California, agents not to visit Washington unless ordered by Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 6 |
residence of to be at agencies | 6 |
Executive orders relating to reservations in | 815 |
Indians wars of 1851-52, pensions to survivors | 123 |
Calispel. (See Kalispel.) | |
Cameron, term of court at | 71 |
changed to Poteau | 108 |
Campbell-Lynch Bridge Company may construct bridge across Arkansas River at Webbers Falls | 640 |
Camp Grant Reserve, Ariz., Executive orders establishing | 801 |
Camp Verde Reserve, Ariz., Executive orders establishing | 801 |
Canadian River, channel to be straightened and restored by Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company | 645 |
constitutes boundary between Creek and Choctaw Nations | 645 |
Canal rights of way. (See Irrigation.) Capitol Building, Chickasaw Nation, lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
Capitol Building, Choctaw Nation, lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
Capote band of Ute, agency in Colorado to be established | 157 |
agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
removal to new reservation | 176 |
statistics | 1043 |
Captives, surrender of, by Indians to be required before payments of money due | 10,23 |
Carlin Farms Reserve, Nev., Executive orders establishing | 865 |
Carlo's band of Flatheads, statistics | 1032 |
Carpenters, Upper and Middle Bands of Spokan, provisions for | 454 |
Cass Lake Chippewa, statistics | 1046 |
Cass Lake Reservation, Minn., Duluth and Winnipeg Railroad Company granted right of way through | 352 |
Cattaraugus Reservation, leases of lands in, renewals may not exceed ninety-nine years | 155,368 |
Cattle, Cherokee Nation, on leased allotments not to be taxed | 727,798 |
Creek Nation, grazing in | 765 |
Crow Reservation | 196 |
Cattle, Crow common herd, purchase of cattle for | 434 |
distribution among individuals | 754 |
Crows, purchase of, may be made with any trust funds | 754 |
delivered to Indians of Blackfoot Reservation | 606 |
delivered to Indians of Piegan, Blood, Blackfeet, and River Crow reservations, Mont., to have brand of Indian Department and not to be sold | 262 |
delivered to Indians of Fort Belknap and Blackfoot Reservation, not to be sold | 602 |
penalty for unlawful grazing on Indian lands | 14 |
removal from Indian country for trading purposes forbidden, penalty | 17 |
sale by agent for tribe | 16 |
of Government cattle in possession of Indians to persons not members of tribe without consent of agents prohibited | 31 |
Cayuga, statistics | 1037 |
Cayuse, allotments on Umatilla Reservation, Oreg | 224,225,226 |
statistics | 1044 |
Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls and Northwestern Railway Company, right of way through Pipestone Reservation, Minn | 343 |
Cemetery lands, American Missionary Association may purchase on Santee Sioux Reservation, Nebr., allotment of Alexander Redwing | 485 |
in Five Civilized Tribes, lands reserved | 93 |
Kansa Nation, lands reserved for | 768 |
Seneca may grant lands in Alleghany Reservation to Wildwood Cemetery Association | 215 |
town of Kingfisher, Okla., may purchase lands for | 486 |
town of Miami, Ind. T., may purchase from Peoria or Ottawa allottee | 600 |
townsites, in Cherokee Nation, may purchase lands for | 795 |
Chickasaw Nation, lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
Choctaw Nation, lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
Creek Nation, reservation of lands | 660,734 |
desecration of graves | 764 |
sale of lots | 764 |
Five Civilized Tribes | 96 |
Census, annual report of, by agents | 32 |
Chippewa in Minnesota | 302 |
on Chippewa and Christian reservations | 623 |
Miami | 146,191 |
Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho | 171 |
Ute | 184 |
Central judicial district of Indian Territory | 71,118,121 |
Certificates to be attached to contracts executed before a judge | 11 |
Chamberlain, city of, American Island may be leased by, for quasi-public purposes | 570 |
Chattel mortgages, Quapaw Agency, to be recorded at Miami | 700 |
Chehalis, Executive orders establishing reservation in Washington | 901 |
statistics | 1040 |
Chemehuevi, statistics | 1030 |
Cherokee, accounts of treasurer kept with assistant treasurer at St. Louis | 158 |
acts of council to be approved by President of United States | 112 |
approved acts, publication of | 112 |
disapproved acts, return of | 112 |
secretary of tribe to forward to President | 112 |
time for approval limited to thirty days | 112 |
Agency, N. C., superintendent of training school to perform duties of | 65,446 |
agreement of April 9, 1900 | 716 |
allotments in severalty, provisions relative to | 715,716,717,718 |
rights of Delawares to be protected | 718 |
cattle on leased allotments not subject to tribal tax | 727 |
tribal lands, grazing tax may be imposed | 727 |
Cherokee Advocate, publication of | 724 |
citizenship accorded | 726 |
claims to be adjudicated by Court of Claims | 728 |
coal lands, rights in, not affected | 729 |
deeds and conveyances, execution and recording of | 722,723,727 |
definition of terms | 716 |
Delaware suit, compensation of attorneys to be fixed by Court of Claims | 728 |
funds arising to be paid into United States Treasury | 726 |
disbursements to be authorized by tribe | 726 |
lease of allotments | 726 |
mineral lands | 727 |
Methodist Episcopal Church South may buy certain lands | 726 |
municipal corporations, powers of | 725 |
oil lands, rights in, not affected | 729 |
ordinances to be approved by the President and published | 727 |
payments deferred to be a lien | 727 |
permit taxes, noncitizens renting agricultural land not to pay | 726 |
public buildings, sale when not required | 725 |
railroad companies not benefited by transfer of title to allottees | 726 |
recording of deeds and conveyances | 722,723,727 |
reservation of certain land from allotment | 724,725 |
reversion when not used for intended purpose | 728 |
revenues, collection by officer appointed by Secretary of Interior | 726 |
rolls of membership | 723 |
schools, general provisions respecting | 723,724 |
lands reserved for | 724,725 |
Secretary of the Interior, powers of | 726 |
surveys, expenses of | 726 |
town sites, provisions relating to | 718-722 |
reserved from allotment | 724 |
tribal courts abolished | 727 |
government to end March 4, 1906 | 726 |
indebtedness to be liquidated | 727 |
agreement ratified July 1, 1902 | 787 |
allotments in severalty | 788 |
cattle of lessees grazing on, taxation forbidden | 798 |
certificates of allotment | 789 |
contests to be filed within nine months of selection | 797 |
divisions of land not less than legal subdivisions | 788 |
excessive holdings | 788 |
heirs may receive, but executor must select | 789 |
improved lands, certain improvements to be paid for | 797 |
incompetents, selections for | 797 |
intruders to be ejected by agent | 789 |
minors, selections for | 797 |
patents to be issued | 796 |
possession to be delivered by United States | 789 |
reserved lands | 790 |
selection by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes on default | 788 |
appraisement of lands | 788 |
cattle grazing on leased allotments, taxation forbidden | 798 |
on unallotted lands, grazing tax for | 798 |
cemetery lands reserved from allotment | 795 |
claims referred to Court of Claims | 797 |
Commission to Five Civilized Tribes to settle questions as to appraisement and allotment | 789 |
debts of tribe, payment from funds | 797 |
deeds and conveyances | 796 |
definitions of terms | 787 |
Delawares, members of Cherokee Nation, allotments to | 789 |
distribution of tribal property to members | 792 |
excessive inclosures of land | 789 |
funds, disbursements to be under direction of the Secretary of the Interior | 796 |
highways and roads | 793 |
homesteads to be selected on allotment | 788 |
alienation for twenty-one years forbidden | 788 |
leases of allotments | 798 |
orphans, interest of fund to support Cherokee Orphan Asylum | 793 |
per capita payments to be made by officer of Interior Department | 797 |
recording of patents for allotments | 796 |
revenue to be collected by officer of Indian Department | 796 |
rolls of citizenship | 791 |
infant children, applications to be filed for | 792 |
partial lists to be forwarded Secretary of Interior | 791 |
persons enrolled in other tribes to be excluded | 791 |
schools, expenses, how paid | 792 |
lands reserved for | 790 |
teachers, qualifications | 792 |
use of school fund | 792 |
town sites, appraisal of improvements | 794 |
area | 793 |
cometeries, purchase of land for | 795 |
churches to have conveyance of land occupied | 795 |
commissioners, if Indian appointee does not qualify vacancy may be filled by Secretary of the Interior | 796 |
Government lands to be purchased | 796 |
improvements of prior occupants | 793 |
