Sabine Indian wars of 1836, pensions to survivors | 123 |
Sacred Heart Mission, reservation of Potawatomi lands for | 410 |
St. Louis, assistant treasurer at, to keep accounts with treasurer of Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creeks, and Cherokee | 158 |
St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company, construction of railroad and telegraph lines through Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 206 |
time for construction extended | 235 |
St. Louis and Oklahoma City Railroad Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 581 |
St. Louis, Oklahoma and Southern Railroad Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 505 |
amended provisions relative to | 617 |
time for construction extended | 677 |
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railroad Company, right of way | |
through White Earth Reservation, Minn | 317 |
through Fort Berthold and Blackfeet Reservation | 246 |
through White Earth, Leech Lake, Chippewa, and Fond du Lac reservations, in Minnesota | 515 |
time for construction extended | 618 |
Saint Regis, statistics | 1037 |
Salaries, compensation by, to be in full of services | 7 |
of agents | 5,67 |
assistant attorney-general to defend depredation claims | 63,66 |
Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 1 |
district attorneys in Indian Territory | 85 |
employees, annual report of | 10 |
inspectors | 4 |
of interpreters | 7 |
secretary of Board of Indian Commissioners | 4 |
subagents | 6 |
Sales, of | |
arms and ammunition, penalty for | 17 |
depredations claims to be void | 61 |
Indian lands, except by treaty, to be void | 14 |
register and receiver to conduct | 20 |
natural products of reservations, to be held for benefit of tribe | 31 |
Five Civilized Tribes excepted | 31 |
proceeds to be expended in discretion of Secretary of Interior | 36 |
Salines, Cherokee Nation, lease for twenty years | 214,215 |
proceeds to go to education fund | 215 |
Outlet, restored to public domain | 994 |
Sallisaw, term of court at | 121 |
Salt River Reserve, Ariz., Executive orders establishing | 809 |
San Carlos Agency, Ariz., statistics | 1041 |
San Carlos Reservation, Ariz., coal and mineral lands, disposal of | 609,611 |
Executive orders establishing | 810 |
Gila Valley, Globe and Northern Railway Company granted right of way through | 554 |
time for construction extended | 627 |
Indians of, agreement of February 25, 1896 | 609 |
separate agency created | 87 |
Sanpoil, statistics | 1030 |
Sans Arcs Sioux, statistics | 1030 |
Santee Agency, Nebr., statistics | 1041 |
Santee Normal Training School, additional land may be purchased by | 336 |
Santee Reservation, Nebr., agreement with Sioux at, September 26, 1876 | 169,172 |
Santee Sioux | |
allotments in Nebraska | 330 |
patents to issue | 666 |
sale of land by Alexander Redwing to American Missionary Association for cemetery purposes | 485 |
annuities | |
permanent fund for | 335 |
to be paid certain members | 598 |
attorneys, employment of, at not to exceed $1,000 per annum | 447 |
lands to be purchased for those not allotted on reservation | 386 |
statistics | 1041 |
Santian, statistics | 1033 |
Sapulpa, term of court at | 120 |
Sauk and Foxes, agreement of June 12, 1890 | 389 |
allotments in severalty | 390 |
selection of | 392 |
annuities, payment of | 391 |
cession of lands | 389 |
payment by United States of $485,000 | 391 |
allotments to be made to | 230,245 |
area of | 230 |
certificates for | 230 |
general act of 1887 not applicable | 35 |
in Indian Territory | 390 |
patents for | 230 |
to children born subsequent to allotment | 521 |
annuities arising from sale of reservation in Kansas and Nebraska | 168,229 |
derived from cession of 1890 | 391 |
funds of, derived from cession of 1890 | 391 |
proceeds of lands | 521 |
proceeds of reservation in Kansas and Nebraska | 168,229 |
lands ceded by agreement of June 12, 1890, to be disposed of to actual settlers | 398 |
in Nebraska and Kansas, sale of | 228,229 |
Oklahoma, proclamation opening to settlement | 950 |
legislation relating to, note | 228 |
of Iowa, claims released on payment of $100,000 | 398 |
funds of, credit from funds of Sauk and Fox of the Mississippi | 598 |
of Missouri, allotments and annuities only to members enrolled January 1, 1890 | 58 |
allotments in severalty to children born since first allotment | 521 |
