Idaho, Executive orders relating to reservations in | 835 |
Improvements, of two or more Indians on same subdivision of land, allotment how made | 33 |
on lands of tribes in Indian Territory, attachment forbidden | 50 |
Five Civilized Tribes, allotments to include | 93 |
of persons whose citizenship is denied | 91 |
refund of amount paid for, if owner is declared citizen | 93 |
leased from Five Civilized Tribes, damages to lessee for ejection | 91 |
land of another of Five Civilized Tribes, payment for on removal | 99 |
Navaho lands before included in reservation, to be paid for | 285 |
town sites in Cherokee Nation | 794,795 |
selection of allotments to embrace | 33 |
Inciting hostility with tribes, penalty for | 13 |
Incompetent persons, Cherokee Nation, selection of allotments for | 797 |
Chickasaw Nation, allotments, selection and patents | 786 |
Choctaw Nation, allotments, selection and patents | 786 |
Creek Nation, selection of homesteads | 764 |
funds of. (See Orphans.) | |
Incorporation of electric railroad companies in Indian Territory | 110 |
telegraph companies in Indian Territory | 110 |
telephone companies in Indian Territory | 110 |
towns in Indian Territory, Arkansas laws applicable | 94 |
councils | 95 |
elections | 94,95 |
free schools | 95 |
improvements, transfer of | 95 |
leases, transfers of | 95 |
marshal | 95 |
mayor | 95 |
recording papers | 94 |
taxation | 95 |
Indian, term defined as used in Alaska | 105 |
Indian Affairs, Commissioner of. (See Commissioner of Indian Affairs.) | |
Indemnity school selections of reservation lands prior to opening for settlement | 76 |
Indian lands, intruders on, may be removed | 18 |
returning after removal, penalty | 18 |
Indian Office, records of, certified copies | 65 |
deeds to be recorded | 65 |
legalized | 64 |
unverified copies | 65 |
seal of | 65 |
Indian Territory | |
Absentee Wyandot, provisions for removal to, repealed | 522,600,621 |
Arizona and New Mexico Indians not to be removed to | 176 |
Arkansas and Choctaw Railway Company granted right of way through | 572,669 |
Arkansas laws extended over Indian Territory (see also Arkansas laws, etc.) | 48 |
criminal laws not conflicting with United States laws extended over | 51 |
Arkansas Northwestern Railway Company granted right of way through | 589 |
amended provisions relating to | 687 |
Arkansas, Texas and Mexican Central Railway Company granted right of way through | 517 |
amended provisions relating to | 639 |
arrests in, for crimes and offenses | 53 |
assault with deadly weapon | 44 |
intent to rob, penalty for | 44 |
attachment of improvements on lands of Indian nations prohibited | 50 |
banking laws extended over | 51 |
boundaries of | 45,47 |
brand of stock, alteration of, penalty for | 44 |
central judicial district | 71 |
additional terms of court in | 121 |
boundary changed | 118 |
Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railroad Company, right of way through | 250 |
sale of franchises | 358 |
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company granted right of way through | 472 |
additional land for station and Y in the Chickasaw Nation | 475 |
franchises of Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company purchased | 358 |
time for construction extended | 630 |
Choctaw Coal and Railway Company, granted right of way | 256 |
route amended | 311 |
time for construction extended | 399,509 |
leases from Choctaw Nation | 373 |
purchasers of franchises may organize a new company | 547 |
Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Company, successor to Choctaw, Coal and Railway Company, additional provisions relative to right of way | 595,697 |
churches, penalty for disturbing worship in | 43 |
circuit court of appeals, jurisdiction in certain cases | 77 |
cities and towns. (See also Cities and towns in Indian Territory.) | |
acquisition of lands for public purposes | 93 |
incorporation of, Arkansas laws applicable | 94 |
council | 95 |
elections | 94,94,95 |
free schools | 95 |
improvements, transfer of | 95 |
leases, transfer of | 95 |
marshals | 95 |
mayors | 95 |
taxation | 95 |
citizenship accorded to all Indians in | 35,114 |
not to affect tribal rights | 54 |
civil suits, jurisdiction of district courts | 74 |
venue may be changed | 74 |
clerk of United States court to act as recorder of deeds | 52 |
