Farm Island, Dakota, granted for public park, and Sioux Indians to be removed from | 337,338 |
Farmers, tribes to direct employment of, when | 7 |
Farming leases, Cherokee Nation, of allotted land | 798 |
allotments by disabled allottees for terms not to exceed five years | 82,105 |
surplus tribal lands | 68 |
Fevre River Indian war of 1827, pension to survivors of | 122 |
Firearms, sale of, to Indians in Alaska forbidden | 105 |
Fires in Indian Territory, malicious starting of | 44 |
Five Civilized Tribes (see also Commission to Five Civilized Tribes) | |
actions for lands held by persons denied membership | 91 |
allotments in severalty | 92,498 |
citizenship denied, recovery of allotments | 93 |
confirmation of | 93 |
general act of 1887 not applicable to | 35 |
improvements to be included in | 93 |
member residing on land of another tribe may take allotment there | 99 |
reports of | 93 |
reservation of certain lands | 93 |
timber may be sold by allottees | 97 |
to be made when rolls of members are complete | 93 |
untransferable | 93 |
citizenship in, actions for lands held by persons claiming, to determine question of | 91 |
appeals to United States Supreme Court | 101 |
complaint to be filed by chief | 92 |
continuance, bond may be required | 92 |
execution | 92 |
limitations upon | 92 |
dual citizenship prohibited | 98 |
tribes may agree as to the status of such persons | 98 |
roll of citizens, Commission to make | 81,98 |
time for closing to be fixed | 112 |
to be final when approved | 99,112 |
coal mining leases not exceeding ten years authorized | 41 |
Commission to. (See Commission to Five Civilized Tribes.) | |
controversies between citizens of different tribes, jurisdiction of United States courts | 50,100 |
courts, tribal, jurisdiction repealed and cases transferred to United States courts | 100 |
excessive holdings of land forbidden | 81,97 |
freedmen, rolls to be prepared | 81,98 |
improvements erected on land of another tribe, payment to owner on removal | 99 |
intruders claiming citizenship, removal of | 91,92 |
leases, coal lands | 41 |
ejection of lessees, damages for improvements | 91 |
report of, by Commission | 81 |
tribal lands, agricultural leases to be void | 97,99 |
grazing leases to be void | 99 |
rents payable only into United States Treasury | 97 |
payment by United States to be made per capita and not to tribal governments | 97 |
records to be open to Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 99 |
royalties on mines and timber lands payable only into United States Treasury | 97 |
timber on allotments may be sold | 97 |
timber and stone on lands may be sold for use in Indian Territory | 108 |
for domestic and industrial purposes only | 108 |
regulations to be issued by Secretary of the Interior | 108 |
traders, provisions relating to | 29 |
Flandreau Sioux, allotments to be made on Great Sioux Reservation | 330 |
annuities, permanent fund for | 335 |
to be paid to certain, in Nebraska | 598 |
Flatheads, Bitter Root Valley lands to be sold | 135 |
allotted lands to be sold | 326 |
homestead laws extended over lands | 149 |
members of the tribe may enter 160 acres | 135 |
lands to be inalienable | 135 |
tribal rights relinquished | 136 |
proceeds not exceeding $50,000 to be held in trust at interest | 135 |
reappraisement and sale of remaining lands | 667 |
fund of $50,000 from lands ceded in Bitter Root Valley to be held in trust | 135 |
in Bitter Root Valley, removal to Jocko Reservation | 135,326 |
statistics | 1032 |
Flathead Agency, Mont., statistics | 1032 |
Flathead Reservation, Mont., right of way granted Missoula and Northern Railroad Company | 437 |
Florida Seminole wars (1842 to 1858), pensions to survivors of | 123 |
Fond du Lac Chippewa of Lake Superior, claim for deficiency in area of reservation referred to Court of Claims | 622 |
statistics | 1046 |
Fond du Lac Reserve, Minn., Duluth and Winnipeg Railroad Company granted right of way through | 297 |
Executive orders establishing | 851 |
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railway granted right of way through | 515 |
time for construction extended | 618 |
Forcible entry and detainer, action for lands in Five Civilized Tribes | 49,92 |
Foreigners entering Indian country, passports required | 17 |
Forest City and Sioux City Railroad Company, right of way through Sioux Reservation | 553 |