funds of, payment of part per capita | 755 |
proceeds of sale of lands under act of August 15, 1894 | 521 |
proceeds of Nebraska lands | 140 |
removal authorized | 140 |
sale of reservation in Nebraska | 140 |
of unallotted lands | 521 |
of the Mississippi, annuity of $500 for life to Push-e-ten-neke-que | 701 |
part of funds transferred to credit of Sauk and Fox of Iowa | 598 |
of Tama County, Iowa, jurisdiction over, assumed by the United States | 598 |
removal of, how to be made | 230 |
reservation for, to be secured | 230 |
statistics | 1039,1042 |
Sauk and Fox Agency, Iowa, statistics | 1042 |
Sauk and Fox Agency, Okla., statistics | 1042 |
Sauk and Fox Reservation, in Kansas and Nebraska, sale of lands in | 167,229 |
right of way granted to Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, lessee of Atchison and Nebraska Railroad Company | 594 |
Sauk and Fox war of 1831, pension to survivors of | 122 |
Schermerhorn, H. R., lands reserved from allotment | 775 |
Schools, Absentee Shawnee ceded lands, sections reserved for | 413 |
annual report to contain statistics of | 32,36 |
Arapaho and Cheyenne lands, reservations for | 416 |
attendance at, children not to be sent out of State or Territory unless parents consent | 76 |
rations may be withheld from parents | 66 |
not to be issued on account of children from 8 to 21 years not attending | 65 |
rules to secure may be made by Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 63 |
Bible may be taught in Indian language | 38 |
Cherokee Nation, general provisions for | 723 |
expenses, how paid | 792 |
lands reserved for | 724,790 |
teachers, qualifications | 792 |
Cherokee training school, North Carolina, superintendent to act as agent | 65,446 |
Chickasaw Nation, lands reserved for | 775 |
Chilocco Industrial School, Indian Territory, lands reserved for | 198,493,842 |
Chippewa Reservation in Minnesota, provisions for, from proceeds of ceded lands | 305 |
Choctaw Nation, lands reserved for | 775 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, to be supported from proceeds of coal and asphalt lands while members of tribes are not taxed | 649 |
cities and towns in Indian Territory | 95 |
Colville Reservation, lands reserved for Tonasket school | 442,667 |
Creek Nation, expenses, how paid | 739 |
fund for, how expended | 738 |
lands occupied by, may be purchased | 734 |
reserved for certain | 735 |
teachers, employment of | 738 |
Dakota, reserve for | 198 |
employees at, to be reported annually | 63,69,108 |
farmers, Indian boys to be employed as | 87 |
industrial, established in Indian Territory | 198 |
purchase of articles manufactured at | 28 |
teachers, Indian boys to be employed as | 87 |
to be established in Isabella County, Mich | 399 |
Wisconsin | 399 |
on Pipestone Reservation, Minn | 399 |
inspection of, by superintendent of Indian schools | 44 |
persons investigating may administer oaths | 102 |
Kansa Nation, lands reserved for | 768 |
Kickapoo lands in Kansas, lands reserved for | 681 |
Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache ceded lands, reservations for | 712 |
lands reserved for, on ceded reservations | 437 |
indemnity selections | 76 |
leases of, in Oklahoma | 419 |
on Cheyenne and Arapaho lands | 416 |
Fort Hall Reservation | 708 |
Great Sioux Reservation | 338 |
Kansa Reservation | 768 |
Kickapoo lands | 568 |
Oklahoma ceded reservations | 47 |
Wichita ceded | 561 |
reserved from allotment, Five Civilized Tribes | 93 |
Lower Brule Reservation, S. Dak., maintenance of | 689 |
matron's assistants, Indian girls to be employed as | 87 |
Omaha Reservation, Nebr., lands reserved for Presbyterian Board of Home Missions | 551 |
Pawnee Reservation, Nebr., industrial on | 198 |
Potawatomi lands in Kansas, reserves for | 681 |
Quapaw Nation, land may be dedicated for | 742 |
sectarian, no appropriation for | 87 |
Seminole Nation, fund provided and lands reserved for | 150,663,664 |
Sioux Reservation in Dakota, establishment on, and children to be required to attend | 336,386 |
fund for support | 170 |
statistics of, to be annually reported by agents | 32 |
superintendent of | 44 |
additional duties may be required | 102 |
allowance for traveling expenses | 102 |
may act as agents | 79 |
teachers, annual report of, by agents | 32 |
Umatilla Reservation, Oreg., children to attend | 227 |