constables, appointment, duties, and bond | 53,73 |
for central and western judicial districts, additional | 121 |
Constitution of United States extended over | 50 |
contracts between citizens of tribes and citizens of United States to be binding | 47 |
corporations, banking and trust companies | 111 |
electric railroad companies | 110 |
fees for incorporating | 110 |
foreign corporations | 110 |
banking and trust companies | 111 |
certificate to be filed | 110 |
failure to comply with laws to vitiate contracts | 111 |
limitations upon powers as upon local corporations | 110 |
local agents for | 110 |
laws of Arkansas extended over | 110 |
telegraph companies | 110 |
telephone companies | 110 |
municipal corporations | 94,95 |
courts of appeals, jurisdiction and procedure same as that provided for supreme court of Arkansas | 75 |
United States opened to Indians | 88 |
rooms for, to be procured | 75 |
crimes and offenses | |
animals, injury to | 44 |
arrest and examination before United States commissioner | 53 |
asault with deadly weapon | 44 |
intent to rob | 44 |
boundary monuments, defacing of | 82 |
brand of stock, alteration of | 44 |
bribery in Choctaw and Chickasaw nations | 653 |
burglary | 37 |
disturbing religious worship | 43 |
fires, malicious starting of | 44 |
general laws of United States extended over | 50 |
horse stealing | 37 |
intoxicants, sale, etc | 74 |
jurisdiction of courts | 51 |
jurisdiction of courts | |
circuit of district courts for eastern district of Texas | 51 |
western district of Arkansas | 51 |
district court, third division, district of Kansas over Quapaw Agency | 63 |
district courts, limited to district | 74 |
jurisdiction of United States commissioners | 73 |
lotteries prohibited | 52 |
provisions relating to, note | 39 |
Quapaw Agency, prosecutions in district court, third division, Kansas | 63 |
railroads, obstruction of | 43 |
rendition of fugitives | 53 |
robbery | 37 |
shooting and throwing at railroad trains | 78 |
stock, alteration of brand | 44 |
upon officers of United States | 37 |
tribal officers to be included | 90 |
criminal fugitives in, rendition of | 54 |
laws of Arkansas extended over | 51 |
prosecutions to be in name of United States | 51 |
Denison, Bonham and New Orleans Railway Company granted right of way through | 631 |
rights transferred to Denison, Bonham and Gulf Railway Company | 684 |
Denison and Northern Railroad Company granted right of way through | 451 |
amended provisions relative to | 596 |
time for construction extended | 635 |
Denison and Washita Valley Railroad Company granted right of way | 235 |
branch line may be constructed | 354 |
extension of route | 354 |
descent and partition of allotments, laws of Kansas in force | 34 |
electric railroad companies, incorporation of | 110 |
Enid and Anadarko Railway Company granted right of way through | 744 |
examination before commissioner and order for removal where crime committed in foreign jurisdiction | 53 |
excessive inclosures of land by members of Five Civilized Tribes, penalty for | 81,97 |
Executive orders relating to reservations in | 839 |
extradition of criminals to be by judge of United States court | 54 |
fires, malicious starting of | 44 |
foreign corporations in | 110 |
Fort Gibson, Tahlequah and Great Northeastern Railway Company granted right of way through | 403 |
Fort Smith and Dardanelle Railroad Company granted right of way through | 317 |
Fort Smith and El Paso Railroad Company granted right of way through | 274 |
Fort Smith and Western Railway Company granted right of way through | 692 |
amended provisions relative to | 700 |
Fort Smith and Western Coal Railroad Company granted right of way through | 577 |
time for construction extended and crossings to be constructed | 644 |
Fort Worth and Denver City Railroad Company granted right of way through | 247 |
time for construction extended and route amended | 379 |
Gainesville, McAlester and St. Louis Railroad Company granted right of way through | 476 |
amended provisions relative to | 580,668 |
time for construction extended | 679 |
Gainesville, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway Company granted right of way through | 462 |
Galena, Guthrie and Western Railway Company granted right of way through | 355 |
government of, duty of United States declared | 81 |