number of inhabitants less than 200 | 795 |
parks, purchase of land by town | 795 |
payment for lots | 796 |
default | 795 |
town sites, prior occupants of unimproved lands may buy at one-half of appraisal | 794 |
owning improvements may buy at one-fourth of appraisal | 794 |
under title not based upon tribal laws, purchase by | 794 |
sale of lots, any person may buy | 796 |
payments, how made | 794 |
unimproved lots, payment, how made | 794 |
to be in twelve months | 794 |
survey, platting, etc | 793 |
expenses of, how paid | 795 |
taxation of lots | 795 |
tribal government to terminate March 4, 1906 | 796 |
tribal rights extinguished by death prior to September 1, 1902 | 792 |
allotments in severalty | 120,498 |
area | 120,498 |
citizenship accorded allottees | 498 |
citizenship in Cherokee Nation, Dawes Commission to investigate | 98 |
roll of 1880 confirmed | 98 |
claims, Attorney-General to state accounts of moneys due | 558 |
against United States, suit may be brought in Court of Claims | 491,728,797 |
Delawares residing in, against Cherokee, referred to the Court of Claims | 100 |
Eastern Band, against Cherokee, referred to the Court of Claims | 216 |
Shawnee, against Cherokee, referred to the Court of Claims | 446 |
Shawnee, Delaware, and Cherokee freedmen, against Cherokee, referred to the Court of Claims | 372,492 |
Western Band, referred to Court of Claims | 316 |
Commission to negotiate for cession of lands | 341 |
Delawares, lands purchased for, segregation of | 100 |
to be paid from funds of | 300 |
Eastern Band, claim referred to Court of Claims | 216 |
permanent annuity, appropriation for | 20 |
taxes on North Carolina lands to be paid from tribal funds | 457 |
timber sales, order for, to pay taxes on North Carolina lands, revoked | 457 |
education, fund for, proceeds from leases of salt deposits to be added to | 215 |
freedmen, Court of Claims to adjudicate claims | 372 |
payment from Cherokee funds | 300 |
roll of to be prepared by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 98 |
funds, arising from cession of Cherokee Outlet | 489 |
sale of Cherokee Strip | 132,173 |
Eastern Band to sue in Court of Claims to ascertain interest in | 216 |
Osage purchase, funds derived from | 141 |
payments to Delaware, Shawnee and adopted freedmen to be deducted from | 300 |
transfer of certain annuities from Shawnee | 521 |
indigent fund, $75,000 to be set apart as | 141 |
lands, cession for use of Nez Perces of Joseph's Band | 175 |
Commission to negotiate for cessions | 341 |
sale of Cherokee Strip | 131,173 |
legislation relating to, note | 131 |
Nez Perces of Joseph's Band, lands sold for use of | 175 |
orphan fund, $80,000 set apart as | 141 |
to be used to support Cherokee Orphan Asylum | 793 |
Osage, purchase of lands for use of | 137 |
proceeds of, how to be expended | 141 |
Pawnee, purchase of lands for use of | 161 |
Ponca, purchase of reservation from Cherokee | 167,175,191 |
salt deposits, leases for twenty years authorized | 215 |
Shawnee to be paid from funds of | 300 |
statistics | 1045 |
suit for money withheld may be brought in Court of Claims | 491 |
town sites, provisions relating to | 95,96,718,793 |
commissioners to be appointed | 106,107 |
appeals from, to Secretary of Interior | 106 |
duties | 106 |
work of, to commence when plats are approved | 106 |
lands reserved from allotment | 724 |
railroad stations, town sites to be established irrespective of population | 107 |
Secretary of Interior to lay out, when town has 200 or more inhabitants | 106 |
provisions for towns of less than 200 inhabitants | 751,795 |
surveys by Secretary of Interior | 106 |
may be by town authorities | 107 |
Western Band, claim referred to Court of Claims | 316 |
Cherokee Advocate Printing Office, lands reserved for | 724,725,790 |
Cherokee Female Seminary, lands reserved for | 725,790 |
Cherokee Insane Asylum, lands reserved for | 725,790 |
Cherokee Male Seminary, lands reserved for | 725,790 |
Cherokee Nation v. Hitchcock, decision of Supreme Court in case of | 1053 |
Cherokee Orphan Asylum, lands reserved for | 725,790 |
support from Cherokee orphan fund | 793 |
Cherokee Outlet | |
allotment law of February 28, 1891, not applicable to | 58 |
cession of, agreement of December 19, 1891 | 490 |
allotments to Cherokee settlers on | 491 |
distribution of funds | 492 |
payment for cession | 489,491 |
removal of tresspassers | 490 |
railroads not to be benefited by relinquishment except that further payments to Cherokee Nation need not be made | 492 |
share of proceeds belonging to Delaware, Shawnee, and Cherokee freedmen to be retained pending decision of the Court of Claims | 492 |
grazing cattle on, forbidden | 946 |
payment for cession of | 489 |
proclamation opening lands to settlement | 967 |
reservations of lands in, for public purposes, may be made by the President | 493 |
salines restored to public domain | 994 |
settlement of | 493,494 |
when to become a part of Oklahoma | 45 |
Cherokee Strip | |
sale of | 131,173 |
disposition of proceeds | 132,173 |
price of lands | 131,173 |
settlers to have preference right | 131 |
surveys | 131 |
town-site laws to apply to | 132 |
Cherokee Training School, North Carolina, superintendent to act as agent | 65,446 |
Cherokee war, pensions to survivors of | 122 |
Cheyenne (see also Northern Arapaho and Cheyenne and Cheyenne and Arapaho) | |
agreement of October, 1890, with Arapaho and | 415 |
allotments to be taken on ceded lands | 416 |
confirmation of those made prior to October, 1890 | 417 |
restrictions upon alienation, etc., for twenty-five years | 417 |
time for selection | 417 |
cession of land in Indian Territory | 415 |
payment for cession | 417 |
fund of $1,000,000 to be held in trust at 5 per cent interest | 417 |
schools and religious societies may have land reserved | 416 |
lands in Indian Territory ceded by | 415 |
reservations for schools, etc | 416 |
lease of school sections | 419 |
settlement of lands | 419 |
time for payment extended | 565 |
legislation relating to, note | 168 |
statistics | 1030,1039 |
Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, statistics | 1030 |
Cheyenne and Arapaho Industrial School Reserve, Executive orders establishing | 886 |
Cheyenne and Arapaho lands, Oklahoma, proclamation opening to settlement | 956 |
settlers may commute entries and time for payment extended one year | 505 |
Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation, Colo., Executive orders establishing | 832 |
Ind. T., Executive orders establishing | 839 |
grazing on, forbidden | 938 |
payment to Choctaw and Chickasaw for, part of appropriation refunded | 504 |
Cheyenne River Agency, S. Dak., agreement with Sioux of, September 26, 1876 | 169,171 |
statistics | 1030 |
Cheyenne River Reservation, S. Dak., boundaries defined | 329 |
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, right of way as lessee through Iowa and Sauk and Fox Reservation in Kansas and Nebraska | 594 |
Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 250 |
sale of franchises to Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company | 358 |
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company | |
right of way through Sioux Reservation in Dakota, grant confirmed | 334 |
Sisseton and Wahpeton lands in Dakota, agreement granting, confirmed | 431 |
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company | |
right of way through Indian Territory | 472 |
additional land for station and Y in Chickasaw Nation | 475 |
franchises of Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railroad Company may be purchased | 358 |
time for construction extended | 630 |
Chicago, Texas and Mexican Central Railroad Company; may succeed to rights of St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company | 208 |
Chickasaw, Absentee Wyandot to be established on lands, repealed | 600,621 |
accounts of treasurer kept with assistant treasurer at St. Louis | 158 |
agreement of April 23, 1897 (see Choctaw and Chickasaw) | 647 |
March 21, 1902 (see Choctaw and Chickasaw) | 771 |
allotments to members, area to be 320 acres | 120,498 |
coal and asphalt lands reserved | 775,784 |
contests to be filed in nine months from selection | 786 |
boundaries of lands, survey and marking | 620 |
central judicial district of Indian Territory, part of Chickasaw Nation added to | 118 |
citizenship in tribe, whites entitled to, Commission to Five Civilized Tribes to determine | 98 |
claims to Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache lands referred to Court of Claims | 712 |
lands ceded by Wichita in 1891, referred to Court of Claims | 564 |
coal and asphalt lands | 784 |
freedmen, adoption by act of Chickasaw council approved | 546 |
allotments to | 648,772,780 |
claims referred to Court of Claims | 779 |
roll to be prepared by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 81,98 |
