Uintah band of Ute, agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
allotments in severalty | 753 |
grazing lands to be set apart in Uintah Reservation | 799 |
lands unallotted restored to public domain | 753 |
payments to | 753 |
statistics | 1044 |
Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah, statistics | 1044 |
Uintah Reservation, Utah, allotments to Uncompahgre Ute on | 621,642 |
to be agricultural lands only | 800 |
to Uintah and White River Ute | 753 |
commission to allot lands and secure cession of residue | 642 |
grazing lands to be set apart in | 799 |
used in common | 800 |
Indians of, to be credited with proceeds of sales of lands | 272 |
irrigation right of way may be granted by Secretary of Interior | 686 |
Indians to be protected | 686 |
regulations to be established | 686 |
mineral lands, sale of | 753 |
part of reserve to be sold as public lands with consent of Indians interested | 272 |
railroad right of way granted to Utah Midland Railroad Company | 25 |
Raven Mining Company may enter certain claims | 753 |
White River Ute to be removed to | 181 |
Uintah Valley Reserve, Utah, Executive orders establishing | 900 |
legislation relating to, note | 271 |
sale of lands | 271 |
Ukie, statistics | 1041 |
Umatilla, allotments on Umatilla Reservation | 224,225,226 |
statistics | 1044 |
Umatilla Agency, Oreg., statistics | 1044 |
Umatilla Irrigation Company, canal may be constructed by, through Umatilla Reservation, Oreg | 387 |
time for construction extended | 509 |
Umatilla Reservation | |
allotments in severalty | 224 |
agricultural lands to be allotted | 224 |
area of allotments | 224 |
descent of, according to Oregon laws | 225 |
disputes regarding, to be settled by Secretary of Interior | 226 |
patents, to restrict sale for twenty-five years | 225 |
boundaries | 225 |
line between, and town of Pendleton | 211 |
commission to allot lands, duties | 225 |
Executive orders establishing reserve | 891 |
funds of tribes on, proceeds of sale of part of reservation | 211 |
industrial school, funds for support | 227 |
reserve for | 225 |
irrigation canal and reservoirs may be constructed by Blue Mountain Irrigation and Improvement Company | 457 |
canal may be constructed across by Umatilla Irrigation Company | 387 |
time for construction extended | 509 |
lands reserved for use in common | 225 |
legislation relating to, note | 209 |
patents for allotments, contents of | 225 |
removal of tribes on, permissible | 225 |
sale of lands | 209,226,286,798 |
Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, rights not to be affected | 211 |
surveys | 225 |
Umpqua, statistics | 1033 |
Uncompahgre Ute, allotments | 546 |
confined to agricultural lands | 800 |
on Uintah Reservation, Utah | 621,642 |
Uncompahgre Reservation, Utah | 621,686 |
census | 184 |
commission to make allotments | 546 |
removal to Grand River | 181 |
statistics | 1044 |
unallotted lands to be settled under homestead and mineral laws | 546 |
Uncompahgre Ute Reservation, Utah, allotments to Ute on, unallotted lands to be sold | 621,686 |
boundary of lands in Colorado to be established | 205 |
Executive orders establishing | 901 |
railroad right of way granted to Utah Midland Railroad Company | 255 |
Union Agency, Ind. T., statistics | 1045 |
United Peoria and Miami, allotments in Indian Territory | 344 |
alienation restricted for twenty-five years | 345 |
church and school lands reserved | 344 |
patents, restrictions to appear on | 345 |
lands unallotted to be divided after twenty-five years | 345 |
sale permitted | 753 |
leases of allotments and communal lands | 345 |
United States commissioners in Indian Territory | 53,72 |
additional to be appointed to reside at Durant, in Choctaw Nation | 118 |
Wewoka | 105 |
appeals from | 53,73 |
appointment of three for each division | 53 |
bond and oath of | 53 |
civil jurisdiction of | 73 |
complaints for arrests of persons selling or introducing intoxicants into Indian country before | 64 |
criminal jurisdiction of Arkansas. Justices of the peace conferred upon | 73 |
examination of persons accused of crime before | 53 |
jurisdiction, irrespective of race | 88 |
marriage may be solemnized by | 53 |
not more than six for each district | 72 |
place of holding court to be fixed by district judges | 72 |
powers | 73 |
salary | 73 |
to act as notaries public and justices of the peace | 53 |
western judicial district of Indian Territory | 121 |