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company granted right of way through | 217 |
Hutchinson and Southern Railway Company granted right of way through | 364 |
route amended | 438 |
time for construction extended | 438,551 |
industrial schools established | 198 |
inspector to be located in | 100 |
duty to be considered in the field | 111 |
salary, allowance of per diem | 111 |
interest, legal rate 6 per cent unless otherwise specified | 111 |
not to exceed 8 per cent | 111 |
Interoceanic Railway Company granted right of way for railroad, telegraph, and telephone lines | 500 |
amendments to grant | 594 |
intoxicants, sale of, prohibited, jurisdiction of courts | 51 |
judge of United States courts, appointment, salary, and term of office | 39,71,88 |
judicial districts of | 70 |
jurisdiction of courts in, note | 39 |
justices of the peace, Arkansas laws applicable | 53,73 |
United States commissioners to act as | 53 |
Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway granted right of way | 231,400 |
time for construction extended | 511 |
Kansas City and Pacific Railway Company granted right of way | 267 |
time for construction extended | 348 |
Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railway Company, right of way through | 239 |
grant repealed | 321 |
Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railroad Company granted right of way | 584 |
Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad Company granted right of way | 469 |
branch road authorized | 569 |
time for construction extended | 558 |
to build fences and bridges | 558 |
Kansas, Oklahoma, Central and Southwestern Railroad Company granted right of way | 505 |
amended provisions relative to | 617,677 |
lands in, ceded, to become a part of Oklahoma | 45 |
claimed by Greer County, Tex | 939,993 |
laws of Arkansas extended over | 48 |
United States extended to Indians and to apply irrespective of race | 88 |
leases of mineral lands in | 93 |
Little River Valley Railway Company granted right of way through | 673 |
lotteries prohibited | 52 |
marriages of Indians in, to be according to tribal laws | 52 |
provisions regarding | 52 |
United States commissioner may solemnize | 53 |
marshals in. (See Marshals.) | |
military force in, President may appoint field officers | 90 |
mineral lands, excepted from allotment | 93 |
lease of | 93,94 |
mortgages of railroads in, recording of, in Interior Department | 117 |
Muscogee Coal and Railway Company granted right of way through | 627 |
Muscogee, Oklahoma and Western Railway Company granted right of way through | 612 |
national banking laws extended over | 50 |
naturalization upon application to United States court | 54 |
Nebraska, Kansas and Gulf Railway Company granted right of way through | 635 |
northern judicial district | 70 |
cases transferred to western district | 121 |
marshal for | 121 |
terms of court in | 121 |
notaries public, United States commissioners to act as | 53 |
Oklahoma created out of | 45 |
Oto and Missouri removed to | 190 |
Paris, Choctaw and Little Rock Railway Company, right of way granted for construction of railroad, telephone, and telegraph lines | 281 |
Pittsburg, Columbus and Fort Smith Railway Company granted right of way through | 359 |
Ponca to be removed to | 167,175 |
proclamation warning settlers to remove from | 937,938 |
prisons for United States courts | 75 |
Quapaw Agency, clerk at Miama to be recorder | 121,597 |
railroads in (see also Railroads in Indian Territory) | 114 |
all companies acquiring rights in any manner to be subject to act of 1902 | 117 |
annuities payable to tribes | 103 |
Congress reserves right to amend law | 117 |
construction, time may be extended two years | 117 |
crossings, all trains to stop at | 54,56 |
application for, to be made to judge of United States court | 116 |
automatic signals at, trains need not stop | 117 |
Interstate Commerce Commission to approve | 117 |
commissioners to assess damages to intersecting roads | 55,116 |
appeal to United States court | 55,116 |
compensation of commissioners | 55 |
condemnation proceedings | 116 |
double damages for violation of law regarding | 56 |
referees to decide all questions | 116 |
appeal to United States court | 116 |
yards and switches of other roads not to be crossed | 116 |
discriminations against intersecting railroads prohibited | 56 |