fund for support | 227 |
land reserved for | 225 |
United Peoria and Miami lands in Indian Territory, reserves for | 344 |
White Earth Reservation, lands granted for | 150 |
Wichita ceded lands, reservations for | 561 |
Scouts, force of Indians to be enlisted in the Army as | 2 |
Nez Percé to be paid for services as | 540 |
noncommissioned officers to be appointed | 26 |
number increased | 26 |
pay to be same as cavalry troops | 2 |
for use of horses | 27 |
Sioux to be paid for services as | 485,526,559 |
Scrip, Kansa Indian, payment of, out of trust funds | 285 |
Seapcats, embraced in Yakima Nation | 529 |
Searches for intoxicants, officers may make | 17 |
Second Auditor, copies of contracts to be furnished before payment made | 24 |
Second Comptroller, abstract of bids to be filed with | 27 |
Secretary of Board of Indian Commissioners | 4 |
of Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 79,80 |
of Interior. (See Interior, Secretary of.) of War, to purchase supplies from Indians when practicable | 387 |
Sectarian schools, no appropriation for | 87 |
Seizure of intoxicants | 18 |
property unlawfully in the Indian country, military force may be employed in | 19 |
Seminole | |
agreement of December 16, 1897 | 662 |
allotments, Commission to Five Civilized Tribes, to make | 663 |
conveyance prior to patent void | 663 |
leases of | 663 |
patents, rights conferred by | 664 |
church lands reserved | 664 |
Creek lands to be purchased for allotment to | 665 |
funds to be distributed per capita | 664 |
intoxicants to be prohibited | 664 |
lands to be appraised and allotted | 663 |
loyal, claim to be submitted to the Senate | 664,700 |
minerals, royalties to be paid on | 663 |
schools, fund provided | 663 |
lands reserved | 663,664 |
United States court to be held at Wewoka | 664 |
jurisdiction over real estate and crime | 664 |
Wewoka, town site, disposal of lands in | 663 |
agreement of October 7, 1899 | 702 |
descent of real and personal property | 702 |
rolls of citizenship, who may be enrolled | 702 |
allotments in severalty | 498 |
citizenship accorded allottees | 498 |
in Creek Nation to those domiciled there | 738 |
not to exceed 160 acres | 498 |
Annuities, expenditure in discretion of Commissioner of Indian Affairs | 150 |
Creeks, domiciled in Seminole Nation to receive allotment there | 738 |
funds, claims under certain treaties, payment of | 664,700 |
expenditure of, for civilization, etc | 150 |
proceeds of cession of 1866 | 340 |
of March 1, 1889 | 46,349 |
lands ceded by treaty of 1866, disposal to actual settlers | 340 |
legislation relating to, note | 662 |
railroad grants of lands, except rights of way, forfeited | 340 |
school fund, annual appropriation for | 150 |
statistics | 1042,1045 |
town-sites may be entered on lands ceded by treaty of 1866 | 341 |
treaty of August 7, 1856, amended as to distribution of funds | 150 |
Seminole war, pension to survivors of | 122 |
Senate, claims of loyal Creeks to be determined by | 660,736 |
loyal Seminole to be determined by | 664 |
Seneca, agreement of January 3, 1893, with William B. Barker, ratified | 468 |
Allegany and Cattaraugus reservations, boundaries of villages to be fixed | 155 |
leases of lands in certain villages, valid for five years | 155 |
jurisdiction of courts over | 156 |
recording of | 156 |
renewals | 155,368 |
rents | 156 |
surveys of leased lands | 156 |
tribe to have possession | 155 |
make leases | 156 |
New York laws relative to highways extended over certain villages | 156 |
allotments, minor children | 752 |
provisions of general act of 1887 not applicable to those in New York | 35 |
cemetery lands may be granted to Wildwood Cemetery Association | 215 |
claims of Ogden Land Company to lands to be investigated | 522 |
funds, interest to be paid at 5 per cent from July 1, 1902 | 752 |
payment per capita | 752 |
permanent annuities funded | 741 |
leases, agent for New York Agency to receive and disburse rents | 715 |
for railroad purposes | 155 |
of land in certain villages (see also, supra, subtitle Alleghany, etc., reservations) | 155 |
renewals for term not to exceed ninety-nine years, except for railroad purposes | 368 |
to William B. Barker of oil and gas wells | 468 |
release of part of lands | 622 |
to Erie Preserving Company, confirmed | 715 |
to Ogden Land Company | 522 |