additional commissioner to be appointed | 121 |
three continued in office | 121 |
United States courts in Indian Territory | |
actions affecting tribal property, tribe to be made a party | 90 |
appeals from | 54 |
to circuit court of appeals, Eighth circuit | 58,77 |
court of appeals of Indian Territory | 75 |
Supreme Court | 41,54 |
appeals to | |
from United States commissioners | 73 |
in ascertaining damages for railroad rights of way | 103 |
crossings and intersecting roads | 55,116 |
station lands | 78 |
attachment of improvements on tribal lands prohibited | 50 |
buildings to be procured by marshal | 41 |
central district of | 71 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, in certain actions, irrespective of race | 653 |
citizenship cases | 91 |
appeals to United States district court | 81 |
Supreme Court | 101 |
clerks of court | 40,72 |
appointment | 40,72 |
bond | 40,72 |
deputies | 48 |
district court clerks | 111,112 |
duties | 40,72 |
marriages, to issue license and certificate, and may solemnize | 52 |
oath | 40 |
relative to, selection of jurors | 42 |
recording of deeds | 52 |
residence | 40,72 |
salary | 72 |
town-site plats to be filed with | 96 |
district courts, $1,000 additional per annum to be allowed in place of fees | 111,112 |
coal mining leases in Five Civilized Tribes, jurisdiction over | 41 |
constables | 73 |
corporations, jurisdiction over | 111 |
court of appeals (see Court of Appeals in Indian Territory). | |
criminal actions to be brought within division in which offense was committed | 48 |
deputy marshals | 40,72 |
additional for emergencies | 72 |
district attorneys | 39,71,85 |
assistants | 48,72,85 |
salary, fee system abolished | 85 |
districts | 47,48,70 |
actions to be brought in district where defendant resides | 48 |
boundaries between central and southern | 118 |
western district created | 120 |
English language to be used in all proceedings | 41 |
equity powers in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 654 |
executions | 50 |
extradition of criminals | 54 |
fees of jurors and witnesses | 43 |
habeas corpus writs may be issued | 43 |
injunctions may be issued | 43 |
judges | 39 |
additional to be appointed | 71,88 |
assignment of districts | 71 |
powers | 71 |
salary | 71 |
term of office four years | 71 |
appointment | 39 |
districts, substitution of judges in | 71 |
extradition of criminals | 54 |
habeas corpus, injunction and other process may be issued by | 43 |
municipal bonds to be authorized by | 118 |
oath | 40 |
place of holding court | 70,71 |
term of office | 39 |
traveling expenses to be allowed | 48 |
jurisdiction | 39 |
actions between Indians | 51,87,100 |
civil suits | 40,47,74,87 |
corporations | 111 |
criminal actions | 40,74,87 |
circuit courts of Arkansas and Texas | 51 |
district in which actions shall be brought | 48 |
intoxicants, concurrent with Arkansas and Texas district courts | 51 |
justice, crimes against | 51 |
laws for protection of Indians to be enforced | 51 |
lotteries, prohibition of | 52 |
defendant in criminal prosecutions to be a resident of district | 48 |
irrespective of race | 87 |
in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 653 |
Creek Nation | 661 |
Seminole Nation | 664 |
mining leases | 41 |
jurors | 74 |
fees | 43 |
qualifications | 42,43 |
Choctaw and Chickasaw to be competent | 654 |
Indians speaking English language | 88 |
to serve in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 653 |
selection of | 42,48 |
jury commissioners | 42,48 |
Kansa Nation, district court at Pawhuska to have jurisdiction | 87 |
mandamus, writ may be issued | 43 |
marriages, licenses and certificates may be issued by clerks and deputies | 52 |
may be solemnized by clerks and deputies | 52 |
marshals and deputies | 39,71,73,83 |
appointment | 39,40 |
bond | 40,83 |
fees and salary | 39,85,122 |
oath | 40 |
term of office | 39 |
murder, trials for in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations, change of venue | 654 |
northern judicial district | 70 |
pleading and practice to be according to Arkansas law | 41 |
procedure in conformity with United States laws | 41 |
terms of court | 41,70 |
held twice each year | 41,48 |
judge to fix | 70 |
places for | 71,120 |
at Cameron transferred to Poteau | 108 |
Wagoner | 88 |
Wewoka | 120,664 |
tribal courts, dissolved and cases transferred to United States courts | 100 |
laws, not to be enforced | 100 |