lease of connecting lines | 90 |
mails to be carried | 116 |
mortgages, recording in Interior Department | 117 |
obstructing or destroying, penalty for | 43 |
right of way through reservations, allotments, etc | 114 |
abandonment of right of way | 115 |
annual payment to tribe | 116 |
change of route | 114 |
charges, Congress to regulate | 116 |
compensations for land taken | 115 |
costs of award | 116 |
referees to determine | 115 |
appeal to United States court | 115 |
witnesses, fees of | 115 |
deposit of award | 115 |
interstate transportation, Congress to regulate | 116 |
maps of route, filing of | 114 |
mortgages to be recorded in Interior Department | 117 |
stations, lands for | 77,114 |
water supply, how secured | 114 |
width not to exceed 100 feet, exceptions | 114 |
yards, water stations, etc., lands for | 114 |
special provisions for | |
Arkansas and Choctaw Railway Company | 572,669 |
Arkansas Northwestern Railway Company | 589 |
amended provisions | 687 |
Arkansas, Texas and Mexican Central Railway Company | 517 |
amended provisions | 639 |
Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company | 250 |
sale of franchises to Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company | 358 |
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company | 472 |
additional land for station and Y in Chickasaw Nation | 475 |
may purchase franchises of Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railway Company | 358 |
time for construction extended | 630 |
Choctaw Coal and Railway Company | 256 |
route amended | 311 |
time for construction extended | 399,509 |
leases from Choctaw Nation | 373 |
purchasers of franchises may organize new company | 547 |
Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Company, successor to Choctaw Coal and Railroad Company, amended provisions relating to | 595,697 |
Denison, Benham and Gulf Railway Company | 684 |
Denison, Bonham and New Orleans Railroad Company | 631 |
franchises transferred to Denison, Bonham and Gulf Railway Company | 684 |
Denison and Northern Railroad Company | 451 |
amended provisions | 596 |
time for construction extended | 635 |
Denison and Washita Valley Railroad Company | 235 |
branch line may be constructed | 354 |
extension of route | 354 |
Enid and Anadarko Railway Company | 744 |
Fort Gibson, Talequah and Great Northwestern Railway Company | 403 |
Fort Smith and El Paso Railroad Company | 274 |
Fort Smith and Western Coal Railroad Company | 577 |
time for construction extended, crossings to be constructed | 644 |
Fort Smith and Western Railroad Company | 692 |
amended provisions | 700 |
Fort Smith, Paris, and Dardanelle Railroad Company | 317 |
Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company | 247 |
time for construction extended and route amended | 379 |
Gainesville, McAllister and St. Louis Railroad Company | 476 |
amended provisions | 580,668 |
time for construction extended | 679 |
Gainesville, Oklahoma and Gulf Railway Company | 462 |
Galena, Guthrie and Western Railway Company | 355 |
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad Company | 217 |
Hutchinson and Southern Railway Company | 364 |
route extended | 438 |
time for construction extended | 438,551 |
Interoceanic Railway Company | 500 |
amendments to grant | 594 |
Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway Company | 231,400 |
time for construction extended | 511 |
Kansas City and Pacific Railroad Company | 267 |
time for construction extended | 348 |
Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railway Company | 239 |
grant repealed | 321 |
Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis Railroad Company | 584 |
Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gulf Railroad Company | 469 |
branch road | 569 |
time for construction extended, and fences and bridges to be built | 558 |
Kansas, Oklahoma Central and Southwestern Railway Company | 505 |
amended provisions | 617,677 |
Little River Valley Railway Company | 673 |
Muscogee Coal and Railway Company | 627 |
Muscogee, Oklahoma and Western Railroad Company | 612 |
Nebraska, Kansas and Gulf Railway Company | 635 |
Paris, Choctaw and Little Rock Railroad Company | 281 |
Pittsburg, Columbus and Fort Smith Railway Company | 359 |
St. Louis and Oklahoma City Railroad Company | 581 |
St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company | 206 |