funds, deposit of part for support of indigent members | 748 |
national fund, balance to be paid into Treasury | 752 |
draw interest at 5 per cent from July 1, 1901 | 752 |
payment for lands ceded for Cheyenne and Arapaho, part of appropriation refunded | 504 |
use of Absentee Wyandot | 600 |
permanent annuity commuted to $60,000 cash | 740 |
indigent members, Commission to determine who are | 749 |
funds may be used for support of | 748 |
minors and incompetent persons, patents for allotments | 786 |
public buildings, lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
railroad rights of way granted | |
Arkansas and Choctaw Railroad Company | 669 |
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, station and Y | 475 |
Little River Valley Railway Company | 673 |
St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company | 206 |
time for construction extended | 235 |
statistics | 1045 |
survey by Geological Survey | 620 |
town sites, provisions relating to | 95,96,106 |
Commission to have charge of | 106 |
appointment of commissioners | 107,112 |
duties of commission | 106 |
work to commence when plats are approved | 106 |
number of inhabitants to be 200 or over | 106 |
railroad stations, irrespective of population | 107 |
surveys by Secretary of Interior | 106 |
may be by town authorities | 107 |
tribal government to expire eight years from April 23, 1897 | 654 |
Chickasha, term of court at | 71 |
Chiefs, trespasses upon lands of allottees cause for suspension of | 15 |
violating treaties not to receive annuities | 11 |
Children, Creek Nation, enrollment of | 762 |
of white man and Indian woman, to have mother's rights | 89 |
removal beyond reservation, consent of parent without duress required | 76 |
to schools outside of State or Territory, voluntary consent of parents required | 76 |
Chilocco Industrial School Reserve, Ind. T., Executive orders establishing | 842 |
land to be reserved for use of | 198 |
reservation of lands confirmed | 493 |
Chilocco Reservation, Kansas, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway Company granted right of way through | 645 |
Chippewa, allotments on Grand Portage Reservation, timber may be cut and sold | 713 |
lands in Michigan | 158,161 |
Minnesota, completion directed | 761 |
La Pointe or Bad River Reservation | 713 |
White Earth and Red Lake reservations | 302,303 |
lands occupied may be retained | 303 |
prior allotments, area to be deducted | 303 |
allottees not to be disturbed on cession of lands | 302 |
annuities, distribution of interest on fund arising from sale of ceded lands in Minnesota | 305 |
Bad River Reservation, allotments on | 713 |
ceded lands in Minnesota | |
agricultural lands, survey and sale | 304 |
dams may be constructed in aid of navigation | 619,666 |
pine lands, appraisal and sale | 303,304 |
sales of lands may be suspended | 686 |
Chippewa, census to be taken | 302 |
cession of lands in Minnesota except White Earth and Red Lake reservations, commission to secure | 301 |
allottees not to be disturbed | 302 |
approval by President to extinguish Indian title | 302 |
compensation, duties, etc., of commissioners | 303 |
Fond du Lac Band, claim for deficiency in area of reservation referred to Court of Claims | 622 |
funds, proceeds of sales of ceded lands in Minnesota | 305 |
semiannual interest on $20,000 to be credited L'Anse and Vieux de Sert bands | 178 |
Grand Portage Reservation, timber on allotments may be cut and sold | 713 |
L'Anse Band, semiannual interest to be credited to | 178 |
La Pointe or Bad River Reservation, allotments on | 713 |
legislation relating to, note | 301 |
Michigan lands, allotments on | 158,161 |
disposal of surplus under homestead laws | 158,161 |
settlers on, to make entry | 158 |
Mille Lac Reservation, removal of Indians to other reservations | 755 |
Minnesota lands, allotments on | 302,303,761 |
forest reserve to be selected | 758,760 |
sale of | 576,756 |
agricultural lands | 757 |
classification and appraisal of lands | 756 |
timber lands, part to be reserved | 758 |
timber on pine lands to be sold | 576,757 |
method of sale and logging | 758,759 |
when timber is cut, land to be sold as agricultural | 759 |
Mississippi Band, lands on White Earth Reservation granted to church | 150 |
Ottertail Band of Pillagers to settle on reservation of | 133 |
White Earth Reservation, sale of township of land to Pembina Band of Chippewa | 143 |
of Lake Superior, allotments on La Pointe or Bad River Reservation | 713 |
of Minnesota, commissioners reduced in number to one | 597 |
funds of, appropriation for civilization to be reimbursed | 597 |
proceeds of timber sold to be paid to | 755 |
timber may be sold, proceeds to be distributed | 89,755 |
of Saginaw, Missionary Society of Methodist Episcopal Church granted section of land | 157 |
on Chippewa and Christian Reservation, Kans. | |
census to be taken | 623 |
funds, proceeds of lands to be distributed per capita | 624 |
patents for allotments | 623 |
sale of lands unallotted | 623,624 |
Pembina Band, purchase of township of land on White Earth Reservation | 143 |
pine lands, sale of | 303,304,576,757 |
Red Cliff Reservation, allotments in severalty on | 569 |
extension of boundaries confirmed | 569 |
Red Lake Reservation, allotments to Indians on | 303 |
removal to White Earth Reservation of all Chippewa except those on Red Lake Reservation | 303 |
reservation in Minnesota, timber cutting on, inspector to investigate, and may suspend cutting and sale of timber and sale of lands on reservations | 685 |
schools to be provided out of proceeds of lands sold | 305 |
statistics | 1035,1036,1039,1046 |
timber on reservation in Minnesota, sale of | 89,303,576,757 |
provisions relative to dead and fallen timber repealed as to Minnesota lands | 760 |
Turtle Mountain band, commission to | 450 |
statistics | 1031 |
Vieux de Sert band, semiannual interest to be credited to | 178 |
White Earth Reservation, all Chippewa except those on Red Lake Reservation to be removed to | 303 |
Chippewa and Christian Reservation, Kans., allottees dying without heirs, lands to be sold | 624 |
census of Indians to be taken | 623 |
commissioner to investigate title of allottees | 623 |
inherited lands may be sold by heirs | 624 |
Moravian Church, patent for certain land | 623 |
patents to allottees, partition among heirs | 623 |
sale of residue of lands | 623,624 |
proceeds to be paid per capita | 624 |
Chippewa Reservation, Minn., dams to be constructed in aid of navigation, United States not liable for damages from overflows | 619,666 |
railroad rights of way granted | |
Brainerd and Northern Minnesota Railway Company | 571 |
Duluth and North Dakota Railroad Company | 593 |
Duluth and Winnipeg Railroad Company | 550 |
time for construction extended | 619 |
Northern Mississippi Railway Company | 547 |
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway Company | 515 |
time for construction extended | 618 |
surveys, expenses to be reimbursed from proceeds of lands sold | 666 |
Chiricahua Reserve, Ariz., Executive orders establishing | 802 |
Choctaw, accounts of treasurer kept with assistant treasurer at St. Louis | 158 |
agreement of April 23, 1897 (see Choctaw and Chickasaw) | 646,647 |
March 21, 1902 (see Choctaw and Chickasaw) | 771 |
allotments in severalty | 120,498 |
area | 120,498 |
citizenship accorded allottees | 498 |
annuities, permanent appropriation for interest on $2,868,798.62, the judgment of the Court of Claims | 285 |
bonds, delivery suspended | 141 |
boundary between Choctaw and Creek nations | 645 |
bridge across Poteau River, Fort Smith and Choctaw Bridge Company may construct | 279 |
courts to have jurisdiction of controversies | 328 |
central judicial district of Indian Territory to include | 71 |
citizenship in, Commission to Five Civilized Tribes to determine rights of claimants under article 14, treaty of 1830 | 98 |
whites entitled to, commission to Five Civilized Tribes to determine | 98 |
claim for balances due, referred to Court of Claims | 193 |
to Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache lands referred to Court of Claims | 712 |
lands ceded by Wichita in 1891, referred to Court of Claims | 564 |
coal and asphalt lands, sale of | 784 |
coal mines, leases to Choctaw Coal and Railway Company, confirmed | 373 |
freedmen, allotments to | 648,772 |
roll to be prepared be Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 98 |
funds, deposit of part for support of indigent members | 748 |
judgment of Court of Claims of $2,858,798.62 to be held in trust for | 285 |
payment for lands ceded for Cheyenne and Arapaho, part of appropriation refunded | 504 |
use of Absentee Wyandot | 600,621 |
indigent members, commission to determine who are | 749 |
funds may be used for support of | 748 |
leases to Choctaw Coal and Railway Company confirmed | 373 |