J. W. Peglow, of sand banks | 744 |
legislation relative to, note | 155 |
statistics | 1037,1040 |
Seneca Telephone Company, right of way granted through Indian Territory | 703 |
Settlement of accounts. See Accounts. Settlers on Indian lands, penalty of $1,000 for | 14 |
removal of | 14 |
Navaho lands before reserved, to be compensated | 285 |
removed from Crow Creek and Winnebago reservations, claims to be investigated | 378 |
may file suit in Court of Claims | 565 |
may reenter lands | 338 |
Shawnee. (See also Absentee Shawnee and Eastern Shawnee.) | |
Black Bob's band, title to Kansas lands to be quieted | 324 |
claims against Cherokee and United States to be presented to the Court of Claims | 372,446 |
for diverted funds referred to Court of Claims | 373 |
Eastern Band (see also Eastern Shawnee), agreement of June 23, 1874, ratified | 158 |
allotments for minor children | 752 |
lands in Indian Territory ceded for Modoc | 158 |
funds of, transfer of certain annuities to Cherokee | 521 |
lands of Black Bob's band, suit to be brought to quiet title to | 324 |
legislation relating to, note | 372 |
payments to, from Cherokee funds | 300 |
Shebit. (See Shivwits.) | |
Shivwits, Nevada, statistics | 1042 |
Sheepeaters | |
agreement of May 14, 1880 | 314 |
allotments on Fort Hall Reservation | 314 |
annuities in consideration of cession | 314 |
cession of Lemhi Reservation, Idaho | 314 |
removal to Fort Hall Reservation | 314 |
statistics | 1035 |
Sherman and Northwestern Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 368 |
Shinpahs, embraced in Yakima Nation | 529 |
Shoalwater Reserve, Wash., Executive orders establishing | 924 |
Shoes, manufacture of, by Indians | 69 |
Shooting at trains, etc., in Indian Territory | 78 |
Shoshoni, agreement of September 26, 1872, with Eastern Band | 153 |
annuities to be paid | 154 |
cession of part of Wind River Reservation | 154 |
intruders excluded from reservation | 154 |
survey of southern boundary | 154 |
agreement of May 14, 1880 | 314 |
allotments on Fort Hall Reservation | 314 |
area | 314 |
restrictions on title of allottees for twenty-five years | 315 |
annuities in consideration of cessions | 314 |
cession of land in Fort Hall Reservation | 314 |
Lemhi Reservation | 314 |
removal from Lemhi Reservation to Fort Hall Reservation | 314 |
agreement of July 18, 1881 | 199 |
cession of land for railroad purposes across Fort Hall Reservation | 199 |
agreement of May 27, 1887, on Fort Hall Reservation | 292 |
cession of part of reservation | 292 |
lands ceded to be surveyed and sold | 293 |
proceeds of sales to be held in trust | 293 |
right of way ceded Utah and Northern Railroad Company | 293 |
agreement of April 21, 1896 | 624 |
cession of lands in Wyoming | 624,625 |
proceeds, how expended | 625 |
agreement of February 5, 1898 | 704 |
allotments to occupants of ceded lands | 705,706 |
boundaries of reservation, survey and marking | 706 |
cession of lands on Fort Hall Reservation | 704 |
Indians to have use of lands while remaining public lands | 706 |
highways through reservation | 706 |
irrigation, water reserved for | 706 |
payment for cessions | 705 |
depredation claims not to be deducted | 705 |
allotments on Fort Hall Reservation | 314,707 |
annuities, fund of $6,000 to be held at 5 per cent interest | 200 |
funds, proceeds of cessions on Fort Hall Reservation | 201,293,705 |
legislation relating to, note | 314 |
statistics | 1033,1035,1042,1045 |
Shoshoni Agency, Wyo., statistics | 1042 |
Shoshoni Reservation, Wyo., bridge across Big Wind River to be reconstructed | 523 |
ceded lands in, 1 mile square reserved to State of Wyoming and balance open to entry | 626 |
Executive orders establishing | 936 |
settlers prior to establishment to have claims for improvements, etc., investigated | 666 |
Shyiks, embraced in Yakima Nation | 529 |
Siletz Agency, Oreg., statistics | 1043 |
Siletz Reservation, Oreg., allotments, excess of 80 acres may be patented to allottees and by them sold | 743 |
ceded lands to be disposed of to settlers | 535 |
Executive orders establishing | 890 |
Indians of, agreement of October 31, 1892 | 533 |
cession of unallotted lands | 533 |
payments for cessions | 533 |
depredation claims not to be paid | 534,535 |
distribution of | 534 |
religious societies to buy occupied lands | 535 |
taxes, etc., to be paid from payments | 534 |