time for construction extended | 235 |
St. Louis, Oklahoma and Southern Railroad Company | 585 |
time for construction extended | 677 |
Sherman and Northwestern Railway Company | 368 |
Southern Kansas Railroad Company | 220 |
religious worship in, disturbing, penalty for | 43 |
removal of persons from, forbidden when persons are in lawful possession of land in town site | 120 |
recorders of deeds in, clerks to act as | 52 |
reservation for Modoc established | 158 |
Pawnee established | 160 |
St. Louis and Oklahoma City Railroad Company, granted right of way through | 581 |
St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company, granted right of way through | 206 |
time for construction extended | 235 |
St. Louis, Oklahoma and Southern Railroad Company, granted right of way through | 585 |
time for construction extended | 677 |
Sherman and Northwestern Railway Company, granted right of way through | 368 |
Southern judicial district, terms of court in, additional | 121 |
Southern Kansas Railroad Company, right of way granted | 220 |
stock, alteration of brand | 44 |
surveys, boundary movements | 82 |
cost limited | 82 |
defacing of, how punished | 82 |
Geological Survey to supervise | 82 |
instructions to be issued by Secretary of the Interior | 82 |
plats, filing of | 82 |
rectangular system to be followed | 82 |
telegraph companies, incorporation of | 110 |
telegraph lines through | 114 |
obstructing or injuring property, penalty for | 43 |
telephone companies, incorporation of | 110 |
lines through | 114 |
obstructing or injuring property, penalty for | 43 |
right of way granted to Seneca Telephone Company | 703 |
timber and stone for use in, may be taken from lands of Five Civilized Tribes | 108 |
trains in, shooting at | 78 |
tribal courts, jurisdiction of | 48 |
abolished | 100 |
cases transferred to United States courts | 100 |
lands, attachment of improvements on, forbidden | 50 |
laws, not to be enforced by United States courts | 100 |
United States commissioners in. (See United States commissioners in Indian Territory.) | |
courts in. (See United States courts in Indian Territory.) | |
district attorneys in | 39,71,85 |
marshals in, appointments, etc | 39 |
expenses allowable | 86 |
field deputies | 86 |
salary | 85 |
western judicial district | 120 |
clerk to be recorder of deeds | 121 |
laws applicable to | 121 |
witnesses, fees in felony cases | 122 |
Indian wars, pension to survivors of | 122 |
Indians preferred as employees | 7,29,66,69,113 |
in purchase of supplies in open market | 113 |
term defined as used in Alaska | 105 |
Indigent Choctaw and Chickasaw, fund for support of | 748 |
Industrial schools, establishment of in Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin | 399 |
on Fort Belknap Reservation | 265 |
on Pawnee Reservation, Nebraska | 198 |
reserve for in Indian Territory | 198 |
superintendents may act as agents | 67,79 |
Inherited lands, Kansa Nation, sale of | 769 |
Injunctions, Commission to Five Civilized Tribes not to be subject to | 101 |
Inspectors | |
appointment by the President | 4 |
duties | 4 |
examination of agencies, alternately by different inspector | 5 |
need not be made twice a year | 23 |
Indian Territory, one to be located in | 100 |
duty to be considered field service | 111 |
salary, allowance of per diem | 111 |
legal proceedings to be instituted by to enforce laws | 5 |
number not to exceed five | 4 |
reduced to three | 23 |
oaths may be administered by | 4 |
salary $3,000 per annum | 4 |
suspension of employees and agents by | 4 |
term of office four years | 4 |
to investigate agencies | 4 |
traveling expenses to be allowed | 4 |
to be included in annual report | 4 |
Interest, legal rate in Indian Territory to be 6 per cent unless otherwise agreed upon | 111 |
8 per cent may be contracted for | 111 |
Interior, Secretary of the | |
affairs relating to the Indians to be under supervision of | 1 |
agents, discontinuation of services | 7 |
allotments, errors in to be corrected by | 70 |
reports of agents making, to be transmitted to | 33 |
unallotted lands, negotiations for purchase | 34 |
annual report to be made to Congress on first day of session | 25 |
show expenditure of education fund | 36 |
items of appropriations disbursed | 25 |
number of Indians on agencies | 25 |