western judicial district | 120 |
witnesses, fees | 43 |
in felony prosecutions | 122 |
United States district attorneys, Indians to be represented by, in all suits | 66 |
Unsurveyed lands, allotments to Indians upon, to be adjusted when surveyed | 33 |
Upper and Middle Spokan (see also Spokan), statistics | 1030 |
Utah, Executive orders relative to reservations in | 899 |
Utah and Northern Railroad, right of way granted across Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho | 199,293,295 |
Utah Indian disturbances of 1850-1853, pension to survivors of | 123 |
Utah Midland Railway Company, right of way through Uncompahgre and Uintah Reservation, Utah | 255 |
Ute (see also Southern Ute in Colorado, Uintah Ute, and White River Ute) | |
agency in Colorado to be established | 157 |
agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
agency building for Weeminuche, Capote, and Muache bands | 152 |
fund of $25,000 created | 152 |
hunting on ceded lands permitted | 152 |
intruders to be excluded from reservations | 152 |
Ouray, salary of $1,000 per annum | 152 |
reservation in Colorado ceded | 151,152 |
treaty stipulations reaffirmed | 152 |
Uncompahgre Park not ceded | 152 |
agreement of November 9, 1878, appropriation to execute | 176 |
agreement of March 6, 1880, ratified | 180 |
agencies may be removed | 182 |
allotments, area of | 181,182 |
patents for | 182 |
allottees not to remove | 181 |
amendments | 180,181 |
annuities, permanent fund for | 182 |
to certain persons | 180 |
treaty stipulations reaffirmed | 183 |
cession of reservation may be made | 181 |
Commission to have charge of removal and allotments | 181 |
education to be provided for | 183 |
funds, apportionment among bands | 182 |
improvements on ceded lands, compensation for | 183 |
murderers to be surrendered | 181 |
removal of Southern Ute to La Plata River | 181 |
Uncompahgre Ute to Grand River | 181 |
White River Ute to Uintah Reservation | 181 |
schools to be established | 183 |
survey of lands | 182 |
title to allotments | 182 |
allotments, commission to make | 184,185 |
patents | 185 |
surveys | 185 |
taxation forbidden | 185 |
Uintah and White River bands | 753 |
annuities, proceeds of ceded Colorado lands | 185 |
Capote Band, agency in Colorado to be established | 157 |
agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
removal to new reservation | 176 |
census of | 184 |
consolidation of, in Colorado, upon White River Agency, President may negotiate for | 174 |
funds, apportionment between bands | 182 |
payment per capita in lieu of certain annuities | 181 |
perpetual annuities created | 182 |
fund of $50,000, annual interest on | 185 |
proceeds of ceded lands | 185 |
stipulations relating to, confirmed | 183 |
stock may be delivered in payment | 216 |
Grand River Band, agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
lands in Colorado, disposal of those ceded | 185,205 |
entries | 205 |
homestead laws not applicable | 185 |
improvements | 185 |
proceeds of | 185 |
establishment of boundary | 205 |
part restored to public domain | 217 |
laws of United States extended over allottees | 185 |
legislation relative to, note | 151 |
map of lands showing allotments, etc., to be prepared | 184 |
Moache Band, agency in Colorado to be established | 157 |
agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
removal to new reservation | 176 |
on Uintah Reservation, allotments to and cession of unallotted lands | 642 |
funds of, proceeds of sale of lands under act of June 4, 1898 | 642 |
salaries to members, Ouray to receive $1,000 per annum | 152 |
to be discontinued | 186 |
statistics | 1043,1044 |
stock may be delivered in lieu of per capita payments | 216 |
survey of lands | 185 |
Tabeguache Band, agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
treaty stipulations reaffirmed | 152 |
Uintah Band, agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
Weeminuche Band, agency in Colorado to be established | 157 |
agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
removal to new reservation | 176 |
Yampa Band, agreement of September 13, 1873, ratified | 151 |
Ute Commission, appointment | 183 |
duties | 182,184 |
removal and allotment of Ute | 182 |
valuation of improvements on ceded land | 183 |
report of proceedings | 184 |
to be discontinued | 216 |
Ute Reservation, Colo., establishment authorized | 176 |
Executive orders establishing | 834 |
lands ceded | 151,180 |