of allotments 63
Appropriation for—  
1905 49
1906 134
1907 229
1908 294
1909 336
1910 409
1911 440
1912 498
1913 540
1914 577
Support, 1905 134
Bridge to be repaired for benefit of 575
Per capita payment of trust funds 223
Reservation lines abolished 63
Port Madison Reservation, Washington:  
Agreement of May 28, 1904, ratified 155
Cession of lands 155
Payments to Indians 155
Rights of Indians not impaired 156
Post, Emma M., patent in fee to 224
Postoak, Bessie, payment of judgment against 544
Appropriation for—  
1905 43,129
1906 129
1907 215
1908 281
1909 328
1910 398
Drainage of certain lands, provisions for, 1912 525
Payment to George Walker 149
Treaty appropriation for, 1905 43
Pottawatomies of Kansas:  
Agreement for commutation of annuities ratified 449
Allotments to absentees 24
Funds due under treaty of 1846 placed to credit of 282
Per capita payment authorized, 1907 282
Pottawatomies of Michigan, payment of amount shown by funds of Court of Claims 56
Pottawatomie School, purchase of certain lands authorized 551
Pottawatomies of Wisconsin:  
Agreement for commutation of annuities ratified 449
Appropriation for—  
1911 448
1912 505
1913 550
Claims to annuities to be investigated 248
Enrollment 248
Potts, Annie, patent in fee to 213
Power sites:  
Flathead Reservation, reservations for 403
Fort Berthold Reservation, lands reserved 463
Reservation of, on Indian lands 479
Spokane River in Spokane Reservation, Wash., authority to acquire 116
Powless, Alice, patent in fee to 145
Powless, Ida, patent in fee to 248
Powless, Jerusha, patent in fee to 248
Proclamations, authority of President to create reservations by, memorandum concerning 692
Procter, Alexander, patent in fee to 213
Procter, Manda, deceased, patent in fee to heirs 213
Procter, Tony E., payment to 206
Pruner, Charles B., per capita payment to, 1905 47
Pruner, H. P., per capita payment to, 1905 47
Pruner, Lucy J., per capita payment to, 1905 47
Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, investigation of diseases among Indians 530
Public property:  
Transfer authorized, when required 267
Transferred or sale, when not required 481
Pueblo Indians:  
Attorney, appropriation for—  
1907 226
1908 292
1909 334
1910 406
1911 438
1912 496
1913 539
1914 575
Intoxicants prohibited 468
Pueblo of Isleta, bridge to be constructed near 491
Pueblo Indians, New Mexico:  
Attorney, appropriation for 53
1905 139
Property to be exempt from taxation 145
Pueblo of San Felipe, bridge to be constructed near 491
Purdy, Earl, per capita payment to, 1905 47
Purdy, Frank, per capita payment to, 1905 47
Purdy, Mary N., per capita payment to, 1905 47
Purdy, Vernon, per capita payment to, 1905 47
Puyallup Indians, restrictions upon alienation removed 104
Puyallup Reservation:  
Appropriation for—  
1906 135
1907 245
1908 301
1909 344
1910 420
1911 446
1912 503
1913 549
1914 584
Commissioner to sell lands continued 17
Puyallup School:  
Industrial school to be established 245
Sale of lands 245
Pyramid Lake Reservation:  
Allotment of irrigated lands 70
Appropriation for—  
1905 49
1906 135
1907 225
1908 291
1909 333
1910 406
1911 438
Executive order reserving Anaho Island 684
Irrigation of desert lands 70
Sale of irrigated lands 70


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