legislation relative to, note | 656 |
Mississippi band, allotments, sale, or incumbrance to be void | 106 |
enrollment in Choctaw nation | 106,780 |
proofs required | 106 |
settlement to be made in Choctaw and Chickasaw country | 106 |
rights to Choctaw citizenship referred to Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 87,106 |
subsequent legislation not to impair | 99 |
orphan fund, proceeds of sale of certain lands to be credited to | 655 |
orphan lands, Mississippi, sale under public land laws | 655,742 |
Pike, Albert, heirs may sue for amount due, in Court of Claims | 565 |
public buildings, lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
railroad rights of way granted | |
Arkansas and Choctaw Railway Company | 572,669 |
Fort Smith and Western Railroad Company | 692 |
amended provisions relative to | 700 |
Fort Smith and Western Coal Railroad Company | 577 |
amended provisions relative to | 644 |
Little River Valley Railway Company | 673 |
St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company | 206 |
time for construction extended | 235 |
statistics | 1045 |
town sites, provisions relating to | 95,96,106 |
commission, appointment of commissioners | 112 |
for separate towns | 106 |
appointment | 107 |
duties | 106 |
number of inhabitants to be 200 or more | 106 |
railroad stations, population immaterial | 107 |
surveys by Secretary of Interior | 106 |
town authorities may survey and plat | 107 |
work to commence when plats are approved | 106 |
tribal government to expire eight years from April 23, 1897 | 654 |
Wyandot, Absentee band, to be established on lands of | 600,621 |
Choctaw Coal and Railway Company, grant of right of way through Indian Territory | 256 |
amendment to route | 311 |
time for construction extended | 399,509 |
leases from certain Choctaw confirmed | 373 |
purchasers of franchises may organize new company | 547 |
transfer of franchises to Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway Company | 595 |
Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway Company, successor to Choctaw Coal and Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 595 |
amended provisions relating to | 697 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw | |
agreement of April 23, 1897 | 646,647 |
actions, tribe to be made a party when interested | 654 |
acts and ordinances, approval by President | 654 |
publication | 654 |
allotments in severalty | 647 |
alienation of part not included in homestead | 649 |
controversies over particular lands to be settled by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 649 |
freedmen, 40 acres to be allotted equal in value to average Choctaw lands | 648 |
land allotted to be deducted from that to be allotted Choctaw | 648 |
homestead of 160 acres, separate patent to issue for, restricting alienation for twenty-five years | 649 |
lands reserved from allotment | 647,648 |
disposal as town-site lands | 651 |
leases not to exceed five years, to be in writing and recorded in clerk's office in three months | 649 |
possession to be delivered by United States | 649 |
selection, how made | 648,649 |
taxation forbidden for twenty-one years while title is in allottee | 649 |
work to begin under direction of Secretary of Interior when surveys are complete | 648 |
appraisement of lands under direction of Secretary of Interior to begin when surveys are complete | 648 |
improvements to be excluded | 648 |
Indians to be represented | 648 |
asphalt mines, leases of | 652,653 |
operation of | 652 |
proceeds to go to education fund | 652 |
royalties payable into United States Treasury | 652 |
title reserved to tribes | 652 |
bribery and embracery, laws of Arkansas applicable | 653 |
citizenship to be accorded when tribal government ceases | 655 |
coal mines, leases of | 652,653 |
operation of | 652 |
proceeds to go to education fund | 652 |
royalties payable into United States Treasury | 652 |
title reserved to tribe | 652 |
embezzlement, laws of Arkansas applicable | 653 |
equity powers possessed by United States courts | 654 |
freedmen, Chickasaw Nation, enrollment of | 648 |
funds, arrears of interest to be credited Chickasaw | 655 |
payment per capita one year after dissolution of tribal government | 655 |
jurors, Indians competent as | 654 |
leased district lands, proceeds to be disposed of according to decision in Wichita suit | 655 |
murder by Indians, change of venue may be taken | 654 |
orphan fund, Choctaw, proceeds of lands sold to be credited to | 655 |
patents for allotments | 649 |
per capita payments, how made | 654 |
railroads, legislation requested concerning | 650 |
records of land titles to be provided | 649 |
royalties from coal and asphalt mines to be paid into the United States Treasury | 652 |
disposal for benefit of tribes if members are taxed to support schools | 653 |
schools, royalties from coal and asphalt mines to be used for support while members are not taxed | 652,653 |
survey of ninety-eighth meridian, west, to be made and marked | 649 |
town sites, commission to lay out, appraise and sell lots | 650 |
expenses of surveys, etc., not charged to tribes | 651 |
location of cemeteries | 651 |
ordinances not to conflict with laws of United States | 651 |
sale of lots, payment, and disposition of proceeds | 651 |
taxation, unsold lots not to be taxed and lien for purchase price to precede tax levy | 651 |
unappraised lots to be sold at public auction | 651 |
tribal government to continue for eight years | 654 |
United States courts to have jurisdiction in certain actions irrespective of citizenship | 653 |
agreement of March 21, 1902 | 771 |
allotments in severalty | 772 |
alienation | 772 |
coal and asphalt lands leased, reserved | 775,784 |
Commission to Five Civilized Tribes to have charge of | 774 |
deeds, recordation of | 786 |
division of lands | 773 |
excessive inclosures, penalty for | 773 |
freedmen | 772,780 |
heirs may receive | 773 |
homesteads inalienable for twenty-five years | 772 |
incompetents and minors, patents for | 786 |
incumbrance during trust period to be void | 772 |
reserved lands | 775 |
selections, commission to Five Civilized Tribes to settle all questions | 786 |
contests barred after nine months | 786 |
appraisement of lands | 771 |
asphalt lands, sale of | 775,783,784 |
to be subject to existing leases | 786 |
cemetery lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
citizenship cases | 776 |
court created | 778 |
coal lands, sale of | 783,784 |
to be subject to existing leases | 784 |
commission to sell coal and asphalt land | 784 |
definitions | 771 |
excessive holdings of land | 773,774 |
freedmen, allotments to | 772,780 |
Chickasaw, claims to be settled by Court of Claims | 779 |
incompetents and minors, patents for allotments | 786 |
leases of coal and asphalt lands, sales to be subject to | 784 |
minors, patents for | 786 |
Mississippi Choctaw, enrollment of | 780 |
municipal corporations, bonds for improvements | 783 |
payments to members | 786 |
rolls of citizenship | 775 |
applications for enrollment to be filed | 779 |
property to be distributed only to members whose names are enrolled | 779 |
sulphur springs ceded to United States | 785 |
intoxicants forbidden on | 785 |
town sites, provisions respecting | 782 |
Christian Indians. (See Munsee and Chippewa and Christian Reservation, Kans.) | |
Churches (see also Religious organizations) | |
Cherokee Nation, town-site lots may be granted to | 795 |
Chickasaw Nation, lands reserved for | 775 |
Choctaw Nation, lands reserved for | 775 |
Creek Nation, lands reserved for | 736 |
Five Civilized Tribes, lands reserved from allotment | 93 |
Indian Territory, penalty for disturbing worship in | 43 |
United Peoria and Miami lands, reserves for | 344 |
Circuit court of appeals, eighth circuit, jurisdiction of appeals from Indian Territory | 77 |
Circuit courts of United States, eastern district of Texas, jurisdiction over crimes in Indian Territory | 51 |
Indian Territory. (See United States courts in Indian Territory.) | |
western district of Arkansas, jurisdiction over crimes in Indian Territory | 51 |
Cities and towns in Indian Territory | |
acquisition of land for public purposes | 93 |
Cherokee Nation, issue of bonds | 725 |
incorporation of | 94,95 |
Arkansas laws applicable | 94 |
bonds for improvements where population exceeds 2,000 | 118 |
amount authorized | 118 |
prior issues to be deducted | 119 |
assent of two-thirds of voters | 118 |
census before election | 119 |
contents of bonds | 119 |
interest not to exceed 5 per cent | 119 |
petition for issuance | 119 |
taxation to liquidate | 119 |
council | 95 |
elections | 94,95 |
free schools | 95 |
improvements, transfer of | 95 |
leases, transfer of | 95 |
marshal | 95 |
mayors | 95 |
taxation | 95 |
Citizens Band of Potawatomi (see also Potawatomi, Citizens Band) | |