timbered sections reserved | 534 |
Newport and Kings Valley Railroad Company granted right of way through | 287,381 |
proclamation opening ceded lands to settlement | 987 |
Sioux | |
agreement of September 26, 1876 | 169 |
allotments, houses to be erected on | 170 |
annuities, where to be delivered | 169 |
census to be taken annually | 171 |
cession of part of reservation | 169 |
employees on agency to be married | 170 |
full-blood Indians only to receive benefit of agreement | 170 |
funds for education and civilization | 170 |
half-breeds and whites excluded | 170 |
labor on reservation, products to be disposed of | 170 |
laws of United States extended over Indians | 171 |
reservation reduced, boundaries | 169 |
what is meant by term | 171 |
subsistence to be furnished | 170 |
wagon roads through reservation | 166,169 |
agreement of December 28, 1886 | 261 |
allotments | 263 |
area | 263 |
descent of, by Montana laws | 263 |
patents, contents of | 263 |
title in trust for twenty-five years | 263 |
allottees not to lose tribal rights | 263 |
annuities | 262 |
not required, retention for benefit of tribe | 263 |
preference to industrious Indians | 263 |
cattle, brand of Interior Department to be on | 262 |
sale forbidden | 262 |
cession of lands | 262 |
employees at agencies | 262 |
purpose of agreement | 262 |
reservation, boundaries | 264 |
marking of | 264 |
rights of way through | 264 |
to be separate from other tribes | 262 |
agriculture among, seed to be furnished | 335 |
allotments, area of | 263 |
descent by local laws | 263,332 |
general act of 1887 not to apply to certain lands | 35 |
houses to be erected by United States | 170 |
outside of reservation, if allottee requests within one year | 332 |
patents for, prior to March 2, 1889 | 333 |
patents to indicate restrictions upon title | 215,263,331 |
selection, how and when made | 330,331 |
special agents to have charge of | 331 |
title to be held in trust for twenty-five years | 215,263,331 |
tribal rights of allottees not affected | 263 |
annuities, cattle to be delivered | 335 |
distribution of | 335 |
industrious Indians preferred | 263 |
educational, continued | 335 |
excess not required, retention for future distribution | 263 |
payment of certain, under act of March 2, 1889, in money | 559 |
permanent fund for | 335 |
Santee and Flandreau Sioux | 598 |
where to be delivered | 169 |
woolen clothing to those in Nebraska and Dakota to be delivered by November 1 | 620 |
attorneys for South Dakota bands and for Santee band may be employed | 447 |
Brule band, agreement with Sioux of, September 26, 1876 | 168,172 |
Cheyenne River Agency, agreement of, September 26, 1876 | 169,172 |
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company through land in Dakota | 334,431 |
citizenship to be accorded allottees | 331 |
claims for supplies furnished in 1861 and 1863 to be settled | 228 |
Crow Creek Agency, agreement with Sioux of, September 26, 1876 | 169,172 |
Crow Creek Reservation, cattle to be purchased | 755 |
compensation for deficiencies in allotments | 559 |
funds, expenditure of part | 755 |
Fort Peck Reservation, boundaries defined | 264 |
timber on adjoining lands may be used | 264 |
funds, distribution between separate reservations in accordance with numbers of Indians | 386 |
division among members fifty years from March 2, 1889 | 336 |
lands outside of separate reservations, relinquished and restored to public domain | 166,336 |
legislation relative to, note | 166 |
Lower Brule (see also Lower Brule Sioux), agreement at agency of, September 26, 1876 | 169,172 |
Mdewakanton band, service in Army during certain wars, payment for | 485 |
Oglala band, agreement with Sioux of, September 26, 1876 | 169,172 |
Ponca, removal to Indian Territory | 167 |
ponies taken from Red Cloud and Red Leaf bands to be paid for | 339,386 |
religious organizations holding lands, grants to | 336 |
reservations in Dakota defined | 328 |
Rosebud Reservation, agreement of March 10, 1898, Lower Brule may be settled on reservation | 690 |
Santee Reservation, Nebr., agreement with Sioux of, September 26, 1876 | 169,172 |
schoolhouses to be erected | 336 |
service in Army during certain wars, payment for | 430,485 |
Sisseton band (see also Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Sioux), service in Army during certain wars, payment for | 430,485 |