Forest City and Watertown Railroad Company, right of way through Sioux Reservation | 325 |
Forgery, penalty for committing, in Indian country | 18 |
Fort Apache Agency, Ariz., statistics | 1032 |
Fort Apache Reservation, separate agency created | 87 |
Fort Belknap Agency, Mont., statistics | 1033 |
Fort Belknap Reservation, Mont., boundaries defined | 265 |
survey of | 604 |
Indians of, agreement of January 21, 1887 | 261 |
October 9, 1895 | 601 |
industrial school may be established on | 265 |
lands on, ceded part open to settlement | 266 |
mineral laws extended over | 604 |
Fort Berthold Reservation, agency buildings, rebuilding of | 427 |
allotments on, by agreement of December 14, 1886 | 425,426 |
Arickaree, Grosventres, and Mandan of, agreement of December 14, 1886 | 425 |
proclamation declaring same effective | 948 |
cession of part by agreement of December 14, 1886 | 425 |
lands open to homestead entry | 428 |
Dakota laws extended over | 426 |
employment of Indians on | 427 |
Executive orders establishing | 881 |
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Railroad Company granted right of way through | 246 |
statistics | 1033 |
survey of boundaries | 427 |
Fort Gibson School for Blind, Deaf, and Dumb, land reserved for | 725 |
Fort Gibson, Tahlequah and Great Northeastern Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 403 |
Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, allotments on | 314,315,705 |
boundaries, survey, and marking of | 706 |
boundary lines between, and Pocatello town site | 295 |
canals and ditches may be constructed for supplying Pocatello with water | 408 |
cession of part and sale of ceded portions | 292,293 |
by agreement of May 14, 1880 | 314 |
February 5, 1898 | 704 |
Executive orders establishing | 838 |
highways through | 706 |
irrigation, water reserved for | 706 |
lands ceded, proclamation opening to settlement | 1016 |
provisions for settlement of | 708 |
removal of Lemhi Reservation Indians to | 314 |
sale of part ceded May 27, 1887 | 294 |
appraisal of lots | 294 |
manner of selling | 294 |
proceeds to be held in trust | 295 |
settlers to have preference | 295 |
Shoshoni and Bannock of, agreement of May 27, 1887 | 292 |
May 14, 1880 | 314 |
July 18, 1881 | 199 |
February 5, 1898 | 704 |
statistics | 1033 |
survey of part ceded May 27, 1887 | 294 |
Utah and Northern Railroad Company ceded right of way through | 199,293,295 |
water rights of Pocatello town site | 295,708 |
Fort Klamath Hay Reserve, lands within, opened to settlement under the homestead laws | 589 |
Fort Peck Agency, Mont., statistics | 1033 |
Fort Peck Reservation, boundaries defined | 264 |
Indians of, agreement with, December 28, 1886 | 261 |
lands on ceded part opened to settlement | 266 |
timber on adjoining lands may be used | 264 |
Fort Reno Military Reserve, Ind. T., Executive orders establishing | 842 |
Fort Smith, police authority extended to part of Arkansas | 92 |
Fort Smith and Choctaw Bridge Company may bridge Poteau River in Choctaw Nation | 279 |
courts to have jurisdiction of controversies | 328 |
Fort Smith and El Paso Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory for railway, telegraph, and telephone lines | 274 |
Fort Smith and Western Coal Railroad Company, right of way through Choctaw Nation | 577 |
time for construction extended and crossings to be constructed | 644 |
Fort Smith and Western Railroad Company, right of way through Choctaw and Creek nations | 692 |
amended provisions relating to | 700 |
Fort Smith, Paris and Dardanelle Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 317 |
Fort Stanton Reserve, N. Mex., Executive orders establishing | 870 |
Fort Supply Military Reserve, Ind. T., Executive orders establishing | 843 |
Fort Worth and Denver City Railway Company, right of way through Indian Territory | 247 |
route amended | 379 |
time for construction extended | 379 |
Fraud in the Indian service, provisions against, note | 22 |
Freedmen, Cherokee Nation, payments to, from funds of Cherokee | 300 |
roll of, to be prepared by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 98 |
to bring suit against Cherokee in Court of Claims | 372 |
Chickasaw Nation, act of council adopting approved | 546 |
allotments to | 648,772,780 |
claim referred to Court of Claims | 779 |
roll to be prepared by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 98,648 |
Choctaw Nation, allotments to | 648,772 |