allotments in severalty | 410,520 |
sale by heirs and by allottees, actual resident of other States | 520,701 |
statistics | 1042 |
Citizenship, allottees adopting habits of civilized life and all Indians of Indian Territory accorded | 35 |
Cherokee accorded rights of | 726 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw to acquire, on termination of tribal government | 655 |
Confederated Peoria in Quapaw Agency accorded right of | 54 |
Creeks to acquire rights of, on termination of tribal government | 661 |
in Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, court to determine established | 776,778 |
in Five Civilized Tribes | |
actions in United States courts for lands held by persons claiming | 91,92 |
complaint to be filed by chief | 92 |
continuance, bond may be required | 92 |
execution process | 92 |
limitations | 92 |
notice before suit | 91 |
Commission to Five Civilized Tribes to determine | 80 |
appeals to United States district court | 81 |
Supreme Court | 101 |
applications to be filed in three months | 80 |
decisions to be made in ninety days | 80 |
tribal laws, customs, and rolls to be given effect | 80 |
improvements on lands when citizenship is denied | 91 |
refund of amount paid if citizenship is allowed | 93 |
in more than one of Five Civilized Tribes forbidden | 98 |
rolls to be prepared by Commission | 98 |
Indian Territory, all Indians to be citizens of United States | 35,114 |
Miami of Meshingomesia's band | 134 |
Mississippi Choctaw | 87,780 |
persons denied, may sue for allotments in United States circuit courts | 68,109,121 |
not applicable to Five Civilized Tribes or Quapaw agency | 68,109 |
Sioux allottees to have rights of | 331 |
Winibago in Minnesota may acquire | 128 |
Citrous Water Company, irrigating ditch across Papago Reservation may be constructed by | 301 |
Civilized life, Indians adopting habits of, to be protected | 14 |
rations and clothing may be commuted to | 63,101 |
Clackama, statistics | 1033 |
Claims, arising under treaties not cognizable by Court of Claims | 2 |
Cherokee, referred to Court of Claims | 491,728,797 |
Chickasaw freedmen, referred to Court of Claims | 779 |
Choctaw, for balances due, referred to Court of Claims | 193 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw, to lands ceded by Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache, referred to Court of Claims | 712 |
Wichita, referred to Court of Claims | 564 |
Creeks, jurisdiction conferred on Court of Claims | 736 |
submission to Senate | 660,736 |
Delaware, suit against Cherokee, attorney's fees to be fixed by Court of Claims | 100,372,728 |
Eastern Band of Cherokee, suit to be brought in Court of Claims | 216 |
Fond du Lac Chippewa of Lake Superior to sue in Court of Claims for deficiency in area of reservation | 622 |
for Indians depredations, general provisions for suit in Court of Claims (see also Depredations, claims for) | 58 |
for supplies furnished Sioux in 1861 and 1862, to be settled | 228 |
furnished without authority of law not to be paid out of general appropriations | 9 |
Kansa against United States, Interior Department and Court of Claims to determine | 770 |
Lower Brulé Sioux, for property lost in removal, to be paid | 753 |
loyal Creek claim, Senate to determine | 660,736 |
loyal Seminole claim, Senate to determine | 664,700 |
New York Indians against United States, Court of Claims to adjudicate | 460 |
Pike, Albert, heirs may sue in Court of Claims for amount due from Choctaw Nation | 565 |
Potawatomi, for losses of property to be adjudicated by the Court of Claims | 408 |
Citizens Band, claim against United States and Prairie Band referred to Court of Claims | 414 |
of Michigan and Indiana to sue in Court of Claims | 348 |
Sauk and Fox of Iowa, release of all claims | 398 |
Seminole, payment of, under certain treaties | 700 |
Claims, settlers on Crow Creek and Winnebago Reservation, S. Dak., removed, agents to investigate | 378 |
may file claims in Court of Claims | 565 |
Shawnee, against United States to be filed in Court of Claims | 373 |
United States and Cherokee, to be filed in Court of Claims | 446 |
Shawnee, Delawares, and Cherokee freedmen, referred to Court of Claims | 372 |
proceeds of Cherokee Outlet to be held pending decision | 492 |
Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux, loyal members to sue in Court of Claims | 742 |
Wea, Peoria, Kaskaskia, and Piankashaw, to sue in Court of Claims | 346 |
Western Cherokee, referred to Court of Claims | 316 |
Wichita and affiliated bands, not released by agreement of 1891 | 562 |
Clardy, Benjamin J., a citizen Potawatomi, may alienate allotment | 611 |
Claremore, term of court at | 121 |
Clarksville, Ind. T., survey and platting of | 734 |
Clearwater Short Line Railway Company, right of way through Nez Percés Reservation, Idaho | 684 |
Clearwater Valley Railroad Company, right of way through Nez Percés Reservation, Idaho | 679 |
time for construction extended | 750 |
Clerks of court, mileage may be allowed | 26 |
Clerk of court of appeals of Indian Territory | 75 |
Clerk of district court, Indian Territory, salary increased $1,000 per annum in lieu of fees | 111,112 |
fees to be accounted for annually | 111 |
Clerks of United States courts in Indian Territory | 40,72 |
appointment, bond, duties, and place of office | 40,72 |
deputies | 48 |
marriages, licenses and certificates may be issued | 52 |
may be solemnized by | 52 |
oath required of | 40,42 |
recordation of chattle mortgages at Miami | 700 |
recording of deeds | 52 |
residence and salary | 40,72 |
town-site plats to be filed with | 96 |
Clothing, children not attending school, may be withheld from parents | 66 |
commutation to money | 101 |
delivery to Sioux and Ponca in Nebraska and Dakota to be by November 1 of each year | 620 |
manufacture by Indians | 69,113 |
Coal lands, Cherokee Nation, rights in, not affected by agreement of April 9, 1900 | 729 |
Chickasaw Nation, reserved from allotment | 775 |
sale of | 783,784 |
Choctaw Nation, leases to Choctaw Coal and Railway Company confirmed | 373 |
reserved from allotment | 775,784 |
sale of | 783,784 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, general provisions relative to leasing and operation of | 652,653 |
Indian Territory, leases by Secretary of Interior | 93 |
leases in Five Civilized Tribes, authorized for period not exceeding ten years | 41 |
town sites not to be interfered with | 96 |
on reservations, proceeds of, to be held for benefit of tribes | 31 |
San Carlos Reservation, ceded by Apache, Mohave, and Yuma, disposal of | 609 |
Coast Reserve, Oreg., Executive orders establishing | 890 |
Cur d'Alene | |
agreement of March 26, 1887 | 419 |
Calispels may be settled on reservation of | 420 |
cession of lands | 420 |
employment of Indians | 421 |
lands reserved for De Smet Mission | 422 |
marriages with white men, whites to satisfy agent as to moral character | 422 |
nonreservation Indians of Colville Agency may be settled on reservation | 420 |
payment for cessions | 421 |
physician, blacksmith, and carpenter to be furnished | 421 |
reservation to be set apart | 420 |
Spokan may be settled on reservation | 420 |
agreement of September 9, 1889 | 422 |
cession of lands | 422 |
payment for cession | 423 |
agreement of February 7, 1894 | 531 |
cession of lands | 531 |
disposed of lands ceded | 532 |
payment for lands ceded | 531,532 |
reservation, northern boundary changed | 531,532 |
agreement with Frederick Post for cession of mill site | 424 |
annuities for cession of 1887 | 420 |
1889 | 423 |
1894 | 531,532 |
ceded lands open to homestead entry | 424 |
funds of, proceeds of lands sold under act of 1892 | 446 |
lands ceded by agreement of March 26, 1887 | 420 |
September 9, 1889 | 422 |
reserved for use of De Smet Mission | 422 |
to be purchased from, disposal of | 446 |
marriage with white men, agent to be satisfied of moral character of whites | 422 |
physician, blacksmith, and carpenter to be furnished | 421 |
reservation established | 420 |
other tribes may be removed to | 420 |
statistics | 1030 |
Cur d'Alene Reservation, Idaho | |
employment of Indians on | 421 |
Executive orders establishing | 835 |
northern boundary changed | 531,532 |
Spokan to be removed to | 742 |
survey and marking of boundaries | 532 |
Upper and Middle bands of Spokan to be removed to | 420,449,454,742 |
Washington and Idaho Railway Company granted right of way through | 272 |
Coin, annuities to be paid in when required by treaty | 9 |
Collins Institute, lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
Colorado, agency for Ute to be established | 157 |
Confederated Ute in, agreement of March 6, 1880 | 180,183 |
Executive orders relating to reservations in | 832 |
Los Pinos Agency removed | 157 |
reservation for Ute in, part ceded | 152 |
Ute in, agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 152 |