Standing Rock Agency, agreement with Sioux of, September 26, 1876 | 169,172 |
statistics | 1031,1039,1041,1043 |
subsistence to be furnished | 170 |
certain rights to be relinquished | 166 |
supplies furnished in 1861 and 1862, claims for, to be settled | 228 |
places of delivery to be fixed | 166 |
trading with, for property furnished by United States, penalty for | 335 |
unallotted lands disposed of to actual settlers | 332 |
Wahpeton band (see also Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Sioux), service in Army during certain wars, payment for | 485 |
Wapakoota band, service in Army during certain wars, payment for | 485 |
Sioux City and Omaha Railway Company, right of way through Omaha and Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska | 682 |
sale of part of Winnebago Reservation in Nebraska not to affect grant to | 287 |
Sioux Reservation, Dak., American Island donated to city of Chamberlain and may be leased for quasi-public purposes | 337,570 |
Dakota Central Railroad Company granted right of way through | 334 |
divided into separate reservations | 328 |
Executive orders establishing | 884,898 |
Forest City and Sioux City Railroad Company granted right of way through | 553 |
Forest City and Watertown Railroad Company granted right of way through | 325 |
irrigation, Secretary of Interior to prescribe rules relating to | 333 |
proclamation opening to settlement | 943 |
schools to be erected and children between 6 and 16 to attend | 386 |
unallotted portions to be disposed of to actual settlers | 332 |
wagon roads through | 166,169 |
Sioux Reserve, Nebr., Executive orders establishing | 864 |
Sioux wars, payment to certain Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux for services rendered during | 430,485 |
Sisseton and Wahpeton band of Sioux | |
agreement of December 12, 1889 | 429 |
allotments in severalty | 430 |
cession of lands in Dakota | 429 |
funds to be held in trust at 3 per cent interest | 429 |
payment for cession at $2.50 per acre | 429 |
services during Sioux hostilities | 430 |
religious societies preferred in purchase of lands occupied | 429 |
attorneys, contracts with, provisions relating to | 686 |
ceded lands in Dakota to be settled under the homestead laws | 432 |
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company granted right of way through lands in Dakota | 431 |
claim of loyal members referred to Court of Claims | 742 |
leases of farming and grazing lands for three years | 620 |
leases to be approved by Secretary of Interior and subleases to be void | 666 |
service in Army during certain wars, payment for | 430,485,559 |
statistics | 1043 |
Skalallam, statistics | 1040 |
Skiatook Mission, lands in Cherokee Nation reserved for | 725,790 |
Skokomish, statistics | 1040 |
Skokomish Reserve, Wash., Executive orders establishing | 924 |
Smith River Reserve, Cal., Executive orders establishing | 830 |
Smithsonian Institution, archives and records relating to Indians to be transferred to | 27 |
Snakes, statistics | 1042 |
Snohomish Reserve, Wash., Executive orders establishing | 925 |
Soldiers and sailors' homestead rights, ceded lands in Oklahoma | 47 |
South Dakota, bands of Indians in, attorneys may be paid not to exceed $1,000 per annum | 447 |
Executive orders relating to reservations in | 895 |
South McAlester, court of appeals to be held at | 75 |
term of court at | 71 |
Southern judicial district, Indian Territory, change of boundary | 118 |
Southern Kansas Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 220 |
Southern Pacific Railway Company, right of way through Yuma Reservation, Cal | 544 |
Southern Ute Agency, Colo., established | 157 |
statistics | 1043 |
Southern Ute in Colorado, agreement of November 13, 1888, disapproved | 555 |
allotments in severalty | 556 |
census of | 184 |
irrigation ditches through allotments | 754 |
proceeds of lands sold under act of February 20, 1895, disposed of | 556 |
rations to be issued to allottees and reservation to Indians at designated places | 599 |
removal from southwestern Colorado | 36 |
to La Plata River | 181 |
reservation for Indians not taking allotments | 556 |
unallotted lands opened to settlement | 556 |
Southern Ute Reservation, Colo., irrigation, Secretary of Interior to investigate practicability of, and to report to Congress | 620 |