roll to be prepared by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 98 |
Creek Nation, roll of 1867 confirmed | 98 |
to be prepared by Commission to Five Civilized Tribes | 98 |
Five Civilized Tribes, rolls to be prepared by Commission | 81 |
Fugitives from justice in Indian country, agents to procure arrest of | 19 |
extradition of, in Indian Territory | 54 |
military force to assist in apprehending | 19 |
Funds of tribes (see also Trust funds and Annuities) | |
general provisions relating to | |
application to be in accordance with treaty provisions | 10 |
for education, allottees not to be excluded from | 68 |
proceeds of sales of land to be paid into the Treasury | 10 |
timber and natural products of reservations may be expended by the Secretary of the Interior | 36 |
statement of funds held in trust | 1022,1023 |
Provisions for the various tribes | |
Absentee Shawnee for lands ceded June 26, 1890 | 413 |
Apache, payment for lands ceded October 21, 1892 | 710 |
proceeds of coal and mineral lands ceded in San Carlos Reservation | 609 |
White Mountain Reservation, proceeds of sale of part of reservation under mining laws | 740 |
Blackfeet Reservation Indians, proceeds of cession September 26, 1895 | 605 |
Cherokee, debts to be paid from | 797 |
Delawares to be paid from | 300 |
disbursements to be authorized by tribe | 726 |
under order of Secretary of the Interior | 796 |
education fund, proceeds of salt leases to be added | 215 |
national fund, $50,000 to be added to | 522 |
orphan fund, $15,000 to be added to | 522 |
use to support Cherokee Orphan Asylum | 793 |
proceeds of cession of Cherokee Outlet | 489,492 |
Cherokee Strip | 132,173 |
April 9, 1900 | 726 |
proceeds of Osage cession | 141,142 |
school fund, $35,000 to be added to | 522 |
how expended | 792 |
Shawnee funds transferred to Cherokee | 521 |
Cheyenne and Arapaho, payment for cession of 1890, $1,000,000 to be held in trust at 5 per cent interest | 417 |
Chickasaw, credited with arrears of interest | 655 |
distribution per capita on dissolution of tribal government | 655 |
indigent members to have part for support | 748 |
national fund, interest to be paid at 5 per cent from July 1, 1901 | 752 |
part of appropriation to pay for lands ceded Cheyenne and Arapaho refunded | 504 |
per capita payments | 654 |
permanent annuity commuted to $60,000 cash | 740 |
proceeds of leased district lands | 655 |
proceeds of land sold for use of Absentee Wyandot | 600 |
Chippewa in Minnesota, advance appropriations to be reimbursed | 597 |
proceeds of cessions of land in Minnesota | 305 |
proceeds of timber sold to be distributed | 755 |
La Anse and Vieux de Sert bands, interest to be paid | 178 |
on Chippewa and Christian Reservation, Kans., distribution of per capita | 624 |
Choctaw, appropriation for arrears of interest | 655 |
distribution per capita on dissolution of tribal government | 655 |
indigent members to have part for support | 748 |
judgment of Court of Claims | 285 |
orphan funds | 655 |
proceeds of land sold for use of Absentee Wyandot | 600 |
Cheyenne and Arapaho, part of appropriation refunded | 504 |
Cur d'Alene | 421,423,532 |
Colville Reservation Indians, proceeds of cession of 1892 | 441 |
Comanche, payment for lands ceded October 21, 1892 | 710 |
Creeks, capitalization of | 736 |
disbursements to be authorized by tribe | 737,738 |
payment per capita on dissolution of tribal government | 764 |
proceeds of cession by agreement of January 19, 1889 | 322,324 |
permanent annuities funded added to Creek general fund | 750 |
school fund | 738 |
Crow Creek Indians, payment to, for deficiencies in allotments to be held in trust at 4 per cent interest | 559 |
Crows, cattle may be purchased with any funds held in trust | 754 |
certain funds to be held in trust | 196,203,452 |
from cession of December 8, 1890 | 433 |
proceeds of cattle sold from common herd to be distributed | 754 |
Cur d'Alene of Idaho, proceeds of cession February 7, 1894 | 532 |
sale under act of 1892 | 446 |
Delawares, payment from Cherokee funds | 300 |
Eastern Shawnee, interest to be paid at 5 per cent from July 1, 1902 | 752 |
payment per capita | 752 |
permanent annuities funded | 742 |
Five Civilized Tribes, deposited at St. Louis to be placed to credit of tribes | 100 |
Flatheads, proceeds of lands in Bitter Root Valley | 135 |