Colorado River Agency, Ariz., statistics | 1030 |
Colorado River Irrigation Company, canal may be constructed across Yuma Reservation, Ariz | 461 |
amended provisions | 545 |
Colorado River Reserve, Executive orders establishing | 803 |
Colored Creek Orphan Home, lands in Creek Nation reserved for | 735 |
Colored High School, Tahlequah, lands in Cherokee Nation reserved for | 725 |
Columbia, agreement of July 7, 1883, ratified | 224 |
Moses band, statistics | 1030 |
removal to Colville Reservation | 224 |
Columbia Irrigation Company, right of way for irrigation ditches through Yakima Reservation, Wash | 516 |
time for construction extended | 600,666 |
Columbia Red Mountain Railway Company, right of way through Colville Reservation, Wash | 581 |
Columbia Reserve, Wash., Executive orders establishing | 904 |
lands to be entered under public-land laws | 224 |
removal of Indians to Colville Reservation | 224 |
Colville agreement of July 7, 1883, ratified | 224 |
Colville Agency, nonreservation Indians may be settled on Cur d'Alene Reservation | 420 |
statistics | 1030 |
Colville Reservation, allotments in severalty on | 441,667 |
mill sites excepted | 667 |
schedule of allotted lands | 1002 |
Tonasket School Reserve excepted | 442,667 |
Columbia may be removed to | 224 |
Executive orders establishing | 915 |
mineral laws extended over | 570,667 |
ownership by Indians not conceded | 442 |
part restored to public domain | 442 |
proclamation opening certain lands to settlement | 1000 |
railroad rights of way granted | |
Columbia and Red Mountain Railway Company | 581 |
Kettle River Valley Railway Company | 644 |
Spokan Falls and Northern Railway Company | 349 |
Washington Improvement and Development Company | 643 |
residents of ceded lands to be removed to diminished reservation | 442 |
sale of part of reservation, proceeds to be disposed of for benefit of Indians | 441 |
Spokan on, appropriation to be used for | 742 |
statistics | 1030 |
timber may be cut for sale | 667 |
Tonasket School, land reserved for | 442,667 |
Comanche (see also Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache) | |
agreement of October 21, 1892 | 708 |
Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache ceded lands, proclamation opening to settlement | 1010,1019 |
statistics | 1035 |
Commissioners, Board of Indian | |
agencies, etc., to be inspected by | 29 |
appointment to be by the President | 4 |
duties restricted | 29 |
number and qualifications of commissioners | 4 |
report to Secretary of Interior | 29 |
secretary to be appointed, compensation | 4 |
supplies to be purchased after consultation with | 29 |
to serve without compensation | 4 |
Commissioners, President and Secretary of Interior to appoint all | 6 |
Commissioner of Indian Affairs | |
accounts to be transmitted to | 1,25 |
agents in California visiting Washington without permission to be reported for dismissal | 6 |
to be given information as to laws, etc | 6 |
submit accounts to, quarterly | 25 |
annual report of | 1 |
contracts, bids, and awards to be included | 27 |
disbursements to be detailed in | 1 |
employees at schools to be reported | 108 |
of Indian Bureau, names, authority for appointment, services, and compensation to be reported | 62,69 |
reports of agents to be included | 2,25 |
supplies, distribution of | 2 |
to be laid before Congress on first day of session | 25 |
appointment to be by the President | 1 |
certified copies of records in office of | 65 |
contracts, approval of, before payments are made | 11 |
when made with Indians | 12 |
assignments of, with Indians, approval | 12 |
duties of | 1 |
licenses revoked to be submitted to | 16 |
may remove persons from reservations | 19 |
office created | 1 |
preference to be given Indians in employment | 69 |
regulations to secure attendance at schools | 63 |
reports of allotting agents to be submitted to | 33 |
salary to be $4,000 per annum | 1 |
seal of Indian Office to be in custody of | 65 |
statutes to be compiled by | 29 |
Superintendent of Indian Schools to report to | 44 |
supplies, report of distribution to be included in annual report | 2 |
Commissions | |
indigent Choctaw and Chickasaw | 749 |
to appraise and sell lands on Puyallup Reservation | 487,488 |
authority continued | 560,762 |
completion of work | 599,621 |
to Chippewa in Minnesota | 597 |
to Five Civilized Tribes | |
agreements when ratified to supersede statutes | 88 |
with Cherokee, April 9, 1900 | 715 |
ratified July 1, 1902 | 787 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw, April 23, 1897 | 647 |
March 21, 1902 | 771 |
Creeks, September 27, 1897 | 656 |
March 8, 1900 | 729 |
ratified June 30, 1902 | 761 |
Seminole, December 16, 1897 | 662 |
October 7, 1899 | 702 |
allotments in severalty by | 92,499 |
burial grounds reserved | 93 |
Cherokee Nation, controversies to be settled | 789 |
selection of allotments in default of allottee | 788 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw | 774 |
incompetent persons, selections for | 786 |
selections on default | 773 |
under agreement of April 23, 1897 | 647 |
church, etc., lands reserved | 93 |
confirmation of | 93 |
Creeks, under agreement of September 27, 1897 | 657 |
improvements to be included in | 93 |
mineral lands not to be allotted | 92 |
Mississippi Choctaw | 106 |
reports of allotments | 93 |
school lands reserved | 93 |
Seminole, under agreement of December 16, 1897 | 663 |
town site lands reserved | 93 |
applications for enrollment to be filed in three months | 80 |
appraisement of lands, Cherokee Nation | 788 |
authority continued | 88,102,105,119 |
Cherokee freedmen, roll to be prepared | 98 |
Chickasaw freedmen, roll to be prepared | 98 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw lands to be appraised | 771 |
claims to citizenship under article 14, treaty of 1830, to be determined | 98 |
freedmen to be enrolled | 98 |
citizenship cases, actions for lands held by persons claiming citizenship | 91 |
determination by Commission | 80 |
whites intermarried in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 98 |
clerks may be detailed for use by | 98 |
creation and duties of Commission | 79,498 |
Creeks, allotments, controversies regarding, to be settled | 762 |
freedmen to be enrolled | 98 |
decisions to be rendered in ninety days | 80 |
Delaware lands to be separated from lands to be allotted Cherokees | 100 |
excessive holdings of land to be reported to Congress | 81 |
expenditure, annual statement to Secretary of the Interior | 112 |
freedmen, rolls to be prepared | 81,98 |
injunctions not to be issued to suspend or enjoin proceedings | 101 |
leases, report of, to Congress | 81 |
Mississippi Choctaw, rights to be examined | 87,106 |
negotiations for allotments, investment of funds, etc | 80 |
number of Commissioners to be four | 80,102 |
powers, examination of witnesses, oaths may be administered | 99 |
reports to Secretary of the Interior | 80,112 |
of allotments | 93 |
rolls of citizenship to be prepared | 81,98 |
Cherokee, rights to be investigated | 98 |
roll of 1880 to be accepted | 98 |
Cherokee freedmen, roll to be prepared | 98 |
Creeks, children born before May 25, 1901, to be added | 119,762 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw | 98 |
descriptions of persons to be included | 99 |
finality of rolls | 99,112 |
investigation of enrollments | 88 |
Mississippi Choctaw to be enrolled on proof of identity and settlement in Choctaw and Chickasaw country | 87,106 |
names may be stricken off, appeal | 88 |
recognition by tribe as members required | 106 |
time for closing to be fixed | 112 |
to be filed with Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 81 |
salary of Commissioners | 79 |
secretary | 79,80 |
surveyors may be employed | 80,97 |
town-site maps to be filed with Commission | 106 |
tribal customs to be considered | 80 |
tribal records to be open to inspection | 99 |
tribal rolls to be given effect | 80 |
witnesses | 81 |
false testimony before, to be perjury | 99 |
to Ute. (See Ute Commission.) | |
Commutation of clothing, rations, and supplies for civilized Indians | 63,101 |
entries, Absentee Shawnee lands in Oklahoma | 505 |
Cheyenne and Arapaho lands in Oklahoma | 505 |
Great Sioux Reservation | 689 |
Kickapoo ceded lands in Oklahoma | 639 |
Potawatomi ceded lands in Oklahoma | 505 |
public land strip in Oklahoma | 505 |
Compensation of agents and subagents | 5,67 |
for extra services beyond expenses not to be allowed | 6 |
Concow, statistics | 1041 |
Confederated Peoria, allottees to have rights of citizenship | 54 |
not to affect tribal rights | 54 |
parents to be guardians of minor children | 54 |
Congress, authority to legislate regarding lands and leases, decisions of Supreme Court | 1053,1058 |
Consolidation of agencies by the President | 29 |
Constables in Indian Territory | 53,73 |