proceeds of sales of natural products of reservations | 31 |
property on reservations not required, removal and sale | 101 |
purchase of supplies under exigency in open market | 112 |
school statistics | 36 |
traveling expenses of inspectors | 4 |
annuities to be withheld from tribes holding captives | 11 |
arms and ammunition, sale to hostile Indians to be prohibited by | 1 |
army officers detailed as agents to be under supervision of | 100 |
boundaries of agencies and subagencies to be established | 6 |
commissioners may be appointed by | 6 |
Commission to Five Civilized Tribes to report annually their expenses | 80,112 |
contracts with Indians to be approved by | 11 |
assignments to be approved | 12 |
deeds, etc., acknowledged before agents, regulations regarding to be prescribed | 6 |
disbursements, proceeds of timber and natural products of reservations | 36 |
regulations for special agents making | 76 |
retention of funds due tribes holding captives | 11,23 |
supplies and annuities, tribes may be exempted from requirement of labor to amount of on reservation before delivery | 24 |
employees of Indian service at agencies, number and kind to be prescribed | 24,89 |
discontinuation of services by | 7 |
preference to Indians | 69 |
highways through Indian lands may be opened by | 114 |
homestead entries by Indians, regulations for, to be prescribed | 23 |
interest on proceeds of ceded lands to be invested by | 10 |
irrigation of reservation lands to be under direction of | 35 |
leases of mineral lands in Indian Territory to be by | 93,94 |
regulations to be prescribed for lease of allotments | 57 |
railroad rights of way, regulations for acquiring to be prescribed | 104 |
station lands in Indian Territory to be granted by | 77 |
schools, attendance at, regulations to be prescribed | 67 |
retention of clothing and annuities from parents | 65 |
superintendents may be given additional duties | 102 |
special agents to be appointed by | 6 |
survey of Indian Territory, instructions to be issued by | 82 |
telegraph and telephone grants to be made under supervision of | 113 |
timber and stone lands, regulations for sale of in the Five Civilized Tribes to be prescribed | 108 |
town sites, appeals from commissions in Creek and Cherokee nations | 106 |
appraisements of lots to be approved by | 96 |
regulations for establishment of boundaries | 107 |
survey of in Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Cherokee nations | 106 |
regulations to be prescribed | 106 |
town authorities may be permitted to make | 107 |
trust funds to be under supervising care of | 26 |
deposit in lieu of investment | 28 |
Interoceanic Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 500 |
amendments to grant | 594 |
Interpreters | |
agencies to be allowed | 6 |
appointment by Interior Department upon nomination by agent | 6 |
Indians to be preferred | 7 |
discontinuation of services when unnecessary | 7 |
employees at agency not to be paid extra as | 67 |
salary of | 7 |
suspension of, by agents | 6 |
Interstate Commerce Commission, automatic signals at railroad crossings in Indian Territory and Oklahoma may be authorized by | 117 |
Interstate transportation, railroads through Indian Territory and Oklahoma, Congress reserves right to regulate | 116 |
Intoxicants | |
annuities not to be paid to Indians under influence of | 9 |
Arkansas laws extended to Indian Territory not to authorize sale of | 95 |
arrest for introducing into Indian country or selling to Indians | 64 |
ceded lands of Omaha, Pawnee, Oto, and Missouri and Sauk and Foxes, in Nebraska and Kansas, not to be sold on | 140 |
Chickasaw Nation, lands ceded as sulphur springs, sale prohibited on | 785 |
Creek Nation, to be prohibited | 661,739 |
distilleries to be destroyed | 18 |
introduction into Indian country prohibited, penalty for | 63,84 |
on allotments | 84 |
War Department may authorize | 64 |
Lapwai Reservation, Idaho, sale prohibited | 540 |
penalty for introduction into Indian country | 64 |
sale to reservation Indians | 64 |
qui tam actions for recovery of | 18 |
procedure against when seized | 18 |
sale of, in Indian Territory, jurisdiction of courts | 51,74 |
to Indians, prohibited | 83,84 |
in Alaska | 105 |
searches authorized | 17 |
seizure of | 18 |
selling or giving to Indians by persons in military service prohibited | 64 |