proclamation opening ceded lands to settlement | 994 |
Sovereignty of United States over Indian Territory | 80 |
Special agents, appointment of, by President and Secretary of Interior | 6 |
disbursement of money to Indians may be made by | 76 |
appointment, bond, regulations, etc | 76 |
investigating schools, officers of Indian service may be examined by | 102 |
oaths may be administered by | 102 |
may be appointed to select allotments where there is no agent for the tribe | 33 |
traveling allowances to, $3 per diem when on field duty | 31 |
Spelling of Indian tribal names | 1021 |
Spokan, appropriations for, expenditure for members on Spokan, Colville and Jocko Reservation | 742 |
removal to Cur d'Alene Reservation | 420,449,454,742 |
statistics | 1032 |
Upper and Middle bands | |
agreement of March 18, 1887 | 449,453 |
allotments in severalty | 453 |
annuities to certain chiefs | 454 |
blacksmith and carpenter to be furnished | 454 |
cession of lands | 453 |
per capita payment to allottees | 454 |
preference to Indians in employment | 454 |
removal to Cur d'Alene Reservation | 449,454 |
may be removed to Spokan or Jocko Reservation | 454 |
settlers outside of reservation may take lands occupied | 453 |
Spokane Falls and Northern Railway Company, right of way through Colville Reservation, Wash | 349 |
Spokan Reserve, Wash., Executive orders establishing | 924 |
mineral entries on lands in, not applicable to allotments or to Government or school lands | 754,799 |
Spokan on, appropriations to be used for | 742 |
Upper and Middle bands of Spokan may be removed to | 454 |
Spotted Tail Agency, agreement with Brule Sioux of, September 26, 1876 | 169,171 |
Squaxon, statistics | 1040 |
Standing Rock Agency, Dak., agreement with Sioux of, September 26, 1876 | 169,172 |
boundaries defined | 329 |
Executive orders establishing reserve | 884 |
statistics | 1043 |
Station grounds for railroads in Indian Territory | 77,114 |
Statistics of agencies and tribes | 1027 |
Stock, investments of, for Indians, to be made by President | 10 |
annual reports to be made to Congress | 10 |
special accounts to be kept | 10 |
grazing unlawfully on Indian lands, penalty for | 14 |
raising on Fort Belknap Reservation | 602 |
Stockbridge, statistics | 1034 |
Stockbridge and Munsee, act for relief of | 128,500 |
adoption of persons not of Indian descent to be void | 130 |
allotments, reservation of land for | 128,130,500 |
citizen party, funds of, to be distributed | 129 |
roll of members | 129 |
tribal rights relinquished | 130 |
debts of, payment from proceeds of Wisconsin lands | 129 |
funds, division between citizen and Indian party | 129 |
from sale of lands in Wisconsin, how amount due shall be ascertained | 129 |
intent of members in | 500 |
of Indian party, to be held in trust | 129 |
Indian party, adoption of persons not Indians to be void | 130 |
allotments | 130 |
alienation forbidden | 130 |
area of | 130 |
changes in | 131 |
descent of | 130 |
reservation for | 128 |
church and school lands | 131 |
funds of, to be held in trust | 129,500 |
interest to be paid on | 129 |
known as the Stockbridge tribe of Indians | 130 |
marriage of female out of tribe, rights to be forfeited | 131 |
reservation to be obtained for | 130 |
roll of members | 130 |
lands in Shawanaw County, Wis., to be appraised and sold | 128 |
advertisement of sale | 129 |
allotments, reservation for | 128 |
appraisal open to inspection | 128 |
Stockbridge and Munsee lands, lots to be 80 acres | 129 |
proceeds of sale, how applied | 129 |
sales, not less than appraisal value | 129 |
membership in tribe and rights to funds | 500 |
rolls of citizenship, of citizen and Indian parties | 130 |
Stone on lands of Five Civilized Tribes may be sold for use in Indian Territory | 108 |
Storehouses, Commissioners of Indian Affairs may hire, at railroads | 27 |
Subagencies, boundaries of, to be established by Secretary of the Interior | 6 |
Subagents, appointment of, by President | 6 |
arrest and trial of fugitives from justice in Indian country to be secured by | 19 |
Indian criminals to be secured by | 19 |
bond of $1,000 to be given by | 6 |
compensation for extra services except actual expenses not to be allowed | 6 |
delivery of goods and money to be witnessed and certified to by | 9 |
discontinuation of services when unnecessary | 7 |