appointment, bond, and duties | 53,73 |
oath prescribed | 73 |
salary to be $600 per annum | 73 |
western judicial district | 121 |
Constitution, extended over Indian Territory | 50 |
Indians not to be required to take oath to support | 22 |
Construction of railroads through Indian lands | 102,112 |
Contracts in Indian service | |
abstracts of bids to be filed with Second Comptroller | 27 |
advertisement | 20 |
not required in irrigation contracts | 113 |
before appropriations, to be on basis of preceding year | 69 |
agents to keep a record of | 25 |
annual report of bids, proposals, and awards | 27 |
appropriations not to be exceeded | 24 |
bids to be accompanied by certified check where amount exceeds $5,000 | 25 |
forfeiture for breach of contract | 25 |
Board of Indian Commissioners to approve performance | 12,29 |
copies to be furnished Second Auditor before payments are made | 24 |
entered into before appropriations to be based on preceding year | 69 |
officers of Government not to be interested | 22 |
payments not to exceed 50 per cent until approval of work | 12 |
proposals to be filed and preserved | 27 |
Secretary of the Interior to approve work and determine amount of payment | 12 |
supplies and services, advertisements | 8,20,112 |
purchase in open market where immediate delivery is required | 20,112 |
with Indians | 11 |
actions for breach | 11 |
assignment without consent of Secretary and Commissioner forbidden | 12 |
certificate of judge before whom executed | 11 |
contents | 11 |
duplicate to be furnished Indian party | 11 |
execution before judge of a court of record | 11 |
in Indian Territory to be valid | 47 |
judge to certify to | 11 |
officer of United States not to be paid except for official fees | 12 |
payments, performance to be first approved by Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 12 |
penalty for receiving money in violation of law | 12 |
time limited | 11 |
writing required | 11 |
Conveyance of allotment during trust period to be void | 34 |
Convicts, expenses of Indians not to be reimbursed State or Territory | 70 |
Corporations in Indian Territory, Arkansas laws extended over | 110 |
electric-railroad companies | 110 |
foreign corporations in | 110 |
banking and trust companies | 111 |
certificate to be filed | 110 |
failure to comply with law to vitiate contracts | 111 |
limitations upon powers as upon local corporations | 110 |
local agent for | 110 |
United States courts to have jurisdiction over | 111 |
Correspondence with foreign nations to incite Indians to war, penalty for | 13 |
Courts in Indian Territory (see also United States courts in Indian Territory) | |
citizenship court, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 778 |
United States courts | |
jurisdiction of United States courts, note | 39 |
court of appeals | 75 |
appeals to | 75 |
Arkansas laws applicable | 75 |
circuit court of appeals to have jurisdiction of certain cases | 77 |
clerk of court | 75 |
fees for incorporations | 111 |
judge ineligible in case decided by himself in inferior court | 89 |
jurisdiction same as supreme court of Arkansas | 75 |
marshal | 75 |
terms of | 75 |
held at South McAlester | 75 |
tribal courts, Cherokee Nation, abolition | 727 |
Five Civilized Tribes, abolition | 50,100 |
Court of Claims | |
Cherokee, claims against Delawares to be determined | 100 |
Eastern Band to sue in | 216 |
freedmen, claims against Cherokee referred to | 372 |
Shawnee to sue in | 446 |
to present claims to | 491,728,797 |
Chickasaw freedmen, claim referred to | 779 |
Choctaw, amount due heirs of Albert Pike to be determined by | 565 |
claim for balance due, referred to | 193 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw claim to lands ceded by Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache referred to | 712 |
Wichita referred to | 564 |
Citizen Wea, Peoria, Kaskaskia, and Piankeshaw to bring suit in | 346 |
Creeks may present all claims to | 736 |
Crow Creek Reservation, settlers removed from, may file claims | 565 |
Delawares, claims against Cherokee referred to | 100,372 |
attorneys' fees to be allowed | 728 |
Eastern Cherokee claim referred to | 216 |
Fond du Lac Chippewa of Lake Superior, claim for deficiency in area of reservation referred to | 622 |
Indian depredations to be filed in | 58 |
jurisdiction not to include claims arising out of Indian treaties | 2 |
Kansa claims to be adjudicated by | 770 |
New York Indians to present claims to | 460 |
Potawatomi, Citizens Band, to sue United States and Prairie Band in | 414 |
claims for losses of property referred to | 408 |
of Michigan and Indiana to bring suit in | 348 |
Shawnee, claim against Cherokee to be adjudicated | 372,446 |
claims for diverted funds referred to | 373 |
Sisseton and Wahpeton to sue for amount due loyal members | 742 |
Western Cherokee claims referred to | 316 |
Winnebago Reservation, S. Dak., settlers removed from, may file claims | 565 |
Coweta, Ind. T., survey and platting of | 734 |
Coweta Boarding School, lands in Creek Nation reserved for | 735 |
Cow Creek, statistics | 1033 |
Coyotero Apache, statistics | 1041 |
Creeks, accounts of treasurer kept with assistant treasurer at St. Louis | 158 |
acts of council to be approved by President of the United States | 112 |
approved acts, publication in two newspapers | 112 |
disapproved acts, return of | 112 |
secretary of tribe to forward to President | 112 |
time for approval limited to thirty days | 112 |
agreement of January 19, 1889 | 322 |
annuity of $50,000 to be devoted to education | 323 |
cession of lands in Indian Territory | 322 |
payment for lands, fund to be held in trust | 322 |
agreement of September 27, 1897 | 656 |
allotments in severalty to be made by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 657 |
debts contracted prior to patent not to be enforced against | 661 |
equality in values | 658 |
possession to be delivered by United States | 657 |
title of allottees, place of record to be provided | 658,659 |
use of lands pending allotments | 657 |
citizenship accorded when tribal government ceases | 661 |
claims to be submitted to Senate | 660 |
intoxicants, laws to prohibit | 661 |
land reserved from allotment | 658 |
ordinances, etc., of council to be approved by President and published | 661 |
per capita payments, how made | 661 |
records of land titles | 659 |
special grants of lands | 658 |
town-sites, appraisal and sale of lots | 659 |
cemetery lands may be bought | 660 |
church lands reserved | 660 |
commission to be appointed | 659 |
expense of survey, etc., not charged to tribe | 660 |
plats to be filed | 660 |
taxation of lots, purchase price a prior lien | 660 |
unsold lots not to be taxed | 660 |
town to embrace 300 inhabitants | 660 |
unallotted lands to be sold | 658 |
United States courts, jurisdiction in certain cases irrespective of citizenship | 661 |
agreement of March 8, 1900 | |
allotments in severalty | 730,731 |
Creeks residing in Seminole lands may receive allotments there | 738 |
deeds for | 735 |
land reserved from | 735 |
Seminole residing on Creek lands may receive allotment there | 738 |
cemeteries in town sites | 734 |
churches, land reserved for | 736 |
town-site lots to be conveyed to | 734 |
claims, Court of Claims to adjudicate | 736 |
Loyal Creek claim submitted to Senate | 736 |
Clarksville, survey and platting of | 734 |
Coweta, survey and platting of | 734 |
deeds and conveyances | 735 |
definitions | 729 |
funds, disbursements to be authorized by tribe | 737 |
to be capitalized | 736 |
Gibson Station, survey and platting of | 734 |
guardians for minors, parents to act | 738 |
homesteads of allottees, descent of | 731 |
intoxicants prohibited | 739 |
mineral lands, leases of | 739 |
Mounds, survey and platting of | 734 |
municipal corporations, bonds for public improvements | 736 |
ordinances of council, approval by President and publication | 739 |
payments to be made into United States Treasury | 737 |
proclamation declaring all except article 36 to be in effect | 1009 |
public buildings in town sites | 734 |
railroads, conveyances to allottees not to inure to benefit of | 735 |
reservations from allotment | 735 |
rolls of citizenship | 736,737 |
schools, expenses of how paid | 739 |
funds of, expenditure | 738 |
may purchase lands occupied | 734 |
reservations for certain | 735,736 |
teachers, employment of | 738 |
Secretary of Interior to execute provisions of agreement | 739 |
surveys, expenses of, how paid | 738 |
taxation, lessees of allotments not to pay permit tax | 738 |
of town lots | 734 |
timber on allotments, disposal of | 738 |
town sites | 731,732,733,734 |
deferred payments a lien on lots | 737 |
lands reserved from allotment | 735 |
taxation of lots | 734 |
tribal courts, abolition not affected | 739 |
agreement ratified June 30, 1902 | 761 |