Grosventres and Assiniboine of Fort Belknap Reservation from cession of October 9, 1895 | 601,602 |
Iowa, part may be taken to pay for reservation purchased | 566 |
payment of part per capita | 755 |
proceeds of lands in Kansas and Nebraska | 229 |
Kansa, distribution pro rata | 768 |
Kansa, minors, administration of funds | 768 |
to be held in trust | 162,285 |
Kickapoo, amount in Treasury to be retained as a permanent fund at 4 and 5 per cent interest | 141,205,243,597 |
proceeds of cession of June 21, 1891 | 481 |
not subject to payment of depredation claims | 483 |
sale of surplus lands in Kansas to be distributed | 681 |
unallotted lands in Kansas | 567 |
Kiowa, payment for lands ceded October 21, 1892 | 710 |
Lower Brule Sioux, division between those of Lower Brule Reservation and those of Rosebud Reservation | 688 |
payments to allottees from funds | 599 |
Menominee, proceeds of sales of timber on reservations in Wisconsin to be held in trust | 354 |
Mohave, proceeds of coal and mineral lands ceded on San Carlos Reservation | 609 |
Munsee on Chippewa and Christian Reservation, Kans., distribution of, per capita | 624 |
Naalem band of Tillamook, payment for release of claims under treaty of August 6, 1851 | 620 |
Nez Percés of Lapwai Reservation, Idaho, proceeds of cession May 1, 1893 | 538,539 |
Omaha, payment of part per capita | 270,754 |
proceeds of lands in Nebraska to be held in trust | 139,213,363 |
sold for use of Winnebago | 153 |
Osage, accumulated interest to be distributed | 741 |
part of funds transferred to Cherokee | 141 |
proceeds of rents of pasture lands to be distributed | 741 |
Oto and Missouri, expenditure of part for improvements on allotments | 566 |
proceeds of lands sold for Iowa reserve | 566 |
Nebraska lands | 167,190 |
Pawnee, proceeds of cession of November 23, 1892 | 496 |
sale of reservation in Nebraska | 160 |
Ponca, permanent fund of $70,000 | 191 |
for civilization | 175 |
Potawatomi, proceeds of sale of unallotted lands in Kansas | 567 |
Prairie band, payment of proceeds of surplus lands in Kansas | 681 |
stray bands in Wisconsin, appropriations for | 127 |
Puyallup Reservation Indians, proceeds of lands sold by the Puyallup commission | 488 |
Sauk and Fox in Indian Territory, proceeds of cession of 1890 | 391 |
Missouri tribe, proceeds of lands in Kansas and Nebraska | 168,229 |
sales under act of August 15, 1894 | 521 |
payment per capita | 755 |
part of funds of Mississippi band transferred to credit of Iowa band | 598 |
Seminole, distribution per capita | 664 |
expenditure for civilization | 150 |
in settlement of claims under certain treaties | 700 |
proceeds of cession of 1866 | 340 |
March 1, 1889 | 46,349 |
school fund, under agreement December 16, 1897 | 663 |
Seneca, interest to be paid at 5 per cent from July 1, 1902 | 752 |
payment per capita | 752 |
permanent annuities funded | 741 |
Shawnee, part transferred to Cherokee | 521 |
Shoshoni and Arapaho, proceeds of cession April 21, 1896 | 625 |
and Bannock of Fort Hall Reservation, proceeds of cession October 7, 1898 | 705 |
July 18, 1881 | 200 |
reservation to be held in trust at 5 per cent interest, proceeds of part of | 293 |
Siletz Reservation Indians, proceeds of cession of October 31, 1892 | 533,534 |
Sioux | 170,336,386 |
Sioux, Rosebud Reservation, payment for lands allotted to Lower Brule Sioux | 690 |
Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux, from cession of 1889 | 430 |
Southern Ute in Colorado, proceeds of lands sold under act of February 20, 1895 | 556,557 |
Tonkawa, proceeds of cession of October 21, 1891 | 495 |
Uintah Valley Reservation Indians, proceeds of sale of reservation lands to be credited to | 272 |
Ute in Colorado, proceeds of lands, reimbursement for lands entered under homestead laws | 756 |
on Uintah Reservation, Utah, proceeds of sale of lands under act of June 4, 1898 | 642 |
perpetual annuity for | 182 |
Western Cherokee, part of judgment of Court of Claims to be withheld | 600 |
White Mountain Apache Reservation Indians, proceeds of sale of part of reservation under act of February 20, 1893 | 468 |
the mining laws | 740 |
Wichita and affiliated bands, proceeds of cession of June 4, 1891 | 562 |
leased district lands | 655 |
Yakima Nation, proceeds of cession of Wenatshapam Fishery | 530 |
Yankton Sioux, proceeds of cession December 21, 1892 | 524,525,528 |
Yuma, proceeds of cession December 14, 1893 | 545 |