distilleries in agencies to be destroyed by | 18 |
intruders in Indian country may be removed by | 18 |
license to trade may be issued by | 16 |
may take depositions regarding depredations | 20 |
not to be appointed in agency where there is an agent residing | 6 |
passports may be issued by | 17 |
salary to be $1,000 per annum | 6 |
searches for intoxicants to be made by | 17 |
to reside where President shall direct | 6 |
Subsistence, Fort Berthold Reservation Indians, not to be furnished adult males not working or children not attending school | 427 |
to be furnished Northern Cheyenne and Arapaho | 170 |
Sioux | 170 |
Suits, United States district attorney to represent Indians in | 66 |
Sulphur Springs, Chickasaw Nation, cession to United States | 785 |
intoxicants not to be sold in | 785 |
Superintendents, arrest and trial of fugitives from justice in Indian country to be secured by | 19 |
Indian criminals to be secured by | 19 |
delivery of money and goods to be witnessed and certified to by | 9 |
depositions may be taken by, regarding depredations | 20 |
disbursement of money to Indians may be made by | 9 |
discontinuation of office | 5 |
distilleries in agencies to be destroyed by | 18 |
intruders in Indian country may be removed by | 18 |
license to trade may be issued by | 16 |
passports may be issued by | 17 |
searches for intoxicants may be made by | 17 |
Superintendent of schools, agent's duties to be performed by | 67,79 |
bonds to be as other agents | 67,79 |
allowance for traveling expenses | 102 |
appointment and duties | 44,102 |
Cherokee, N. C., training school, to act as agent | 65 |
bond and compensation | 65 |
Suppai Reserve, Ariz., Executive orders establishing | 809 |
Supplies, claims for, furnished without authority of law | 9 |
Sioux in Minnesota, settlement of | 228 |
delivery of, labor on reservations by able-bodied Indians | 24 |
report of | 2 |
number of Indians present and receiving same | 2,12 |
rolls of Indians entitled to, agents to make | 24 |
for civilized Indians, commutation to money | 63,101 |
manufacture by Indians | 69,113 |
purchase to be on bids after advertisement | 8,20,112 |
approval by Board of Indian Commissioners | 29 |
before appropriation, on basis of preceding year | 69 |
in open market in cases of exigency | 20,112 |
Indian vendors preferred | 113 |
retention from parents of children not attending school | 66 |
storehouses may be rented at railroads | 27 |
warehouse at Omaha | 87,620 |
Supreme Court of the United States, appeals to, in citizenship cases in Five Civilized Tribes | 101 |
decision in case of Cherokee Nation v. Hitchcock | 1053 |
Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock | 1058 |
Sureties on agents' bonds to file statement of property | 25 |
liability for funds received from any source | 101 |
Surveyors, Commission to Five Civilized Tribes may employ | 80,97 |
Surveys, Blackfeet Reservation, Mont | 608 |
Cherokee Nation, expenses, how paid | 726 |
town sites | 793,795 |
Cherokee Strip | 131 |
Chickasaw Nation, resurvey by Geological Survey, provisions relating to | 620 |
Chippewa Reservation, Minn., reimbursement for expenses out of sale of lands | 666 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation, ninety-eighth meridian, west | 649 |
town sites, expenses not to be charged to tribes | 651 |
Creek Nation, expenses, how paid | 660,738 |
Crow Reservation in Montana, payment out of certain funds | 452 |
Fort Belknap Reservation | 604 |
Fort Hall Reservation, marking of boundaries | 294,706 |
in Indian Territory, boundary monuments | 82 |
cost limited | 82 |
defacing, how punished | 82 |
Geological Survey to supervise | 82 |
instructions to be issued by Secretary of Interior | 82 |
plats, filing of | 82 |
rectangular system to be followed | 82 |
of Indian lands, after allotment, readjustment of allotments | 33 |
land office to direct | 14 |
system of public lands surveys to be followed | 14 |
town sites in Cherokee Nation | 107,793 |
expenses, how paid | 795 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, expenses not to be charged to tribes | 107,651 |
Creek Nation | 107 |
Ute lands in Colorado | 185 |
Suspension of agents and employees by inspectors | 4 |
chiefs for trespasses upon allotted lands | 15 |
Swinomish, statistics | 1044 |
Swinomish Reserve, Wash., Executive orders establishing | 925 |