allotments in severalty | 761 |
Commission to Five Civilized Tribes to settle controversies as to selections | 762 |
not to be incumbered for five years | 764 |
possession to be delivered by United States | 765 |
cattle grazing on allotments and tribal lands | 765 |
cemeteries, desecrating graves | 764 |
sale of lots | 764 |
children, enrollment of | 762 |
deeds for homesteads after twenty-one years | 764 |
definitions of terms | 761 |
descent and distribution | 762 |
funds to be paid per capita on dissolution of tribal government | 764 |
highways and roads | 763 |
homesteads, disposition on death of allottee | 764 |
not to be encumbered for 21 years | 764 |
selection for incompetents | 764 |
leases of allotments | 765 |
rolls of citizenship | 762 |
town sites, area and selection of lands | 763 |
park lands to be purchased | 764 |
railroad station lands in | 763 |
tribal government, dissolution, funds to be paid per capita | 764 |
allotments in severalty | 498 |
area | 120,498 |
citizenship conferred on allottees | 498 |
annuities, commuted to cash and added to Creek general fund | 750 |
boundary between Creek and Choctaw nations | 645 |
children dying subsequent to May 25, 1901, whose names may be added to rolls, rights to descend to heirs | 119,762 |
descent and distribution, Arkansas laws to replace provisions of agreement ratified March 1, 1901 | 120,762 |
homesteads | 731 |
freedmen, roll to be prepared by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 81,98 |
funds, proceeds of permanent annuities funded added to Creek general fund | 750 |
heirs of children entitled to enrollment and dying subsequent to May 25, 1901, to take property and rights | 119,762 |
lands ceded by act of March 1, 1889, disposal of | 46,349 |
to be purchased for Seminole | 665 |
legislation relating to, note | 321 |
northern judicial district, Indian Territory to include | 70 |
orphan children, education of, annuity to be devoted to | 323 |
Pawnee purchase part of reservation in Indian Territory | 161 |
proclamation opening lands to settlement | 940 |
railroad rights of way granted to Fort Smith and Western Railway Company | 692 |
amended provisions relating to | 700 |
rolls, children born before May 25, 1901, to be added | 119,762 |
freedmen, roll of 1867 confirmed | 98 |
school fund, expenditure of | 738 |
statistics | 1045 |
town sites | 95,96 |
commission to lay out | 106 |
appeals to Secretary of the Interior | 106 |
appointment of commissioners | 106,107 |
duties | 106 |
work to commence when plats are approved | 106 |
railroad stations, establishment at, irrespective of population | 107 |
Secretary of the Interior to lay out, when town has 200 or more inhabitants | 106 |
survey to be by Secretary of the Interior | 106 |
may be by town authorities | 107 |
warrants of Creek Nation, payment to bona fide holders | 668 |
Creek Orphan Home, lands in Creek Nation reserved for | 735 |
Creek war, pension to survivors of | 122 |
Crimes, against Indian police, marshals, or marshals' deputies, United States laws to be enforced | 36 |
agents making false entries in accounts | 25 |
corresponding with tribes to incite wars | 13 |
death penalty restricted in certain cases | 82 |
expenses of States and Territories for Indian convicts not to be reimbursed | 70 |
false vouchers submitted in accounts of officers of the United States | 32 |
fraud of agents of Government relative to contracts in Indian service, penalty for | 22 |
in the Indian country | |
arson | 18,32 |
assault with deadly weapon | 18 |
intent to kill or maim | 18,32 |
burglary | 32 |
depredations upon mails | 18 |
entering without passport | 17 |
forgery | 18 |
general laws of United States applicable | 18 |
Indians punished by local law not subject to | 18 |
grazing cattle on Indian lands | 14 |
hunting on Indian lands | 17 |
Indians accused of, agents to procure arrest | 19 |
mayhem | 18 |
removing live stock | 17 |
trading in prohibited articles | 17 |
in the Indian Territory | 50 |
animals, injuries to | 44 |
assault with deadly weapon | 44 |
intent to rob | 44 |
boundary monuments, defacing of | 82 |
brand of stock, alteration of | 44 |
bribery, in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 653 |
burglary | 37 |
district courts, jurisdiction of | 74 |
embezzlement, in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 653 |
embracery, in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 653 |
excessive inclosures of land by members of Five Civilized Tribes | 97 |
Cherokee Nation | 788 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 773 |
fires, malicious starting of | 44 |
horse stealing | 37 |
intoxicants, sale, etc | 74 |
murder, Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, change of venue | 654 |
note relative to crimes and offenses | 39 |
officers, term to include tribal officers | 90 |
perjury before Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes | 99 |
railroads, destruction of property of | 43 |
obstruction of | 43 |
shooting, etc., at trains | 78 |
religious worship, disturbing of | 43 |
robbery | 37 |
stock, alteration of brand | 44 |
telegraph and telephone lines, obstruction of | 43 |
United States commissioners, jurisdiction and procedure, Arkansas laws applicable | 73 |
courts, jurisdiction of | 40,74,87 |
laws extended over | 50 |
upon United States officers, penalty for | 37 |
Indians accused of, agents to procure arrest and trial | 19 |
committing, against Indians or other person, laws of State or Territory applicable | 32 |
intoxicants, introduction into Indian country | 64,84 |
upon allotments | 84 |
sale to reservation Indians | 64,83 |
prosecutions of Indians, expenses to be paid | 45 |
of certain counties in Arizona | 552 |
timber depredations upon reservations | 37 |
Criminal refugees in the Indian country, apprehension by the military force | 19 |
Criminals convicted, to pay for injuries to property of friendly Indians | 19 |
Crows (see also River Crows) | |
agreement of June 12, 1880 | 84 |
allotments in severalty | 195,196 |
cattle grazing on reservation | 196 |
cession of lands in Montana | 195 |
patents for allotments, restrictions in | 196 |
ratification of agreement | 195 |
agreement of August 22, 1881 | 201,203 |
Northern Pacific Railway granted right of way | 202 |
agreement of December 8, 1890 | 433,435 |
allotments in severalty | 434 |
boundaries of reservation to be marked | 435 |
cattle, purchase of tribal herd | 434 |
cession of land in Montana to United States | 433 |
irrigation fund provided | 433 |
payment for cessions | 433 |
how to be expended | 433 |
agreement of August 27, 1892 | 450 |
allotments in severalty | 451 |
cession of lands | 451 |
fund to be held in trust | 452 |
payment for cession | 452 |
relinquishment of lands by certain members | 452 |
surveys, expenses to be paid | 452 |
allotments in severalty | 195,434,450 |
alienation forbidden for twenty-five years | 196 |
area | 196 |
mining or other claims not to be included | 447 |
annuities $50,000 to be paid for twenty-five years from 1882 | 196 |
irrigation system may be completed with | 687,701 |
cattle, common herd | 434 |
to be distributed | 754 |
may be driven or grazed on reservation | 196 |
may be purchased for distribution | 754 |
ceded lands in Montana | 195,433 |
opened to settlers under homestead law | 435 |
proclamation opening | 958 |
religious organizations may buy certain land | 436 |
commission to secure modification of agreement of December 28, 1890 | 448 |
report, text of | 448 |
funds, appropriation of $25,000 to be held at interest | 203 |
cattle may be purchased with any trust funds | 754 |
proceeds of sale of cattle held in common to be distributed | 754 |
legislation relative to, note | 195 |
patents for allotments | 196 |
reservation, cattle grazing on | 196 |
Crow Agency, Mont., statistics | 1031 |
Crow Reservation, Mont., Executive orders establishing | 857 |
irrigation system may be completed with annuities | 687,701 |
railroad rights of way granted through, to | |
Big Horn Southern Railroad Company | 309 |
time for construction extended and route amended | 479 |
Billings, Clarks Fork and Cooke City Railroad Company | 277 |
Northern Pacific Railroad Company | 202 |
Rocky Fork and Cooke City Railroad Company | 254 |
Crow Creek Agency, S. Dak., agreement with Sioux, September 26, 1876 | 169,171 |
statistics | 1031 |
Crow Creek Reservation, S. Dak., allotments, deficiency to be compensated | 559 |
boundaries defined | 329 |
Executive orders establishing | 895 |
settlers removed, claims for damages to be investigated | 378 |
held for proof, payment of | 565 |
may be filed in Court of Claims | 565 |
reentry of | 338 |
Sioux of, cattle to be purchased for | 755 |
funds, expenditure of | 755 |
payments for deficiencies in allotments to be held in trust at 4 per cent. interest | 559 |
Curtis Act (June 28, 1898) | 646 |