Seminole Nation, prohibited | 664 |
Yankton Sioux lands, sale on, forbidden | 527,529 |
Intruders, claiming citizenship in Five Civilized Tribes, ejection of | 92 |
on Indian lands, military force may be employed to prevent the coming of | 19 |
removal of | 18,19 |
military force may be employed in | 18 |
superintendents, agents, and subagents may effect removal | 18 |
town sites in Indian Territory, not to be removed from | 120 |
returning after removal, penalty for | 19 |
Investigations by inspectors, to be made alternately by different inspectors | 5 |
Investments, interest on proceeds of lands to be at not less than 5 per cent | 10 |
of stock for Indians to be made by President | 10 |
annual report to be made to Congress | 10 |
special accounts of, to be kept | 10 |
of trust funds, deposit in Treasury in lieu of | 28 |
Iowa | |
agreement of May 20, 1890 | 393 |
allotments in severalty | 393 |
patents to contain restrictions | 394 |
selection | 394 |
trust period may be extended | 396 |
annuities, distribution per capita | 394,395 |
for William Tohee, chief | 396 |
cession of lands in Indian Territory | 393 |
allotments under act of March 3, 1885 | 230 |
area | 230 |
certificates for | 230 |
patents for | 230 |
provisions amended by act of January 26, 1887 | 245 |
allotments under agreement of May 20, 1890 | 393 |
descent | 398 |
patents to contain restrictions | 394 |
selection of allotments | 394 |
trust period may be extended | 396 |
allotments under act of March 2, 1895 | 566 |
annuities, from cession of 1890, distribution per capita | 395 |
funds arising from sale of reservation, in Kansas and Nebraska | 229 |
William and Maggie Tohee to receive | 396 |
ceded lands in Indian Territory, settlers may enter contiguous lands | 510 |
descent of allotments to be according to local law | 398 |
funds of, part may be taken to pay for reservation | 566 |
payment of part per capita | 755 |
proceeds of lands in Kansas and Nebraska | 229 |
lands in Kansas and Nebraska, sale of | 228 |
appraisement of lots | 229 |
area of entries limited to 160 acres | 229 |
price not less than $8 per acre | 229 |
proceeds to be held in trust | 229 |
surveys into 40-acre tracts | 229 |
lands in Oklahoma, proclamation opening to settlement | 951 |
removal of, how to be made | 230 |
reservation for, to be secured | 230 |
patents for reservation to be issued | 230 |
in Kansas and Nebraska, sale of lands in | 229 |
in Oklahoma, may be purchased from Oto and Missouri | 566 |
statistics | 1039,1042 |
Iowa Reserve, Indian Territory, Executive orders establishing | 843 |
right of way granted to Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, lessee of Atchison and Nebraska Railroad Company | 594 |
Irrigation | |
general regulations for, on reservation lands, to be prescribed by the Secretary of Interior | 35 |
contracts need not be advertised | 113 |
special provisions for | |
Crow Reservation, Mont., annuity money may be used to complete | 433,687,701 |
Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, for supplying citizens of Pocatello with water | 408 |
water reserved for purposes of | 706 |
Gila River Reservation, Hudson Reservoir and Canal Company to construct canal through | 616 |
Great Sioux Reservation, rules to be prescribed for | 333 |
Mission Indian lands, Cal,, rights of way through | 385 |
Papago Reservation, Citrous Water Company to construct ditches | 301 |
Southern Ute lands, Colo., rights of way through allotments | 754 |
Southern Ute Reservation, Colo., investigation by Secretary of Interior | 620 |
Uintah Reservation, Utah, rights of way for canals and dams | 686 |
Umatilla Reservation, Oreg., Blue Mountain Irrigation and Improvement Company may construct canal and reservoir | 457 |
Umatilla Irrigation Company may construct canal | 387 |
time for construction extended | 509 |
Yakima Reservation, Wash., Columbia Irrigation Company may construct canal and ditches | 516 |
time for construction extended | 600,666 |
Northern Pacific and Yakima Irrigation Company may construct canal | 380 |
Yuma Reservation, Ariz., Colorado River Irrigation Company may construct ditches over | 461,545 |
Yuma Pumping Irrigation Company may construct ditches | 460 |
Yuma Reservation, Cal., Colorado River Irrigation Company may construct canal | 545 |
Isabella Reserve, Mich., Executive orders establishing | 846 |